ROMANCE: Bear Naked Seduction (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 1)

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ROMANCE: Bear Naked Seduction (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 1) Page 53

by Audrey Storm

  We rushed back to my apartment, hand in hand the whole way, and as I fumbled for the key I felt her hands exploring my body, reaching around my hips and waist, finding the edge of my top and infiltrating underneath. Arousal flushed through me as I felt her skin against mine, and I twisted my head so that she could kiss me as I inserted the key and twisted it.

  We fell through the door.

  “You have a...nice place,” she said, pushing me against the now-closed door and pressing her hips into mine. Our breaths were hot and heavy and we clawed at each other to get our clothes off.

  “It just needs some work, I have only been here a few days remember,” I said, biting back against her kisses, catching her lip in between my teeth. It only seemed to spur her on. She took my hands and pinned me against the wall. Her hair was all over me as she kissed my neck and sucked on me like a vampire. I writhed under the strain of pleasure as all my fantasies were coming through. The new sensations were almost unbearable and I didn't know how I was going to cope with them. My heart was thundering out of my chest and my body was screaming in ecstasy. Goosebumps rippled over my skin as Ivy's breath and saliva dripped down me. She slithered down my body until she was on her knees. Her hands reached up to grope at my breasts, pinching my bullet nipples through my thin top, making my gasp and shudder. If she hadn't been pushing me against the door I would have fallen to me knees.

  Then I felt her undo my jeans and slip them down.

  “Ivy,” I began with a gasping breath, “there's something you should know I...I've never...” I said, not able to admit that I was a virgin.

  “I know what it's like Selina, I know, I was the same when I left,” she said, which was a surprise, “But you're with me now, I've got you,” she added, and then my eyes rolled into the back of my head as I felt her delve in between my thighs and start to pleasure me with her tongue and her fingers. It was more intense than anything I had ever experienced before. First she teased my inner thigh by running her sharp nails down it, getting ever closer to my already-wet pussy. Then, she leaned in and rested her head against me leg so that I could feel her breath against me, inching ever closer. I heard her murmur with satisfaction as she breathed in my scent. Her hands fell down my body and started to stroke my lips, just as I had imagined her doing on all those lonely nights long ago, in another world.

  The pleasure swept through me like wildfire and my mouth hung open. My legs trembled as she dipped a finger inside me and started curling it up and down, getting deeper and deeper inside until she had reached my sweetest spot and a silent scream came out of my mouth. Then another finger followed and an orchestra was crashing inside my head, with the big boom of a drum sounding as her tongue joined the action, sliding and swirling around me, making sweat pour out of my body. In a rare moment where my eyelids were not clamped shut I looked down to see her turquoise hair splayed out all across my thighs. My arms searched the walls for support and found the door handle, which I squeezed until my knuckles went white as I tried to brace myself for the pleasure which surged within.

  Outside I could barely see the stars but there were supernovas in my eyes as orgasmic ecstasy rushed through me. I was caught in all the anguished delights of my dreams and fantasies as Ivy reached deep inside me and pulled out all the remnants of my innocence, casting them aside because I did not need them anymore. My body jerked violently as the orgasm exploded and I gave Ivy everything I had, everything that had been hers from the very beginning. She remained in between my legs for a while after, kissing me softly and stroking my burning thighs before she rose again. I could taste myself on her lips, and it was strangely comforting. We lovingly caressed each other and stripped each other of our remaining clothes. She looked glorious naked. The tattoos curled around her body, making her skin seem alive and shifting. She turned around and beckoned me with one finger to the bed. I followed willingly, and when we were there she threw her arms around me and showered me in kisses.

  “It's funny,” she said as we lay looking out of the window, “we come from the same place but we could never have had this there.”

  “No, we would have just been half-alive,” and as I felt her naked body against mine I knew that I had made the right decision in leaving home, and that I would never regret it.

  I don't know where it's going to end up, but wherever she leads I will follow.



  Teach Me Love

  Teach Me Love

  Chapter 1

  I watched her every day with such adoring glances that I wondered if anyone else knew. Sometimes it seemed so obvious that I was in love with her that I flushed with embarrassment. I heard the students whisper and imagined that they must have been whispering about her and me. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. It was like she had stepped out of one of my dreams and I still remember the day when I first stepped into her class. She teaches English Literature. I once harbored hopes of being a writer until I read more books and realized that I would never come close to the greats. And if I couldn't be the best then what was the point? A few scathing replies from publishers and agents didn't help either. It was a business in which you need a thick skin, and unfortunately I do not have that.

  I did a lot of research and it seemed that a lot of writers went into teaching, so I did the next best thing to that and became a teaching assistant. The first time I ever walked into a lesson, Lucy Mills must have thought that I was an imbecile because I saw her and was stunned. I literally stopped in my tracks, paralyzed by her beauty. She was in her mid-40s, a little under twenty years older than me, but unless you looked closely at creases appearing around her eyes, you'd never know it. She was in great shape... and what a shape. Her body curved down in a sweet hourglass shape that just sent my body into a crazy haze. She had long, dark hair that flowed down her back like a waterfall, and whenever she waltzed around the room it swayed as one being, almost as though it had a mind of its own.

  Lucy had an olive complexion and there was a small mole that sat just above her collarbone. That mole had always entranced me, teased me, mocked me, for it taunted me with things that lay below her top, things that I had always dreamed of seeing. Her dark eyes burned me and her lilting voice was a melody inside my heart. Ordinarily she wore conservative clothes but sometimes in the summer she would wear tight tops. I had to make an extra effort to concentrate in those classes.

  Often she was stern. She was only about five-foot-five in height, but she was one of those people who projected such an aura of authority that they seemed larger than life. She was magnetic and whenever I was around her I found it incredibly difficult to take my eyes off her. So did many of her students.

  I saw the way the hungry young men licked their lips at her in a wolfish manner, imagining themselves tainting her immaculate body with their slobbering kisses and clumsy fondling. It made me angry to think that they even considered themselves worthy of such a goddess. And yet Lucy handled them all with a delicate grace, smiling wryly at their ungainly attempts at flirtation, making it clear that they didn't stand a chance, and not only because she was their teacher.

  I didn't worry about them so much because as far as I knew she had never expressed an interest in men. And that's something that tormented me even more. At least if she was straight then I could console myself with the fact that it was never going to happen but she was a lesbian just like me, and I was forced to gaze longingly at her, knowing that f we had met at another time in our lives things may have been different. I could have been the one sliding into bed with her at night. I could have been the one sitting opposite her at the dinner table, watching her lips press together as she ate, siding my foot up her slender calf, feeling the simmering attraction between us boil over as we give in to our lustful needs.

  Some of the girls in her classes looked at her the same way I did. All fresh-faced with their perky breasts and innocent wide eyes. In a way I pitied them because we were a part of the same club, the lone
ly hearts that had had the misfortune of encountering the most beautiful, the most intoxicating woman in the world.

  Chapter 2

  You may be wondering why none of us stand any chance with Lucy, well, that's because on her finger sits a gold band. She's been married (happily, as far as I know) for about six years now. I've met her wife a few times, a pleasant lady named Wendy, and I was struck by how plain-looking she was. I know that sounds incredibly bitchy of me, and it's probably just my own jealousy talking, but she just seemed so... undeserving of Lucy. What had she done to win Lucy's heart? II asked Lucy that once and all she had said to me was that Wendy had been there for her when she needed her.

  She made falling in love sound so simple but it's the hardest thing I've ever had to do. It's painful and torturous. Every day I feel like my heart is going to rip open and all the sadness is going to pour out and flood the world, sending it into years of darkness. Some nights I lay in bed and look out at the stars and feel the melancholy consume me. I stretch out across the empty sheets and close my eyes, imagining so hard that Lucy is in the same bed as me that I can almost feel my skin brush hers. But then I'm reminded that it's all make-believe and the illusion is dispelled. I sigh as I look around at the shadows that surround me and my body is wounded by the agonies of loneliness.

  On those nights I curled up into a ball, wishing that I would disappear from existence because the pain of not being able to have what I wanted was just too much. Lucy plagued my thoughts. My mind raced with fantasies of us running away together. I thought endlessly off what it would be like to be scorched by a kiss from her, or even just to feel her warm embrace. Sometimes in class our hands would brush and I would feel a spark of electricity. Did she feel it too? Surely she must have... and there was often playfulness in her eyes. But she was married and she was too good of a woman to transgress against the promise that she made.

  I didn't blame her either, because my love for her was of my own doing, and she wasn't malicious in any way. I imagine she was the type of woman that was used to people loving her, and she merely saw it as a natural way of life. There are people who love, and there are people who are loved. The sad thing is that most love in the world is unrequited, an impossibility dreamed by people who should know better and yet are powerless to struggle against the forces tearing them apart.

  I have tried to forget Lucy and push her to the back of my mind, but it seems to be a futile endeavor. Lovers came and went. I tried to kindle a flame similar to the one that burned in my heart for Lucy, but they all just fizzled out. I even entered into a torrid affair with a student that led to a very disapproving lecture from Lucy. I almost lost my job because of it but Lucy stepped in to save me. Losing my job wasn't the worst part, it was the look on Lucy's face when she realized what I had done. I don't even know what possessed me to do it in the first place. I could see the way Mandy was looking at Lucy, the way she always went up to her after class and stood next to her, pushing her breasts together and letting her blonde hair fall over her face, always asking to see Lucy in her office. I burned inside and I knew that Mandy knew it. So I seduced her first, making sure that she wouldn't get into Lucy's bed. It was stupid and immature and the sex was angry, and it probably pushed me further away from Lucy but I was a wreck.

  Sadly it only proved to me how empty and hopeless my life was. I tried not to compare everyone to Lucy but it was difficult because the feelings were raw inside me, and I didn't want to enter into a relationship where I felt like I was deceiving the other woman. I always felt strongly that the person you are with should be the person you want above all others, and with Lucy on the scene it was always going to be her, such was my misfortune.

  So I decided to do my job to the best of my ability and hope that one day someone would come into my life who would rival my affection for Lucy, else I knew that I would be alone forever.

  Chapter 3

  “Right then, for next class I want a discussion about whether Odysseus is an admirable character or not. Think about the different cultural attitudes between then and now, think about everything he does in the book and decide whether you think his actions were heroic. Think about what being heroic means. I just want your opinions about it and I hope that it will provoke an interesting discussion. Cecilia will e-mail you some links to further reading about the character of Odysseus but I only want you to use them as jumping-off points. I want to hear your opinions next week because if you want to be writers then you're going to have to put forward your own arguments and your own feelings. The best writing is that which is borne from truth, so don't just regurgitate something you've read. I'm hoping to hear some good arguments so don't let me down!” Lucy said as she dismissed the class. Loud chatter sprang up as the students descended down the stairs and made their way out of the auditorium. I gathered up my notes and watched with narrowed eyes as the men checked out Lucy's ass. She stretched her limbs to wipe away the notes she had made on the whiteboard, and I wanted to fling myself at them and tell them to move along. How dare they ogle her like that, as though she were just a piece of meat for them to salivate over?

  It sickened me. A few other students went up to her and I couldn't hear what they said but I was always there, watching. Eventually they all left and it was just her and me in the room. My favorite part of the day.

  “What is it with you and The Odyssey anyway?” I asked as I helped her pack up her things on the desk. When I was near her I breathed in her sweet perfume and took a moment to let the scent linger around me, ad I felt like I had been transported from the lecture hall to an orchard where the sun was shining and I was standing in the middle of it, surrounded by happiness and sunshine.

  “It's the most perfect book ever written. You know, when I studied it myself I read it about four or five times over the course of that year and I never grew tired of it. It was the first book where I really examined the text and swam among the words, almost like I was inside the book and I could look around and see all the different meanings and symbolism. It opened my eyes to what literature can be and aside from that it's just a great story. It has everything in it,” she said. She spoke with awe and reverence, and I loved seeing her like that because her eyes glowed with passion and she had the beauty of an ethereal being.

  “It doesn't have giant robots,” I said. She narrowed her eyes at me and pressed her lips together.

  “You are your giant robots. One day you're going to have to show me one of these movies you rave about so I can understand what you're coming from because I just don't see the appeal.”

  “I'll be more than happy to show you the wonders,” I said, loving the thought of us sitting on a couch together under a blanket, feeding each other popcorn, cuddling up as the movie flickers in the dark room, our bodies pressed together, the faint feeling of aroused sweat in the air, our hands moving closer together under the blanket, daring to go to forbidden places and then we'd look at each other and it would all explode before my eyes.

  “We'll have to pencil that in then. I have to admit I've never really been interested in the big Hollywood blockbusters. Perhaps it's something to do with my generation.” She spoke as though she was so much older than me and I suppose she was, but whenever I was with her and I never felt the age difference. She was simply Lucy, beautiful and perfect.

  “A lot of them are mindless entertainment but some of them can be fun. Luckily you have me to guide you through the best and worst of them.”

  “And I couldn't ask for a better guide,” she said, placing a hand on my shoulder and squeezing it slightly. Oh if she only knew how much anguish that simple gesture caused me she would surely withdraw her hand...and yet I would not want her to for even the slightest touch was worth all the torturous agony.

  “These are the links that I'd like you to e-mail out to everybody,” she said, handing me a piece of paper, “and if you could just remind them in the e-mail that I'm expecting them to come up with some original thoughts that would be great. Did you get a cha
nce to look over the notes for the next lecture?”

  “Yeah, I'm almost done typing them up I just have a bit to finish off. What do you think about Odysseus, is he a hero or not?”

  “Well, that would be spoiling the next lecture, wouldn't it?” she said, teasing me, always teasing me. I wondered if this was what it was like in her home, whether she teased Wendy in the same way and they talked about literature and movies in a flowing conversation that felt as though it could go anywhere and could never end.

  “You're always so mean to me,” I teased back.

  She let her mouth hang open, pretending to be offended. “I'm the nicest boss you'll ever have!”

  Unfortunately I had no witty retort for she always caused a haze to descend upon my mind, making it cloudy and foggy so that I couldn't think straight. In some ways I wasn't sure whether she had ever actually seen the true me because I never felt completely relaxed around her. I smiled at her coyly and soon enough we were done packing up. My least favorite time of day, for this was when she went back to her office and I was left to work on the notes and other things until I would see her at the next class.

  “You know,” I blurted out just as she was stepping out of the door, “if you're not doing anything tonight feel free to come round and watch one of those movies. I could use the company, it's sad to admit but I don't have much going on in my evenings anymore.”

  Lucy smiled at me but then it fell from her face. “That's really sweet of you Cecilia but I have plans with Wendy tonight, maybe some other time?”

  “Yeah, sure, some other time sounds good,” I said, managing to keep my voice steady even though it felt like my heart had been ripped from its chest. I inhaled deeply as Lucy left the room. But there had been a strange expression on her face when she had mentioned her wife. Was I just imagining it or had her face really flickered? I didn't know, but it played on my mind for the rest of the day.


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