THE MATING CLAIM: Werewolves of Montana Book 14

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THE MATING CLAIM: Werewolves of Montana Book 14 Page 21

by Vanak, Bonnie

  “Please,” she gasped.

  Pulling away, he looked down at her with fierce intensity. “Drust. Say my name, Lacey.”

  “Drust, please… I want…”

  He slid a palm down her body, cupped her hip. “I know, sweetheart. I will give it to you.”

  A moan fled her as his tongue flicked delicately over a cresting nipple. Pleasure spilled through her as she arched into his touch. Her fingers curled through his hair. Drust’s tongue circled her hardened nipple. Each flick sent new pleasure spiraling through her. He could do as he wish to her and she would let him. Yet he was slow, deliberate, taking his time to heighten her own pleasure. Emotions rolled through her, along with a growing love she could no longer deny.

  Perhaps they had been tied intimately together in the past. What mattered now was this – both of them here, ready to consummate their feelings in bed.

  She wanted his mouth on her, his body joined to hers.

  Drust pulled away and captured her gaze with his. Reaching between her legs, he slowly stroked, culling more moisture from her aroused body. She cried out as he teased and stroked. The erotic tension mounted, coaxing her higher and higher.

  With a soft cry of his name, she shattered in his arms as orgasm claimed her. He kissed her gently through the shudders, and then drew back on his haunches with a look of pure male satisfaction.

  “Much better than your rabbit vibrator,” he murmured.

  Somehow she managed to lift a finger, crook it at him. “I don’t know. Come here and let’s see for sure.”

  He loomed over her, his big body pressing her into the soft mattress. His erection nudged her slick folds. A sob escaped as she fought for control, to prevent opening her thighs wide and letting him claim her in the flesh.

  “Come to me, Lacey. Open yourself to passion and I will show you incredible pleasure in a night that will never end. You will be mine. Only my lips upon your skin, my body joining with yours. I will never let anyone hurt you, if you but surrender to me.”

  He promised fire skimming along her veins, heat surging between her thighs. Lacey moaned in carnal delight as his warm mouth nuzzled her long, slender neck. Drust would dominate and claim her in the flesh, and the fire, the sweet erotic pleasure, the heat would consume her… lick her naked skin…

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes.”

  Pushing up on his hands, he looked down fiercely. Against her breasts, she felt the silk hairs from his chest rub against her, heard the rapid drumming of his heart.

  Emotions filled her. She hooked her hands around his neck, wrapped her legs around his lean hips.

  “Do it,” she breathed.

  The knob of his penis probed. Lacey held her breath. He was huge and she was virgin, and how could she take him all? Drust gave an experimental push of his hips. Resisting flesh blocked him, but he gave a hard thrust.

  Pressure increased, giving way to a twinge of pain. Pain fled, replaced by healing warmth. His warmth, she realized. He used his wizard powers to rid the pain. Her shuddering flesh closed tightly around him, hugging his shaft as he slid deep inside. She gasped, holding herself still, becoming accustomed to the fullness. The feeling of Drust joined to her.

  Tenderness shaded his eyes as he gazed at her. “Are you all right?”

  Lacey nodded, words escaping her.

  Then he began to move.

  His cock pumped into her, hard and hot. Need pummeled her with greedy fists as she lifted her hips, urging him onward. Drust angled his hips, his body sliding over hers, possessing her fully. She felt drunk with pleasure as the hairs on his thighs rasped against her limbs.

  The delicious torment continued as he stroked deep inside her. Drust kissed his, his tongue swirling in her mouth as his hard cock pumped into her body. Moving with him as one, she arched upward, panting as the sweet pleasure increased.

  Drust ceased kissing her, angled his thrusts. Lacey threw her head back, her mouth gasping. Almost there. Almost.

  Drust fisted his hand in her hair, forcing her to look at him. “My name on your lips, Lacey. Say my name when you come. Let go and open yourself to me.”

  She shook her head wildly back and forth, nearly sobbing with the need. Her body was no longer hers, it sang and hummed. Her back taut as a bowstring, she dug her heels into the mattress.

  Shimmering on the edge of a climax, she opened all her senses. She opened herself, and the tension blasted out of her core, shattering her into a million pieces, something dark and delicious bursting from her. Drust threw his head back, shouted her name as he bucked against her. Warm seed jettisoned into her. He kept pumping inside her until his muscles quivered and he collapsed atop her trembling body.

  Boneless with pleasure, Lacey fell back, gulping down several deep breaths. His lungs bellowing for air, Drust pillowed his head beside her. Their mingled heartbeats gradually slowed until they beat in unison. She listened, wondering if he controlled that.

  Drust lifted his head with a sleepy, adorable look. Sweat dampened his dark hair. “Yes, I matched my heart’s rhythm to yours.”

  The sweat-dampened sheets began to cool. He pushed off her, watched her with a guarded look. The space between her legs felt wonderfully sore, her muscles ached.

  Drust could never be with her always. He was an immortal wizard and had his duties. But as they lay there, tangled in each other’s arms, she could almost believe they were destined to be one forever. That she deserved this happiness, always.


  Even if only in a dream.

  Chapter 17

  The sun was warm, the sky blue and her heart light and happy, for she was determined to live for the moment. Lacey laughed as she went to the beach to collect shells the following afternoon. Wind tickled her cheeks, playfully lifting the hem of her sundress.

  On a beach chair, Drust sat, chin on fist, reading from the mysterious book that hopefully provided answers to the Book of Shadows destruction. He looked adorable, brow wrinkled in concentration, blue swim trunks showing off the muscles of his long, tanned legs. Bare-chested, he was firm all over with muscle.

  All over. She shivered at the memory of exactly how his body had felt against hers.

  She had faith in his diligence to find answers to saving her. For now, she simply wanted to enjoy every moment of her life, while she still had it.

  Last night had been stunning and fiery, followed by a leisurely morning. She could almost forget the Book of Shadows and its destructive power.


  Far too pragmatic, she could not. It hovered, a dark cloud blotting out the sun’s warm rays, overshadowing everything. For now, she pushed it into the back of her mind.

  Yet something Drust had said over breakfast this morning gave her pause as she combed the sands for shells.

  Sandpipers scurried away from her and gulls squawked their annoyance at having their nearly deserted beach disrupted. Ignoring them, she pondered over Drust’s odd words.

  Lacey, did your foster mother ever demonstrate a mother’s love to you? Not to Evie, but to you?

  She’d been unable to answer that question. Even now, as she waded barefoot through the foamy surf, Lacey failed to recall much of her foster mother’s affections. Or even her actions. The more time that passed, the more she focused on her real mother’s love and how her real mother showered her and Evie with everything they’d longed for in a parent.

  Did it really matter, anyway? Living for the moment had taught her to forget the past, and all its pain and sorrow. Regrets were a waste of time.

  Especially when she had little time to waste.

  The sun felt delicious on her bare arms and legs. Suddenly she craved a swim. Maybe Drust would take a break and join her.

  “I’m going back to the house to change into my suit. Care to go swimming with me?”

  He glanced up with a slow smile. “For you, of course.”

  The flare of desire in his blue eyes hinted he wanted more than a swim. Shivering with anticipation,
she went to the house. As she had for the past three days, she used the outdoor shower to rinse sand off her feet and legs.

  Suddenly beneath her, the ground rumbled, much like a bridge shook slightly when a truck roared over it. Frowning, she looked around. Florida never had earthquakes.

  Had a dragon landed nearby?

  But she saw no Others in sight, certainly not any of her people. Lacey looked around. The ground had no cracks, no distortions. The only slight abnormality seemed to be the sandbox, where there was a depression in the sand, as if it were slowly sinking downward. She leaned over, touched it.

  Something stung her hand like an angry bee.

  “Yeow!” Lacey yanked her hand away. Probably fire ants. Now they were common in the area and they liked to build nests in the sand.

  Minutes later, the stinging in her hand subsided and her skin was no longer red. She dressed in the blue one-piece suit, grabbed a towel and returned to the beach, this time wearing blue flip-flops.

  When she returned to the beach, Drust wore his blue swim trunks, showcasing his long, athletic legs roped with hard muscle. Another shiver coursed through her. He was so handsome, and last night…

  The intensity of his gaze left her trembling. She snapped her towel at him and shouted, “Last one in the water is a rotten dragon.”

  Fast as she could, she raced into the surf. He was already floating there, and gave her a smug grin.

  “Cheat. Not far you can dematerialize into the Gulf.” She splashed him.

  “I could not risk being a rotten dragon,” he drawled, arms behind his head as he floated.

  “Well if you’re using your powers, conjure me a raft and I’ll float with you.”

  Next thing she knew, she lay on her back on a wide raft, drifting with the tide. “Nice. Care to conjure me an icy cold rum punch as well?”

  Immediately one was in her hands, even with the little umbrella. She sipped, sighing with delight, and then set it in the drink holder on the raft.

  “You know, you’re pretty handy to have around, wizard.”

  “Of course.”

  “Did you get the recipe from the internet?”

  “No, I consulted with a bartender in Key West prior to my arrival here. I knew you enjoyed tropical drinks, Lacey.”

  For a few moments, they drifted, the sun beaming overhead, the waves gentle and the sky a brilliant blue. Lacey felt any tension melt off her body like snow in the Florida sun.

  “We have the entire beach to ourselves. It is nice being alone here with you. But it feels odd.”

  “You miss the company of other dragons.”

  Lacey nodded, their rafts drifting with the lapping waves. “Not even dragons as much. Just… people. Not necessarily Skins. But Others.”

  For a moment he said nothing as she sipped her drink. Then he frowned. “Why?”

  “Because if I am to die, I’d like to feel normal. Oh, don’t get me wrong. It’s lovely being alone with you. But being on the beach without anyone else, without the laughter of children splashing in the surf or digging sand castles, feels like there is a hurricane approaching and we’re the last to leave.”

  Drust seemed to ponder her words. “Would a mariachi band and a hundred screaming children suffice?”

  Lacey laughed and splashed him as he gave her a wicked grin. “No, silly.

  “Perhaps a hundred screaming mariachi bands?” His wicked grin widened. “If we remain alone, we can sunbathe nude.”

  “Drust!” She felt herself redden, but the idea sounded appealing. “I’ll get sunburnt.”

  “No, you will not. But because you wish it…”

  He waved a hand.

  After a few minutes, several people arrived. Delighted, Lacey watched them set up beach chairs some distance away, as their children scrambled to the sands and began digging or playing in the water. It was rather nice seeing people again.

  “Others,” he murmured. “Not people. Far enough away so they cannot see us.”

  Good. She slipped off the raft and then slid out of her suit, placing it on the raft. “I’d rather swim naked.”

  He straightened, treading water, his blue eyes darkening with pure lust. Drust snapped his fingers and she found herself naked. He drew her into his arms.

  “I’ve heard making love in the water can be quite…relaxing.”

  “Have you?” She slid her arms around him, feeling the strength of his erection against her belly. “Maybe we should test this theory.”

  And so they did.

  After making love, he excused himself, saying he had to attend to dragon business. First he made certain she had on her swimsuit.

  Bored, she went into the house, showered, and then went walking on the beach.

  Two male dragons, sunning themselves, gave her the once-over. She sat on the sand to chat with them. They struck up a conversation about places to dine.

  Until an infuriated wizard popped up, glowering at them. The male dragons cringed, and then fled, scrambling to collect their possessions.

  Lacey scowled as Drust accompanied her back to the house. “Was that necessary?”

  They reached the pool and his frown deepened.

  “I do not like you talking with those males. That is not why I allowed Others on this beach, Lacey.” Drust narrowed his eyes. “You do not know their intentions.”

  He sounded like a possessive, arrogant male. She tilted her head. “I’m not stupid, Drust. It was just conversation.”

  “And they thought otherwise. Why else would they try to trespass? They were… what is the term Tristan uses? Yes, sniffing around you, males smelling a ripe female.”

  “That’s pretty pedestrian, even for the Silver Wizard. I’m not a ripe female.”

  “You have no idea what allure you present to lusty males, Lacey. Do not question me on this.”

  “Oh?” Lacey gave her sweetest smile. “You know something, wizard? You’re all wet.”

  Before he could react, she pushed him. Hard. Drust sailed backward into the pool and landed in the water with a huge splash.

  He rose from the pool like a mythical Poseidon, dripping, his hair curled and droplets sparkling in his long eyelashes. His face, not smiling.

  “Hey, you’re right.” She tapped her finger on her chin. “Your hair is really curly, especially when wet.”

  Up the pool steps he climbed, a menacing stalk toward her. “You shall pay for this,” he growled.

  Laughing, she darted past the opened sliding glass doors. “Have to catch me first! Those are the rules!”

  Lacey raced up the steps, into her bedroom and slammed the door, locking it shut. Panting, she leaned against it, grinning. This was fun.

  Drust materialized inside the bedroom. Still wet. Still scowling.

  “Aw damn, not fair. You don’t play by the rules!”

  “I… never… play… by the rules.” And then he pounced on her in a swift, smooth move, and tossed her on the bed, where she sprawled on her back.

  Drust levered himself on her, still soaking wet, pinning her wrists to the mattress. He began kissing her neck, and then his knee came up to rub between her legs, creating an electrifying pleasure. Lacey laughed and wriggled, desperate to touch him back, but he gave her no quarter. She was his prisoner, and he could do with her whatever he pleased.

  Right now she had the delicious sensation he planned to please…very much.

  “Okay, okay, uncle!” she yelled.

  He raised his head. “I am not your relative. Your uncle.”

  “It means surrender you goofy wizard!”

  “Surrender. Hmm. I shall accept on my terms.” That dangerous, sexy smile again, filled with sensual promise. “I get to do with you whatever I wish.”

  Breath hitching, she stared up at him. “Okay.”

  Because she knew he would never hurt her, this powerful and sometimes tempered wizard. Ever.

  She trusted him, Lacey realized in startled amazement. Had trusted him all along, even back when he hurle
d energy balls at her kitchen cabinets.

  His smile widened and the smoldering look in his blue gaze intensified. “Deal.”

  Drust gazed down at her. “You are wearing too much clothing.”

  Sitting back, he waved a hand and suddenly she was sprawled on the bed, stark naked, her legs stretched open wide. Lacey had never felt more vulnerable, not even when they’d made love for the first time.

  Yet she trusted him.

  She slid her arms around his neck. “Be careful of what you wish for, wizard.”

  His kisses were fierce, possessive as they rolled together on the bed, each striving to be on top. Drust won, pinning her to the bed. Lacey arched upward as he thrust deep and hard into her body.

  When she came, he came with her shouting her name. She felt the warmth of his seed shoot deep inside her.

  Panting, Lacey fell back against the mattress, overwhelmed, as Drust lay beside her with his eyes closed. One arm was thrown over his head, his other firmly anchoring her to his side.

  Still possessive, even after that amazing sex.

  Emotions swirled inside her like colors. Most daunting was the growing love she felt for this wizard. Love was dangerous. Falling for someone like Drust, no matter what they might have shared in a previous life, was like a Skin standing on the edge of a tall, jagged cliff without a safety harness. She could fall hard, fast and get hurt.


  “I need a shower.” In the shower, she could rinse off his scent, the salty tang of sex, and clear her passion-addled brain.

  He opened one eye. “Trying to escape me already?”

  Lacey eased away from him. “Shut up. I’m all sweaty. I need a shower.”

  “Huh. You wish to get wet.”

  That gleam in his blue eyes should have warned her. But she was slow on the uptake today, it seemed.

  The sliding glass doors opened to the fresh, briny air. Suddenly Drust shifted into his dragon form nearly the size of the bed. Jagged teeth showed in a dragon grin. He raised a clawed foot. Before she could squeak, she flew backward, sailing into the air. Panic filled her, and then she was in his arms, his wings flapping as he hovered above the ground.


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