My Beautiful (The Beautiful Series)

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My Beautiful (The Beautiful Series) Page 11

by Rae, Alicia

  Kyle smiled lovingly. “You seem to be very fond of him. Were you two the closest out of all your cousins?”

  “Yes. Damon and I are the closest in age, but I think it was more than that. We would sometimes just sit back and, you know, talk. I could always tell him anything. He never judged me or tried to fix my problems.”

  I smiled, thinking about all the wonderful memories I shared with Damon. He was so fun to be around, and he was always very kind. After seeing him now, three years later, I thought about how he had lost some of his baby face. It didn’t seem possible that one could change so much in that amount of time, but he had. Looking at him and Jason over the past few days had made our time apart seem like forever.

  Kyle pulled me out of my thoughts. “He adores and misses you. I can tell he wants to be there for you, but I think he fears hurting your feelings or pushing you away.”

  My heart constricted. I had missed all of the emotions that Kyle had seemed to pick up on. That thought hurt.

  “I miss him, too,” I replied softly. “Besides Annie and me, I thought Damon and I would always be the closest. I never imagined that we would lose contact like we have, but so many things have changed since then.”

  With his plate completely cleared, Kyle set down his fork. He turned his chair slightly, so he was facing me. With his legs on each side of my chair, his eyes bore into mine with sincerity. “It doesn’t have to change, Lily. That is the good thing about family and friends. You can pick up right where you left off and not miss a beat.” He took my hand in his. “Maybe you should try to reach out to him.”

  My eyes widened slightly, not from fear but apprehension.

  Kyle squeezed my hand. “The only way it would be awkward is if you two let it be that way. Put aside your hesitations and let the old Damon and Lily talk. You’ll find out that you both might have changed, but your friendship is still there.”

  I smiled in complete adoration of this sexy, kind, sweet man before me. I was so completely smitten with him. I hoped to someday lift him up as he did for me.

  I stood out of my chair, and Kyle’s eyes broadened in surprise as I moved to straddle his hips. His hands automatically wrapped around my waist, welcoming me, as he enclosed me in his loving embrace.

  Warmth flooded my body as I ran my hands down each side of his jaw. Then, I slowly ran them back up his face to cup his cheeks hand, and I placed soft kisses on each one.

  “You are so sweet to me.” I kissed his lips fondly and leaned back to look into his eyes. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”

  “You are very deserving, Lily.”

  He closed his eyes as my fingers made their way through his hair and back down his face again. I’d missed waking up in his arms this morning, and I wanted to touch him and feel his body against mine.

  Electricity hummed all around us. I felt the pull from deep within, the yearning to make love with him. When Kyle opened his eyes, they were dark, sexy, and dangerous.

  “I need to touch you,” I breathed.

  When I shifted my behind back, my body brushed over his erection, and his breath caught. I braced my feet firmly on the ground, and I lifted my hips slightly. I grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it up and over his head. I placed my palms on his chest, reveling in his warmth. His chest rose and fell deeply. His breathing increased with each stroke of my hand on his bare skin, his eyes never leaving mine. I traced a path from his right shoulder, down to his heart, and back up to his opposing shoulder.

  Kyle’s hands tightened around my waist as his lips parted. I steadied myself as I closed the distance between us. I kissed his lower lip and then repeated the motion. Then, I gently sucked on it as I pulled back before releasing it slowly.

  Kyle groaned from deep within his throat. A tingle vibrated down my spine all the way to my toes. My body trembled in response as I continued rubbing my sex along his hard erection. Kyle’s hand moved from my waist to grip my nape. He tilted my head to the side and exposed my neck.

  My heart leaped in anticipation. I was ready to feel his hands ravishing me all over my body. Our labored breathing were the only sounds in the air.

  I felt his breath on my skin right before his lips barely touched me, and then he firmly kissed my throat. I closed my eyes on a moan as I absorbed every feeling he ignited within me. My body was completely captivated. I was utterly lost in this man, his touch, and the sensations he evoked in me.

  Another side of me would take over when I was this close to him. I loved our meaningful conversations, but when I could feel his warm skin against mine with his tender, passionate touches, my desire for him consumed all other thoughts. Our attraction was unstoppable. Intimacy was part of how we connected and expressed our love for one another. It was a switch from mind to body and soul.

  His lips closed on my throat, tenderly kissing in a different spot each time. “Always so beautiful.” He kissed my jaw delicately. He took his time as he caressed my skin with his lips. As he pulled away, he met my gaze with an intense stare. “You are kindhearted and caring yet so resilient and courageous. I am in awe of you.”

  Even with blood thrumming in my ears, his words had a way of unraveling me. I loved him more than anything, more than anyone. He was mine, and I was his.

  In that moment, I promised myself that I would make it through all this heartache in my life and come out on the other side in one piece. I would tightly close the doors to my inner fears, and then Kyle and I could move forward and work on being partners in a relationship.

  We had a lot to learn about each other. Just like in the fairy-tale books that I wrote, I believed that love could conquer anything that life had in store. The good times always overpowered the bad. No one said it would be perfect or always pretty, but it would be mine.

  I wrapped my fingers in his hair and tugged gently to bring him closer. “You give me the strength to want more out of life,” I whispered.

  His lips crushed mine, kissing me hard, with his own primitive need. I matched his fervor step for step. I poured all my raw emotions into the kiss, giving him everything I had, while muscles low in my belly tightened.

  Kyle shifted back and had my shirt off in a nanosecond. Drinking me in, he lingered on my naked breasts. His eyes conveyed so much more than lust. As always, they were filled with love. My heart pounded forcefully in my chest as he leaned forward and placed a soft kiss above my heart.

  “Let’s go,” he murmured.

  He gripped my waist and stood to his feet while I automatically wrapped my legs around his hips.

  I shrieked, “Where are we going?” Laughing, I enclosed my arms around his neck and pushed my naked chest against his.

  His lips parted as he inhaled deeply, and his eyes were still dark with need. Kyle shook his head and swallowed as he quickened his strides. “We are going to make it to your bedroom, and then I’m going to make love to my girl,” he promised, his voice husky.

  Desire swept through every bone in my body. “Hurry.” I shivered, thinking of all the ways I wanted Kyle to make love to me.


  The trip to the grocery store had taken much longer than I had expected. I should have accounted for Kyle’s very lengthy list. For the most part, we both ate similar healthy foods and only a few snacks. One weakness we both shared was a love for Oreos. Although, who doesn’t love Oreos? I, for one, could knock out half a package in one sitting.

  I was very thankful that we hadn’t run into anyone I knew. I had enough emotions coursing through me, and I didn’t need any other memories to be brought up.

  I was looking forward to dinner with my family tonight. I wanted to spend more time reconnecting with them while I was in town. I was also excited to see Meg and A.J. tonight. Our families had always been close, so it would be nice to catch up with them.

  After getting home and putting away the groceries, I headed up to my room to change into more comfortable clothes before we headed out for the barbeque. I put on a pair of white linen capris, and j
ust as I was pulling on a baby blue tank top, Kyle peeked his head into the bedroom.

  “Decided to change?” he asked as I started to walk toward him.

  He braced one hand on the door frame and leaned against it. His pants were hanging on his hips, and his white T-shirt made his eyes stand out. He looked drop-dead gorgeous. The light from the hall window illuminated him in all the right places. Desire bloomed once again in my belly.

  “Yep,” I answered. I envisioned the lovely firm ass he was sporting underneath those jeans. “Turn around,” I said indifferently, gesturing with my hand.

  Kyle eyed me with question but slowly turned anyway.

  Oh my. My lips parted. That is one fine ass. My hands had a mind of their own, and they reached out to him. Just one touch.

  He chuckled, looking over his shoulder. “You had me turn around to grab my ass?” He was clearly amused as he raised one eyebrow. “I feel violated,” he added mischievously.

  I nodded in agreement, completely lost in my dreamy thoughts. I sighed as I reveled in the feel of how toned he was.

  He laughed again. “Do you want me to strip for you?” he asked, his voice dripping with sexiness.

  “Please do.”

  “What have I created?” Kyle laughed and shook his head. “You want more?”

  Yes, please. I opened my mouth to speak, but he beat me to it.

  The feral look in his eyes returned. “Don’t answer that, or we won’t leave this bedroom for the rest of the night.” He grabbed my hand and tugged. “Let’s go before I change my mind.”

  “Wait!” I cried. “I need my hoodie!”

  Kyle didn’t falter in his steps. “I’ll keep you warm, beautiful.”

  We walked down the stairs to the garage. I doubled my steps, trying to keep up with his larger ones.

  “What about my family?” I laughed.

  “They’ll be fine, or you can use my sweatshirt.”

  I rolled my eyes at his bossiness as I decided that I would pick my areas of attack. This one wasn’t worth the battle, and I knew we would be late if I started in on him.

  Kyle parked the car, and I sat motionless, staring out the windshield at the white garage door in front of me. I was praying that tonight would go smoothly. I did not want any drama. I did not want to cry. All I wanted was to keep things sweet and simple by enjoying this time with my family and old friends.

  “Ready?” Kyle asked softly.

  He placed his hand on my thigh, pulling me out of one of my many reveries that seemed to be occurring so frequently these days.

  I turned my head to face him with a reassuring smile. “Yes, I’m ready.” I stepped out of the car into the hot sun. With the high temperature and humidity plaguing the air, I was glad I had chosen a light tank top.

  Jason was standing in front of the house, talking on his phone. When he noticed us, he began walking in our direction. He ended the call and put the phone into his pocket as I met him halfway at the junction of the blacktop and sidewalk. Kyle came to a stop beside me.

  “Hey, there.” Jason smiled and pulled me into his famous big bear hug.

  All the air was expelled from my lungs on a big whoosh as he squeezed me tight, too tight.

  “Jason. Can’t. Breathe.” I somehow managed to get out.

  “Sorry, Lil.” He chuckled softly. “I just missed you.” Jason shifted his attention to greet Kyle. “Hey, man.” He extended his hand to Kyle. “How’s it going?”

  “Good,” Kyle said in a friendly manner as he shook Jason’s hand. “And you?”

  “Better now. Glad you guys made it.” Jason grinned playfully as he turned back to me and threw his arm over my shoulders. “Are you hungry?”

  “I’m always hungry for Uncle Dan’s grilled food,” I replied.

  “Me, too.” Jason dropped his arm from around me and motioned us to follow him to the house. “Come on out back. Mom will be relieved to see you. She’s been nervous all day. After bombarding you this morning, she thought you might need some space.”


  “Don’t worry. It’s only us right now. Everyone else won’t be here for a little while. Dinner should be ready in another forty-five minutes. Dad had to run out for another bag of charcoal. Are you hungry now? Or can you wait?” Jason asked.

  “I can wait,” I replied, turning to face Kyle. Surely, the man won’t starve in forty-five minutes.

  Kyle rolled his eyes at me. “I’m not a food hoarder, Lily. I can wait forty-five minutes.”

  “You might not be, but I am, so stay out of my way.” Jason glared at Kyle with a mischievous grin as he flippantly punched him in the arm.

  With a smile, Kyle raised his eyebrows at Jason. “That was your only free shot…remember that.”

  Jason laughed.

  I looked at the two of them with adoration. It was lovely to see Jason being so cheerful yet at ease. He could be a lot of fun when he let his guard down and lived in the moment. Being the oldest, he did not do that as often as he should. He was the responsible, sensible hard worker of the bunch. It seemed to be a big-brother trend.

  Turning back to me, Jason tilted his head with his boyish grin in full effect. “I really like him, Lil. He can stay.”

  “So you’ve said, and I’m happy you think so,” I answered, not hiding my humor.

  As we reached the front porch, Damon met us at the door with a smile that could light up a room. He stepped forward and pulled me in for a hug. “There’s my favorite girl.”

  Beaming, I hugged him tightly. Kyle’s advice about regaining the friendship I had shared with Damon was in the forefront of my mind. “Hey, Damon. How are you?”

  Damon held me at arm’s length. “I’m great, and I’m glad that you are here.” He smiled softly. “How are you? Hangin’ in there?” He eyed me closely.

  I nodded reassuringly. “Yep, thank you.”

  Damon put his arm around my shoulder. “That’s good to hear, Lil. So, are you hungry? Mom is making a salad in the kitchen if you’re ready to eat.”

  “Okay, I’ll see if she needs any help.”

  Dropping his arm, Damon turned and led us to the kitchen. As I followed him down the narrow hallway, my gaze met the family pictures on the wall. So many memories.

  Aunt Lucie was standing at the kitchen counter, slicing a big red tomato. A large clear bowl of freshly chopped lettuce, a cucumber, and a bag of croutons sat next to the cutting board.

  She turned at the sound of our footsteps. Her eyes instantly shimmered with excitement at the sight of me. “Lily, dear.” She set down her knife and came to greet us. She opened her arms and embraced me. “I’m so pleased you came.”

  I hugged her back. “Thank you for inviting us.”

  “Of course, dear. You’re always welcome. You’re family.” She stepped back and gave me a shy smile.

  I could see the hesitation in her eyes as she was still wordlessly pleading for forgiveness. I smiled, hoping to silently convey reassurance to put her worries at bay. I wanted to have a good time and move forward with my family.

  Aunt Lucie’s expression lightened. “I should be finished with this salad in a few minutes. Would you like to start with some chips and dip? Or maybe some veggies?”

  “Sure, that sounds wonderful.”

  “Alright. Why don’t you all go and make yourselves comfortable outside on the patio? I’ll bring some food right out.” She turned back to the counter and grabbed a bag of tortilla chips and a bowl of dip.

  I stepped forward. “Would you like some help?”

  “Sure,” she said elatedly. She handed me the bag and bowl. “If you could please take these outside, that would be great. I’ll get the drinks and then finish up the salad.”

  Jason grabbed a bag that looked to be full of paper plates, napkins, and plasticware. “I’ll take these out and set the table,” he said before walking to the back door.

  I followed him outside. Uncle Dan emerged from the garage near the patio, carrying a bag of charcoal.
His expression brightened when he saw me. He sauntered over, stopped in front of me, and dropped the bag. He drew me into a hug as I carefully shifted the food in my hands to the side.

  “Hey, kid. Glad you could make it. How are you?” He pulled back, searching my eyes for any clues.

  I smiled and stepped back. Uncle Dan maneuvered the bag closer to the grill, ripped open the top, and began stacking each charcoal rock. According to the men in my family, grilling was an acquired skill. It was all about the size of the flame and the perfect temperature.

  “I’m doing good. I’m definitely ready for Uncle Dan’s famous grilled chicken.”

  Once the grill was lit, the smells engulfed my nose, and I closed my eyes briefly, inhaling the scent. Mmm…charcoal grill. As a family, we used to grill out several nights a week, especially in the summer. I could live off of grilled food. I loved it that much.

  As I looked back at Uncle Dan, he turned his head to me and grinned while nudging my shoulder. “That’s right, kid.” He winked. “And don’t you forget it.”

  “Never have forgotten, and never will.” I winked back.

  I walked over to the table and set down the bowl of dip. I opened the bag and placed it next to the bowl. Jason opened the packages of paper plates, napkins, and plasticware and made piles at the end of the table. I took a seat at the left side of the table, so I could face the sun. The warmth beating against my skin felt good.

  When I glanced down at the large square patio, I was reminded of the fact that it had originally been built by my dad and Uncle Dan. Several years later, when we were teenagers, they had made it larger to add room for a little barbequing station, as they had called it. Uncle Dan had made a little roof overhead, so he could grill out even if it were raining. It seemed pretty funny, but he’d claimed it came in handy all the time.

  Kyle stepped onto the patio with several liters of soda in his hands. Damon followed, carrying a big blue cooler, and he set it down near the edge of the patio. Kyle and Damon filled the cooler with ice and then walked over to the table. Kyle sat next to me while Damon sat on the opposite side of us.


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