Sawkill : Omnibus

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Sawkill : Omnibus Page 24

by Fitzgerald, Matt

  Just off shore there were four big ferries much like the one they were on. None of them seemed to have power. They were moving as the ocean saw fit. They were filled well over capacity with thousands of people. It was impossible to tell if they were trying to leave Portland, or had come here from somewhere worse off. No matter the case they were here, and they had drawn the hoard.

  “It’s like ringing the dinner bell for Christ’s sake.” Kenny said smirking.

  Jessie couldn’t help smirking himself.

  Jessie watched the edge of the docks. Zombies were falling into the water by the dozens, pushed by the surging crowd.

  “I hope those motherfuckers can’t swim.” Patrick said.

  Jessie didn’t think they could, but he wondered if they could drown, or if they just float around under there, undead waiting for a shark to come along and eat them, or for the ocean’s bacteria to make a longer drawn out job of it. Then he wondered what would happen if a zombie bit a shark. Would it become a Zombie shark? Jessie shook his head and refocused his thoughts.

  Jessie switched his gaze from ground level to the buildings and windows. He didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, if there was still such a thing. He made slow sweeps back and forth looking for signs of human activity. He didn’t want to make the same mistake twice. He didn’t want any more human blood on his hands. Once he was satisfied he put the binoculars down and picked up his M16.

  “I guess it’s now or never.” Jessie said.

  Everyone but Charlie walked down the stairs to the main deck and approached the Jeep. Jessie stopped and put his hands out for the rest to do the same.

  “Do you hear that?” Jessie asked.

  “That’s screaming.” Kenny said and ran for the boat’s railing.

  The closest ferry was in chaos. There were screams and crying and people were throwing themselves off the boat in every direction.

  “What the fuck?” Patrick asked.

  “He is biting!” Someone from the boat screamed and it all made sense.

  Jessie looked at the shore. Zombies were falling into the water at a much more rapid rate. The hoard was surging with new energy fueled by the screams. Jessie ran to the front of the boat where Charlie could see him from the pilothouse.

  “Punch it Charlie. Now is the time!” He exclaimed.

  Jessie ran back to the side rail and confirmed his decision.

  “Everyone in the Jeep. We need to punch it when that gate goes down. I’ll drop the gate, then raise it and climb down.” Jessie said.

  The boat hit the dock going too fast and jolted forward. Jessie ran to the giant rope, grabbed it and jumped off the side of the boat. He tied the Island Home to the dock and climbed back aboard. He and Charlie made it to the Jeep at the same time.

  “Get in there, I’m dropping the gate.” Jessie said to the out of breath army reservist.

  The gate lowered and the Jeep rolled. Kenny was driving, the rest were in the back with M16s at the ready. Once the Jeep was clear, Jessie raised the gate and ran back up to the second deck. He jumped down the seven feet or so to the dock and slipped into the shotgun seat as Kenny started the Jeep rolling. With most of the zombies distracted by the rioting ferry riders they were able to take a right when the dock ended and get onto a main road unmolested. The path to Home Depot was clear with the exception of the stragglers and loose pockets shambling on together. It was clear the main event was back at the docks.

  They arrived at the Home Depot and Jessie was happy to see two flatbed trucks in the lot painted day glow orange with big black letters that read; “Rent me by the hour! Just $19.99.” The front windows of the store were intact.

  “Back it right up to the window next to the front door.” Jessie said.

  At ten feet away Jessie told him to stop. Jessie raised his gun and fired two quick shots, one at the top and one at the bottom of the big picture window. The glass chattered and dropped to the ground.

  “Alright, back the ass right into the store.” Jessie said.

  They found the rental truck keys right where they should have been. Jessie tossed a pair to Charlie and the other set to Horrigan.

  “Four hours, back here. We assess and make a decision on a second run. Do not get anything unnecessary at this point. We will have plenty of time for the bullshit after the essentials are a lock. Got it?”

  They all nodded in agreement. The agents went out first. They made it to their truck and turned right towards LL Bean. Jessie really hoped he saw them again. They were useful and appeared loyal to the President.

  “Four hours guys. We meet back here and decide if they are coming back and if we need to go clothes shopping.” Jessie said.

  “Boys, it’s been an honor.” Patrick said and held out his hand.

  Jessie shook it.

  “This is the bottom of the first, big man.” Jessie said smiling. “We have a long way to go.”

  “I know my friend, but I just didn’t want to never get the chance to say that. What we are doing is the most important thing I’ve ever done. It took the end of days for me to get out of my Lay-Z-Boy.”

  They all smiled.

  “Four hours.” Charlie said. “Slightly longer that my first marriage.”

  And with that they were gone, leaving Jessie and Kenny alone in the dark quiet Home Depot. Finally Jessie broke the silence.

  “Want to know plan C?” Jessie asked.

  “Plan C?” Kenny asked.

  “You know as well as I do they could run into anything out there. I’m not saying they aren’t capable, I’m just saying we need to have a safety net.”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “We need to double time the generators and then get over to the gas station. If we can get our shit done in two hours we can double up on the food and be ready to get the clothes after four hours. If everyone comes back on time it’s just more for everyone.”

  “I got you.” Kenny said.

  Jessie pulled two flashlights off an end cap near the registers, found the batteries that went with them and fired them up. He checked out the hanging signs above the rows and found what he was looking for in aisle nineteen. There were three giant crates at floor level with an open display model on the shelf above. It was exactly the one he has scoped out online. Before him sat a Pramac 14000 Watt gas powered portable generator. Lime green with an electric start and a Honda engine. Jessie let out a series of grunts like Tim “The Tool Man” Taylor. Kenny looked at the spec tag.

  “Three hundred pounds each?” he said and whistled.

  “Don’t be a pussy.” Jessie said smiling.

  They found a pallet jack and got all three crates to the jeep. They muscled them up and decided they had room for a few more. It took them the better part of an hour but they got twelve in total. Three stacks of four secured with thick bungee cords. This took up half the cargo area. The rest was reserved for the gas. They piled empty gas cans by the dozen on the Jeep. Jessie surveyed the situation and nodded.

  “We are bringing this load to the boat and we’ll come back for a second gas run. We need way more gas than is going to fit on this trip.”

  They got to the station two blocks down and got the pumps working. Kenny pumped gas all through high school and apparently gas station technology hadn’t changed much. They filled forty of the square five gallon gas tanks and tucked them into every open space the jeep had to offer. The bulk of them were stacked in the bed behind the tower of generators. They were tied down with a spider web of bungee cords. Jessie looked at his watch.

  “Two hours are up. Let’s get this on the boat and get back here.”

  At the boat they unloaded and got the gate up without incident. They were back at the Home Depot to collect more gas cans in an hour. By the end of the fourth hour they had the second load back on the boat and were at the Home Depot with the truck empty, ready to call the audible. To that point there were twelve generators, and one hundred and eleven five gallon gas cans of all shapes and manufactur
ers, five hundred and fifty five gallons in all. According to the specs on the box that was seventeen day’s worth of continuous use gas. Nowhere near enough. If the others showed up and were on track Jessie and Kenny would raid Sears and Lowes for all their gas cans - Home Depot was fresh out - and continue the process.

  At five past the hour Kenny heard the low sound of an engine off to the north. A badly sagging home depot rental truck came chugging along with the back tires all but grinding on the wheel wells.

  “Good God Patrick. Where the hell is Charlie” Jessie said as they pulled alongside.

  “He’s coming. We found another truck, a big box truck. We built walls in that motherfucker. Just like Tetris, except eatable.”

  “Edible?” Jessie corrected

  “Hundred eighty cases of water, thirty Gatorade, ten cases of Coca-Cola and a shitload of Capri Sun pouches. I saw the kiddos liked those.” Patrick said and took a breath. “We got all the dry goods you wanted and a ton of it. We hit BJ’s and the Sam’s club and the super Wal-Mart.”

  A second engine came into earshot. Charlie and his big white truck turned the corner and came to a stop beside the Home Depot rental.

  “We give it five more and then we head for the boat.” Jessie said.

  “I knew those guys were fuckers.” Patrick said.

  “Don’t judge just yet, brother. You were late, right?” Jessie said.

  Five minutes later they were headed back to the boat without the agents. Patrick and Charlie had written them off and wished every horrible thing that ever happened to anybody on them – double. Jessie knew this was a possibility all along, so the blow wasn’t as sharp. The four men offloaded the two trucks quickly and were ready for the second half of the expedition. There were more zombies mulling around the Island Home than when they left, but they were spread out giving the big truck no trouble mowing them down as they drove.

  “We meet back at the Home Depot so we can approach the dock together.” Jessie said.

  They all agreed and split up. Jessie and Kenny took the empty Jeep to get more gas while the brothers went after the clothes and supplies the agents had failed to come back with.

  Two hours later, Jessie and Kenny had managed to find a second truck and enough gas cans between the three stores to hold fifteen hundred more gallons of gas. Kenny also had the smart idea to make sure the trucks were full up as well. Jessie figured they had a sixty day supply of gas if they were to run a generator twenty four seven.

  “You know what’s gonna suck?” Kenny asked.

  “What’s that?” Jessie asked back.

  “We have to unload all this shit a row boat at a time.” Kenny answered.

  “What else will we have to do?” Jessie asked smiling.

  They drove the truck back to the boat, unloaded and made their way back to Home Depot. Jessie looked at his watch.

  “We have an hour. Let’s go get some clothes, sleeping bags and luxury items.” Jessie said.

  “I like the sound of that.” Kenny said.

  Their first stop was Cabela’s. They loaded up ten North Face Solar Flare Mummy Bags, several battery operated two way radios, four Katadyn Expedition Microfilter Water Filters, ten Ice Armor Extreme Weather Snow Suits, ten pairs of winter boots and a mishmash of gloves, scarves and hats. They got similar gear in the children’s sizes and were done. Their second stop was Sears, where they got assorted clothes, socks and underwear while doing a bizarre post-apocalypse version of supermarket sweep. The missing agents had the clothing size list, but Jessie thought he was correct in his selections. They loaded up the Jeep ready to head back to Home Depot. Total time used: forty minutes.

  “Hey, stop. Pull in here.” Jessie said pointing at the Toys R Us on the right.

  “We got time for this?” Kenny asked.

  “I only need ten minutes. We have twenty. I told the rug rats I would bring them something back.” Jessie said.

  Kenny backed the Jeep through the big picture window as he had at Home Depot. Jessie jumped down into the dark store and stood very still to listen. He sensed no movement and relaxed. Kenny stepped down and looked around.

  “What are we looking for?” Kenny asked.

  “You go find some Barbies and dolls for Rebecca. I’ll run to the boy’s section. Back here in five.”

  “Sir, yes sir.” Kenny said snapped of an exaggerated salute and went off to what little Michael called the pink section of the store.

  Jessie moved towards the rear of the store and stopped thinking he heard something move. He pulled his pistol and stood quietly. He heard it again. He fought panic.

  “Kenny.” He bellowed “Look sharp, we may not be alone.”

  No reply from Kenny.

  “Kenny.” He yelled louder. “You hearing me.”

  “Hello?” A small quivering voice said somewhere up ahead.

  Jessie jumped. His heart was pounding in his eyeballs.

  “Hello.” He said in return. “Where are you?”

  “I’m on the bike rack.” Said the voice no louder than a mouse squeak.

  Jessie made his way to the end of the aisle and turned. Sitting ten feet in the air was a boy, maybe six years old. He was sitting on a bike on the top shelf of the display.

  “Stop there mister.” The boy said.

  “I’m not going to hurt you.” Jessie said.

  “I know, but I’ve been peeing and pooping down there, I don’t want you to step in it.” The boy said.

  Jessie looked down and wished he hadn’t.

  “There are monsters in here mister, two of them. I’ve been here since yesterday.

  “Where are your parents?” Jessie asked.

  “They are the monsters.” The boy said quietly.

  Jessie’s heart sank. He looked around unable to see or hear anything.

  “I’m going to yell now, don’t be scared.” Jessie said.

  The boy nodded.

  “Kenny, can you hear me? Get over here.” He yelled.

  He was relieved to hear running footfalls.

  “Where you at?” Kenny asked in the distance.

  “Bike rack in the back corner.” Jessie answered keeping his head on a swivel.

  Kenny turned the corner and stopped.

  “Holy shit, who is this?” he asked.

  “I’m Christopher.” They boy said.

  “Where the hell were you?” Jessie asked.

  “I found a bathroom. Nature called.” Kenny said.

  “We need to get you down from there and we need to get out of here.” Jessie said.

  “What about my mom and dad?” Christopher asked.

  “We can’t help them buddy, but we can help you.” Jessie said.

  “They said someone would find me and help send them to Jesus.” Christopher said.

  “Come on, let’s get you down from there.” Jessie said walked around the mess on the floor and towards the bike rack. “Climb over this way and I will catch you.”

  Christopher made his way to the left over the back tires of three bikes and then towards the front of the rack.

  “Go ahead, I’ve got you.”

  Christopher jumped and Jessie caught the thin boy with ease. Once in Jessie’s arms he squeezed tight around his neck and started to cry. Instinctually Jessie put his hand on the boy’s head.

  “It’s alright pal, I’ve got you. I have two boys of my own that I think you will like playing with.” Jessie said and turned to Kenny. “Go find us some clothes for him. Boys size eight. And watch yourself.”

  Kenny nodded and went off.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up and into some new clothes. Then we can go take a ride on my boat.” Jessie said scanning the area for the boy’s undead parents.

  “You have a boat?” The boy asked.

  “A big one. Wait until you see it.” Jessie said.

  A slight smile came across the boy’s lips.

  “Alright? Let’s go.” He said putting to boy down to walk.

  They headed towards the si
gn that said “restrooms.” and past Kenny in the boy’s department.

  “You alright over there?” Jessie asked.

  “Yup, just need some shoes.” Kenny said. “I’ll be right over.”

  Christopher headed towards the bathrooms while Jessie followed, spinning in slow circles watching for the creatures. A few feet from the bathroom doors, Christopher picked up some speed and pushed open family bathroom door.

  “No Christopher, don’t.”

  That was all Jessie was able to articulate as the male creature came into his view when the door swung open. The boy was between them slightly closer to the creature, frozen in place. Jessie took three lunging strides and grabbed the boy by the collar of his shirt and tossed him backwards, crashing into a display rack. What Jessie didn’t see was that the boy’s bladder had let go at the site of his former father and there was a puddle. Jessie slipped, lost his balance and caught the edge of the door to keep himself from falling flat. The creature had been advancing the entire time and had closed the distance. Jessie tried to pull the door shut, but there was pressure in the mechanism to keep it from closing on little kids. The creature lunged for Jessie’s exposed right forearm and the son of a bitch bit him.

  Chapter 31 – Twice Shy

  Jessie regained his balance and surging with adrenaline pushed the creature back with his left hand. The zombie stumbled backwards into his former wife and they both fell to the ground. Jessie entered the bathroom and let the door close behind him. He clicked the lock and emptied the clip of his pistol into the male’s face. He calmly reloaded and dispatched the female. He fired until the gun locked open. He dropped the gun and backed up until his back hit the wall. He slumped down to a sitting position and looked at his arm unbelieving.

  Jessie’s mind raced, but he felt amazingly calm. He thought of Mauri…Mauri kissing him in the car after their first date… Mauri smiling in a picture on top of the Empire State Building… Mauri saying yes to his marriage proposal on a cold beach on Cape Cod. He smiled as he saw her walking on the beach in her wedding dress and smiling in the backyard holding her third trimester belly. Then his thoughts went to his boys. Michael under the hospital warmer screaming at five minutes old…getting his toes dipped in Cape Cod bay… wrestling with his cat…and then holding his baby brother for the first time. He looked down at the bite on his arm then closed his eyes again. Visions of the boys together in the bath tub covered in bubbles and surrounded by bath toys…Michael holding Shawn’s bottle for him…Michael laughing an evil laugh as Shawn got his first haircut…then crying himself when it was his turn. And lastly he thought of the three of them together on the Cape Cod beach he had proposed to her on so long ago. Mauri running, pretending to do her best, as Michael and then Shawn hurried to catch up. That was only forty-seven days ago.


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