Countess of Desire (The Young Ancients Erotic Moments Book 1)

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Countess of Desire (The Young Ancients Erotic Moments Book 1) Page 14

by P. S. Power

  Martya, being an old professional at the task, kept going, which cutely enough had Luisa stopping to call out. Loudly. "Ahhh!"

  "It's all right, I think I can get the general idea. I was just going to take care of myself, not having a friend with me right now. I don't suppose you two have some extra energy left over?"

  Martya, her head buried between another woman's thighs, just raised her right hand, and pointed to the bed. It seemed like she was going to have to wait her turn? That was precious, of course. Not that it wasn't entertaining enough just to watch what was going on. How often did she get a free sex show in her own bed chamber? Well, in this particular room, not meant for sleeping, she actually had such things going on twice a week or so, but it generally had to be set up first.

  She didn't get on the bed, going to get some toys out of their drawer, under the polished oak table to the left of the bed. The one she wanted was a sturdy harness, that had a large wooden cock on it. That way a woman could wear it, and do what only a man could otherwise.

  Except for longer. Without ever going soft.

  She didn't wait too long, since Martya's waist was bare and hanging over the edge of the bed. Her goal wasn't to use the woman that way however, but rather to have herself serviced. It took a bit of effort for that to be set up, but the dusty skinned ex-whore didn't miss a single beat. Her tongue never stopped, and the moaning from Luisa never stopped either.

  Maria waited, the show in front of her exciting, as she watched it. Her maid had serviced her before, of course, though she'd missed being with Martya, somehow. Why that was, she wasn't truly certain. The woman certainly seemed skilled enough.

  Finally the maid groaned, and tensed, her thighs shaking as she received her own portion, the woman between her legs never slowing until she was pushed off.

  "That was... Thank you, Martya. It's been too long since anyone has taken care of me that way. My husband doesn't like doing it very much, so we end up just seeing to him, most of the time."

  That got a nod, and the ex-whore stood up smoothly, naked except for the brown jutting smoothness and its leather harness.

  "That's a common story. Most men can be a bit selfish that way. Really, women are as bad. Half the wives won't suck cock, even if it's all most men want most days. Crippled and unhappy people, most of them. Like it's hard to do either? Now, Countess... Do you want me to have sex with you, or Luisa?"

  "Me, this time, if you don't mind?" She reached out and stroked her new friend’s cheek, gently. "Just in my cunny. I'm afraid Tor rather tired out the other hole earlier." So, she was bragging a bit, she realized. It was a bit mean of her, since Tor was a real prize to get into bed.

  Martya nodded, as if it only made sense.

  "All right, start on all fours?" There was no hesitation, just a finger to check and make certain she was ready. Then the large dildo was pressed into her, filling her up, as talented fingers reached around her, finding her button.

  The woman was clever though, and very good at sex, so she signaled to Luisa.

  "Lay down, with your head under her, so you can lick her. It will feel better that way."

  For her, of course, but it was nothing she wouldn't have done for her own maid, was it? That being the case, letting her do the same for a Countess didn't seem like she was abusing her power too much. That was what she was thinking, right up until the velvety tongue touched her there, the other woman being right under her face. She'd just been entertained, but some women liked to have a bit extra, from time to time, didn't they?

  Gently, to test the waters, Maria leaned down, timing her own licks with the others. It took a few moments, but soon her tongue was hitting her maid in just the right spot, just at Martya pressed into her, moving her forward. It was almost as if they were one creature after a bit. So lost in the act was she that Maria didn't even notice that Marvin had entered the room, until she felt his large, powerful hand on her back.

  "I don't mean to interrupt. I was just making sure you made it back." There was real concern in his voice, but it faded as he spoke, since she was, clearly, fine.

  Rather than reassure him with words, she glanced over, to notice that he was at least partially stiff in his trousers already.

  "Trade with Martya? She can go underneath you."

  It was complicated, and at least two of them were going to have sore necks later, but she managed to arrive on a vast wave of pleasure just before Marvin did.

  "Oh! Oh!" It was significant, and she kept spasming, feeling the thickness of her husband deep inside her. He was careful with her, and gentle, but the urgency, and relief, that she'd made it home had made him a bit rougher than normal. Just enough to be interesting, really.

  She fell though, after that, her body gasping for air from the endeavor.

  "Thank you. All of you. That was... Exactly what I needed." She cuddled the women, but patted them in a way that basically told them to get out. She had some things to discuss with Marvin, after all. It had to be done carefully. Just blurting out that she had the names they needed would be insane.

  Really, she needed to find someone that could be counted on to go to the Palace and make the delivery, who wouldn't be looked at with suspicion by anyone. Especially the rebels. So that took out anyone that was too close to the seat of power, really. Marvin would be seen leaving and that would be too much at the moment.

  Martya, as lovely as she was, would never be allowed into the Palace, even to deliver a message. Just to have it taken at the gate the women would have to swear under Truth amulet that it was from Countess Ward before it would be taken, no doubt.

  Petra was as bad as anyone could be, and it was clear that Gerent, while charming, was about at the same level. Really, what she needed was to have Tor come and do it for her. He was always let in, as far as anyone had ever heard. The few times he'd been turned away had nearly caused massive emergencies in the Kingdom, after all. He was locked away from the Earth though, as were his entire family.

  All the Immortals were. All except Sara Debri, if that rumor was right. She was the Ancient of the Martian Circle, according to the spies Maria had poking around, but could come and go as she pleased. So, either the woman wasn't actually that long lived yet, or something special was going on.

  Not that it mattered, since she apparently hated her so much that she wanted her dead, or at least had.

  Maria couldn't think of anyone else though. There had to be someone, but an Ancient, even a fake one, might just do something that she wouldn't be able to otherwise.

  "Marvin, would you be a dear and get my communications device for me?" It had migrated to the top of the table next to the bed. On its own, as far as she remembered. Things like that happened to her from time to time though. She got side tracked by all the fun, and failed to notice the details like that.

  "This one?" He handed it over, just in time for her to both smile and sigh.

  It wasn't hard to find Sara Debri though, since she could type the name in. The Debri family was famous after all, and Sara was a very common name. Easy to get the spelling right on. Tapping the glowing sigil that floated just outside of the stone, she activated the device. Half a moment later, a very lovely girl was being held in her own palm.

  "Hello, Countess Ward. What do I owe the... Pleasure?" It was said so doubtfully that Maria rolled her eyes.

  "Really? Is that any way to answer one of these things? Why not just challenge me to a pissing contest straight off?" She smiled, and the crude language didn't get an angry reaction, which it probably should have.

  "A real point. All right, I'll try for something more civil. What can I do for you?" She sounded better, at least. Polite instead of ready to slap her down.

  "I was wondering if you'd like to come over for dinner tonight? Call it nine, local time? I know it's a bit of a commute, but it was suggested to me that I mend ways with you, as soon as possible. By Tor? I didn't know I needed to, but since I'd like to keep living, perhaps we should get together, and talk?"
She put a twist on the last word, making it sound like that was the last thing she had in mind.

  Sara cleared her throat a little, but managed a happy enough grin.

  "Oh? Have you mended things properly with my Tor then? He did mention something like that earlier. I suppose I could make the trip. At your villa in Warden?"

  "That would be perfect. We'll set some lights out on the lawn, for landing. I found that works very well, if done right."

  The woman gave her a shrewd look, but said nothing, her face just suddenly seeming far more cunning than it had a right to.

  "I'll be there then. See you." Then, without pause, the woman who seemed more than a bit odd now, got off the line.

  Marvin moved in next to her, his face a bit concerned.

  "A dinner party? Is that... Timely?"

  "Well, you know how such things go. Besides, Tiera told me that she nearly had me killed once. I didn’t mention that part, since it was about Tor. Only King Richard bending his knee and begging for my continued existence prevented it. Years ago now, so I don't think it's a current threat. Over the whole thing with Torrance in school, when I... Treated him so poorly." The words seemed lame, but she didn't let herself bog down in them. She'd done what she had, and needed to fix what she could of her mess now.

  "So, she's coming so that you can reach out to her, in friendship?"

  "Yes. I need to do better about things like that. So, I should go set that up with the kitchen and the house staff. We should eat inside tonight. We'll still want the normal party out front. It's more work for the poor dears..." She felt a bit bad, dumping things like that on them. She couldn't cook at all, having left school before having a chance to learn even the most basic of recipes.

  To get married to her wondrous husband, so that part had worked out for her, but it meant she didn't really have a great grasp on everything really, as far as how long it took to prepare things like that.

  She took time to get ready for the day, and then ran the message herself to the right people. They all assured her it would be no trouble for them. Then, they'd have suggested the same thing if she'd asked them to try it with both hands tied firmly behind their backs. It was her job to make certain she didn't let them all go to such lengths that they failed, or looked bad in front of a guest.

  That meant getting things ready, since no matter what else was going on, having the Ancient of the Martial Circle over for a meal was a huge deal. They needed music, dancing, and anything else that could be thought of to entertain her. Perhaps, they could go into space and jump from orbit? That was fun. Maria smiled, but decided to run it past the other woman. If nothing else she could make it seem like she planned a repeat of what she and Petra had done.

  Though Sara might well be a bit harder on her about things than her own sister in-law had been. Possibly worse than Tor. She knew for a fact that the man had never sought her death, for instance. That was scary to think about, but it really would pay to get on the woman's good side. If not, well... Maria could send her off to complain to King Richard about it? One way or the other she'd make this work, since they were losing too much time, otherwise.

  Forces would be moving into place. They probably already were. Not in the Capital, but in Duchies around the Kingdom. Seven ceremonies would be happening just as soon as the word of the King's death was passed to anyone.

  Once done, it couldn't be undone. Alphonse, or barring him, Karina, would need to present themselves within a day, to one of those locations to take the crown. If they failed, then Kedrin would be sworn in, and that really would be that.

  Not that Richard would be dying, but there was a chance that some of the people on her list could get away, if they got word first.

  The rest of the day she primped, readied her make-up, and managed not to eat much at all, thanks to her nervous stomach. She started to fret, because there was just so much that could go wrong with her plan. If nothing else happened, she'd go into space under cover of darkness and take the message to the King herself, that very night. It could give everything away, but waiting would make the information nearly useless.

  Well, at least it would give them all a chance to hide their part in things. Dig in and prepare to fight to the death, rather than being taken off guard.

  In the end, as darkness fell, she realized that she'd been worrying far too much. A lovely tan ship, just large enough for two, settled to the Earth as Maria watched. It settled slowly, like a snowflake falling on a gentle breeze. The angle shifted a tiny bit as it fell to the grass, but it was so subtle that no one else probably realized it had happened. Maria didn't think she would have noticed it if she hadn't landed one of the things herself. It was very clear that Sara was a much better flyer than she was.

  Then, she was far more famous for being a ship Captain than whatever it was the woman was doing now.

  Waiting for the woman to get out of the craft, and take it down, Maria raised her hand, Marvin standing right next to her. She was wearing white, since groveling might be the order of the day, but the other lady just waved back.

  "Count Ward, Countess." Then she bowed, going respectfully low. Maria matched her, and Marvin held to just a fraction higher than that. It was his County, so it made sense. He ruled there. Totally and without reservation.

  His voice was low, but pleasant. Manly, and slightly flirtatious. The woman was attractive, after all. She had flawless skin, and while a tiny bit thin, it looked good on her, like she was just very vital and active, not starving due to lack of food.

  "Welcome, Ancient. Thank you for gracing us with your presence."

  Maria sighed, and started to kneel, ready to cry and beg for forgiveness, but before she did more than get a tenth of the way down, she was taken up in a warm embrace by the stranger.

  "Don't. Not on my account. Tor told me about what you did, to make things up to him. He was pretty embarrassed, but it seems like nearly enough. We can place that behind us? He asked me to. I said that I'd take a few turns with your husband to set things right. I'm not all that certain I'm up to your level that way yet."

  She snorted, covering her mouth, so Maria gave her a hard look.

  "Oh? So you aren't slutty enough to keep pace with me? That… sounds like a personal weakness to me." She showed her teeth in a fierce grin, but didn't back away.

  Sara sobered, her face going calm.

  "Me too. I'm mainly just too busy for the time being. I should make more time for things like that, but it can be harder to do than it sounds like."

  Maria understood that one.

  "Of course, well, we should get to the meal then, and see about that afterward? Unless your need that way is too acute? We can do that first? I was thinking that we could go up later and jump back from space, using our shields, but we need to see to your needs first. Always." She bowed, wondering how the heck she was going to turn that into something that would get Sara into the Palace that night.

  She allowed herself to be taken to the meal however, and didn't claim that she didn't want to have sex with Marvin, which just made sense. Most women really did, after all. He was nearly the perfect man. Hers, but Maria couldn't blame them for wanting a moment or two of his time, could she? Oh, she understood that the woman had been being a bit catty toward her, but that could be a test, to see if she was really willing to fix things between them.

  The food came perfectly, and there were fifteen very well presented courses, which took about two hours. When it was over, Sara stood, then stretched, her hands going well over her head. Leaning back, still on her feet, her hair brushed the area behind her knees. It was impressive, but very out of place. Almost inhuman. Which was the point, Maria knew.

  After she stood back up, she glanced at first Marvin, and then her.

  "Now, we're going to have sex in space? We can turn the gravity off. It's pretty fun. You just float around, holding on to each other the whole time. You both have shields for it?" It was a question, but she left the room then, and walked to the front lawn
. "Should we take my craft, or..."

  That was just being polite, because no one had that kind of thing just sitting around, did they?

  "Can we take mine? I need the practice. It's new."

  Rather than seem shocked, Sara just smiled at her, her face almost catlike, for some reason.

  "Perfect. Let's do that then?"

  The trip they took going up happened in a very bright pink ball of light. She reshaped the whole craft to be very obvious, and took the whole thing almost straight up, letting the ship grow as they did it, glowing brighter, so that the vehicle would be visible the whole time. They were in a small inner portion with air, and the rest of the thing was made to simply look solid. It was an illusion really. A thing of seeming, with no reality behind it.

  Once in a secure orbit, holding over Warden, visibly, she hoped, Maria sighed.

  "I have a message for King Richard. I don't know if you are on his side, or that of the rebels, but what I have will break them, for all time. It's a list of names, those about to act against him. If we can take them for treason, of which they are truly guilty, this stupidity will end. I have an offer of exile for Kedrin Cordes, from Queen Tiera. I know that Richard might not want to kill his own brother." She stopped then, having no real plan, or idea as to what Sara might say.

  She just stood and glanced out the window, taking the pinkness into account.

  "You want me to stay here with the Count, having sex, while you jump out and deliver your note? That's a great idea. You'll need to take my ship with you to get back. Make it the color of the sky on the way back up. Can you dock?"

  "Um, no? I can land, but..."

  The woman waved that away.

  "Just go slow, I'll drop a wall in the back for it. Here, let me show you. Marvin? Why don't you get out of those clothes? We'll be just a moment."

  It really didn't take that long to get the whole thing explained, and an airlock to be made, that was clear on the inside. So that she could see Sara taking her husband into her mouth? It was hard to see it all, but as the solid wall behind her vanished, it seemed like the woman had taken him entirely down her throat. That... Was incredibly impressive. She wanted to watch, actually, but didn't, being pulled outside.


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