Ravenhold: Magic Forged: A Dark Academy Romance (Ravenhold Supernatural Reform Academy Book 2)

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Ravenhold: Magic Forged: A Dark Academy Romance (Ravenhold Supernatural Reform Academy Book 2) Page 9

by LJ Swallow

  “Yes. Now you listen to me, Dorian Blackwood.”

  Anger flares. “Sensible move—keeping our meeting public, Ivan Summerhill, because you’d suffer for this attitude if we were alone.”

  “Fuck, man. Do you want out of Ravenhold, or not?” He flicks his tongue against his teeth.

  "Yeah. I will eventually. I don't need your help," I retort.

  "Yet you're still here after... how many years?”

  “I said, I’ll get out soon.”

  Ivan shakes his head with a sigh. “Tell me. Why do you embrace your vampire side more than your witch?”

  I bristle. “I’m hybrid. I use both. Or I will, once I get my full abilities back.”

  “From my fiancée’s blood?”

  I frown. “Why do you call Eloise that? She’s clear that you’re not.”

  “Eloise knows her destiny and needs pulling into line, that’s all. You can help me break her—you’ve already begun.” He leans forward. “You want her blood. I want her back in the fold. We work on her together.”

  “Good luck, mate. She evidently hates you.”

  Ivan waves his hand. “Let me put this in simple terms. I can get us out, but I need your magic.”

  “I have no magic. I’m at Ravenhold, remember?” I retort.

  "Oh, Dorian. You were created by a Blackwood spell, but you’re not attuned to the Blackwood magic that flows through your veins."

  “Because I’m not a fucking Blackwood!” I grit my teeth. “Taking that name was part of the deal my parents made with the family. That's all.”

  “Your vampire parents? The ones who encouraged your violent and bloodthirsty side but who didn’t allow you to strengthen your magic? Your family killed witches who tried to reach you. Why is that? Fear.”

  I sneer at him. “I can use magic if I want. I'm hybrid, remember?”

  “Then why are you still here, Dorian? You’re obsessed by consuming witch blood as the answer to your weakness, but you need more than a witch's spell energy. Ravenhold's wards can't suppress Blackwood magic. You need to attune to yours, because that's your way out of here.” Ivan lowers his voice. “I’m here to help with that.”

  "How? Even if you could, Ravenhold weakens me. I need strong witch blood to access my magic."

  "Correct. Here’s the deal. I'll teach you the magic and I’ll help you take Eloise’s blood for the spell and for yourself—if you give her to me afterwards." Ivan smiles. "Then we can leave and we'll both have what we want."

  I stand. This conversation ends now. “I know spells and have the ability to pull apart anybody who crosses me.”

  “Not without Eloise. Not without the Blackwood magic.”

  “I. Am. Not. A. Blackwood,” I say through bared teeth. “They...” I pause. Abandoned me to people who beat the witch out of me and taught me that the Blackwoods are a threat. The witch family who hide from the Confederacy and think they’re too good for the vampire-dominated Dominion.

  The family who raised me moulded a weapon to use against those who helped create me.

  “You have access to a spell that would get you out of Ravenhold. A simple spell that your 'loving' vampire parents wouldn’t allow you access to. There are so many spells denied to you.”

  “I don’t believe you. If the spell is simple, why doesn’t anybody else use it?”

  “Blackwood magic, Dorian. Few can practice their arts.” Ivan blows air into his cheeks. “Again, this is the deal: I’ll help you take Eloise’s blood, if you give her to me afterwards.”

  An unusual twinge in my chest comes at his words ‘give her to me’. “Kinda dumb to release me into the world, Ivan. How do you know I won’t kill you straightaway, especially since you pissed me off already?”

  “That’s a risk I’ll take. My friends and family need Eloise back.”

  “Why is she important?”

  “You need to ask me that? Dorian. She has the fuel we need. You can have some, then we’ll take the rest.” He smiles and this time I shudder. Does his Blackwood connection give him this sinister, potent edge? Does more of their darkness live inside me than my parents allowed me to think?

  “You’re missing a vital fact here, Dorian,” he continues. “Just because Eloise didn’t kill you the first time, doesn’t mean she won’t.” He moistens his lips. “Help me control her.”

  “You’re missing a vital fact,” I retort. “Zeke and Ethan. They’re powerful hybrids too. They’re also her lovers and one of them obviously smacked you around already.”

  “But there’s one thing everybody in this place shares: a desire to leave and a need for self-preservation. I’ll help them out of here too in exchange for their cooperation.”

  I shake my head. “You’re presuming too much. They won’t let her go.” Will I?

  “Dorian. We can deal with the shifter and mid."

  “Mid? What the hell? Who’s the...” I drop back into my seat. Ethan. “What type of mid is he?”

  “Ethan? A dragon.” He points at his face. “That’s why I think he’s fucked Eloise. Interfere with a dragon’s mate and this is what happens.”

  I grimace, not only at the idea Eloise fucked Ethan, or the word 'mate', but because mids are gross. They’re bigger aberrations than me. What other dragon traits does Ethan possess? “Mids are thick-headed. That makes life easier.”

  “Dragons aren’t. They’re cunning. Don’t underestimate Ethan because he’s a mid.”

  I sink back. “Yeah. I always wondered about him.”

  Ivan nods. “I’ll need a decision, Dorian. If you want me to help channel your Blackwood magic and get the fuck out of here, you know what to do.”

  “I need you to pull your neck in and loosen your control over the witches,” I say. “Stop trying to undermine me.”

  Ivan stands too and smirks. “I don’t need to anymore, because I have your attention. Hopefully, I’ll now have your help.”

  As Ivan walks from the room, our conversation churns over in my mind. I’ve been here a year and not escaped, but now I have Eloise and the opportunity. If I take Eloise’s blood and help Ivan in order to escape, I’ll easily kill the bastard if he double-crosses me.

  The decision is a no-brainer. I kill him and take Eloise for myself.

  But what of Zeke and Ethan? Eloise and her two brave heroes piss me off.

  She’s fucking one of them—maybe both—and that pisses me off more. How can I persuade Eloise to join me if she’s under their influence? Both the arseholes attacked me in the past.

  But do they understand what they’re dealing with? She’s the Trinity witch. A necromancer. Sharp as fuck. Shifters are not the smartest; if they were, one or both would’ve stood up and challenged me seriously by now. But Zeke’s happy playing pack leader, and Ethan slunk into the background again. Mr. Strong and Silent ready to protect his little witch.

  I don’t trust Ethan.

  He’s not a match for me but there’s something off about him, and now I know why. Ethan chose to set himself apart from other students, but is that because he has to?

  And why the hell is the academy allowing us to remain here after the shit caused by Marcus and Francesca? Are they really that frightened the lunatics will take over the asylum? I laugh to myself—the morons finally figured out that gathering the world’s most potent and dangerous supernatural juveniles in one place wasn’t sensible. No wards will last forever, and these pissed-off kids are ripe for picking. Look at how easily Francesca fucked around with everything.

  And still the Confederacy believe they can restrain and kill me.

  Well, as soon as I have Eloise’s blood, they’re fucked.

  All of them, including her two pets.

  Chapter Twenty


  Dorian behaves oddly.

  Not only because his taunting stopped, but he never challenged Ivan.

  Ivan also dropped his attempt to lead the witches and hasn’t approached me for over a week. Perhaps because Zeke loiters around me—or Et
han, if he isn’t around. I’ve told them both that I’m perfectly safe on my own and particularly don’t want Ethan losing his temper around Ivan again. They ignore me.

  Following the trouble in the dining hall, the runes don’t appear again. Angus drags everybody he believed is involved into a meeting and, as a stark warning for the two races to calm down, the witches who appear to be the ringleaders are sent to solitary. Ivan carefully orchestrated the situation to ensure he stayed in the background, but I spot Angus's suspicion.

  I half-expect Raul to return but get the impression that Angus doesn’t want to appear weak. He believes he has control, even though Raul all but passed that to the hybrids.

  Tonight sees the first illegal gathering since Ivan arrived, which worries me.

  When Ivan appears at my room door, that worry becomes fear. His eyes shine, the bastard perfectly groomed with his sweet scent drifting towards me as he rubs the back of his neck, smiling.


  “Ivan.” I grit my teeth. “Why are you here?”

  Ivan ducks his head behind me, and Oriana appears at my shoulder. “Ready?”

  My jaw drops in total shock as Oriana edges past me and Ivan winds an arm around her waist, hand going to her backside barely covered by the short black skirt. There’s no mistaking their relationship now—I suspected this is why she spent less time in our room at night, but hoped I was wrong.

  He kisses her and like last time, his eyes remain on mine. I look away, sickened by him.

  Oriana draws away and Ivan rubs his lips together, his shit-eating grin growing. I’ve a million things I want to say to Oriana, but I’m stunned into silence. I told her what Ivan did to me—yes, she likes danger, but he’s lethal.

  “Oriana, can we talk?” I manage to stammer out.

  She looks over a shoulder and wrinkles her nose. “If you’re coming down to the gathering, we can talk then.”

  Ivan’s hand remains on her backside and he caresses her as they kiss again. Ugh. I turn away and pretend to search for a jacket.

  Two sets of heavy footsteps sound in the hallway outside and Ivan steps back from the door, tugging Oriana after him.

  “Eloise, your bodyguards are here,” he says snidely as Zeke and Ethan pause. I hate he’s holding onto Oriana, but I’m glad that Ethan doesn’t immediately assume Ivan is here for me.

  “You okay, El?” asks Zeke.

  Ivan chuckles. “Why wouldn’t she be? I’m no match for the Trinity witch.”

  “He’s here for Oriana,” I say and nod at the pair.

  Zeke frowns. “You’re with Ivan now, Ana?”

  “Yeah. And?” she bites back.

  “I realised I’m wasting my time with Eloise,” Ivan says softly. “Oriana and I discovered we have a real connection. And she’s much easier to control.”

  Oriana pouts at his joke then slaps his hand and laughs. “No guy controls me. Ask Zeke—his shifter mate tried.”

  My stomach churns further as Ivan strokes her hair then smiles at me. Ivan can control people; that’s how he persuades others to do what he wants for kicks. The magic he uses more than persuades people in the way a pneuma vamp might—the rare spell he can perform takes control of somebody’s mind and their actions. I’ve never fully mastered this spell because my family preferred to channel my energy into developing the necromancy. The mind control magic is a signature Blackwood spell. Are they teaching others now?

  If Ivan targeted Oriana, there’s a reason, and I’m damn sure that reason is me.

  “Come on, let’s leave Eloise with her lovers. They might have things to do before they join us.” He tips his chin. “Or are the three of you spending the evening alone?”

  Oriana laughs. “Eloise is too straight to know what to do with two guys at once. I bet she’s a missionary girl.”

  Ivan smirks. “No. She can be adventurous with the right persuasion.”

  My fists ball by my side and I sense Ethan’s temper darkening. “You couldn’t persuade me to do anything and that’s what pisses you off.”

  “I have Oriana now,” he says and runs his tongue across his top teeth. “She doesn’t need persuasion.”

  Oriana rests her head on Ivan’s shoulder. This is not how Oriana behaves with guys—she’s aloof, even with those she’s dating, and I want to shout at her to stop what she’s doing.

  My half-formed plans for tonight with Zeke and Ethan evaporate as Oriana walks away with the bastard. I close the door to my room and follow.

  The party atmosphere is the same as last time, but this time everybody looks at me as the Trinity witch and not the quiet new girl. Blue smoke clouds the room again as people rest against the cracked walls and share their potent... whatever they’re smoking and drinking. Music thuds as loudly—surely those mid guards who aren’t paid to keep their mouths shut can hear this? Why are the students never interrupted?

  Each group appears to have their own areas, because most sit in the same places as last time on the beaten-up furniture or dirty floor. I eye the witches and vamps heading into the room where the vamps feed, but Dorian doesn’t join them. Instead, he stands in a corner watching everybody, while his friends chat around him.

  If you can call them friends.

  Why am I relieved that Dorian doesn’t walk into the room with a witch? I shouldn’t care. But I do and I know why. The darkness we share still draws us to each other, and however hard I try to stay away, I won’t be able to forever.

  I’m jealous.

  Zeke moves to his shifter group and Ethan positions himself in a corner, both drawing attention and sending a signal to Dorian: hands off.

  Even though we arrived shortly after Ivan left the dorm room, he isn’t at the gathering. Neither is Oriana, and my neck prickles. Is Ivan waiting for me to look for Oriana? Not happening; Ivan operates in the shadows and I don’t want him pulling me into them.

  I find Sapphire and Alana in the same spot as last time and head over. They’re slowly warming to the idea I’m the Trinity witch, but they’re definitely less friendly than they were.

  Sapphire hands me a drink. “Are you fucking them both, Eloise?”

  I jerk my head around at her question. “Pardon?”

  “Ethan and Zeke.” She points at both and neither pay attention to me.

  “Uh.” I fight the heat rising to my cheeks. Why does everybody keep mentioning my sex life tonight?

  “What does your fiancé think about that?” asks Alana.

  I sigh. “He’s my ex.”

  “That’s not what he says,” she replies. “Why?”

  “Because the break-up wasn’t amicable.” I drink. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Did you know he hooked up with Oriana?”

  “Yes, and she shouldn’t.”

  Alana chuckles. “The guy’s hot and there’s something about him—he’s mysterious and I heard his magic still works.”

  “‘Something’ evil,” I say quickly. “Oriana should keep away from him. He’s an abuser.”

  “Oriana can look after herself.” Alana and Sapphire glance at each other. “Everybody’s definition of what’s abuse and what’s acceptable is different.”

  Do they share Oriana’s opinion that I’m too straight-laced? “Non-consent is never acceptable.”

  Sapphire’s brow tugs down and she glances over at where Ivan walks into the room.

  Without Oriana.

  If that wasn’t enough to panic me, his next move scares me.

  Ivan walks straight to Dorian.

  What the fuck? Where’s Oriana?

  I straighten and watch as they hold a friendly conversation that doesn’t involve Dorian manhandling Ivan. Are they planning something? No way. Ethan catches my eye and he frowns, reflecting my thoughts. Zeke watches the pair too.

  When they leave the room together, I hastily stand to follow.

  I don’t reach the door before Ethan steps in front and blocks my path with his large frame. “Not sensible.”

  “I’m not scared of them,” I reply. “Somebody needs to figure out what they’re planning. Ivan has lived at Ravenhold almost a month now and he isn’t a patient guy.”

  “Last time you were alone with Dorian, he almost took your blood,” says Ethan. “I’m warning you, I’d lose my shit again if he tried.”

  Zeke stands at my other shoulder and I huff at my bodyguards. “What if they do something to Oriana? Give Dorian her blood? Assault her?”

  I begin to shake at the thought. Dorian doesn’t assault girls and ‘deals’ with people who do. Surely, he wouldn’t hurt Oriana?

  “I’m need to know what Dorian and Ivan’s game is. They’ve kept this bloody secret.”

  The guys look at each other. “Eloise...”

  “I’ve dealt with Ivan plenty of times when alone,” I say tersely.

  “Not with Dorian present too,” growls Ethan.

  “Fine. Come with me but stay distant. They’ll hide what they’re doing if we’re all there.”

  “No,” says Zeke firmly and Ethan nods his agreement.

  “I’m going after him.” I tiptoe to kiss Zeke and then Ethan and their surprised looks match the stunned looks of some around us.

  “Let’s stop pretending,” I say. “You both know what’s happening between me and each of you.”

  Ethan blinks at me. “I’m not pretending anything. I know he gives you something I don’t.”

  Zeke’s lips purse as he watches Ethan walk away. “What does he mean? That I’m giving you dick, but he isn’t?”

  I splutter a laugh. “Omigod, Zeke, way to sound sleazy. I can confirm that the rumours about Ethan’s celibacy are untrue.”

  How do I feel about this? Neither guy has mentioned the other, as if we’re a silent triad. Everybody knows I’m with Zeke, but I just broke Ethan’s privacy. I bite my lip. What if that upsets him?

  Zeke pulls a non-committal face. “Cool. Ask him if I can join in some time.” I choke on my drink and catch his sly smile. “I’m joking, Eloise.”

  But somehow, I don’t think he 100% is.

  “Ask him yourself,” I say and love how his expression changes to shock again.


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