Djinn Lover

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Djinn Lover Page 1

by Michelle Howard

  Djinn Lover

  Magical Lovers

  By Michelle Howard

  Published by MH Publications

  Copyright © 2018 by Michelle Howard

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Djinn Lover (Magical Lovers, #1)

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29


  License Notes

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. The eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this novel with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this eBook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please buy an additional copy for each recipient.

  No part of this book may be distributed in any format, in whole or in part without the express written consent of the author.

  Thank you for respecting the author's hard work.

  This is a work of fiction and is not a reflection or representation of any person living or dead. Any similarity is of pure coincidence.


  This is for my kids who have made room in their hearts to share my time and attention with the vast world of writing. Thank you for being so sweet about hours I spend locked away or when I go day after day on my laptop. I hope that you each have a love story greater than any I could ever imagine.

  Chapter 1

  The noise and lights of the reserved ball room hit her first. Carolyn stepped around the splendor and wealth represented tonight, maneuvering amongst designer clad women and their equally impressive male counterparts. She hated events like this. The large crowds, milling voices and the fear that someone would stand up and yell, ‘Fraud!’

  This wasn’t just any crowd either. This was the upper echelon of the immortal world. A powerhouse of who’s who. She’d already spotted the Leo of a local cat shifter pride, the Alpha of the Northeast wolves and a table with the Prime of a dragon shifter clan laughing with two Fae women. To the wealthy humans here, having such high level paranormals present was icing on the cake.

  Carolyn didn’t belong here. She belonged at home in her quaint little house working her happy little job minding her business. Unfortunately the charity featured tonight was her business, since she was an active participant on the committee. Carolyn sighed as she spotted the coordinator of the Children’s Hope Foundation making her way towards her.

  Macy Miller might look like a poodle with her big brassy blonde hair and her perky smile but she had the personality of a bulldog. Tenacious and growly. The growl evident in the first words she spoke to Carolyn.

  “You’re late.”

  Carolyn snuck a peek at her simple leather watch. “Nope. I’m actually on time.”

  Macy’s large chest heaved under the red silk of the low cut sheath she wore. Macy fit. Despite the hair, the dramatic clothing, the lips outlined in red. She simply fit and it had everything to do with the fact that her father, chairman of the board for some fancy company had money to spare for his darling. His only child for that matter.

  “Well, let’s get you set up. The award’s in the back and I took the liberty of writing a few words for you to say to the guest.”

  Carolyn rolled her eyes at the irony of Macy writing a few words for her, considering Carolyn was a writer. Children’s fiction, granted, but nevertheless one would expect Carolyn could write her own speech. But she couldn’t and she didn’t. So she was grateful for Macy’s pre-emptive thinking.

  They made their way through the crowd toward the back of the grand ballroom. Huge chrome and glass chandeliers overhead added the right lighting, lending a dim golden glow to the space. Silverware tinkled in the background with the low chatter of voices and false laughter.

  Wait staff walked around with trays piled high with champagne, some carried appetizers that she wouldn’t dare eat on her shaky stomach and others passed around rich desserts covered in whipped icing and drizzled in sauce. Round tables were elegantly graced with silver table cloths and black accent colors.

  His colors. The honoree and guest for tonight’s event. Silver and black. Even the fancy program she’d been given at the door mirrored the color scheme. Dramatic flair for a man who warranted it. Every guest here, human and paranormal, was present for one reason and one reason only. To get a glimpse at the highly publicized but reclusive billionaire who’d provided the funding for the new wing at the Children’s Hope House.

  Kale Serano.

  Carolyn had mixed feelings about the man purported to be the only djinn in existence. Feelings that led to hot sex dreams, which left her flushed and aching in the pale dawn. His face was often splashed across the cover of business magazines she only bought to read the articles featuring him. Entertainment blogs did photo spreads on him with random pictures taken from his rare jaunts out and about the city. Her favorite happened to be one of Kale Serano standing on the deck of his fabulous estate wearing nothing more than a pair of dark denim jeans while speaking on a cell phone. Sleek chest muscles had been on display, not a single inch of his body distorted by the telephoto lens used to capture the picture.

  “I can’t believe everyone invited actually showed. Three hundred guests.”

  Macy’s trilling voice as she waved around the room sent a bolt of fear through Carolyn. Fear she’d managed to contain up until now. Rubbing her damp palms down the sides of her simple black gown, she asked, “How long is this speech you wrote me?”

  Because if it was more than a few words, Carolyn was sure she’d hurl on the stage, adding a whole new meaning to special event.

  “Don’t worry. I know you too well and there is no speech. Four sentences at the most. Sweet, thankful and to the point. Then you hand him the plaque, make nice and walk off the stage while he says a few words.”

  Carolyn’s shoulders eased. Macy did know her. Speaking in front of crowds or groups larger than three sent her into a tailspin. “Thank you, Macy.”

  They reached the stairs to the small stage set as a focal point where every table in the room would have a clear view. Carolyn gulped and grabbed a flute of champagne from a passing waiter on his way back through the side door to the kitchen. She took several larger than acceptable gulps only to glance up and catch Macy eyeing her with pity.

  “You know, I still don’t understand how this can bother you so much.”

  Why would she? Macy thrived on attention. But not Carolyn. Stick her in a corner, with an e-reader preferably, and she was fine. This? This was outside her comfort zone. The thought had her emptying the flute.

  “How come I always get drafted to speak?”

  Her friend snorted. “Because you look sweet and innocent, which works perfect for what we need. It also helps that you’re a bestselling author of children’s books and our donors love meeting anyone with a minimum claim to celebrity status.”

  Carolyn rolled her eyes.

  Macy slipped her a folded piece of paper. “Look over this. Try to memorize it if possible so you’re not
reading it head down while the photographers take your picture.”

  Picture. Carolyn froze but Macy slipped away, smiling at another benevolent donor and leaving Carolyn by herself. Another waiter exited the kitchen, his tray full of fresh champagne. She ditched her empty and reached for another.

  Unfolding the paper, she read over what Macy had written.

  Macy was right. Four sentences. She could do this. Finishing off her champagne, she murmured the words over and over until she was sure she had them.

  The lights snapped out. Carolyn’s head jerked up. The band struck a soft tune. A bright light beamed on the stage.

  “Here you go.”

  Carolyn turned as someone pressed a small etched glass plaque into her hands.

  “Don’t drop it,” the man smirked, feeling her hands tremble.

  Crap. Carolyn tightened her sweaty hold on the gift she needed to present to Mr. Serano.

  Ladies and gentlemen...

  Small token

  Welcome and thanks

  Kale Serano. Kale Serano.

  Oh, God, she would not mess up. Nibbling her bottom lip, she surveyed the darkened room and managed to find Macy, who gave her a discrete thumbs up.

  Carolyn snorted and steadied her nerves. The host on stage turned to his right and smiled. At Carolyn. The spotlight followed his gaze and beamed on her.

  Carolyn blinked.

  “Carolyn Sutherland.”

  Okay. Deep breath. Carolyn took the first step and her heel wobbled. Another breath and smooth exhale. She’d done this before and survived. She could do it again. Didn’t mean she had to like it.

  Walking across the stage, her stomach quivered with every breath she took. The burn of hundreds of eyes on her back caused her to pause momentarily. Brice smiled warmly. He’d been chosen to host because of his charisma and smooth demeanor.

  He also knew about Carolyn’s fear since he sat on the committee with her. Steeling her nerve, Carolyn walked the last few feet and reached his side. Brice leaned over and placed a soft kiss on her head.

  Not because he had any lovey dovey feelings for her, but to disguise his lips as he whispered, “You got this, tiger.”

  Carolyn smiled. Not her “I’m petrified” smile, but one of true pleasure. She was far from a tiger and he knew it.

  “Need me to stay?” He asked as he straightened to his full height.

  Bless the man’s soft center but she shook her head and stepped to the podium while he exited to the left with a firm pat on her back before leaving.

  The light still glared on her solo spot and Carolyn hoped she didn’t look as scared as she felt. Clearing her throat for good measure, she spoke into the mic. “Thank you everyone for being here. My name is Carolyn Sutherland and I’m pleased to be in the position of announcing our next guest.” Little ad libbing never hurt. Take that Macy. “Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure we announce tonight’s honoree. Without his assistance Children’s Hope wouldn’t be able to continue giving miracles to deserving families. We would like to give him a small token of our appreciation. Please join me as I welcome and thank, Mr. Kale Serano.”

  The crowd broke into wild applause. Flashes popped all around. Carolyn flinched until she realized it was the cameras. How many were on her, she couldn’t tell but there were plenty on the man clearing a path toward the stage. People came to their feet and the thunderous applause continued.

  If he noticed, he gave no sign. The dark haired jungle animal making his way toward her didn’t look like he paid it any mind. His long strides turned the sixty second walk from the back to the front into a fifteen second jaunt.

  His tux hugged his hulking form as if his tailor had to fight to fit him in it. Most of the men here tonight wore a tux with a look of annoyance. Kale Serano wore it with ease. His dark features frowned as he climbed the stairs.

  Lips pressed tight, brows lowered, he shortened the distance between them with single minded purpose. Carolyn shivered when he stopped inches from her. Magnetic. Energy pulsed from his frame, making the hair on her arms stand up.

  Carolyn stepped back to give him the space in front of the podium when his large hand cupped her bare elbow, halting her move.

  He smiled. Flashed white teeth directly at her like a predator closing in on its prey. Gold eyes, deep and mysterious, pinned her in place. Goosebumps pebbled the flesh of the arm he held.

  “Thank you, Ms. Sutherland.”

  Carolyn nodded weakly at the deep rumble of his voice. She was torn between wanting to flee and wanting to throw herself into the arms of the man who frequently starred in her late night fantasies. Whoa. What was that all about?

  Someone in the audience tittered. Carolyn flushed and realized Kale Serano had his free hand extended toward her. “May I?”

  Take me higher. Heat seared her cheeks as Carolyn handed him the plaque. In her haste, the glass square bobbled between them, forcing him to release her arm to wrap both hands around it.

  God. Carolyn moved behind Kale, letting the spotlight zoom in on him.

  Chapter 2

  Kale wanted the blonde. Wanted her with a ferocity he hadn’t felt for a woman in decades. Seeing her on stage from his table in the back of the room hadn’t done her justice. Up close, she was beyond the pretty he’d initially dismissed her as.

  Brown eyes like liquid chocolate stared at him. Spirals of blonde curls piled high on top of her head. When he’d approached the stage, every instinct he possessed had demanded he lay claim to the delicate beauty. Then her eyes had widened in fear as he neared, adding a distinct bitter flavor to her otherwise sweet scent.

  Kale inhaled deeply wanted to draw more of her delicious smell into his lungs. Wonderful. As soon as he reached her side, she tried to move away. He caught her arm and only years of experience kept the surprise from his face. Her skin was beyond soft, smooth to the rough pads of his fingers.

  She gasped, those brown eyes flying to his revealing a hint of awareness. She felt it too. Kale leaned forward with every intention of kissing her until someone in the audience made a noise. The sound brought him back to reality and the fact that he was in front of hundreds of guests. Guests who were watching avidly.

  “Thank you.”

  He reached for the award the charity had insisted on giving him for his company’s donation. A donation he hadn’t even been aware of due to the fact that he paid people to do things like that for him so he wouldn’t have to be bothered.

  The woman, he thought for a moment. Carolyn Sutherland. Carolyn held on to his award. A glass plaque with his name and some meaningless spiel engraved in gold on the front.

  “May I?”

  She nearly threw the award at him and Kale wanted to laugh. Scared little hen. Her cheeks flashed fiery red. Embarrassed? Nervous? Either way, he couldn’t let her drop the plaque. They might insist he show to receive another.

  She stepped behind him and he could no longer gaze into the warmth of her brown eyes. Kale didn’t like that. He wanted her where he could see her. But first.

  He spoke a few words into the microphone. Gave them enough to quote him in the press. Said words that would have the media creaming their pants because he publicly showed for such a small organization. But sometimes he liked to do that.

  Catch everyone off guard by doing the unexpected. It was how he kept the public on their toes. He hadn’t made it to the top of his empire by being stupid. Caution was his middle name and he didn’t often throw it to the winds.

  Dimly he heard the steps of the hen fade away. She was leaving. No one left him until he gave permission. Kale forced his lips to move, said a few more thanks then walked off the stage. He needed to find Carolyn Sutherland.

  “Thank you so much for your donation, Mr. Serano. The families will truly benefit.” The blonde in the red dress gushed as soon as he climbed down the stairs of the stage. He shouldered her to the side. Not the blonde he wanted to see.

  “Mr. Serano.”

  “Mr. Serano.�

  He ignored the voices calling out his name and scanned the crowd. Where had she gone?

  “Mr. Serano, the driver is bringing the car around. Will you be leaving now?”

  His guard and personal assistant, Jadon, watched him with glittering blue eyes. Jadon recognized when Kale was on a hunt and right now Kale hunted for Carolyn Sutherland.

  “Where is she?”

  Jadon’s brown brow went up. “Who, sir?”

  Kale merely stared.

  “The quiet one?” Doubt colored Jadon’s words.

  Kale knew why. She wasn’t his usual. Carolyn radiated innocence. He liked women who knew the score. Women who came from the world he inhabited. Rarely did he bother with the innocent. And never with humans. Not since the one had betrayed him over two centuries ago by turning him over to an enemy after vowing her eternal love.

  The betrayal still stung. Kale clenched his hands into fists at his side and resisted the urge to go off half-cocked to hunt down his prey.

  “Sir?” Jadon prodded.

  “Carolyn Sutherland. Find me Carolyn Sutherland.”

  Jadon didn’t pause. He nodded and whipped out his cell to murmur Kale’s orders to his men.

  That was fine. As long as they found her, Kale didn’t care how many of his team were aware of his interest in the human. He’d have her. That was all that mattered.

  Chapter 3

  Carolyn hugged Macy to her and patted her back. “Yes, you were right. It wasn’t as bad as I expected.”

  Two glasses of champagne before and after had gone a long way to soothing Carolyn’s nerves.

  “You’re staying here tonight, right?”

  “I am, mother.” It was Friday and she planned on working on her edits all weekend.

  Macy let loose a loud cackle and cocked her hip to the side. “Don’t mistake my care for mothering. You’re the most dedicated member on the CH committee so I have to take care of you.”

  Carolyn shrugged off the praise. It made her uncomfortable. She only did what needed to be done.


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