Shadowed Magic (The Enlightened Species Novella)

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Shadowed Magic (The Enlightened Species Novella) Page 8

by Wendy S. Hales

  He could accept she did not mind his scars, but he did not believe she found them attractive, but how could he refute her compliment? He preferred honesty... especially from her. “I am pleased you are not repulsed by my deformation, Aymee. It is a boon I didn't expect.” The lump in his throat made it difficult to breath. He was grateful she stood behind him and couldn't see his face.

  Aymee's hand stilled on his member. She inserted herself between him and the counter forcing him to look into her beautiful face. He expected pity or maybe her to reveal the disgust she surely felt. What he saw stunned him. It was unadulterated anger. “Are you out of your fucking mind? You are not deformed. You have a healed injury that scarred. It doesn't hinder you and it doesn't detract from how amazingly sexy you are.” She poked him in the chest and cupped his sack in her palm. “Repulsed by you? Not only am I definitely not repulsed by you, Eros Sicarius, I want to lick every inch of you.” She fondled him a moment then ran both her palms up his inner thighs over his hip bones and grasped his buttocks rubbing her body sensuously against his. “Let's eat … then I'll show you just how much you turn me on.” She turned so his erection nestled into the crack of her bottom, took a bite of her sandwich and wiggled to drive him crazy the entire meal.

  Eros stared down at the picture she presented leaning on the counter. The arch of her neck, curve of her back, the gentle flare of her hips. He believed her. She saw him as a whole male. How could he give her up? The knowledge he must was a dark thought he pushed to the back of his mind. She was his … for the next few days.


  The blond guy in the Mercedes showed up like clockwork. Most days, he never made it down the drive before someone from one of the other houses intercepted him. He'd yell what Zack could only assume were curses and stuff flowers out his window before driving away. By his count, there were three brothers living down there. He'd only seen the bitch once, doing some kind of synchronized dance with the three guys on the lawn. The way the tallest one carried her in the house, it was obvious she was fucking him. If she put out that easily, why'd she resist him and his friends that night? The slut should have been grateful for some variety.

  The smell of his red swollen shoulder made him gag. Maybe he should clean it like the doc said. Not easy to do when you're on the run from cops. Fucking bitch. He hated her more with every second. Sleeping in the desert without proper camping gear sucked. Sweating his ass off all day, freezing at night. Out of smokes. He'd finished off the last bottle of water he'd pillaged from a convenience store days ago.

  He'd made another call to his father who had just gotten home from Kade's funeral. Brad was still in the hospital. Jake had already been released, but now sat in jail. The cops were still looking for Zack. Maybe the blond guy was the key to getting the bitch out in the open. If he delivered flowers, the men with Aymee probably wouldn't bat an eye. He might be able to get a shot at her. Zack trekked down the bluff and hopped on the motorcycle. He needed a shower, clean clothes, smokes and flowers. That meant he needed to do a B&E and get some money. If he had time, he'd try to clean out the hole in his shoulder.


  Aymee shoved the last of her things into her suitcase and zipped it closed. The last three days with Eros had been paradise, but she needed to get back to the Ryu.

  Umbrae and her bloodmate, Enlil, had visited last night and brought the babies. Aymee had enjoyed spending time with her friends, held each of the children... even changed her first diaper. She curled her nose at the memory. Being with Eros meant she needed to become proficient at caring for his grandchildren.

  After Umbrae left, things got weird with Eros. He'd held her throughout the night, but there was a distance between them she couldn't seem to overcome. She'd tried arousing him, and though his body responded, he claimed exhaustion. She'd tried talking to him and received only single word answers. Hurt and confused by his actions, she struggled to think of what she might have done wrong.

  A knock at the door brought her mind back. Mitch. It was high time she dealt with that complication once and for all. Aymee marched to the living room as Eros opened the door. Incredibly, he stepped back and allowed Mitch to enter. What the hell?

  “Mitch. I've told you I want nothing to do with you ever again. You'd think someone college educated could look the words up in the dictionary.”

  Mitch smirked at her. “I was invited, Aymee.”

  Eros refused to meet her gaze as he walked back to the kitchen. “Why?” Since Eros didn't seem willing to answer, she addressed the question to Mitch.

  “To give you a ride home. Eros called me this morning.” Mitch seemed genuinely confused and maybe a little hurt by Aymee's reception of him. What had he expected?

  Aymee felt her stomach drop. She entered the kitchen with her hand on her hip. No way would she let on how much Eros was hurting her. “I thought you were taking me home.” She demanded.

  Eros kept his eyes averted. “I've been called to duty. I have to report within the hour. I knew Mitch would be willing to … take my place and drive you home.”

  “But, Eros--” I love you, don't you love me too? The words hung unspoken in the air. She wanted to crawl to him, beg him to love her. Pride held her in place.

  He finally looked at her, his face blank of any expression. Aymee's heart fractured in her chest. “It's for the best. Go with Mitch, Aymee.” The cold tone of his voice chilled her to the bone. He was done with her. Hell, what did she expect? He was immortal and she, human. He was a god and she was …

  Without a word or another glance in Eros's direction, she gathered her suitcase and followed Mitch to his car. Mitch put her bag in his trunk and opened the passenger door for her. Aymee look back at Eros's house searching the windows for any sign of him. They were empty. I'm dismissed. She swallowed back the tears that threatened and slid into the car fastening her seat belt while Mitch raced around the front and climbed in as if the devil were chasing him … or he was afraid she'd jump out before he could drive her away. If Eros had given her even a glimmer of hope, she might have jumped out. Mitch punched the gas, leaving Eros's behind in a hurry. The tires squealed as he turned onto the highway, and he nearly hit a kid on a motorcycle clutching a bouquet of flowers.

  “So how about we go out to dinner tomorrow night? I have standing reservations at the Bavarian Point restaurant.” Mitch looked at her with hope.

  “That's a public place.” Aymee tried to be snippy, but her heart breaking in her chest made her voice come out as a whisper.

  “I've made so many mistakes with you, Aymee. Keeping us a secret is one of them. You were the best thing that ever happened to me. Let me prove to you I've changed. Give me a chance … one chance. Please.”

  Aymee stared out the window at the desert and the looming city of Mesa. The blank faced dismissal by Eros replayed in her mind over and over. He'd taken what she'd given freely. Nothing more. He didn't want her love. Didn't love her. How could he? After twelve thousand years, she was probably a small blip in his life, nothing more than an insignificant human who had thrown herself at him. The truth sent sharp pain into her. What did she expect … that he'd declare his love then spend the rest of her life watching her age and die?

  “Sure. Why wait? Let's go tonight. I'll be ready by seven.” She needed a few hours to herself then she'd do whatever necessary to get Eros out of her system. Even use Mitch.

  “Great!” He sounded so happy, it almost made her feel guilty. She couldn't get out of the car fast enough when he pulled in front of the Ryu. “I'll walk you up.”

  She took her suitcase from his hand, and shook her head. “No. I'm fine.”

  He frowned then shrugged. “Okay, I'll pick you up at seven.”

  Aymee watched Mitch drive away and made her way to her apartment avoiding the students and instructors entirely.

  Chapter Nine

  Eros had been rattling aimlessly around his house for hours. His soul cried out for Aymee. He found her black silk nightgown discarded a
nd partially obstructed under his bed. Holding it to his nose, he drew in her springtime fresh scent. He loved her so much his heart hurt. The betrayed expression on her face when she turned back and looked at his house before getting into the car with Mitch had destroyed him. Shadowed he'd flown above the car needing to assure himself she got home safely. That Aymee didn't invite Mitch in filled him with relief.

  Perhaps, it wouldn't be Mitch that captured Aymee's heart. Someone eventually would though, and then she could have a family of her own. He knew he'd always watch over her in shadow. He also knew he could never allow her to see him again. He imagined her smiling into the face of her children, a good man by her side. Happy. Aymee deserved to be happy. With a heavy heart, he'd returned home.

  Eros had lied to her. He hadn't been called to duty. He just couldn't think of any other way to let her go. As the sun started to sink in the sky Jess stopped by. He hesitated to answer the door. No doubt Aymee's best friend didn't know Aymee had gone home. With feet of lead, he opened the door. Jess's smile fell when she met his tortured gaze. “Oh Fates, what happened?”

  Eros widened the open door, granting Jess admittance. “Aymee went home this morning. I am surprised she did not call you.” He barely recognized his own voice.

  Jess narrowed her eyes at him and sat on this couch. “Okay... That didn't answer my question. What happened?” Jess's shrewd observation was his undoing. The internal strength he'd cleaved to all day crumbled and Eros's knees folded, sending him hard to the floor. The tears he'd held at bay rolled unchecked down his face.

  Jess rushed over, squatting beside him, she cradled his head to her chest. “Eros … talk to me. I'm your friend, too.”

  “I love her … Fates, I love her so much.” His voice caught in his chest.

  Jess whispered into his hair. “Did you tell her?”

  Eros shook his head, the tearing agony of loss astounded him. “She deserves more than I can give her. You should have seen her last night with my grandchildren. She deserves a family … children of her own. I can offer her none of those things. I had to let her go.”

  He expected Jess to agree with his logic. Her next words floored him. “Eros, Aymee can't have children. She had a hysterectomy seven years ago. You should have talked to her about this. You should have told her how you felt.”

  A flush of shame overwhelmed him. Fates, he was an idiot. Even more of an idiot than Mitch. He should have asked her if she wanted children. Wait. A what? “What's a hysterectomy?” He asked, feeling that somehow it was important.

  Jess released his head and squatted lower to meet his gaze. “Aymee had cancer. The doctors had to remove her uterus to save her life. Children aren't an option for her … unless she adopts.”

  Would Aymee forgive his stupidity? Eros shadowed, threw open the door and took flight. “You’ll need to grovel, Big Guy!” Jess voice carried to him from his open doorway.


  Aymee checked her reflection. It had taken a ton of makeup to hide the evidence of her tears. She'd picked up the phone to cancel dinner at least a dozen times only to set it back in the cradle before dialing. She'd always thought Mitch the greatest love of her life. Now she knew better. She'd thought herself in love with Mitch … before she'd known how love really felt. She should cancel dinner. Giving Mitch false hope wasn't fair.

  The knock told her it was too late. Aymee sighed, grabbed her purse, plastered what she hoped was a smile on her face and opened the door. Mitch stood leaning on the jam, handsome as she remembered; yet she felt nothing. None of the tingling anticipation she once had. The cocky grin on his face, at one time made her melt, now it annoyed her somewhat.

  “Wow. You look … amazing, Aymee.” His eyes traveled the black dress and strap heels she'd chosen. Aymee endured his inspection pushing away the urge to cover up.

  Aymee accepted the kiss he placed on her cheek and let him lead her to the car. “So how do you like working for the District Attorney?” She asked then feigned interest when she got the desired effect. Mitch spent the entire drive talking about his cases, his golf game, the car he wanted to buy … essentially, himself. Encouraged by an occasional 'oh really,' 'how interesting,' or some other brief comment from her.

  Aymee had been able to keep things simple through most of dinner. Then Mitch clasped her hand over the table. “Aymee. I want to give us another shot. I've never stopped loving y--” The sound of a disturbance at the doors caught her attention. “Damn it.” Mitch's voice switched to the annoyed tone he took when something she'd done or said embarrassed him. Aymee had forgotten that side of him.

  She barely recognized Emily. The once beautiful woman had gained thirty pounds. Blonde hair that had been perfect in every picture of her and Mitch in the society section of the paper following the announcement of their engagement hung limp and frazzled. Emily headed towards her and Mitch dragging a four or five year old boy by his arm behind her and a younger little girl on her hip.

  Unbelievable. He'd spent hours talking about himself and the fact he had children slipped his mind. His face paled the closer Emily got. Although Mitch never said the actual words, Aymee had known part of the reason he'd proposed to Emily instead of her was a desire for children. And, they were beautiful. The blonde hair and blue eyes of both Mitch and Emily had carried to their son and daughter. His curious son gaped at the finely dressed patrons they passed. The pint-sized future charmer waved at one patron.

  Mitch's daughter, propped on her mother’s hip, couldn't be more than a few years old. If Mitch had been truthful about his divorce happening two years ago, then he'd abandoned his wife while pregnant or shortly thereafter. What kind of man could be so selfish? Her rose-colored glasses metaphorically shattered, and she took a good long look at Mitch, seeing him for who he really was for the first time. A man without honor.

  Emily's eyes shot daggers at Aymee. “I guess I should have known it would be you.” The venom in Emily's voice shocked Aymee. The harried woman turned her ferocity on Mitch. “Tonight is your visitation. I'm sure you forgot … again!” Emily forced the little girl into Mitch's hands and refused to take the child back when Mitch argued with her. She let go of the boy’s hand and stomped back through the restaurant and out the door into the night. The boy stared after his mother and began to cry.

  Aymee had never seen anything more pathetic than Mitch's befuddled face peering at his son in tears while awkwardly holding his daughter. Aymee knelt in front of the boy. “Hey.” He looked at her and quieted slightly. “What's your name?”

  He sniffled, “M.J.” Probably, Mitch Junior.

  “Well, M.J, you and your sister are just in time for dessert. You like ice cream?” Aymee helped the boy climb into her plush padded chair, scooted him near the linen covered table and moved the candle out of his reach. Mitch breathed a sigh of relief and sat down with his daughter on his lap. The little girl reached for the candle Aymee had just moved. She picked it up and set it on an empty table.

  “I like chocolate ice cream.” M.J. said, his tongue swiped at the snot on his upper lip.

  Aymee smiled. “Chocolate it is then.” She stood and waved over the waiter.

  “I'm so glad you understand. Emily can be...” Mitch started, his nose curled with disgust.

  What an Asshole. Aymee held her finger to her lips and gave him a dirty look. “A wonderful mother. I can see she is.”

  Mitch swallowed hard and nodded, his guilty gaze dropped to his son briefly then returned to Aymee. “Thank you for letting them join us. I'll have the waiter bring you a chair.”

  Aymee ordered the children chocolate ice cream, then turned to Mitch. “I think having dessert with your children is very important. They need to spend time with you.” Aymee knelt in front of M.J. and addressed the boy directly. “Have fun with your daddy, okay?” The boy nodded and grinned, staring at Mitch with hero worship. “I'm going now, Mitch. And, to every question you ever have … ever, it's NO. Understand?” She gave Mitch a meaningful glare. He lift
ed his brow in question before his face fell and he nodded.

  Aymee grabbed her purse and left. Whether she could have Eros or not, she didn't want Mitch. That chapter of her life had ended even if it took her awhile to close the book. She glanced back at Mitch fumbling at parenthood, shook her head and stepped out the door of the restaurant. Pulling her cell phone from her pocket, she dialed the number for a cab company.

  “Aymee.” Eros's voice in her ear startled her and her phone dropped to the ground. Tears sprang to her eyes, and she kept walking without picking up her phone. How dare he be here now? She could feel his eyes following her. There was a coffee shop on the corner. If she could just get there, he would have to remain shadowed and silent. “I'm sorry.” His voice came from a distance behind her.

  Aymee pivoted on her heels “You’re sorry! Do you have any idea how fucking lame that is? Why? Eros? Am I too human for you?” She screamed into vacant space.

  His voice floated from the same distance away. “I thought it for the best. I was afraid you’d be giving up a chance for children if I claimed you for mine-own. Then Jess told me --”

  Fury ripped through Aymee. Mitch had dumped her because she couldn’t have children and Eros coldly dismissed her because he thought she could. “You are an ASS, Eros Sicarius!” Her fists balled at her side. “So you’re saying if I weren’t infertile, you wouldn’t be here right now. How dare you. So what … having children is more important than being with the person you love! You can toss me aside because you think it’s the best thing for me? Don’t you think I should get a fucking say in what’s best for me? I don’t want a guy to lord over me like a god. If you don’t think enough of me to trust that I know my own mind and heart, then just stay gone. I don’t need that in my short human life.”

  A motorcycle slowed to a stop at the curb in front of her. Red-rimmed glazed eyes glared at her with madness and rage. The fourth assailant. Her mind barely registered the raised barrel of a 9mm and the flash of it firing at her before everything went dark.


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