Shadowed Magic (The Enlightened Species Novella)

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Shadowed Magic (The Enlightened Species Novella) Page 3

by Wendy S. Hales

  “All done.” Terri handed her a gown and turned her back considerately while Aymee put it on. Aymee rolled her eyes … like Terri hadn’t seen every nook and cranny at this point. Granting her modesty now seemed stupid. With the gown on, Aymee lay on the bed for the first time. Terri quickly gathered her things and left. Jess, Irsu, Jerika, Umbrae and Greycia burst in. She stifled a groan.

  “Great Fates, Aymee, you look like you went rounds in a boxing ring.” The concern on Jess’s face contradicted the jest she made. Her best friend's eyes glanced to where Eros had been standing earlier then returned to Aymee. Jess had an ability that allowed her to see shadowers, like Eros and Umbrae.

  “I’m okay, Jess. Eros helped me.” She felt his light touch on her shoulder.

  Umbrae looked around. “We heard. I know you’re here, dad. I just want to say thank you and I love you.”

  Aymee expected Eros to appear, instead his voice whispered in her ear. “I’ll be right back.”

  Aymee nodded as the door of her room opened and closed as if by magic.

  “Is there anything we can do for you?” Greycia had the sweetest heart wrapped in the sinfully sexy body of an Aquatie warrior.

  Aymee tried to grin at them. “Yeah, get the one I stabbed in the shoulder with the heel of my shoe.” She tried to chuckle.

  Irsu and Greycia looked at each other wide-eyed. “Son-of-a-bitch,” Irsu snapped and the two tore out of the room with Jerika right behind them.

  “What was that about?” Aymee asked

  Jess brushed her bangs from her forehead. “We saw a shirtless man leaving the ER on foot when we arrived. He had a shoulder injury.”

  Eros stepped back in, to his jeans and boots he had added the shirt he’d loaned her for a few minutes, now stretched across his broad chest. Aymee quietly sighed with relief. He pulled Umbrae into a tight hug and Aymee felt her heart melt. She remembered what it was like to have a father. Her dad had died of cancer when she was eighteen. He’d always hugged her and made sure she knew how much he loved her. Though Eros looked only a few years older than his daughter, his paternal love was the same.

  Umbrae’s hand went to her mouth. “Oh, I hadn’t even thought.” Eros must have spoken to Umbrae telepathically. “Be right back. Nobody changes this space.” She vanished from sight only to reappear in the exact same spot a minute later clutching a pair of shorts, a T-shirt and flip flops. The Volaticus ability to fold space and ‘port’ from one known location to another never ceased to amaze Aymee. They could only port their own body mass so passengers weren't allowed and they had to be familiar with where they were going or be injured, but the whole thing was pretty cool. She preferred to fly with her friends. Wonder if Eros would fly with her?

  Eros looked back toward the door. “Daniel.” His son manifested instantly from being shadowed. “Get Jess and Umbrae home, then follow up on Irsu, Jerika and Greycia’s hunt for the forth assailant.” Daniel nodded to his father and finger waved to his sister Umbrae then shimmered from view again.

  “I knew you were there the whole time, brat.” Umbrae told the now empty space. “are you staying with Aymee then dad?” There was a smile in her voice.

  “I will take her home with me, yes.” Eros gave Umbrae another quick hug goodbye.

  Jess leaned to Aymee. “Don’t worry about anything. I take care of The Ryu. You take as much time as you need. And I still expect you to call me tomorrow.” Jess was her best friend and business partner. Aymee knew Jess would handle her martial arts classes.

  “I love you Jess.” Aymee whispered.

  “I love you too.” Jess whispered back and kissed her forehead.

  Eros met Aymee’s eyes with a stunned nearly panicked expression when Jess paused in front of him and gave him a hug too. Eros was not the type of guy anyone would hug randomly. Fierce and deadly he was known for his integrity and honor, his love for his children and the four grandchildren Umbrae had just given him, but he was by no means … the warm and fuzzy kind. He had to bend slightly to accommodate Jess’s embrace. He patted Jess’s back a couple of times awkwardly. Aymee choked back a snort.

  Jess redeemed his comfort when the hug ended and she pointed her finger up at him threateningly “Take care of her.” Eros grinned and bowed slightly while Umbrae and Jess … and an invisible Daniel, left the room.

  The doctor walked back in while Eros held the door open. This time Aymee did groan. Would this night never end? “Sir, you're welcome to wait outside.” The doctor seemed slightly intimidated by Eros. At least the doctor's eyesight worked.

  “No, he stays,” Aymee stated. The doctor looked between them and nodded. Eros leaned against the closed door his arms and ankles crossed.


  Eros felt anything but casual as he leaned against the door. He watched Aymee undergo repeated questioning. The absolute humiliation of something call forensics and now the doctor touched her in personal areas while he cleaned the asphalt burns and small cuts that covered the back of her legs, arms and buttocks. Her fingernail had to be removed, and she received a few stitches in the exposed nail bed that Eros felt sure would cause her tremendous pain for a while. She also had stitches in her head where her hair had been pulled so violently her scalp had separated and torn. The small cut at her bruised cheekbone would heal on it's own according to the doctor. Thankfully, whatever Aymee had been given by the doctor made her groggy. The doctor ducked out only to return a few minutes later with an armload of bottles full of medication.

  To Eros's surprise, the doctor addressed him when he held the bottles up. “Are you going to be her caretaker?” Eros glanced to Aymee who had dozed off. Caretaker. That entailed more than taking her home and keeping an eye on her. Aymee might want another to care for her. Either way … there was no way he would allow her out of his sight until she healed. He swallowed hard and nodded.

  “These are antibiotics to keep Aymee from developing an infection. She's to have one of these twice a day.” The doctor shoved the white-labeled brown bottle into his hand and held up another one. Eros listened intently. Now that he'd agreed to care for Aymee during her recovery, he needed to insure he did it correctly. Twenty-first century human medicine was completely unfamiliar to him. “She can have up to two of these every four to six hours depending on her pain. Even if she says her pain is manageable, you need to give her one, otherwise her pain will be harder to bring back under control later.” The doctor handed him the second bottle. “This is a muscle relaxer to help blood flow to her bruises and promote healing, one very six hours.” He handed Eros a third bottle. Blood flow, yes, very important. Eros nodded, the doctor held up the fourth and final bottle. “Give her one of these in the morning with breakfast and a second one with her evening meal today.” The fourth bottle landed in Eros's hand.

  “She only needs two of these?” He held up the final bottle. The doctor nodded. “Why? What are they for?” The doctor had explained the purpose of the first three.

  “The antibiotics will disrupt the delicate yeast balance of her vaginal chemistry. These will counter it.” Delicate vaginal chemistry? Eros had never heard of such a thing. The doctor fished a bag out of a drawer and held it open while Eros reiterated the bottles and dosage before he dropped each bottle into the bag. The doctor smiled warmly and handed the bag to him. “She's quite an amazing woman. It's been my honor to treat her. Will you let her know that?” The doctor shook Eros's hand.

  “I will, and yes, she is.” Eros found he liked the doctor.

  “She's free to go now, but you're welcome to stay and let her rest awhile.” The doctor closed the door behind him leaving Eros alone with Aymee.

  He set the bag of pills on the clothes Umbrae had brought for her, sent a telepathic message to his sons and sat down in the rolling chair at Aymee's side. The back of his knuckle returned to touch the softness of her unmarred cheek. His thumb brushed across her ruby lips. She sighed, “Eros...” His name from her lips made him grin. Beautiful.

  “We can go ho
me once you are rested,” he whispered to her. Home. He was taking her home. His home. The thought filled him with anticipation. Aymee snapped her eyes open though it was obvious she remained groggy.

  “Let's go.” She tried to sit up. Eros aided her. “Get me out of here. Where are my clothes?” The last woman he'd help dress had been Umbrae's mother nearly a hundred years ago, but the T-shirt and shorts were far easier to get Aymee into than corsets and lacing. When he tried to figure out the odd sandals, Aymee shook her head. “Bare foot is better. I might trip in those.”

  Her bag of pills and shoes dangling from his fingers, he helped her stand with his other arm. Swaying, she leaned heavily against him. Eros scooped her into his arms and carried her past the hospital staff and through the doors. A black viper came to a stop in front of them. His son Jacob climbed out of the driver's seat and raced around to open the passenger door.

  “I told you to bring a vehicle Aymee would be comfortable in.” Eros scolded Jacob as he set Aymee gently into the seat.

  “OHHH. I love this car.” Aymee muttered sleepily as Eros strapped her seat belt. Jacob gave him an 'I told you so' lift of his brow.

  Eros shut the door and chuckled. “Thank you, Jacob.”

  “No problem, Pops. I'll go pack some things from her apartment and drop it by your house.” Jacob turned, stepped into the dark space between the floodlights of the building and shimmered into shadow before porting.

  Eros slid into the driver's seat. The powerful engine rumbled nearly silently through the darkened street. Aymee placed her injured hand on his forearm though she seemed to rest, as if seeking his presence.

  His gaze returned her face many times during the drive through the city and into the desert where he and his sons had built their homes. Only Daniel and Jacob were in residence. His other four sons were on assignment for the SOSC. There were four homes built in close proximity. He passed the dark windows of Baden and Brock's followed by Othos and Victor's homes. A few lights were on in Jacob and Daniel's. Daniel had contacted him telepathically earlier and informed him that he and the females had hit a dead-end in their search for the injured assailant. The last house along the private drive belonged to him. Small, at only two thousand feet not including the full basement beneath it, Eros counted it as one of the favorite homes he'd lived in during his long life. He loved to cook and the entire house had been designed to embrace the modern kitchen area.

  Beyond his home loomed the largest structure. The twelve car external garage supplemented the individual double garages attached to each home. Within the garage were his sons' greatest passions. The boys loved vehicles and had collected many over the last few years. Eros clicked the button to raise the garage door for his home and pulled the viper inside the space next to the Harley he rode as often as he could.

  Aymee rousted slightly when he turned off the engine and shut the garage behind them. He grabbed the bag of medicine, slid out of the car and stepped to the passenger side. “Hi.” She blinked up at him when he opened her door. Blue eyes smiled and his chest constricted as the air rushed from his lungs.

  “Hi, yourself.” He unclasped her seat-belt and lifted her into his arms again.

  Her arm came around his neck and she giggled. “I don't know what they gave me. I'm sorry to be so out of it.” He carried her into his home sending out pulses of kinetic energy to turn on the lights. Standing with her in his living room, he felt a sudden panic. What was he supposed to do with her? Aymee gave him direction. “Eros, you think I could … Will you help me ...” She shuddered against his chest. “Take a shower … or a bath?”

  Without comment, he strode toward his bedroom and the master bath. It had a large jetted tub, though Eros had never used the device himself. He'd heard it was a good way to relax. He nearly tripped over the unfamiliar bag inside his bedroom door. Jacob must have dropped off Aymee's things. He hoped his son had gotten the things she would like to have. He sent a pulse of kinetic energy to the water controls in the tub, starting the water for her. He set her gently on the edge of his bed and set the vital bag of medication on the bedside table.

  Aymee struggled to raise the T-shirt over her head. Eros didn't know whether to turn his back or help her. She met his gaze. He felt himself falling into the blue pools pleading with him for … something. “What do you need of me, Aymee?” His voice sounded thick from emotions he knew he shouldn't feel but couldn't seem to stop when it came to her. The dignity with which she'd faced everything awed him. Her inner strength and sense of self were amazing. Aymee was the kind of woman that knew who she was. She'd done what she had to without ego or false drama. Eros would do anything for her.

  “I'm going to need help.” She gave a half snort laugh, “It's not like you haven't seen … everything, already. Would you mind helping me?”

  Seeing her body in a stark impersonal hospital room, he'd been able to remain somewhat detached. Especially since it took every ounce of his concentration to keep his anger at bay. Touching her? Bathing her? He swallowed hard several times while he removed her clothes. How could he deny her desire to feel clean? The scent of female in his bedroom filled the space. “Do you want me to carry you?”

  Naked, she shook her head. “Just lend me your arm.”

  He held his arm out gallantly to her in an old world fashion he was far more comfortable with. Aymee grinned and took it. Her unblemished breast pressed at his side. Eros nearly groaned. This might be the most difficult task of his life. He led her slowly into the steam-filled bathroom and turned the water off in the filled tub kinetically.

  “If I could have one Volaticus ability it would be that one. It beats the hell out of 'clap on' switches.” She chuckled. Eros had no idea what a 'clap on' was so he merely smiled at her. Umbrae's friends often used terms and phrases that confused him. Modern slang completely eluded him. Sometimes he'd ask his sons or Umbrae what things meant later, often he simply ignored it. There was much even his sons and Umbrae didn't understand though they had no hesitation about asking Jess, Aymee, Jerika or Irsu when they didn't know something. They were also sociable. Eros preferred books and writing.

  Aymee tried to step into the tub by herself and lost her balance. Eros found her plastered against his chest, holding her in his arms. Aymee grinned up at him. “I am so woozy.”

  Eros settled her into the water dousing the sleeves of his shirt in the process. He stripped it off and sat at the edge. Her gaze traveled his bare chest. Did she mean to lick her lips like that? Could she be attracted to him, too? Eros shook the thought away. Aymee needed his care not his desire.

  He soaped a washrag as she watched him. “Might I ask an … odd question of you, Aymee?” He stuttered.

  “Oh, Eros, the way you talk. Need you ask?” She grinned. He wasn't sure if 'the way you talk' was a question or an answer. He waited for her to clarify, when she didn't he decided to consider her response an acceptance of his request.

  “You only have a small triangle of pubic hair at your pelvis bone. I have never seen a woman grow hair like that. Is it … by design?” Eros hoped his query wouldn't make her uncomfortable.

  Aymee laughed. The pure joy of the sound rippled through him with a power that filled his jeans instantly. She laughed with her whole expression and body. Exquisite. His breath caught in his throat. The question he'd asked completely forgotten, it took him a moment to realize what she meant when she answered. “It is most definitely … and painfully, by design. It's called a partial Brazilian wax.”

  “Wax? You burn your hair with a candle?”

  Aymee looked hard at him. “You really don't know, do you?” Eros hesitantly shook his head. “It's a hot wax that's sticky, like honey. When it cools it … traps the hair. Then you rip it off and the hair goes with it.”

  Eros knew his jaw gaped open. “Why in the universe would someone do that?” He had to know.

  Aymee shrugged. “Well.” She puckered her lips adorably while considering the answer. Eros longed to kiss her. “It's cleaner f
or women who menstruate, and I think it makes my 'girlie' prettier. And, it makes me feel sexy.”

  “What is a 'girlie'?” Every answer she gave him created another question. It was frustrating and intriguing.

  Aymee waved her hand over her private female area. “Girlie.” She answered. “That's what my mom always called private parts. I guess the term stuck with me. I hate the word vagina. It sounds vulgar coming from anyone other than a doctor or in some kind of professional capacity. A girlie is a likable, friendly term.”

  Girlie. Eros mentally filed the word as special to Aymee. He still didn't understand why she would torture her 'girlie' by ripping the hair out of it … or most of it anyway. Volaticus Elven and Hulven were hairless from the neck down. Nature's way of streamlining them for flight.

  “You going to use that or just play with it?” Aymee asked. Eros looked at her trying to figure out what she meant … again. Aymee's chin indicated the washcloth and soap he still held in his hands.

  “I'm going to … use it.” Aymee smiled and lifted her injured hand off the edge of the tub. Eros lathered her hand being careful to avoid her most injured digit before working his way up her arm and shoulder.

  “So what do you call your penis.”

  Eros's gaze snapped to her face but Aymee's eyes were looking at the bulge in his pants. A bulge that he felt grow under her inspection. “I've never thought of a name.”

  “Oh come on. Really?”

  “Maybe I just don't understand your question. That seems to happen a lot.” Eros figured he better confide his antiquated perception to her now rather than later. He liked talking to her. She displayed an open lack of judgment he found refreshing.


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