Ravenhold: Magic Forged: A Dark Academy Romance (Ravenhold Supernatural Reform Academy Book 2)

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Ravenhold: Magic Forged: A Dark Academy Romance (Ravenhold Supernatural Reform Academy Book 2) Page 4

by LJ Swallow


  I poke my finger into the empty cup and then taste what I rub from the side. “Are you feeding me witch blood?” I ask incredulously.

  “To temper your reaction to the scent. Zeke and Ethan would rather you kept away from Eloise, as would we.”

  “Are you telling me to do something? You obviously know nothing about me.”

  Raul steps forward and meets me almost nose to nose. “I know far more about you than I would like. Now, be a good boy and do what we ask. If we feel you’re pursuing Eloise, we may be forced to remove her and I honestly don’t know where she’d go.”

  Raul leaves the room and I stand with the empty cup in my hand, jaw clenched. One thing I hate more than delusional arseholes who think they can win against me? Disrespectful fuckers from the Confederacy.

  Did he just trick me? Because I’m still in this fucking room.

  Chapter Nine


  While I shower to get ready to face lessons and people, I consider what I'll say to Oriana about my sojourn on the island. She was in the room when I returned and didn't ask questions—I didn't volunteer any information.

  Our silence continues as we walk from our room to the dining hall, until she finally pauses and grabs my arm and pushes blue hair from her face. “Everybody is talking about you disappearing and then coming back. I won’t ask what happened if you don't want to tell me.”

  “Right.” I bite my lip. I want to tell somebody what happened, but I’m unsure what I'm allowed to say.

  “Tell me one thing, though. Is Dorian dead?” she asks in a hushed whisper.

  “No. Dorian is not dead,” says a familiar voice.

  My heart goes into overdrive when I look over my shoulder to see Dorian standing close by. He leans against the wall, his lips pulled up at one corner in amusement. Instantly, I have a flashback to that mouth on mine and how this beautiful savage almost seduced me. Seduced. Am I lying to myself that the decision to let his hands and lips touch me was all his doing? I look away from him, cursing his effect on me.

  Dorian only glances at me as he pauses to soak up Oriana’s stunned reaction before approaching her. “What do you think? Am I still the handsome devil I was yesterday?”

  “Get over yourself, Dorian,” she mutters.

  “Not a mark on your beautiful face,” I say sarcastically.

  Dorian’s eyes meet mine in a steady gaze as he grazes his teeth over his bottom lip, and for a moment, I think he’s about to reach out and touch me. Instead, he walks by and into the dining room.

  “I bet he loves that,” says Oriana as we follow Dorian into the now-hushed room. “Centre of attention again.”

  A few students glance at me and I debate joining Oriana and her friends or sitting with Ethan, who's in his usual spot in the corner. Dorian wanders to his clique, and Zeke re-joined his gang. Everything is weirdly normal, even though nothing is.

  I collect my bland-looking food and walk over to Ethan.

  He doesn’t look up as I place the tray down and sit with him. “Are you mad about me and Zeke?” I blurt.

  “What?” He’s incredulous and swipes his curls from his eyes. “No. But I am mad about you and Dorian.”

  My mouth dries, “You saw?”

  “Oh, yeah, with his teeth almost in your neck. That’s why I lost my shit. Your life was in danger.”

  I cast my eyes down to the potato I stab with my fork. “I sensed he wouldn’t.”

  “Sensed?” Ethan scoffs. “That wasn’t common sense, Eloise.”

  “He could’ve attacked me, and he didn’t,” I retort.

  “Because Dorian is seductive. That’s part of his power—he’s half-vampire remember?”

  “Well, nothing happened.” I want this conversation done with. “What happened to you when me and Zeke were on the island?”

  He shrugs. “I told you. Stayed in my room.”

  My mouth drops open; I’d considered he may not tell everything in front of Zeke earlier. “What? That’s definitely all?”

  “I helped against Marcus and didn’t kill anybody.” He pulls a piece from his bread roll. “I only left my room that night because Marcus told me you’d gone to Dorian. I’m still on a hair trigger now.”

  “But you’re not in your room,” I say. “You must feel calmer.”

  Ethan slowly eats the bread, watching me as he does, and I squirm beneath his gaze as I picture what happened between us in his room. My cheeks heat as he licks crumbs off his lips and he chuckles. “You’re back. That’s why I’m out of my room.” His chair scrapes as he stands. “I told you. I watch. I listen. And they’re lying to us.”

  My heart hasn’t settled since I saw Dorian, and as I watch Ethan walk away, I unashamedly stare at his ass. Then I slide my eyes to the right and catch Zeke’s. He winks at me, and I’m relieved there’s no spare seat beside him and that he understands I want to stay away from shifter scrutiny.

  A long-haired witch I recognise from Francesca’s classes wanders up to me. “Eloise. You’re needed in the reception hall.”

  “What for?” I ask.

  “No clue. Might be a new student who needs a helping hand from the Trinity witch,” she says pointedly.

  Sighing, I stand and walk to place my tray on the stack, aware that as much scrutiny rests on me as it does Dorian. I pass him, where he sits with hands laced behind his head and eyes dark. I push at the corner of his mind but find nothing.

  What happened to Dorian?

  The hallways en route to the academy's entrance are empty. The only students missing from lunch are the hemia who stay in their wing until dark every night. When I first arrived, the blood-drinking vamps scared me the most, until I discovered my powers were returning enough to protect myself.

  Magically, anyway.

  The girls who attacked me on the night Zeke helped haven’t returned, and I worry there’ll be retaliation for that, but if Zeke is policing the shifters now, I'm safe…hopefully.

  I step into the vast entrance hall and shiver at my memory of arriving here, at how lost and sick I felt. A tall, wiry guy with close-cropped, dark brown hair faces away from me as he fills in the admission forms. Luca stands to one side, supervising, and gives me a curt nod. Why am I sent to meet the new student instead of the male witch he’ll share a room with?

  My footsteps echo as I walk over and the guy turns around. As he does, I’m flung into a nightmare worse than when I was trapped on the freezing island. Blood drains from my face to my feet. No.

  “Hello, Eloise.” His green eyes shine with amusement at my reaction. “I’ve been a very naughty boy.”


  Chapter Ten


  My first instinct is to turn and run, but my legs won't work—and Ivan would probably enjoy me fleeing from him. I try to look neutral, but I can’t hide the blood draining from my face.

  “Ivan,” I say.

  “I do hope you can show me the ropes.” He smiles in the way that sends disgusted shivers through me—false and calculating. “Ravenhold is rather intimidating.”

  “Yes. You’re a nobody here,” I say evenly.

  Luca watches our exchange with curiosity, and I tense as Ivan walks up to me. His familiar cloying spice scent turns my stomach, as does his breath against my ear as he leans in to whisper, “I told you I’d come for you.”

  My throat bobs as I stare ahead and fight against any reaction he’d enjoy. “Great. Now we’re stuck here together.”

  His laughter brushes another breath across my skin. “I’m not staying long and neither are you.” I step back and give him a sour look. “Your mother sends her regards, by the way.”

  “Oh? How touching but strange. I haven’t heard from her at all since I arrived here.” I cross my arms. “Luca. I’m still tired after yesterday. Could you ask somebody else to help Ivan?”

  Luca tips his head. “Take him to the dining room and introduce him to some witches.”

  Ivan pouts. “But
if I’m feeling shy, I can stay with you, right, Eloise?”

  “No,” I retort.

  I take a deep breath as Ivan wanders over to pick up his half-empty rucksack, and I maintain my dour look as he returns.

  “Let’s go.” Ivan places a hand in the small of my back and I whip around and smack it away.

  “Don’t fucking touch me,” I snarl.

  Ivan’s false hurt expression annoys me as much as his hands on me.

  “I suggest you keep your hands to yourself. Eloise’s magic works on the island—currently,” calls out Luca.

  Ivan tips his chin at him. “Thank you. I know how to handle my fiancée.”

  Red flashes across my vision and it takes all my self-control not to smack him hard in the face. He shared the footage of my aunt when I reanimated her; Ivan is the reason I’m here.

  I don’t believe him when he says he won’t be here long.

  I’d like to know exactly why he’s here, but I’m unsure I’d like to hear the answer.

  Each time Ivan attempts to walk close to me, I side-step, but he doesn’t get the hint. Halfway to the dining hall, I halt.

  “Let’s get one thing straight,” I snap. “You do not talk to me. You do not touch me. Don’t even look at me.”

  “Why aren’t you pleased to see me?” he asks as I start walking again.

  I grit my teeth, refusing to engage in any more of his mind games.

  We reach the dining room, which is now almost empty. Zeke’s party have left and my spirits sink when the table Oriana sat at is empty too—she was going to be my excuse to walk away from Ivan.

  But Dorian is still here.

  I can’t help the flare of jealousy as I watch the witch beside Dorian tugging her shirt lower in an attempt to get his attention. Dorian ignores her and speaks to the guy on his left, Andy. Is Raul right? Does Dorian have me under a clever spell that takes over my rationality?

  My mouth drops open as Ivan strolls over to Dorian, but I keep my distance—close enough to hear but not involve myself. Dorian glances at Ivan then returns to his conversation.

  “Dorian,” says Ivan softly.

  With a scowl, Dorian looks up at the newcomer. “Yeah. Run along now.”

  “I'm new and I thought I'd introduce myself.”

  “Mate, I really don’t give a shit who you are.” His eyes narrow. “Fuck off.”

  The idiot ignores him. “I’m Ivan Summerhill. My father is a close friend of the Blackwoods.”

  “Again, I don't give a shit,” snaps Dorian. “I’m Blackwood in name only.”

  “And we have mutual interests, such as not wanting to stay here,” Ivan continues.

  Dorian sighs and stands. “Here's some advice: when I tell you to leave me alone, leave me the fuck alone. You don’t want to make an enemy of me.”

  “Oh, I agree. Nobody wants to be Dorian Blackwood’s enemy.” He looks across at me. “Although Eloise no doubt told you who her uncle is. Was. I bet you’re not on speaking terms.”

  “One last chance. Get the fuck away from me. I’m not in the mood,” snarls Dorian.

  I smile to myself as Dorian's eyes darken. Ivan is about to discover how much of a ‘nobody’ he is in his new world.

  “I hope you haven’t hurt Eloise.” Ivan moves closer to Dorian and not further away. “That might cause problems.”

  In a sudden move, Dorian snatches the front of Ivan’s shirt and drags him closer so they’re almost face to face. “What I do—or don’t do—isn’t your business.” He jerks his chin at the mids, whose eyes are elsewhere. “Nobody cares.”

  “I do, if you touch my fiancée,” replies Ivan and Dorian blinks. “Eloise and I are engaged. Once we leave Ravenhold, we’ll be married. If you like, I'll invite you to the wedding.”

  Dorian’s grip on Ivan’s shirt loosens momentarily before he shoves him in the chest. Ivan stumbles into an adjacent table. “How sweet that you can be together.” Dorian looks to me. “Eloise will be pleased.”

  The sickness in my stomach I’ve had since I saw Ivan now threatens to make me vomit. Dorian doesn’t know who Ivan is—Zeke does, but only because I mentioned him once. Ivan is a powerful witch—one of the most powerful, and I’m not surprised he’s now linked to the Blackwoods.

  This makes Dorian a natural enemy, unless something has happened and the Blackwoods want a truce.

  Ivan is here for a reason, and I think that reason is bigger than me.

  Chapter Eleven


  I retreat to my room and as far away from Ivan as I can. How do I avoid him? What do I tell the others? If I explain to Ethan who Ivan is, that will trigger him. Ethan may deny what’s between us, but the reason he stays away is due to his intense emotions around me. If Ethan discovers what Ivan did, Ivan would end up with a broken face, if not worse. Tempting as that is, I won’t say anything. I hope Zeke has forgotten his name, since everything the night the girls attacked is hazy. And Dorian? Ivan already pissed him off.

  I rub my nose as I watch Oriana tie her laces, ready for fun and games with Roger. “I’ve had enough running for this week,” I joke.

  She peers through where her peacock blue hair falls into her face and covers the scarring. “Did something chase you? I heard wolves live on the island—mids.”

  I shiver. I’d heard that rumour myself and the thought nagged me when I was alone overnight. Zeke didn’t seem to care. Between us, we could’ve fought back.

  “No. Nothing happened, apart from getting cold, wet, and hungry. I passed out.”

  “Yeah. Zeke helped, right?”

  I nod. “He’s a decent guy.”

  “Why were you out there?” she blurts. “Did you see other students?”

  “No. And I don’t know why.” She watches as I open the door. “Can we get to Roger’s fun-filled lesson now?”

  As we head to the exercise area, we pass Francesca’s classroom and I recall Raul’s meeting. “Is Francesca teaching today?”

  “Nah. Apparently she had a shit fight with Angus and left. I know he doesn’t like Francesca, but for him to kick her out the academy like that...” She clicks her fingers. “Not good. And a Confederacy guy came in to investigate Samuel’s death.”

  I bite my lip. Is that Raul’s story. “Hmm. Really?”

  Students shelter beneath the building’s eaves, muttering their displeasure about having to ‘run around in the pissing rain’. Ethan and Zeke are here, separately as usual, and Dorian is late, but I’m only bothered about one person's whereabouts.

  Ivan stands with a group of male witches he’s already ingratiated himself with, and a mixture of disgust and nerves floods my veins.

  “Stop staring at the hot new student,” laughs Oriana, and she nudges me.

  My face heats. “I am not. I know him and he’s a downright arsehole.”

  Oriana frowns. “Oh. Well, you’ve enough guys to deal with. Another would be too much for you.”

  “What does that mean?”

  She smirks and rests against the bricks as she looks out at the drizzle. “Zeke and Ethan.” I don’t respond and she adds, “You were the one to finally crack the eunuch. What’s he like?”

  “Ethan? He’s a nice guy. Intense.”

  Oriana bursts into laughter. “I mean, what’s he like? Is the sex any good?”

  My mouth forms an ‘o’ and my pink cheeks heat more. “I wouldn’t know.”

  “You were seen leaving his room.” Shit. “Did he say no to you as well?”

  “I don’t want to talk about my sex life with you, Oriana.” I try to say the words gently but she purses her lips and looks away. “Sorry. I’m a private person.”

  “Mmm. Trinity witch.”

  Oriana wanders off to her friends and my stomach sinks. I’ve no idea about social norms at Ravenhold, but honestly, I don’t want to talk about Ethan. Partly because I’m confused over what’s between us.

  Dorian saunters in once the lesson starts, as usual, and today he ignores everybody arou
nd him. The rumours he killed Samuel still hover around, even though the academy informed the students that he didn’t. Dorian neither confirms nor denies, so people are warier of him, edging around as he completes his laps faster than usual and retreats to a bench.

  I’m surprised when Roger gives me a free pass to sit out following my ‘difficult night’, which gives me plenty of opportunity to watch the lesson. Ivan sensibly doesn’t approach Dorian, but I’m suspicious how quickly he’s befriended some of the popular witches.

  One of those—Paul—heads over to speak to Roger and I straighten as Ivan pauses and turns to face the wire fence, his back to those running by. Like all new students, he’ll hold residual magic, but what? He’s a skilled elemental witch and excels in two areas—elemental and divination. This is one reason the families wanted us married. Only the Trinity witch is skilled in all magic, but a witch proficient in two schools is also unusual and a good match for her.


  I chew a nail and study those running by while scouting the environment for changes. As I look to the sky, I hear a thud behind and somebody swears loudly. Dorian stands beside a chunk of brick that sheared off the academy wall. I shield my eyes and look up, but I can’t see anything crumbling.

  “What the fuck?” snaps Dorian, and he immediately glares at me.

  I blink. “I didn’t do that!”

  “Nobody else would dare.” He moves towards where I stand away from him, watching the lesson. “I thought we had an understanding, Eloise.”

  My chest tightens from how close he stands, as the same magic reaches out to my darker side. His pupils dilate—in anger or something more?

  “I’d be more subtle than that,” I say below my breath. “I’d attack your mind, not your body.”

  Dorian’s mouth tugs up at one corner. “True. You want to do other things with my body.”

  “What?” I breathe out.

  Focusing on my mouth, he runs his tongue along his teeth before lifting his eyes to mine. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”


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