Falling Completely (Starling Falls #1)

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Falling Completely (Starling Falls #1) Page 15

by Aidan Willows

  “What time is it?” I asked reaching a hand out to play with her amazing tits.

  “It’s 9.” She reached behind her to get a hair tie and pulled her wavy locks up into a messy bun.

  “I forgot I got to go to my aunt’s soon, babe. We try to have breakfast together every Sunday. Can I get a rain check on making you those pancakes and you come with me for breakfast instead?”

  She bent over me and pressed a kiss to my lips, “No can do handsome. Laurie asked for the day off, so I’m helping out at the bakery today, but I’m holding you to the pancakes. I need to shower.” she said as she swung her legs out of bed and looked at me over her shoulder. “Want to help?”

  I growled, rolled over to her and pulled her up into my arms, relishing her squeals. “Which way to the bathroom?”


  The complacent grin on my face as I strode into my aunt’s kitchen late for breakfast was probably the only clue my family needed to know how my night had played out.

  “Well, well, well. Look who’s doing the walk of shame.” Josh said through a mouthful of waffles.

  I poured myself a cup of coffee as I sat down at the table. “Walk of shame? Really, Josh?”

  Addie was nursing a cup of coffee, looking severely irked. “At least Caleb’s bed buddy has an I.Q. greater than that of a cocker spaniel, Josh. I approve of Liya completely. However, I am still pissed at you about last night, dickhead.” she said turning to me. “You turning up was not okay. I had a plan which involved leaving with someone tall, dark and handsome and spending all night not sleeping. Do you know how hard it is for me to get laid with all of you assholes constantly around? A girl has needs too you know.”

  All the males around the table heaved in disgust, and began protesting all at once.

  “Princess, what the fuck?”

  “Seriously, Adelaide, that’s not an image I needed first thing in the morning.”

  “Not cool sis. Not cool.”

  “Peanut, I think my breakfast just came back up again.”

  Aunt Debbie howled in laughter and rocked back in her chair, as Addie just shrugged and spread a thick layer of strawberry jam on half a biscuit. “I speak the truth.”

  “No more speaking from you for the rest of breakfast.” I said as I shook my head trying to get Addie’s words out of my memory. “I would say I’m sorry for crashing… but I’m not.” I grinned and took a couple of warm biscuits from the large plate, split them in half and slathered them in sausage gravy.

  “Yeah I bet you’re not” Josh smirked “How is the lovely lady who holds your affections this fine morning? Thoroughly dishevelled, I’m assuming. When do I get to meet her?”

  I sent him a glare “We are not talking about this, so shut up” and carried on eating. Josh opened his mouth again, but was interrupted by Aunt Deb.

  “Stop it Joshua, behave yourself. I’m assuming you spent the night at Liya’s, honey. Why didn’t you invite her over for breakfast?” Aunt Debbie asked curiously.

  “I did.” I said “She had to go help at the bakery.”

  “Well. Are you together now?” Aunt Debbie asked eagerly. I paused before answering.

  Dumbass. You really want to try to explain you and Liya being fuck buddies to your Aunt?

  “Aunt Deb… It’s complicated. Let’s just say I’m working on it, and leave it at that. Please.” I told her gently trying to overlook her slightly crestfallen expression.

  “Okay then honey.” She said but the scheming glint in her eyes made me apprehensive.

  Next time just keep you stupid mouth shut, idiot.


  “Good morning. I assumed after last night I wouldn’t be seeing you til much, much later… Angel…” Niki teased as I walked around the counter to pull on an apron.

  Super. My baby sister heard me last night. That’s not disturbing at all…

  “Do you really want to start mocking me before I’ve had caffeine?” I asked her venomously, walking over to the coffeepots.

  “Cor blimey that seems like trouble luvvie.” Mitchell said in his demented pirate accent, while he finished refilling the croissants in the display. He carried the empty tray back through the kitchen door. “Arr. Ya might end up brown bread, if she ain’t in a good mood.”

  From the kitchen I heard a very off tune rendition of ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ being caterwauled.

  “Oh my God. What is that? What’s happening?” I asked Niki bewildered, wondering if I hadn’t actually woken up properly yet and this was part of some bizarre dream.

  “He got a part in the community theatre production of The Wizard of Oz. He’s the scarecrow. He’s very excited, I think it’s cute.” Niki said indulgently.

  “But. That’s not how the scarecrow talks…” I said bemused.

  “He said he’s trying to add another dimension to the character. Make it so that the viewer wonders more about the scarecrow’s backstory.”

  “So… he’s going to be a cockney pirate scarecrow found in the magical Land of Oz?” I asked my eyes widening. “We are totally going to go see this play. We should also maybe consider getting stoned beforehand to enhance the experience.” I told Niki before taking a big gulp of coffee.

  “Don’t be mean. We are going to go and be supportive of our friend. I already bought a whole load of tickets and we are not going to turn up stoned!” she said with her eyebrows raised.

  “Spoiled sport.” I sighed taking a chocolate croissant from the display and biting into it.

  Niki starred at me. “What?! I’m helping promote the merchandise.” I gestured to a red-haired woman perusing the items behind the display “Hey there miss. Mmmmm. How good does this look? Look at all this gooey chocolatey goodness. Makes you want to buy one to devour, right?” I asked her taking a big bite of the pastry and licking my lips sensually.

  The redhead looked between me and Niki who had her face in the palms of her hands, shaking her head.

  “Oh. Uhm, I don’t know… Maybe? Sure, I guess.” she replied warily, backing away from the counter slowly.

  Sheesh. Relax, lady. I’m not going to attack you with the croissant. What a waste of delicious pastry that would be…

  “See. Live advertising, free of charge. My gift to you.” I said generously, as I finished the croissant.

  “Thanks. You’re a real treasure.” Niki said walking around the counter to clear a recently vacated table.

  “That method of advertising certainly worked for me.” A tall, lean man with blond hair and green eyes, who looked to be in his mid-thirties said.

  “Thanks for helping prove my point. So, what can I get you?” I asked him as I picked up a pair of tongs and an empty box.

  “Well after that display, I think I’ll have two of those chocolate croissants to take away and your number too, if that’s up for offer.”

  I blinked at the man for a second and then burst into laughter “Wow. I have to hand it to you. That was smooth. Croissants I can help you with. But my number is definitely not up for offer.” I put two of the pastries into a box and handed them over to him.

  He handed me a note. “You got a boyfriend?”

  “No. I’m just not interested in giving you my number.” I said as I gave him his change.

  “Hm. You sure? I’m sure we could have a really good time together.” he said leering at me, an eyebrow raised and a suggestive look on his face.

  I stared blankly at him, choosing not to respond. I said no once fella. Take the hint.

  “Ok. I’m assuming that’s a no. Fair enough. Thanks for the croissants. And the show. I’m a frequent customer, just in case you change your mind about the number thing.” he said with a wink and turned to leave the shop. I shuddered lightly.

  Eugh. Major creepy vibes.

  Niki laughed as she came back round the counter “Can’t take you anywhere round here. You’re attracting men like flies to honey.”

  I rolled my eyes “You know what else attract flies. An
y kind of crap. Literally. Flies are not fussy.”

  “Are we talking figuratively or literally now?” Niki asked her head cocked to the side.

  “Both? My coffee hasn’t kicked in yet, leave me alone.”

  “So. How was last night? I have to say, of all your past conquests and boyfriends, I like Caleb the best.”

  “There haven’t been that many conquests and Caleb isn’t my boyfriend. We came to a rather constructive agreement last night.” I sighed contentedly as I poured a second cup of coffee.

  “I don’t understand. Are you just dating for now then?”

  “Nope. Even better. Just fucking.” I grinned.

  “Liya! Keep your voice down. How on earth is that going to work? Won’t it be awkward?” Niki asked curiously, leaning against the counter

  “No reason for it to be. Either one of us has an itch, we go to the other to get it scratched. We hang out as friends when we want to and go about leading our everyday lives. Only we’ll be sexually satisfied. And when I leave there will be no hard feelings. We’re adults that’ve come to a mutual understanding. It will all work out just fine.” I told her in a completely convinced tone.

  Niki looked at me doubtfully “Hm. Famous last words.”

  Chapter 20


  I ended the exhausting 12 hour shift with the evening handover to Janette Taylor, the senior nurse on the ward. “It’s been a mostly quiet day. No major issues. The new patient that came in to have his appendix removed is a hilarious little flirt.”

  Janette Taylor was a tall blonde, single mother in her early thirties with a beauty akin to classic old Hollywood movie actresses. I hadn’t gotten a chance to get to know her properly during my first week at work as we were mainly working opposing shifts, but she seemed like an impressive lady.

  “Great, thanks Liya. Well done on surviving your first week here. Go on get out of here and enjoy your days off.” I smiled at her as I handed over the files with a sigh. “It feels good to be back at work, but I really can’t wait to get into a bathtub with a glass of wine.”

  “Stop it. You’re making me jealous.” Janette said as she made a face, making me laugh, as she opened the top file on the stack.

  I waved to Cindy Jackson the charge nurse on the ward as walked past the patient’s room she was in. Cindy was a plump, pleasant, African-American lady in her fifties and had worked in the hospital for over twenty years. I had also learnt that she was a good friend of Debbie’s. She had been so welcoming and funny; I could see exactly why she and Debbie got along so well and I could tell I would learn a lot from her in the time I would be working at the hospital.

  I walked in to the small locker room, took clothes out of my locker and went to the small bathroom to change. When I came out, I saw Patrick O’Neil a fellow nurse pulling on a shirt.

  “So how was your first week, doll face?” the beautiful red-haired man asked as he stuffed his scrubs into his bag. I had found out that Patrick was the brother of the Caleb’s dickhead paramedic friend Bryan.

  “Tiring and enjoyable.” I sighed and opened my locker to take out my handbag.

  “You’re a great nurse, doll. I’ve enjoyed working with you.” He said throwing an arm around my shoulders as we exited the locker room and headed towards to the lift,

  “Thanks babe, I’ve liked working with you too. But, it’s only been four days. Wait ‘til you actually get to know me and I get a chance to really get on your nerves.” I told him as I pressed the button several times.

  “Oh please. You have no clue what I had to grow up with. I have a super high tolerance for annoying douchebags; I doubt you can be anywhere near as infuriating as my brothers.”

  “I’ve actually met your older brother, remember? And I can agree with you, he does seem like a bit of an arse.”

  Before he could respond the lift arrived and the doors opened. I started to step into the lift, but froze when I saw a familiar face. The blond man with green eyes who had asked for my number in the bakery was stood in the middle of the lift wearing a white doctor’s coat.

  Oh fan-fuckin-tastic.

  “Chocolate croissant girl. We meet again. Must be fate.” creepy blond said with a shit-eating grin.

  “Fate is a load of bullshit. The universe just doesn’t like me.” I said with a resigned sigh, wondering who I must have pissed off in a past life for this situation to be happening right now.

  “Dr Dawson.” Patrick greeted the blond stiffly as he followed me into the lift and stood on my right, so I was sandwiched between both men. “How do you two know each other?” Patrick asked.

  “Oh, We’re old friends, isn’t that right …” creepy blond said looking at me expectantly when I stayed silent. “This is the part where we introduce ourselves properly.” he said in what I assumed was an attempt to be charming.

  I sighed again and turned to him slightly “Maliya Abbott, nurse on the children’s ward.” I said in a flat tone.

  “Dr Timothy Dawson.” He replied holding out a hand that I reluctantly shook. Eugh. More shudders.

  “Charmed, I’m sure.” I replied brusquely, wishing the elevator would hurry the hell up so I could escape.

  “So… we work in the same hospital. I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot of each other, Maliya.” He said with the same leer as got off the lift at the surgery floor.

  “Oh dear God, I hope not.” I told his back as the doors closed.

  “First week and already got an admirer, hmm? You do work fast.” Patrick said with a grin.

  “I actually like you at the moment. This is very rare. Try to not say anything to change that, Red. He came into the bakery my sister runs, I was helping out, he asked for my number, I said no. End of story.”

  The lift dinged as we reached the ground floor. “Did he get the message that it was end of story? Cos from the way he was looking at you, he seemed to think the story was still very much being written.”

  We stepped out and walked towards the back exit of the hospital where the staff car park was.

  “Doctors and their egos. There always seems to be one who thinks the sun shines out of their arse wherever I’ve worked.”

  “And you’ve managed to capture the attention of the local egomaniac. Lucky you.”

  I shivered as the cold breeze swept through the parking lot and I berated myself for forgetting to bring my jacket. “Well, what can I say? Some people just seem to have all the damn luck.”

  Patrick walked me over to my car. I stood on my tiptoes to press a peck to his cheek. “See you on Monday, doll.”

  “See you around, Red.” I got into the car and shut the door, waving to Patrick as I pulled out onto the main road, my mind becoming preoccupied with thoughts of Caleb.

  Clashing shifts had meant that we hadn’t seen each other since I’d started at the hospital. I considered texting him to see what his plans were for the next couple of days. He had mentioned that he had the weekend off as well.

  I definitely have an itch that needs to be scratched.

  It was 8 o’clock by the time I pulled into my driveway and I was beyond exhausted. I was hoping that Niki had gotten dinner started as I searched for my keys amidst all the crap in my bag, when the door flew open and I looked up into Caleb’s intense gaze.

  “Caleb! What’re you doing here, handsome?” I asked so happily, I actually disgusted myself.

  His response was to remove my bag from my shoulder and drop it on the floor as he pulled me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his waist and tilted my head up to allow him access to my mouth. He took the hint and began to kiss me fervently. I wrapped one hand around his neck and pulled myself closer into him as I moaned into his mouth.

  He broke off the kiss, his chest heaving “Damn, Angel. I missed you.”

  “Really? I couldn’t tell.” I pressed myself into his growing erection.

  He growled warningly and nipped at my lips. “I brought take out.”

  Mmm. Yay sex and food. Could this night ge
t any better? “What kind?”

  “Chinese. Mongolian Beef, Kung Pao chicken, pork in garlic sauce, chow mein, fried rice and egg rolls”

  The night had definitely gotten better.

  “You’ll do, Jameson. You’ll do.” I patted him on the chest and walked past him into the house, interlacing our hands and tugging him into the house.

  I walked into our kitchen to see Niki in her pyjamas dumping food in a bowl.

  “Thanks for waiting.” I huffed at her, trying to see how many egg rolls were left and picturing all the ways I would get revenge if she’d eaten them all.


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