Sex Zombies

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Sex Zombies Page 17

by S. Wolf

  “Smart ass.”

  Josh fished into the pocket of his pants, and pulled out a set of keys. “Your chariot awaits my dear.”

  “One minute,” she said, and went into the living room.

  “What’s up?” he asked, following her.

  “I want to print something out first. You’ll see.”

  She sat down at the computer hutch, brought up a word processor, and began typing. He saw what she was writing and smiled.

  “How do you think Trax is spelled? With and ‘x’ or a ‘cks’?”

  Josh shrugged. “With an ‘x’ would be cooler.”

  “X it is then.” She resumed typing. “How is Billy’s last name spelled?”


  She typed some more and hit print. The printer spat out a piece of paper and she took it and handed it to him.

  “Sign it,” she said.

  After he was done, she folded it in thirds and stuffed it in an envelope, sealing it.

  “I’m ready,” she said.

  “Let’s take our clothes with us,” Josh said, “I don’t want to wear this any longer than I have too.

  They picked up their clothes and the guns and headed outside. The jeep was sitting right in front of the house.

  “What if they wake up?” Emma asked.

  “We’ll have a little bit of time because the phones are out. Plus, I don’t think they’re going to be too eager to explain what they were doing when their clothes and jeep were stolen.”

  Emma grinned. “Good point.”

  They climbed in the jeep and Josh started it. “Next stop, Prichard Auditorium.” He pulled away from the curb and yanked the jeep into a u-turn.

  Chapter 30

  Prichard Auditorium sat three blocks off the main street, and as Josh made the turn he could feel the nervousness churning in his stomach. He felt the same way before he pitched in a game, but at least he had practiced for that. With this, he was going in cold.

  Emma must have sensed his nervousness, because she put her hand on his knee and said, “It’ll be ok Josh. My brother is in the Marines, and I’ve hung around with his friends. All you have to do is put up a good front and they’ll accept your authority. That’s what they’re trained to do. But if you show indecisiveness, they’ll know something is wrong.”

  He looked at her with admiration. She was exactly what he needed right now. A glimmer caught his eye.

  “Hey, are you supposed to be wearing earrings?” he asked.

  “Shit, you’re right!” she said, and hurriedly removed them as they pulled into the parking lot. “Good catch.”

  Army personnel and vehicles surrounded the building, and it was a beehive of activity.

  “What if the General is here?”

  “Josh, stop thinking too much. Just do it.”

  He pulled the jeep up to the front of the building, and they both got out, walking up to the guards at the front door. He had to fight the desire to bolt, but Emma seemed calm.

  The guards snapped off a quick salute, and the two teens did their best to match it.

  “What’s going on privates?” the larger of the two guards asked.

  “We have orders from General Trax,” Emma replied, her voice clipped.

  “What are they?”

  She pulled the envelope from her breast pocket and handed it to him. “I don’t know. I was under orders to keep them sealed until I gave them to you.”

  The guard ripped open the envelope and unfolded the letter. He scanned it quickly and said, “Do you know why the General wants these detainees?”

  “No sir.”

  “One moment.” The guard disappeared inside for a minute, and came back with an even larger man with a few more stripes on his shoulder. The tag on his shirt read, ‘Col. Cengia.’ He saluted and Emma and Josh reciprocated.

  “Why the hell does Trax want these people?” the Colonel asked.

  “I have no idea sir.” Emma was cool.

  “I don’t have time for this shit. How am I supposed to find these three in all those people we have locked up in there?”

  “It’s a small town sir,” Emma said, “I’m sure everyone knows everyone.”

  Cengia thought about it. “Not a bad idea.” He turned to the guard and handed him the paper. “Sergeant Yankle, go inside and ask around for these people. Bring them out if you find them. But if it takes longer than five minutes, forget it, the General can come down and find his own needle in a haystack.”

  Josh almost volunteered to go help, but decided that would sound suspicious.

  The guard went inside, and the Colonel turned back to them. “It’s Lieutenant Strang who wants them, isn’t it? That sadistic fucker wants to do some more experiments, right?”

  Emma stared at him. “I don’t know sir.”

  Cengia looked her up and down, appraising her. “Good job soldier. I could use more like you. Most of my men would have no problem blabbing my secrets around. I like you. You’re discrete.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “But damn, you look young. How old are you?”

  Emma didn’t even blink. “Twenty-two sir.”

  “I’ll be damned. You look as young as my daughter, and she’s still waiting for some limp dick to invite her to the high school prom.”

  “I get that a lot sir.”

  “I’m sure you do. But don’t take any shit from anyone. As a matter of fact, when this is over you come and see me, and we’ll see if we can get you transferred to my unit. I could use someone like you.”

  “Thank you sir.”

  Cengia turned to Josh. “What’s your problem son? Are you a mute?”

  Josh gulped. “No sir.”

  “I served in the Gulf with a Robert Cuthbert. Any relation?”

  “I don’t believe so sir.”

  “Too bad. He was a good man.”

  The door opened and the guard reappeared, leading Amber and her mother out the door. “Got two of them sir.”

  “Where’s the third?” the Colonel asked.

  Amber and her mom had their hands bound behind their backs, and were looking down. They didn’t recognize Emma and Josh.

  “He’s on his way. A real fucktard, that one. Didn’t want to come so I had Sergeant Danker explain it to him.”

  The Colonel grinned.

  The door opened again, and the biggest man Josh had ever seen pushed Billy through the doorway.

  “Fuck off, monkey,” Billy said. Danker grabbed him by the back of the neck and held him.

  Emma and Josh had to fight back grins.

  “Are these the people on the list?” Cengia asked.

  “As far as we can tell,” Yankle replied, handing the paper back to Emma.

  “Well, if they aren’t, tell the General to come down and kiss my ass,” Cengia said with a laugh. “Put them in the jeep and bind their feet.” He turned to Emma and said, “Some of them are kickers.”

  “Thank you sir.” Emma replied, and Amber lifted her head and stared at her curiously.

  The two guards led the three detainees to the jeep, and Josh and Emma turned to follow them. Cengia’s strong hands on each of their shoulders stopped them.

  “Tell the General not to bother me any more today,” Cengia said, moving closer to them and putting one arm around Josh’s shoulder. “And you Private Darcy, remember my offer.”

  “Yes... sir.” Emma said with a hitch in her voice, and Josh looked over and saw an odd look on her face.

  The Colonel gave them a push toward the jeep.

  As they walked to the vehicle, Josh looked over. “You ok?”


  “What happened?”

  “The old pervert grabbed my ass.”

  Josh looked at her in shock. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah. Now I know why he wants me to transfer to his unit.”

  “His unit huh?”

  “Smart ass.”

  “Are the detainees secured?” Emma asked the guards.

�Yes ma’am.”

  “Thank you.” Emma saluted and Josh followed her lead.

  Amber was looking at Emma curiously again, and suddenly her eyes went wide. She looked between Emma and Josh and her mouth dropped open.

  Billy kicked the back of the seat with his knees. “You fuckers aren’t taking me anywhere!”

  Sergeant Danker gave him a swat on the side of the head. “Calm down boy.”

  Emma and Josh climbed into the jeep. Keeping his eyes forward, he turned the key and put it in gear. His heart was racing, sure their ruse would be discovered, and the soldiers would surround them with guns drawn.

  But the two guards just waved to them as they pulled out of the lot.

  Chapter 31

  “Where are you taking us?” Billy demanded, as they got out on the road.

  “Open your eyes Billy,” Amber said. Josh and Emma grinned.

  Both Billy and her mom stared at Amber.

  “What do you mean?” her mom asked.

  “Look at who has us captive.”

  They both turned and looked. Josh turned around and grinned while tipping his cap.

  “No freaking way!” Billy said, a smile spreading across his face.

  “Josh, is that you?” Mrs. Landon asked, and then she turned and recognized Emma. “And Emma? What are you two doing?”

  “We’re on a rescue mission,” Josh said.

  “Where did you get the uniforms?” she asked, “And the jeep?”

  “Stole them.”

  “And you passed yourself off as Army?” Billy asked.

  “That was all Emma,” Josh said, pointing at the blushing girl. “She was incredible. You should have seen her.”

  Emma smiled. “I was nervous as hell.”

  “It didn’t look like it. You were cool as ice.”

  “Maybe I should be an actress.”

  “And on top of that, you have a new boyfriend.”

  She looked at him curiously.

  “The Colonel back there. He was really fond of you.”

  Emma laughed. “Colonel Strong Hands. I think my ass is bruised.”

  Josh laughed hard.

  “Um, buddy,” Billy said, “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but could you get us out of these restraints?”

  “Sorry about that. Hold on a second.” He pulled off into a park and got his knife from his other pants. He cut Billy’s hands and feet from the plastic pull ties, and did the same for Amber and her mom.

  Mrs. Landon gave Josh and Emma a hug, and Billy offered him his hand. “Thanks for coming after us dude.”

  “You would have done the same for us,” Josh said, taking his friend’s hand.

  “Where can we go?” Amber asked.

  “Your garage,” Josh said. “They missed it once and they won’t look again.”

  “What about the... house guests?” Emma asked.

  “We’ll go in the back way. Who knows, maybe they’re still sleeping and we can return their clothes and jeep.”

  “Wait, back up,” Amber said, “What are you talking about? House guests?”

  Josh grinned. “We’ll tell you all about it, but I have to make a stop first.”

  Five minutes later, Josh stood in Haley’s backyard, staring at the open shed and holding his twisted and broken combination lock. The food he had placed in there with Haley was untouched.

  “What’s this?” Billy asked.

  “Last night, after I left you guys, I came back here and locked Haley in this shed. I guess someone broke her out.”

  “Why?” Amber asked.

  “I figured she was safer in there.

  Emma smiled at him. “You’re so sweet.”

  “I would do the same for you.”

  “Thanks,” Emma replied, “I think.”

  Josh grinned at her.

  On the way back to Amber’s, they passed Private Cuthbert and Private Darcy walking along the road. Amber and her mother turned in their seats and watched the couple as they drove past.

  “Hey,” Amber said, “that woman was wearing my dress.”

  “And the guy was wearing your father’s favorite Hawaiian shirt,” Mrs. Landon added.

  “Um, yeah,” Josh said, “That’s who we stole our army uniforms from.”

  “I think you better explain yourselves,” Mrs. Landon said.

  “Sounds like you’re going to have to wash your sheets mom,” Amber said as Josh and Emma finished their story. They were all back in the garage, after parking the jeep on the adjacent street and walking through the back yards.

  “Or throw them out,” Mrs. Landon replied.

  She turned to Josh and Emma, who sat side by side on the couch. “One thing I’m curious about. While you two were stuck in the closet while they defiled my bed, what were you up to?”

  A blush crept up both of their cheeks. “What do you mean?” Josh asked, stalling for time.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “We couldn’t do anything Aunt Jen,” Emma said with innocent eyes. “If we made even the slightest sound, they would have known we were in there.”

  “Uh huh,” Mrs. Landon replied, staring at her.

  “Yeah, that’s right,” Josh added. He was beginning to realize Emma worked much better under pressure than he did.

  “I got my eye on you two,” Mrs. Landon said, pointing her finger between them. Josh shifted in his seat, inching slightly away from Emma.

  They stayed in the room above the garage all afternoon, and Mrs. Landon was able to put together a simple meal from food left in the refrigerator. After dinner, Josh was sitting by himself in the chair in the corner, lost in thought.

  Emma came over and sat beside him. “You’re thinking about your mom, aren’t you?”

  Josh nodded. “And I’m thinking about what Colonel Cengia said, about that Lieutenant named Strang and his sadistic experiments. What if they’re doing something to my mom? I can’t just leave her with them.”

  “We still have the jeep and the uniforms. Let’s go out and find her.”

  He shook his head. “That wouldn’t be safe. I’m sure it’s been reported by now.”

  “Do you have any idea where they may have taken the sick ones?”

  “For all I know, they’re taking them somewhere and shooting them.”

  She put her arm around his shoulder. “Josh, you can’t think like that. If you want to go find her, I’m right with you, but you have to stay positive.”

  “You should stay here. I don’t think it’s going to be safe.”

  She took his hand and said, “Josh, look at me.”

  He looked into her eyes and saw her earnestness there.

  “We did good together today, right?”

  He nodded.

  “We worked together when we needed each other. When I was frozen in fear up in the bedroom, you reacted quickly and hid us. And when we had to do the Army thing, I helped you, right?”

  “You were fantastic.”

  “We were fantastic. You and I together.”

  He looked around to make sure Mrs. Landon was out of earshot before saying, “Especially when we were together in the closet.”

  She smiled and squeezed his hand. “My favorite part of the day… so far.”

  “So you want to come with me?”

  “Yes. Where are you going?”

  “I figured the hospital would be a likely place. You would think the Army would take them somewhere they could be helped.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “If you’re going, I’m going with you,” Billy said after Josh informed him of his plans to check out the hospital.

  Amber nodded. “Me too.”

  “You don’t have to,” Josh said.

  “You came after us,” Billy reminded him.

  Josh looked at Amber. “What about your mom? Will she let you?”

  “She won’t like it, but you did save her too. I think I can talk her into it.”

  They were about to leave when Mrs. Landon came o
ut of the storage room.

  “I’d like to repeat my displeasure about you all running off again. I wish you would stay here where you’re safe.”

  “Mom,” Amber said.

  Her mother held up a hand. “I know. And I understand why you’re doing it. But if you’re going I want you to take these.” She held up a set of pink Barbie walkie-talkies – toys from Amber’s youth.

  Amber took one and examined at it fondly. “Where’d you find them? I haven’t seen them in years.”

  “I keep a box back there for your old toys. Maybe my grandchildren will get to play with them someday.”

  “Mom, that’s sweet.” Amber gave her mother a hug.

  “And I have one of my own,” Mrs. Landon said, holding up a third unit, “I put in fresh batteries, so check in with me once in a while, ok?”

  “I promise I will.”

  Chapter 32

  The hospital was on the other side of town, and the quartet moved slowly through the backyards. They saw a few patrols of soldiers driving around in Jeeps and Humvees, but easily avoided them.

  When they got to the hospital, they hid behind a stand of evergreens and could see both the main and emergency entrances were guarded by sets of guards.

  “Looks like you guessed correctly,” Billy said, “there’s something going on here.”

  “We need to get inside,” Josh said.

  “Anyone have any ideas on how to do that?” Billy asked.

  Everyone was silent in thought.

  Finally, Josh said, “I could pretend like I was sick, and you all could take me in.”

  “I don’t think that’ll work,” Amber said, “They’ll just take us back to the auditorium.”

  An Army truck pulled up to the emergency entrance and two soldiers got out. They opened the back and pulled out a half-naked couple whose hands and feet were bound. The man’s cock was sticking straight out of his open zipper, and the woman was topless.

  “Zombies!” Amber whispered.

  The soldiers cut the bindings around their feet and led them through the large emergency entrance. The zombies went without too much of a fight. After a minute, the soldiers returned to their truck and drove away.


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