Jezebel's Destiny

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Jezebel's Destiny Page 3

by D. R. Rosier

  Sandy arched her back and reached down to grab the Arch roughly by the hair.

  “Keep licking, don’t you dare stop,” the breathless order and demand fell from her lips as she flooded Patricia’s face with her warm honey.

  She felt Patricia eagerly follow her order as she was licked through and down from her ecstasy.

  Sandy pushed the Arch down onto the floor flat on her back and sat on her face, her bubbled ass making it hard for the Angel to breathe.

  “That was a good Arch, I suppose you earned this then.”

  She reached down and played with the Arch’s breasts and nipples. Then she let loose on the Angel with all the sexual magical techniques she had experimented with and perfected on Jezebel. She felt Patricia arch her back as she started to orgasm uncontrollably. Patricia’s body was shaking and trembling beneath her. Sandy pulled back for a brief moment, enjoying the muffled screams of ecstasy against her dark star.

  She mercilessly brought the Arch from trembling orgasm to orgasm denying the Angel’s breathless begging for her to stop. As she watched this Angel’s beautiful body rise in orgasm again and again. She felt pleasure in her now quivering center with Patricia’s screams and moving face she started to climb back to her own peak as well.

  She panted and ground her ass down against Trisha’s tongue when the Arch started licking her dark star through her incoherent thoughts. Patricia’s thoughts scrambled by the rapture of Sandy’s making. She reached down to circle her own clit with her fingertips, the need to come unbearable.

  Her core gushed and dripped down onto Patricia’s neck, some also running down to her sphincter in rivulets where it was licked off in greedy slurping licks by Patricia.

  When Sandy let up on her hands and magic, the Angel was a puddle of goo twitching and trembling with over stimulation, unable to move at all. When she came down from her own powerful orgasm she lifted the Angel up and laid her down on the nearby bed. Holding her and cooing at her until she came down from the experience.

  Sandy grinned in anticipation as she kissed the Angel’s lips softly. She still continued to take the dominant part of this intense coupling, but it was much more subtle guidance now. The Arch simply following her lead, as they both started to explore each other’s bodies, each slowly rising back toward mutual rapture…


  Jezebel noticed the Arch’s awkwardness as she reclaimed her authority when they got back together to go over the result of the voting. She knew that the awkwardness the Angel was feeling would fade as Patricia gained in experience. The power swap between her and Rose in the bedroom would become both a smooth transition and a highly anticipated one.

  “So what is the word?” Jezebel asked as she watched Rose go through the emails.

  “Good and Bad,” Rose reported to them both, “Both of you are now council members, not a surprise since Trisha is a well known dissident of the home plane policies. It doesn’t hurt you gave the orders and are a symbol of hope for some. But the third… Gregor from Europe, it looks like all the trouble makers got together and elected him in.

  “You’ll need to watch your backs, I am sure he will attempt something, thought I am not sure what.”


  Jezebel and Sandy enjoyed themselves for the rest of their vacation. She figured as Arch and now council member it would probably be the last one for a while. She and Sandy had talked with Daniel and Natalie and they were hopeful but determined to be vigilant where her safety was concerned.

  She actually felt a pang of sadness at leaving the island, she would see her new friends again soon in NY for the first meeting, but she would miss the laid back and smiling stoner Angels and the beautiful weather a lot. Not to mention Bobby, she and Sandy had spent some more time with the very well endowed demon over the last few days.

  The answers from the other races had come in. The Elves had said no, they had no interest in governing their people who could come or go at a whim, nor were they interested in picking a side since the Angels in the other dimension let them do that as well without interference. In short it didn’t affect them so they didn’t care.

  The Weres had reluctantly joined, they were not very trusting but Amy had agreed to come simply because it was her asking. Apparently she had made a good impression. To her surprise it was Tony that would be there for the Demons. Mostly because it was being held in his home town, and he was old and respected.

  It was more an informal keeping abreast of things, as he had no real authority over other demons. Apparently the thought of the purges ending had them excited enough to semi-organize. We had not heard back from the Witches yet, but there was still plenty of time before the first meeting.

  Apparently they had missed her and Sandy because there was no limo at the airport for them when the plane landed. Daniel and Natalie had come for them personally and greeted them with hard kisses. They had decided to take the flight back so they weren’t flagged in any databases of the human world. Sandy could transport them both ways next time they went to visit, even if it was for just an afternoon quickie.

  She almost giggled at the thought of violating space time for a booty call. She deepened her kiss with Daniel savoring the feel of his lips and his arms around her. His scent familiar and loved surrounded her. She sighed into his mouth contentedly. From the tender way she could see Sandy and Natalie kissing she saw that it wasn’t just her finding strong feelings of love with another.

  She did not feel jealous however, just happy for both her love and for her friend. She wasn’t sure what the rules for their relationship were anymore, except of course she would rather die before causing Sandy any pain. That seemed to be the only criteria to guide her actions, and perhaps that is the only thing that mattered.

  Daniel drove and Natalie turned around to face them from the front seat.

  Natalie said, “Wow, so a lot going on. Most of the Arches against the change are still dealing if only for now. If you ask me they are plotting right now, too smart to make any sudden moves. A long lifespan tends to lead to patience and long term thinking. There is one major problem though, an Arch in Russia, Stefan, is moving to take over part of the human military there. He is mostly using bribes and blackmail but there have been reports of a poisoning already.

  “His second was also reported killed in a suspicious way. Trisha told us he was part of her network. If I had to guess I would say he isn’t against breaking off from our dimension at all. He just wanted to take advantage of his long stifled desire to rule over the humans in his territory.

  “I know you won’t order him to toe the line, but something needs to be done about him soon regardless. Maybe a phone call? Let him know human autonomy would be discussed at the council meeting, and he might not want to do anything until a decision is reached by the new government?”

  She nodded slowly in thought. “Good idea, I can always go kick him in the nuts later. Plus, on the off chance the vote goes his way on the human issue I could find myself in a sticky situation. Although I really doubt the council will vote to take over the world. That seems… Crazy. Right?”

  Jezebel knew she was a bit naïve at times, she was hoping this wasn’t one of them. They discussed lighter issues, such as what they could do to improve the Angel’s daily life. She went on to Daniel and Natalie about how much happier and relaxed the Angels were where they went. Not to mention the almost brotherly attitude they had toward the Demon population there.

  She smiled when Sandy volunteered to make a bunch of those rings. They were easy to make from just about anything with her ability at transmutation, and could be shared. Although only with the same sex as the spells were different for male and female. She wouldn’t need to make one for every Angel in North America. Jezebel smiled when Sandy said she could make a shit ton at one time if her and Daniel did their thing and fed her all the power.

  They were still discussing it when they arrived to their second home at the mansion. The
y still considered their apartment home but were spending more time here as well. They had just finished unpacking in the master bedroom when a servant showed up and said someone was here to see them. They went down stairs to Cat’s brilliant and cheeky smile.


  Sandy thought it was good to see Cat. She hadn’t spent much time with her lately. She was always so generous with her knowledge which Sandy knew was rare for a Witch. They normally jealously guarded their secrets to all but family. Plus she was just fun to be around, constantly irreverent and never taking anything seriously.

  Cat said, “How’s my favorite baby Witch?”

  She grinned and said, “Great, how was the trip? Old bones feel ok?”

  She giggled at the absurd statement. Cat actually looked younger than her, her body renewed.

  Cat replied cheekily, “Oh, I wouldn’t have missed this trip. I can’t wait to see your face when you find out why I am here.”

  Sandy frowned. What could she be here for? Is she going to be the representative for the Witches? That would be awesome, at least the meetings would be less dull she thought. They all moved to the lounge and got some drinks.

  Cat said, “I am here to inform you of the Witch’s choice of a representative. Most of us are insular and have no need to join the wider community so it was hard to narrow it down to the right person. She also needed to be ambitious enough to make a difference, yet not want to poke our nose where it doesn’t belong, or bind us to a decision in a self serving manner.”

  Sandy’s stomach dropped when Cat looked at her meaningfully and almost cackled out, “Congrats councilwoman, do us proud!”

  Evil woman, she was enjoying Sandy’s discomfort, knowing she wouldn’t want to do this or have this responsibility. She noticed Jezebel looking over to her, offering comfort in her eyes. She too didn’t want the responsibility, but also had no choice. Her sense of justice boxed her in and gave her no room to decline.

  Sandy sighed. “You didn’t have to enjoy it so much you know. You know I don’t want this.”

  Cat smiled softly, compassion touching her eyes, mixing in with the mirth. She said, “I know child, but that’s why we all know you will do a good job. That’s what you get for missing the vote you know, no one wants that responsibility. Witches aren’t prone to it. Our ambitions are mostly aimed at self improvement and the development of our magic. Political power just pales beside that.

  “On another note, those rings you are making are exquisite, the power subtle and intricate. I am very proud of you. Have you figured out the other lie yet? Although it is partial truth, some Witches lack the power and understanding to accomplish it. No… I can see by your expression you have not, yet you are staring at the evidence right now. I am sure you will figure it out someday.”

  Sandy looked at Jezebel and she had no clue either, what was Cat talking about? They talked of inconsequential things for a while and just enjoyed Cat’s company. Sandy put the thought of what she was missing out of her mind. She knew she would grasp it if she let it sit in her mind long enough. Chasing it round in circles in her mind wouldn’t help at all. She couldn’t even think of anything else Cat had told her was impossible after that first time with the lightning.

  Cat stayed for dinner and left shortly after, claiming it was time for an old woman to find her bed. Natalie was teasing her, kept calling her councilwoman. She couldn’t wait to get the Angel in bed and torture her with her own version of teasing. She giggled when she pinched Natalie’s ass from across the room with her power giving the Angel both a worried and hungry look on her face.

  Sandy had noticed Jezebel’s thoughts earlier about her loving Natalie and the lack of structure they had. She wondered if instead of keeping two separate relationships each they should just merge them instead.

  This required more thought before mentioning the possibility but she already knew she liked Daniel a lot as a friend, and he was very attractive. She also knew that Jezebel thought Natalie was great. She was positive Natalie liked both Daniel and Jezebel, though not as strongly as she liked her. But that was likely the added intimacy they had.

  The only thing she was clueless about was how Daniel felt about her, or even Natalie.

  Hmm, two Angels, a half Demon and a Witch in a polyamory relationship, she thought it sounded good to her. Of course it would still be complicated, when you add in Gina, Bobby, Trisha and Rose as casual relationships. Her head was starting to hurt. They felt more like close friends. But what would Jezebel’s inner succubus feel? Whatever happened, Jezebel’s inner succubus needed to stay happy, otherwise it would all fall apart no matter what they did.

  She knew there would be more in their future as well, more like Gina that they took and ravished together, releasing their sexual proclivities. She knew Jezebel loved doing that, it made her succubus purr inside and was her affirmation that being a Demon was beneficial to those she interacted with. Being honest with herself she liked it as well. Her sexual inclinations had definitely expanded with Jezebel’s influence and the love they shared.

  Gina was just casual thing for them but she knew even she would be disappointed if she didn’t get to sleep with the hot little slut again in the future. That girl had opened up nicely to them and was a blast to have in their bed. Bobby, Rose and Trisha too.

  It was complicated, but she too knew one thing for sure, she would rather die before she ever hurt Jezebel.

  She would check with Jezebel tomorrow on this, right now they had been gone for a week and needed to take their Angels to bed. Having a quick idea she walked over to Natalie her body swaying slightly and kissed Natalie hard before taking her hand and leaving the room.

  She smiled as that had worked to get a read on Daniel. She had felt his lust for both of them through her connection to Jezebel. He was definitely interested in them sexually. Now she just needed to know if he could love them, which of course would be the more important of the two for the relationship she had in mind.

  Satisfied with leaving it for tomorrow she set her focus on Natalie. She loved the submissive little Angel, admitting that to herself felt good. No magic tonight she thought… Or, at least not magic of a Witch’s kind…


  Jezebel had noticed Sandy’s little exhibitionist kiss and knew Sandy was up to something, but figured she would find out later, right now she was busy. Her lingering kiss deepened as she ground herself against his large bulge. Dry humping his manhood through their clothing was stimulating her clit. She gasped into his mouth. His body felt like it belonged against hers causing her to tingle all over in pleasure.

  When Sandy left the room with Natalie in tow she had not waited but had climbed up into Daniel’s lap and straddled him. She was deliberately teasing him, trying to draw out his dominant male instincts. He wasn’t exactly repressed. He held them back most of the time because of his respect for her and the position she held as Arch. She kept grinding against his middle working him up, she felt him grunt into her mouth and felt the anticipation of what she knew was coming.

  This was special to her, he loved her as she loved him and she wanted to submit to him. More than the sexual submission that her succubus influence caused her to enjoy, she enjoyed any amount of control or loss because of her Demon side. But this is more, the Angel, the woman in her wanted to submit to the man she loved. She of course was using her best tool to accomplish that, her love and the intimacy of sex. In the rest of her life she was in charge of him as her second but here and now she was his.

  She felt him groan as his lust grew and that was it, his patience had run out with this dry fucking thing she was doing to him. She smiled as he lifted her off him and bent her over the arm of the couch. He was gentle with her, not rough, but his hands were full of strength she couldn’t deny, and his body language left no doubt who was in charge here now.

  He didn’t even bother getting fully undressed, simply pushed his pants down, pulled her skirt up and grun
ted as he saw her beautiful uncovered molten core. She arched her back in anticipation, a submissive invitation as her ass stuck up in the air. Her body open for him to claim and plunder with his tool.

  She mewled in need and tried to push back with her body when she felt his bulbous head against her dripping heat, but she was firmly held against the couch by his hand on her back and couldn’t move.

  She knew he was the one in control here and she begged, “Please, take me, I need you in me.”

  She felt him run his cock up and down her swollen moist lips, teasing her entrance. Her whole body ached for his entrance and just before she begged him again the tip spread her welcoming silken folds and slipped inside her honey pot drawing a soft breath of pleasure and relief from her lips.

  She moaned and her body arched in need as he still held her firmly against the couch. The feel of his manhood slowly sinking into her was ecstasy and her body started trembling as he slowly but firmly claimed her sex. He set a slow pace. Her core was caressing his manhood with warm wet friction as he claimed her over and over. As her peak was approaching her body once again tried to push back but then slowly relaxed in submission as he kept her pinned in place.

  She felt him explore the sensitive parts of her within his reach. She gasped loudly in pleasure as he sped up a bit. Her face and breasts started to rub the couch cushion with faster and harder friction. Her sensitive breasts arcing shots of pleasure to her center each time he pushed into her and ground her nipples against the leather.

  Her core erupted in fire and her body locked up as she entered her rapture. Her gasp cut short as her lungs froze, her hot wet walls contracting around his manhood. She felt his lust peak as he swelled within her quivering body and filled her with his warm seed. Their bodies locked together and froze for a time in rapture with him buried deep within her warm depths.


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