Survival Family

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Survival Family Page 4

by Stephen Brandon

  Inside it looked like a scene from a wild west movie. The lobby had a bar along the right wall with bottles and above the mirror the picture of a redhead reclining on a blanket with a revolver aimed at the lobby door. On the back wall beside the stairs was a counter with a young girl in front of a peg board with keys and a small cage labeled Mabel's Post Office. Under the stairs was a doorway with a sign saying Kitchen and on the left wall to the left of the counter was another door labeled Out House. To the left of that door was another door labeled Shortcut to Boot Hill and Private rooms. The wagon wheel hanging from the ceiling had oil lamps mounted around the rim. Four of the six tables in the middle of the room were occupied.

  Scott was nudged from the rear by Jesse and heard, move out of the doorway and your new lawyer is at the 2nd table on the left. I'll get us some drinks and be with you in a minute. James, go over and tell Brenda that your boss is ready to check in. Then he approached the bar and told the young man, two sarsaparillas.

  Turning to the table everyone heard, “Hold it stranger. I don't run at tab here. Cash on the bar.” Jesse turned set the drinks back on the bar and said, “Deliver them to my table” as he slapped two singles beside them. Then he turned and walked over to the table and sat down.

  Dale, with a grin stated, “Your kid brother still likes to screw with you, will you ever get him trained?”

  “He's not as bad as Nancy. Scott, Dale, I guess you've introduced yourselves. I'll take Jane over to see Fred and pick up the gear so you can discuss business.”

  Dale looked over the revised contract and then made a few notes on his paperwork. Then he asked, “Can you arrange a meeting tomorrow afternoon with those thieves and their lawyers? I'll have Bill fully briefed with a reply and we'll teleconference from here.

  The meeting went as expected. The company lawyers demanded that half the requirements in the counter offer be dropped. William Bendert just smiled and stated, if you want to be unreasonable my client will simply exercise his prerogative as patent owner and revoke your companies permit to use it and lease it to other interested parties.

  He can't do that several of the board members exclaimed.

  Yes he can, replied William. He owned all rights to his patent when the company was private. When he took the company public a year and a half ago he never signed any paperwork authorizing the company sole and exclusive rights to his patent. Hence, he still owns and controls who may use his patent. The only patent infringement lawsuit filed was handled his personal lawyer, not the company lawyers. That enforces the precedent. Now since he isn't a reprobate like most of you, he has authorizing me to limit the profit payments to the length of the time of the original patent, and he will sign over exclusive rights to use his patent to the company. This will prevent any other competitor from using it. That will give you a shade over 15 years to make or break this company, and that is a quote from him.

  I'll make it easy for you, fifty million deposited to his personal bank account, then one million dollars deposited for the next fifteen years. The companies reported profit last year was thirty-eight million and change. Assets that I've located in the last four days total over sixteen million. You should have no problem leveraging a loan for fifty million cash. Fax me your decision and we'll set up a meeting for next Monday.

  Dale turned to Scott and said, “Looks like the kid got our point across. Will you join us this weekend camping. Jesse said he could come along and continue your training.”

  Scott replied, “It would be my pleasure.”

  From across the room they heard, Dale, can I come too?

  ~ ~ ~

  Chapter 5

  Friday afternoon everyone loaded up and a blue pickup pulled into the parking lot. Brenda got out and swaggered over to their two SUV's and said, “Where do I throw my gear or would you like to put your gear in my truck Scott. It would be a shame to scratch up the finish on that rental.”

  Scott looked at Dale and asked, “Can she drive?”

  Without a thought Brenda reached out and slapped Scott on the shoulder hard enough to make him step back. “No, I'm a helpless female that can't pour piss out of a boot by following the instructions written on the bottom of the heel. Throw your stuff in the pickup while I get my guns.”

  Jane, Dale's wife, simply stated, “I think she likes you, so watch out.”

  Dale then said, “I'll give you a hand, unless you want to back out. She is a hunter and carnivore.”

  Scott replied, “I was worried that the company board might hire a hit man. Now I have to worry about a blood thirsty amazon. What else can go wrong before I unload my company?”

  Two and a half hours later the dirt trail turned into just two ruts. Half an hour later Dale pulled into a meadow and announced, “We're here, Jane and I will set up here and you two find a spot over near the other side. I'll build the community fire pit behind my truck.”

  Brenda pulled her pickup halfway around the meadow and backed up to the treeline. You can setup on the passengers side, I'll take the drivers side. After you're setup go about 30 feet into the trees and dig us a slit trench latrine. I'm sure you can find the instructions in your camping handbook. If not give me a call.”

  Thirty minutes later Scott finally got his tent setup. After throwing his sleeping bag and clothes bag inside he grabbed his camp shovel and started toward the trees. Suddenly he notice the sound, someone was chopping wood. Looking over the bed of the pickup he saw Brenda slamming her ax into a small tree. He then noticed that she was building a lean-to. After a minute he yelled, where is your tent and ducked toward the front of the pickup.

  He heard, “That brother of mine is a dead when I get back. I know it was him that took my tent and put a torn tarp in the tent bag. Unless you want to share your tent with me, shut up and get the latrine dug.”

  He replied, “You can have the left side provided you don't snore. I could use some help digging the slit trench, and by the way did you bring any toilet paper. I seem to have forgotten to get any.”

  With a laugh she put the ax up and tossed him her sleeping bag. “Put that where you'll let me sleep while I get my clothes bag. I'll get a hatchet, we'll need it to make a paper holder.”

  The first spot he picked she didn't like. She showed him a better spot and when he struck the first tree root she told him to dig around and below it. Two feet down she told him to stop and extend it two feet away from the tree. She returned with a trimmed tree trunk with one branch sticking out just far enough to hold a roll of toilet paper. After sharpening the end she hammered it into the ground using her hatchet. “Now get out of here and leave the shovel. I need to use the trench.”

  Scott walked away resisting the temptation to look back. When he got to the tent he continued around the meadow to Dale's camp. No one was there so he hollered Dale, Jane, where are you?

  From the tent he heard an answer, “We're busy come back later.”

  Returning to his tent he flipped back the door flap and froze. There was Brenda standing there with one foot in her panties as bare as the day she was born. “Don't stand there gawking, close the flap before I kill you.”

  Backing up he went and sat on the tailgate of the pickup and loudly said, “Well it is my tent. By the way, where is the food. All I can find is some drinks and a couple of cans of beans.”

  Brenda replied from inside the tent, “We will go hunting as soon as I finish changing. You'll need to put some boots on because those shoes won't hold up in the woods.”

  A few minutes later she appeared in jeans and boots with a bright yellow blouse. After getting a rifle and pistol from behind the front seat she asked, “Where is your rifle and boots.”

  Scott replied, “I wasn't planning on this being a hunting trip. My boots and pistol are in the tent. Back in a minute.”

  Even with Scott stumbling through the woods scaring the game, Brenda managed to shoot a small buck. When she started skinning it he gagged and threw up behind a tree. A few mi
nutes later she told him to get back around the tree and give her a hand. “Dig a deep hole to put the entrails in. Then you can wrap the meat in the skin and carry it back to camp. Dale should have a bed of coals ready by time we get back.”

  The steaks were great and then Jane split the remaining meat between a cooler and a big cast iron pot that Dale moved to fire pit. Jane poured two beers in the pot and put a the lid on. “In the morning I'll add vegetables and we'll have a great stew when we get done hunting. Brenda, is he any good in the woods?”

  Brenda replied, “No he walks like an elephant and couldn't hold his stomach when I skinned it. Hopefully he'll learn fast.

  “By the way Dale, I want you to write up a lawsuit against my brother for theft and mental distress. He replaced my tent with a torn tarp. Mom's going to be pissed when someday he goes to far and I kill him.”

  The next morning they were up early. The meadow was fogged in and they got lost headed over to Dale's camp. When they hit the treeline Brenda pulled her pistol and fired one shot into the air. After a minute they heard a shot from close by. They were only a hundred feet or so from Dale's camp. Jane started laughing when they tripped over the tent ropes. Dale will be back in a minute with some steaks for breakfast. Coffee is on, grab a cup. We all ate and sat around till about ten when the fog finally cleared.

  Jane stated, OK, here is the plan. We'll cross the meadow and head toward that mountain. Brenda and I will take the pictures and you guys will cover us. Dale, grab a can of bear spray for each of us and the .30-30's. Make sure Scott knows how to aim and fire before we head out. We'll pack a light lunch.”

  Dale handed Scott one of the .30-30's and five rounds of ammo. “These are solid slugs with a heavy black powder load. Heavy enough to stop a brown bear if you hit him square in the chest or in the spine. These are old, but solid rifles. You'll probably only get one shot because a bear can outrun any man alive. If the girls surprise one you need to aim for the shoulder. Do not aim for the head because it'll bounce off and just irritate the bear. If the bear stands up aim but don't fire unless he moves toward the girls. They know not to run. Don't you run unless you want him to chase you down and eat you. Since you are left handed, mount the bear spray holster on your right hip. If you can get a second shot, good, if not get the bear spray aimed at the bear and let him have it. This stuff is worse than pepper spray so be prepared if the wind is in your face. This is how you load the rifle and this lever jacks another round into the chamber. Try it a few times. Good. Girls, we're ready to go.”

  Scott asked, “What about my pistol, it's a .357 mag. Won't it stop a bear better than this old rifle.”

  With a laugh Dale stated, “That .357 may stop a bear or it may just ventilate it. I've seen magnum pistols drill holes through a bear and out the other side. If the rifle doesn't stop him and the spray doesn't deter him and he starts chewing on you, use your pistol to put a lot of holes in him. You might get lucky, but Jesse can tell you tales about bears that have been hit with all calibers and still run 20 or 30 yards before dropping. The best defense is not to aggravate and tempt the bear to take interest in you.”

  Well the girls were the only happy campers when they got back because they'd shot up rolls and rolls of film and all the guys did was lug the water, lunch, rifles, and other supplies.

  ~ ~ ~

  Chapter 6

  Monday morning the teleconference was set up again. This time after a bunch of bull from the company lawyers one of them demanded to know who William had on the other end of the line.

  Then Dale simply said, “I'm Dale Spartain, Scott's personal lawyer.”

  The company lawyer then stated, “Never heard of you, so you can't be to good.”

  Dale then said, “Do your homework boy, look east a few thousand miles and then for lawyers rich enough to buy small countries. If you ever got off the ground you might have heard about our club. Now I suggest you listen to my young protege and use your brains, because if you don't you will be looking for a job in a third world country.

  “William, give them the third proposal and if they don't like it have them state the reasons paragraph by paragraph. I really don't want to have to fly out there and personally chew them up. Call me in the morning.”

  Friday we walked into the office. We had the contract in our hands and Dale sat down and read it beside his notes. After making a few corrections in wording he told the secretary we'd brought with us to type it up.

  Scott was amazed that it was only three pages in length.

  She noted the changes and then asked where the printer was. She carried her laptop to the printer and made two copies. She handed one to Dale and the others to the companies lead lawyer. After glancing at it he passed them to the Chairman of the Board and said, “Sign both copies.”

  Then they passed the copies to Scott and as he lifted his pen Dale said, “Wait, I haven't gotten confirmation of the fifty million deposited into your account. Line six on page one states that the fifty million will be deposited prior to signing by Mr. Lavey. I really hate sitting around, but at $1500 dollars an hour starting now I'll be able to afford a nice dinner. I suggest you get your accountants moving.”

  The Chairman jumped up and demanded to know what that meant.

  Dale simply stated, “Up until you placed your signature on the contract, Mr. Lavey was paying my fee. As soon as you signed any delays will be charged against your corporation. That includes today's signing, and yearly payments, unless you default. Miss Jones, print out a copy of page two lines 40 to 44 and give them to the chairman.”

  She picked up her second case, opened it and connected it to the laptop. A few keystrokes later page two popped out and she handed it to the Chairman.

  He read the lines and threw down the paper. He then picked up the phone and told the operator to get accounting on the line. “Why hasn't the payment to Scott Lavey been deposited it his account.”

  Everyone heard the chief accountants reply, “When our creditors heard that Scott was selling the company there was a run for payments yesterday. Our line of credit was reduced to twenty million and the loan you arranged folded. The stock price has dropped to half what it was day Monday and its still falling.”

  Dale said, “Miss Jones, please print up a standard resignation form for each of the board members and all the lawyers. Make sure the section explaining that this also terminates any retirement or further benefits from the corporation. Mr. Lavey, I suggest you wait until this evening and buy every share of stock for sale on the market and then call an emergency stock holders meeting with the provision that only members present can vote. Accept the resignation of the board and the lawyers. Any that don't resign I'll have charges for incompetence filed against. I'm sure William will enjoy the experience of prosecuting them. And since this delay is costing us all money, I feel in a charitable mood and will only bill the corporation for eight hour days until you either get your money or the corporation is sold for junk. If you want, I know a few sharks that would probably like to bid on this corporation and since you are and will be the primary stock holder they will have to deal with you through me. If I think of anything else I'll inform you through William.

  Miss Jones, remain with William and after all copies are signed and notarized bring them to the office.

  “I hope that I can convince Mr. Lavey not to sue each of the board members and corporation lawyers for incompetence and causing the corporation and stockholders undue financial loss. Mr. Lavey, will you please accompany me back to your office and then this evening I'll entertain you at my hotel.”

  As Scott and Dale entered his office Dale held up his hand and said, “Mr. Lavey, I know that you are irritated with the incompetence and the probable illegal actions of your board of directors. I advise that if they resign without any further benefits you let them go. Court battles could take years before you stripped them of all the dubious financial gains they've acquired. The corporation lawyers are another matter. You won'
t be able to retrieve their dubious financial gains, but you can probably get them all disbarred and ruin their reputations easily enough. Right now I suggest that we retire to the club and have a drink while you contemplate your actions this evening and tomorrow.”

  In a private room at the club Dale made a call to the SEC in New York. He simply stated, “Mr. Lavey was planning to sell his corporation and stock to the Board of Directors and retire. However, they leaked the information and the corporation is now in dire financial straights. The stock has lost half its value. What would the SEC recommend as far as Mr. Lavey trying to shore up the corporation using his personal fortune. You have my number, as soon as the chairman makes a decision please call me back.”

  Scott asked, “Why did you do that?”

  “You cover all the bases, even those that don't really need covering to prevent stupid investigations and backbiting.” replied Dale. “Now lets order dinner and then head back upcountry or would you rather eat up there?”

  One call and dinner was arranged at the Biscuits for Breakfast. Later that evening Dale got the call he wanted and was told the recommendation was on its way to his office.

  Dale then told Scott to call his stockbroker and place a buy order for purchase of 100 shares as soon as the market opened in the morning. Then he called William and inquired if all the board members and lawyers signed their resignation contracts.

  William replied that there was a rush to sign about 3 PM when the word got out that the SEC was looking into the corporation for corruption. Two of the board members are already out of the country and the lawyers were pulling in their horns.

  Then Dale told William that he could purchase up to 100 shares of the corporation stock Tuesday morning, but no more that 100. That will be part of your bonus if this works and we save the corporation. If not then you'll only be out a few hundred dollars because my overseas contacts inform me that the overseas price is quickly approaching penny-stock prices.

  By Wednesday afternoon large blocks of the stock were being purchased by other competitors.


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