Djinn Lover

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Djinn Lover Page 13

by Michelle Howard

  Today was no different. Carolyn paused outside a book store to peruse a magazine rack. Two of the covers hailed images of Kale in a business suit, eyes narrowed and grim expression firmly in place. Swallowing down the sense of loss, she didn’t bother reading the blurbs under his name.

  Instead her gaze got stuck on the entertainment gossip rag tucked on the side. The colorful cover boasted multiple pictures of celebrities in bikinis, a few of the Governor’s supposed mistress and one tiny square dedicated to an up and coming actress.

  That one small picture of Brie Starr held Carolyn’s attention. Because standing next to her was the face of the man Carolyn was in love with. She sat her cup on an empty shelf and flipped through the pages, looking for the specific story.

  Love rekindled! The caption read.

  Her vision blurred, but she continued reading. Apparently, Brie and Kale had attended an awards ceremony together. The picture could be considered innocent. Two people walking the carpet, waving at the crowd of fans gathered.

  What drove the knife in her heart was the date of the picture in the spread. It was the night of their wedding. The one time he’d left her alone without explanation or reasoning. He looked quite pleased with himself. Not because he smiled in the photo. He didn’t. But Carolyn had learned several of his expressions. The tilt of his head, the glint in his eyes. And this image said quite clearly that Kale was happy attending the event with the very beautiful actress.

  A hoarse cry broke past her trembling lips. In her haste, she shoved the magazine back and forgot her drink as she ran all the way home.

  Once inside, Carolyn slammed her apartment door. Pain exploded in her chest. How dare he! Macy told her to let it go. Someone in Kale’s position had all the time and money in the world to stall her. She had no proof. Nothing to show or convince him.

  All she had was her love. And his. Or did she even have that? Like a painful tooth ache which couldn’t be ignored, Carolyn replayed their time together over and over. Pain gave way to a sense of determination. She refused to doubt what they’d shared. It had been genuine and honest for both of them.

  If only there was a way to get his memory back. Carolyn straightened and moved away from the door. She needed time to think this through. Maybe years from now another bump on the head would bring him back to her. Crazier things happened in real life all the time.

  Except she didn’t want to wait for another accident in order to be with the man she loved.


  Of all the things Carolyn expected to see, Kale Serano standing on her doorstep bright and early on Sunday morning wasn’t one.

  “What do you want?” She didn’t care if her tone was surly. After the display in his office, she owed him nothing. The pictures of him with another woman, specifically Brie Starr, drove home the point.

  Ignoring her defensive posture, Kale pushed against the door frame as if she weighed nothing and walked in, closing it behind him. Gold eyes scanned her living space before landing on the melting ice cream on her table. Carolyn folded her arms over her chest and eyed him. Let him make something of it. She could eat a bucket of ice cream if she wanted.

  “You left without the check,” he said.

  Carolyn was so non-plussed she stared. Stared until a laugh escaped. She took her time walking back to the sofa and plopped down. Spoon in hand, she took a big scoop of ice cream and ate it.

  Footsteps followed as he came to stand directly in front of her, blocking the view of the fashion show she pretended to watch.

  “Don’t be foolish about the money.”

  Carolyn sniffed and swirled her spoon for another taste. “I don’t want or need your money.”

  He slid his hands into his pants pocket. The move pulled the material tight across his thigh and groin area. She yanked her eyes upward.

  He smirked. “Everyone wants and needs my money. You wouldn’t be any different.”

  Consider her weekend totally ruined. Carolyn stared at Kale, wondering if this is what others faced when they dealt with him. She sat her carton on the table, no longer able to pretend he wasn’t standing right in front of her. “Kale, I’m not going to take your money. Whatever apology you want consider it said. I’ll figure out the divorce when I’m not upset about how foolish I was.”

  “You have to want something,” he insisted, his very posture stretched taut.

  It was sad he believed that. Then the solution to their problem hit her. “You want to know what I want? You want to pay me off mister I have enough money to buy another country?” Carolyn leaped to her feet and stormed toward him. “One week. That’s what I want.”

  Now that she said it, the idea had merit.

  Kale raised a brow. He looked relieved. “In my bed? I’m sure I can manage that. For some reason I want you more than I’ve wanted previous lovers.”

  Carolyn flinched. His words cut with the sharpness he intended. Carolyn reminded herself why she was doing this. Talking about his old lovers was another way to strike out at her. Unless he’d been to bed with someone else recently. She winced. If so, she’d deal with it. She wouldn’t hold him responsible for not remembering his vow to her.

  Then again he could always turn out to be the ruthless manwhore his reputation labeled him.

  Inwardly, she fumed. She knew this man. She knew another side of him and that’s the man she wanted back. “I want a week of us living as a married couple.”

  “That I won’t do. Sorry, sweetling.”

  The familiar endearment hurt. “Just give me a week.”

  “No.” He walked toward the door. Every intention of dismissing her.

  Arrogant bastard.

  “Kalessando.” She called him by his true name.

  He turned slowly. His gaze when it met hers smoldered. “What did you call me?”

  Anger snapped and crackled. The air simmered with his rage. One did not use a djinn’s real name. But he’d given her that gift. Trusted her.

  Carolyn took a deep breath. He wouldn’t hurt her. She had to believe that. Kale promised to never hurt her and deep inside, the man she fell in love with was still in there.

  “You heard me. Seven days.” She choked back her fear and uttered the next phrase. “I wish for seven days, Kalessando.”


  The force of his djinn nature slammed into his chest. The phrasing tore into his will to resist. How the fuck did she know his true name? Kale for damn sure didn’t go around giving it out. No other living being walking the Earth knew his name after Isolde and the man she sold him to. Kale had vowed to never be so careless again.

  The fact this woman with her mysterious connection to the blanks in his memory knew it just elevated her status to potential enemy. This weekend trip wasn’t a waste after all.

  Power rippled at his fingertips. He wanted to hurt her. No one had compelled him to complete a wish against his will in centuries. Yet here she stood. Defiant. But full of fear. He could smell it.

  Kale curled his fingers into fists. Now he really wanted to get to the bottom of Carolyn Sutherland’s motives more than ever. Because somehow, some way, she’d gotten him to reveal a secret no one else knew. “Seven days, really?”

  She smiled. The edges trembled, but she smiled. Her eyes took on a soft cast. There was no missing the hope shining there.

  The visible sign that she cared shook him. It didn’t matter that he knew her plan wouldn’t succeed. It didn’t matter that he had no intentions of feeling anything for her beyond annoyance. Why the hell was she fighting this losing battle?

  “It’s all I need. We fell in love in seven days before.”

  There was that damnable hope once more. What a fool. She must be desperate to think he’d give anyone his love again in this lifetime, let alone in a week. “Are you sure? Be very sure of this wish, sweet, sweet, Carolyn.”

  She winced yet her nod was firm. “I’m sure.”

  Her persistence annoyed even as it aroused. He shrugged off any mental remorse. Not taking
the out he offered was her mistake. “I’m not going to love you. You’re wasting both our time with this juvenile exercise.”

  He didn’t miss the flicker of her eyelashes. “I’m willing to waste it.”

  Determination glimmered in the brown depths.

  “Done.” He agreed. It would get him closer to the truth. Kale paused at the door and tossed out. “Oh and sex will be included in this bargain. Plenty of sex. Wife.” His lips curled as he added the last.

  Carolyn cast him a jaunty smile full of challenge. “I didn’t expect otherwise.”

  Kale hoped he masked his stunned look at her easy capitulation. “As you wish,” he muttered as he walked out of the apartment.


  Carolyn put a hand on the back of the sofa to catch her weight as she slumped in relief. His surprised look before he covered it proved she’d given the right answer. He’d forgive her for using what he’d told her in confidence. Forcing the wish was her only chance. She would do whatever necessary to get Kale back. Her Kale. Carolyn wouldn’t accept defeat.

  She glanced at the melted ice cream on her table. No point letting it go to waste. Scooping up the container and the spoon, Carolyn stretched out on her sofa and began to hatch out her plan.

  Operation husband memory was in full effect.

  Chapter 24

  Carolyn’s phone chirped at an ungodly hour. She rolled over in bed, peering at the time. Seven. Who called at seven on a Monday? Her curtains blocked out a good portion of the sun. Gold beams still managed to stripe her floor and bed. The phone went off again. She grabbed it and groaned at the sight of the number to Kale’s corporate offices. Had he changed his mind? Was this one of his minions calling to tell her to go away?


  “Someone will be there at noon to pick you up and bring you to my house. Have your things packed and ready.”

  “Huh?” Carolyn pushed up in bed and shoved the hair out of her face.

  Kale’s deep chuckle resonated across the line. “You’re moving in for the week. Wife. Remember?”

  She remembered. No way she’d forget or miss her chance to get Kale back. “I’ll be ready. And Kale?”


  Was that a slight wariness in his tone? Carolyn hoped so. She was willing to fight for him and would use any means at her disposal. “I’ll be happy to have my husband back.”

  She waited for his response. The line was silent. She glanced at the display and saw he’d ended the call. Instead of being angry, she fell back on the bed with a laugh, heart light for the first time in what felt like forever.

  A uniformed clad man arrived at Carolyn’s door promptly at twelve. Fortunately, she had her bag packed and two carrying cases ready.

  “Will this be all, miss?”

  “Mrs,” Carolyn corrected with a last glance at her place. It should be fine until her return. She hiked her laptop bag higher on her shoulder. She could work anywhere. “It’s Mrs. Serano.”

  Play to win. Kale might as well get used to her using his name. She wouldn’t pretend for him.

  The driver gaped then professionalism kicked in and he nodded. “Of course, ma’am.”

  He grabbed all of her bags and waited as she locked the door. A long limo was parked in front her house. The black color gleamed and it stood out in her modest neighborhood. Carolyn wondered if that had been Kale’s intent.

  Well she wasn’t embarrassed. Nor uncomfortable. Sighing before taking a deep breath, she marched forward.

  The ride to Kale’s house didn’t take long. They zipped through the city traffic with none of the typical delays. Of course.

  The driver escorted her up the front walkway and pushed the door open. Carolyn rolled her eyes. Clearly Kale still didn’t believe in locking any of the doors to his home.

  When she entered the foyer, everything was as it had been the night he’d brought her for dinner. Except quiet. No less impressive and beautiful the second time around.

  The driver showed her to a lovely guest room decorated in shades of gold and white. The furniture was quaint and charming, reminding her that Kale either had excellent taste or a very talented designer. Probably the latter. She couldn’t imagine someone like him being involved in the minute details of décor.

  She placed her laptop on the dresser and smiled as her suitcase was set near the foot of the bed.

  “Ma,am, Mr. Serano will be home this evening. If you have need of anything please let him know and I can return.”

  In other words, the driver would take care of it. Not Kale. While subtle, Carolyn caught the slight. Kale wanted her to know her place. Maybe prove to her she wasn’t a priority. All it showed Carolyn was his desperation.

  “Thank you...?” She paused expectantly.

  He smiled. More relaxed than earlier. It looked good on him. “Dale. You can call me Dale.”

  In short order Carolyn ended up alone. In Kale’s rambling house. First order of business was lunch. She skipped down the grand staircase and entered the kitchen which at least felt familiar.


  Mondays and crisis went hand in hand for Kale. It never failed. The beginning of the week tended to throw off his schedule no matter how hard he worked. Today was no different. There was another matter adding to his frustration though. He tried to focus on the numerous conference calls, the messages Jadon forwarded as requiring his response. None of it could shake the need to check on Carolyn Sutherland.

  The wish he’d granted should have angered him. It didn’t. He felt relief. Relief because he’d have her close at hand to figure out this shitfest. She should have worded the wish better if she wanted his total compliance.

  Riches, cars. She could have asked for anything. Instead, she chose to put herself near him. It made no sense and the utter foolishness of the request bothered him more than anything. Unless it was part of a greater plan to lower his defenses.

  Had she caused an issue for Dale? Kale’s nerves tripped as he shot off a memo on one project and pulled up the financial report on another. Impossible. Dale was one of his more reliable drivers as well as a trained security professional. He could handle one woman.

  What if he was rough with her? Kale’s pulse leaped. He didn’t like the anger which followed. If he found out Dale hurt her there would be hell to pay.

  Kale paused. He was on edge. The reason obvious. He shook off the concern for a woman who meant nothing to him. A powerful djinn worried for no one.

  Except she knew his true name. Knew more than she should. He shifted restlessly in his seat. How or why would he have shared that with her? Nothing came to mind to explain it.

  With a ruthlessness he’d mastered long ago, Kale pushed his emotions to the back of his mind. Hours dragged. His temper grew with the day. But so did the fear. He snapped at his managers. Snarled during conference calls. Pissed Jadon off to the point, he’d slammed out of his office.

  What did she expect from him during the proposed week? It was that niggling worry which finally had Kale shoving to his feet promptly at five. He never left the office before seven yet he couldn’t ignore the anticipation. The need for confrontation closed like a vice about his chest.

  He rolled his shirt sleeves down with jerky motions, grabbing his suit coat along the way. People took one look at his face and goodbyes froze on their lips. Gazes jerked away from his. Mutters trailed behind him as he strode down the hall. If he could have nipped the sense of impending dread he would have.

  While demanding in his work, it wasn’t Kale’s habit to ride his employees without cause. All the more reason to leave before he created irreparable damage. Jadon joined him in the elevator, none of the anger from earlier present. They rode down together.

  “What do you have?”

  “You’d already run a check on her.”

  Of course he did. Kale was an expert at protecting himself.

  “She’s exactly who she appears to be.” Jadon ran down what they already knew about Carolyn. Then added, “And
it looks like she was definitely in Vegas with you.”

  A sleek long car waited out front. They slid into the back seat. Dale nodded as he closed the door behind them. Kale forced himself to hold back questions. If there was something to know about Carolyn, Dale would have told him.

  His cell phone buzzed in his jacket pocket, but Kale ignored it. Jadon slid a smooth stack of papers toward him. “Receipts confirm the purchases all made on the same day within a few hours.”

  Kale flipped through the sheets. He didn’t care about receipts. It was just money. Of which he had plenty.

  The 8X10 made him go still. It was a black and white shot of Carolyn in profile. Kale swallowed as he studied the recognizable fountain spurting in the background. Her face was tipped up, a half smile curving her lips.

  What was funny? Had the dark-haired man standing behind her whispered a joke? Their positioning spoke of shared intimacy. She leaned back, her weight supported by the masculine arm clasped about her waist.

  His face pressed close enough for his lips to brush her ears. The camera caught his hand wiping a strand of hair from her cheek.

  Suddenly Kale’s head throbbed. Pain scissored across his temple. He covered the leather bracelet on his wrist, a perfect match to the one on the picture.

  Kale had been photographed with various women more times than he’d ever be able to count in his life. This simple print out wouldn’t have served as anything more than proof that they were together during that time. Except for one thing.

  The Kale in the photo smiled. Not his feigned amusement grin. Not the dismissive smirk he wore with others. It was a smile that spoke of...Kale fought the denial forming at the back of his throat. It spoke of happiness.

  He cursed. Then cursed again. “I didn’t marry her!”

  He wouldn’t have.

  Jadon cut a glance in his direction. Then handed him the last paper. Kale studied it. His brows creased until he realized what he held. A single piece of jewelry. Tasteful not cheap, but not costly either. His fingers clenched curling the sides of the receipt. “It’s a ring. It means nothing.”


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