MINE! [New World Book 8]

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MINE! [New World Book 8] Page 2

by C. L. Scholey

  There’s pissed and then there’s butt fuck ugly furious as hell pissed.

  The fighting in the sky was less as the Earth was deemed uninhabitable the day she escaped. She and her six companions found—stole—the shuttle they traveled in. It was a chance meeting with the other five men. Becky had been roaming with Raymond for a few months. A little guy with a big heart, there was no attraction between the two, simple companionship. They worked together over the months to find food and shelter, always on the move. As time passed there was no denying their circumstances; it was time to abandon Earth.

  It had been tricky approaching the Tonan shuttle. Over the course of a few years, Becky and Raymond acquired their own insights into the aliens. They could see in the dark, so day or evening didn’t matter. Their sense of smell was highly toned so downwind was a must. The aliens’ biggest downfall was their arrogance. No Tonan expected any human to make a daring attempt for their craft. What Tonans didn’t know about humans was their tenacity superseded safety. The idea being, if you’re going to die, it was go big or go home. Becky and Raymond went big, obviously, they had no home.

  Jack and his lackeys had the same idea as she and Raymond. Both groups stalked the same shuttle at the same time. When realization struck at their inevitable meeting, they joined forces. Their theft was epic. Distract, outmaneuver and a few well-placed sticks of dynamite and they were off. The sky had lit up in various directions almost concealing their escape, except for the lone pissed off Tonan. Becky guessed the shuttle had been his. They all decided to stick together. They’d left Earth and hadn’t looked back. She and her companions went from planet to planet knowing the Tonans were hunting humans. The men would be killed, and Becky knew what the Tonans wanted from human females. Being a pawn in an alien world sucked. Being a nomad sucked. Life sucked.

  She was stuck with six horny men who made it their mission every day to inform her why it would be a good idea to sleep with them. Well, five horny men and one man who had no clue where he fit in. Raymond tried at first to stick up for her. He was teased mercilessly. He wasn’t gay, and Becky was annoyed Jack implied the idea numerous times. The Earth falling apart didn’t make every human male lose his sense of honor or chivalry. In fact, Becky guessed many of the men on the shuttle were decent and afraid of being teased by Jack and Tom.

  Jack was easy enough for her to handle, and she took charge of her situation. After Becky knocked the five on their asses, Raymond gave in to the ribbing, not necessarily joining the others, but Raymond let her dole out her own punishment. He laughed at a few stupid jokes but for the most part remained aloof. And smiled at her when she sent Tom spinning.

  Becky wasn’t interested in a gang bang. Not one of them held her interest. The others were jerks but put their foot down with all of them coming at her at once. Easily she could, and had, kicked their asses. All five wouldn’t have presented a problem, but she was glad no one was interested enough to physically hurt her. There had to be a man out there somewhere in the universe who could at least go toe to toe with her. Her father always told her to marry a man who had your back. People were cowards and attacked from behind. Instinct told her he wasn’t only speaking of fighting.

  Thinking of her father made his image pop into her thoughts. It was a picture she shoved away. He was pointing behind her as he died. Wanting her to turn away so she wouldn’t see his last breath. What he went through, she went through. Right now she needed to be strong.

  As she slipped around the side of the vessel, Becky noted the door to the shuttle was open. It could mean one of two things, there was someone inside or whoever owned the vessel was close—or they didn’t think anyone would be stupid enough to mess with it. None of the scenarios appealed to her, but desperate times and all…

  The sunlight filtered in, lighting the interior. From her vantage point, she could see a replicator and her heart leaped. The object was rectangular and the size of an oven, about two feet off the ground. The grey box had a black light that pulsed from left to right indicating it was on and operational. If the owner was human, he or she might not mind giving them supplies. If the owner wasn’t human, she and the others might be able to overpower the occupant, or occupants. The shuttle looked decidedly less damaged than theirs. Taking what you needed was life; that also sucked, but death would suck worse.


  No one answered. Heart pounding, Becky crept inside wary of someone jumping out at her. A fast glance and she noted a brilliantly lit console near a large square window. An odd machine sat to her right, something she had never seen before. The object was large, surrounded by gleaming metal and strange yellowish see-through glass, with something resembling a seat inside. Warmth radiated from the strange, huge box. If Becky didn’t know better she would assume it was a weird tanning bed.

  The floor beneath her feet was smooth and clean, shiny as though recently polished. Her ratty, hole-riddled running shoes looked out of place on the sheer surface. The air inside the shuttle was pure, not a single odor assaulted her and she frowned. Their shuttle stank after a while with the seven of them, no water for washing when their supply, like now, was depleted, and a cranky toilet. Worse was when the food they found gave them indigestion. Noxious human gas in a confined space was killer, and six smelly men—brutal.

  Becky’s fingers itched to see if the replicator had decent food. She glanced back out the door, rocked on the balls of her feet for a second and straightened her shoulders.

  “In for a penny, in for a pound,” she muttered aloud.

  She inched her way to the replicator and crossed her fingers. If the occupant was human there would be food items humans liked, not the smelly tasteless gruel Tonans programed into their replicator which had since broken. It was a sad day when she and the others realized bad food was better than no food. She ran the tips of her fingers across the top of the sleek machine. If she was going to wish for food she was going to make her first attempt count.

  “Chocolate ice cream.”

  The machine hummed, the inside lit up coming to life. A shimmer of a shape solidified. Becky’s breath swooshed from her lungs. A bowl of chocolate ice cream materialized in front of her and she groaned; her entire body slumped in eager disbelief. It had been so long since she’d had chocolate. She lifted her hands, reaching, and held the bowl, cupping it; her fingers caressed the cold, grey spoon handle. Her eyes feasted on the two perfectly round balls of waiting heaven. Her mouth watered. Trembling made the bowl quake, the spoon clattered until she picked up a giant-sized mouthful and dove in.

  “Ah, brain freeze.”

  Her mumble was around an open-mouthed dance. The back of her front teeth tingled. In her eagerness she didn’t know whether to chew or suck, so she did both. Spoonful after spoonful was crammed into her mouth. Her tongue and teeth and lips were frozen. The heavenly taste made her taste buds sing. Her belly rumbled as she swallowed as though anticipating the treat. Becky licked the bowl clean and replaced it. The bowl and spoon disappeared.

  “Chocolate milk, cold.”

  A large glass appeared and Becky wrapped her hand around the hard, cold substance. Lifting the glass she sniffed the contents and brought it to her lips. Lazily she sucked in the first few mouthfuls then guzzled the contents stopping only long enough to breathe. When she finished she placed the glass back and put her hand over her thumping heart.

  “Sugar rush.”

  For a second, she wondered if the machine would replace her ratty clothing. The idea was tempting but her need to see the rest of the craft overrode her desire. The ripped tan pants and dull, pathetically-stained t-shirt could wait. She wandered around the shuttle noting there were three rooms. One was decidedly for captives. The door was long bars, two-inch spaces, the room visible to the other two rooms. An area was enclosed for washing, still see-through. An open area containing a toilet sat in a corner, visible. There would be zero privacy in this room. The thought made her wonder. The owner might be a Tonan warrior after all.
If there was a Tonan wandering the planet they were all in danger. Being in the shuttle was asking for trouble.

  But why would the replicator have chocolate?

  Tonans weren’t known for kindness. It didn’t matter. Survival was the number one priority. The six men and she went from planet to planet finding what they needed to survive. Some planets were more hospitable than others. Inhabitants were watched first for signs of hostility. The edgy intense feeling in her guts told her to get out while she could. The next room she gave only a brief glance, it was, for the most part, empty. A mystery. Becky walked back to the replicator letting her hands rest on the square object. She decided she could watch the shuttle from outside. It would be easy to detect a Tonan warrior. Tonans wore form fitting grey pants with no shoes or socks or most importantly no shirts. They were without nipples, a dead giveaway.

  Who the fuck has no nipples?

  For a brief second she lingered, wondering if she should grab serviceable garments while she had the chance. Her clothes were clean but threadbare and torn. A thud on the outside of the shuttle made her decision for her; the noise was too close to the door, barring her escape. Becky ran to what had appeared to be an empty room and saw she missed a single bed in her hasty first scan. She dove under and pressed back against the cool wall. She tucked her legs as close to her chest as possible trying to make herself smaller. A hand pressed to her mouth to try and cover the sound of her frantic breaths.

  The vessel rocked, she presumed when whatever entered jumped aboard. She heard a strange hiss then silence for a moment. The padding of feet as the occupant went from room to room could be heard. Goose bumps dotted her arms, from her position she couldn’t see anyone. A fine bead of sweat trailed lazily down her temple. It wasn’t long before two bare feet stopped by the bed. Grey form-fitting pants hugged ankles and calves. Becky swallowed hard as her heart hammered.

  A Tonan warrior.

  Thump thump, pounded in her ears. Knowing she was as good as dead if she didn’t act fast, Becky scooted down the length of the bed on the floor. As soon as she reached the end she shot to her feet and bolted. Around the corner she skidded, the worn rubber of her soles squealing out a protest. The Tonan, if he followed, was unhurried. Becky discovered why. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she stopped dead in her tracks. Without even feeling the shuttle move, space stared back at her from the window. They were no longer on the planet. She was trapped. More goose bumps peppered her arms. Tonan warriors had long talons on each hand. Talons that could be rammed into tender flesh, ripping internal organs. It was only a matter of time.

  As if in a dream, she turned; the breath she held expelled in a whoosh. Her gaze settled onto the warrior’s bare chest, void of nipples, and rose higher. The alien wasn’t shielded. He was the biggest male Becky had ever seen. Ebony short dark hair caressed his ears and curled in wisps at the top and sides. Glacial blue eyes bore into her. His face had the slightest hint of a shadow but was bare of hair. Dark, perfect eyebrows graced his sculpted features.

  She was told Tonans and Castian warriors were hot as sin, with the Tonans being deadly. The grey form-fitting pants were a dead giveaway, Tonan colors. Death was staring her in the face, or worse. The bastard was grinning at her with pure white perfect teeth surrounded by full pink lips. No doubt waiting for her to cower and shake and beg for her life.

  This girl begs for nothing.

  The scowl crept across her features as her eyes narrowed. Without further thought she strode to him and shoved her finger into his rock hard chest looking way up into his face.

  Fuck me, he’s a huge ass bastard.

  “You’re gonna turn this tank around and take me back right now or you’ll be sorry, Tonan,” she said in her most menacing tone. She wanted him to understand she knew exactly what and who he was and she wasn’t afraid.

  “Or what, little human female of childbearing years?”

  He sounded amused and Becky tried not to swallow hard, cringing. Child bearing years. The warrior took her hand in his and pulled her close. Becky gripped his wrist, took a deep breath and yelled a war cry and flipped the stunned bastard onto his ass.

  Holy fucking heaviest creep in the world.

  Chapter 2

  Huck lay at her feet, eyes wide, as the female scooted back. What the fuck happened? He jumped up and shook his back and shoulders. He was by no means hurt, but stunned as hell. For a second he thought there must be another person on board who had actually tossed him, but no, they were alone. The female was glaring at him with big brown, dry eyes, not crying and cowering as he assumed she would be. She did clutch a wrist to her chest for a split second before taking a stance. She was as little as every human female he had seen, but her posture was different.

  All females Huck encountered bowed their heads or backs in a submissive side gesture, hands splayed. They didn’t stand ramrod straight like this, chin raised in open defiance, an elbow tucked near her side sporting a fist, the other stretched out and also fisted. Did she think to topple him again? An odd female to be sure. Her features were filled with outrage. Smug outrage. She should be terrified. She was supposed to be scared shitless of him. She would cower. It was for her own good and it would make Huck feel better. He was a huge warrior after all and she was, well, she was female.

  “Your name, female.”

  “Becky fucking ass kicker.”

  “Interesting and long. I presume Becky is the most believable. You took me by surprise, it won’t happen again. You should be afraid.”

  “Yeah, cupcake. I’ll get right on that.” She tossed her long dark hair back with a raised fist.

  Huck blinked. Cupcake? A sickly sweet treat? Me? Her sneer was derogatory. “Don’t call me cupcake.”

  The female was breathing heavily but Huck scented minimal fear. Him lying on his ass feeling stupid hadn’t been picture perfect. Her fists were now waving in the air in front of her as she did some odd duck dance. The female now assumed she could best him. She would think again. Huck called up his shield.

  “Holy fuck,” Becky screamed and took a step back.

  That’s right human female, be afraid, little ass kicker, I’m a bigger ass kicker.

  “Oh, my God, are you ever ugly.”


  “You’re not just ugly, you’re U-G-L-Y. Butt fuck ugly, nasty bad ugly. Shit ugly. I bet when you were born the doctor slapped your mother.”

  “We don’t have doctors, why would anything hit me? The baby shield wouldn’t have allowed it,” Huck replied confused.

  “I bet your mom said, ‘what a treasure,’ and your dad said, ‘fucking bury it.’”

  Huck growled, that was something he understood, the female was being insulting. Rudeness, to a Tonan warrior? Blatant open insolent remarks would not be tolerated, especially since this was his female. Becky fucking ass kicker would need a new name. He grabbed her by the throat and she squealed in terror when he lifted her effortlessly to her toes.

  “That’s right human female, cower from me, cow-er.”

  “For the love of God, turn me around. I don’t want to be looking at something so ugly when I die, my last image will taint heaven.” Her words were suppressed slightly but understandable.

  “I demand you be afraid of me,” Huck boomed and hefted her higher.

  “Yeah, I’ll get right on that, cupcake.”

  “Don’t call me cupcake,” Huck grouched. For a moment she was completely off her feet and turning color.

  Mustn’t kill a presumed mate, human females are hard to find. His shield had a point.

  The female had her hands together thrusting up under his arms in a manner that made holding her hard. Huck dropped her and she landed in a heap at his feet. She stuck two legs out to wrap around his ankles and jerked, then groaned. Huck dropped his shield and squatted on the balls of his feet. He scratched his head in confusion.

  “I’ve seen dogs do this to humans. Is it some ritual of submission?”

  “I’m not humping you,
ass hat. You should be on your butt right now. Damn, you’re heavy,” she said and groaned.

  “We will mate now. Remove your clothes. Prepare yourself, I’m huge.” Huck said.

  “Go fuck yourself.”

  “I can’t mate me.” Huck blinked. “My luck, I get a stupid female. You’re lucky, you’re cute and I’m out of time or I’d find another.”

  “With your charm, I’m certain women will be falling all over you. All but me.”

  Becky kicked at his shin, groaned as she made contact, and jumped to her feet and fled for the room deemed captive quarters, her one foot now limped. Huck stood and followed. Perhaps he shouldn’t have mentioned he was huge, a slight oversight on his part, she’d find out soon enough. She was paused at a wall, her breath was frantic. When she turned he was prepared for tears. Her face was screwed into a snarling growl.

  Huck scrunched his nose. “Not a good look on you, female. I’d guess something crawled up your ass and died.”



  Huck wasn’t prepared for defiance. She should be crying and begging him to be gentle. Cobra would know if he took her by force. This situation was a dilemma. He could be gentle but she wasn’t asking him to be, she was demanding to be returned to the pidly human males. Five of whom handed her over on a silver platter.

  “They left the planet without you,” he stated. “The human males. They took off. Even if you’re returned you would have no one.”

  “Back.” She stomped her foot and pointed behind him.

  Huck strode to the controls grumbling. This venture wasn’t supposed to be so hard. Part of his plan involved the female letting him mate immediately. The longer he stayed out roaming the galaxies the faster were his chances of being noticed by rogue Tonan. If he was caught and they saw no tail he’d be in deep shit. If he was caught with a female it would mean their death. The shuttle should already be on its way to Cobra’s. He couldn’t go to Cobra unless he mated her.


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