Tales Of Lola The Black

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Tales Of Lola The Black Page 1

by A. J. Martinez

  Tales Of Lola The Black

  By: A. J. Martinez

  All rights reserved Copyright © 2013 by A.J. Martinez

  License Notes

  This short story is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This short story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, place and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or, if real, used fictitiously. This short story may not be re-sold or given away to other people. This short story may not be reproduce or transmitted into any form or by an electronic or mechanics means, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system.

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  ISBN-10: 1-62890-112-8

  ISBN-13: 9781628901122

  Reclaiming The Old

  In North Alexandria Lola the Black walks through misty woods. She had left Centra the capital of Alexandria two days ago to visit her old master. The one who trained her in the arts of fire. Lola had just recovered from an illness that she thought would send her soul to Necrovania where she would rest with dark spirits and fiends. After her recovery Lola had an epiphany as if Omegus the god himself had helped her open her mind. A calling from beyond what one could hear. Something only the soul could comprehend and with just that simple awakening Lola now headed north to the hidden mansion of her old master.

  She was sure to return to the capital city again in a few days to rest and search for employment. She lived the life of a drifter moving from town to town with her black wolf named Dougal. Her wolf is an intimidating creature. Its fur pure black with ram horns on the side of its head and two tails wagging behind him. As fierce as Dougal might seem he is a tamed animal and loyal to Lola but she had not trained the wolf. Dougal was once human. He was a very important person to Lola. They take odd jobs together and with Lola’s beauty they had no problem finding employers. She had long raven black hair, milky pale skin, green eyes, full lips that she painted cherry red and the top lip black. She is eighteen and a mage that made a great living in the capital city. A mage with a fire nature and essence of darkness as well as Dougal. For three long years they lived this life of freedom. No one tells them what to do or where to go. They move as they please without mischief, without worry or obligations only to each other.

  Three long years as a drifter. The best years of her life since she left her old master. A life of freedom with Dougal by her side. Lola is always happy and graceful where ever she would go but today was a different day. The misty woods in which she walked brought back uncomfortable memories. Her long skirt of black bird feathers rustled over the dirt and gravel. Dougal walked beside her, breaking twigs with his paws and sniffing the air hoping to find the scent of those he once considered friends.

  “I sense a dark mana ahead.” Dougal told Lola.

  “I sense it too.” She responded. “It is strange. These woods once felt safe but now they feel as though fiends have been lurking here.” Lola swirled her red rod that she wielded in her right hand. As she spun it, it spread her mana to help her sense other creatures that lurked in the shadows. Lola had many experiences with the darkness. Creatures of the dark did not frighten her. She had killed many in the past as part of her odd jobs.

  Fiends had a way of appearing wherever she went, an occurrence that happened far too often for Lola’s liking. For the past three years she has encounter fiends on the road and cities, hunting her down with no explanation. Lola thought it was a curse or some sort of grim spell of darkness. Either way, she was determined to find answers. Dougal always kept her safe and helped her fight the darkness. The black wolf was a fiend himself. With his keen sense of the world of the dead he too could sense malice creatures of the dark.

  A chilly wind blew lifting Lola’s skirt. The front of her skirt was up to her knees and the back billows like wings of a black bird. The cold wind blew a smell of rot and dead bodies. As if an animal was feasting on prey that it had capture just a few feet ahead but it was getting dark and it was hard to see. Dougal had no trouble seeing for his blue moon eyes could see in the dark.

  “It seems like we are not the only ones wandering these woods.” Dougal said with a cocky tone.

  “It seems like the appropriate place for fiends to lurk. I always found these woods creepy.” Lola added with a smirk on her face.

  “I like your attitude my dear.” Dougal said and began to walk in front of her like a guard dog growling and his eyes glowing blue like the second moon. As the two walked deeper in the misty woods they heard small growls and grunts. They heard the sound of flesh being torn. It was the sound of someone chewing their food. “It’s a wild fiend.” Lola stated. “Do you think it would be kind enough to point the directions?”

  “If it’s not hungry for a pretty human girl.” Dougal answered.

  “I am willing to take a risk.” Lola raised her red rod and its top ruby gemstone lit up with fire crackling over it like a lantern. It illuminated the woods. The rod’s light spread far enough for Lola and Dougal to see the fiend tearing the flesh of a unicorn with its sharp shark like teeth. The fiend was of a dusty white color. It had no eyes and slids for nostrils. It bit the neck of the unicorn and drank its silvery blood. It did not seem to be bothered by Lola’s light. It ignored them and continued to feast on the unicorn savagely.

  It sickened Lola to watch the fiend chew on a harmless unicorn so violently. She had seen worst thanks to Dougal. “Perhaps we should leave it alone” Dougal suggested and began to walk away from the sight of the fiend. Lola went on and approached the white fiend.

  “Don’t be foolish Lola.” Dougal snarled at her, maw clenched.

  “Unless you remember the way to Perim, why not ask this little one.” Lola persisted. “He might actually know something.”

  Dougal snarled and joined her. He always tried to prevent Lola from venturing on her own. He gave a nasty snarled as they got closer to the white fiend. Suddenly the white fiend stopped chewing on the unicorn. Its mouth dripped silver blood. It wiped it with its boney hand of three fingers. The white fiend stood up and he was a foot shorter than Lola. She saw its skinny legs with feet like that of horse. The fiend snarled and hissed at Lola like a wild cat. “Can’t you see I am busy?” It simply said with a cold voice like of a dying man. “Are you not frightened by me. Human?”

  “I am not afraid of fiends and I hate to disturb your meal but I need to know which way is Perim’s mansion located?” Lola asked the fiend. It was difficult to determine if it would attack or speak since it had no eyes, only a forehead and twitching lips for a face.

  “Perim” the fiend repeated. “Why would a lady such as you would be looking for Perim? What business do you have with Master Perim?”

  “You called him ‘Master’.” Lola said suspiciously. “Perim is working with fiends now?” Dougal questioned with surprise.

  “What are you to Master Perim?” Asked the white fiend stepping away from Lola and Dougal.

  “We were once his students and ….”

  “Ah!” The white fiend flabbergasted. Although he had no face to show emotions. Lola could tell he was frightened abruptly. He continued to step away and Dougal began to snarl louder. The fiend then began to chuckle showing his sharp teeth and dripping silver blood of the unicorn from its mouth. “I know who you are hehehe.” It laughed so high pitched that it irritated Dougal’s ears. “Master Perim put a bounty on your head. Lola Raven.”

  “My name is Lola the Black now.” She correc
ted the fiend. She had left that name Lola Raven after leaving her master. A name that resembled her nature. “Where is Master Perim?” Lola demanded again but the ugly fiend only chuckled with its boney fingers over its foaming mouth.

  “Why would I tell you when I can collect the prize for your bounty?” The white fiend said.

  “Tell me where Perim is or me and my black wolf will make sure you have a bloody trip to Necrovania.” She threatens. “Point out the right way or I will make sure you suffer.”

  The white fiend only laughs at Lola’s threat. She becomes annoy at the ugly creature and tempted to launch a burning spell at it. “We cannot trust him at this point.” Dougal suggested. “Let’s go Lola.” The wolf bites her feather skirt and pulls her away from the creepy fiend.

  “Where do you think you are going?” The white fiend asks with a screechy voice this time. He clenches his teeth lustfully with a sudden desire for Lola’s flesh. Its small lips twitched and it spat unicorn blood. “You know what I love more than juicy, salty, warm unicorn blood.”

  “I had no idea that fiends felt love. Would you like to explain?” Lola said sarcastically, fearlessly, waiting to see what the fiend would do. Trouble always excites her although she never seeks it.

  “You are a feisty human.” The nasty white fiend commented. “Human blood and flesh is better than unicorn blood in these woods. Master Perim promised me to turn me into a powerful fiend, if I bring your head to his mansion. Fortunately for me he did not say to bring you back alive. Hehehehehe.”

  “Perim has some guts promising what he does not have. Stupid fiends like you are nothing but pawns in a game of chest for Perim.” Lola told the fiend and walked away. When she spun away, there was another white fiend standing nearby. A dusty white fiend with no face only teeth and a long forehead. Long nasty boney fingers with pointy nails sprouting out.

  “I told you we should have left him alone.” Dougal reminded Lola. He was always so sure of himself and always found that Lola would get them in dangerous situations. “Why don’t you ever listen to me?”

  “Shut it Dougal. You act as though you fear these creatures.” Lola answered annoyed. “They seem frightening but I bet they will die with one spell.”

  “In case you have not sense them already. There are dozens of them closing in on us.” Dougal explained. Then Lola realized. She heard their steps getting closer and the rustling sound of leaves. Hissing sounds like that of wild cats echoed through the misty woods. Dougal growled and blue smoke left his nostrils. They emerged from the darkness of the misty woods. There were dozens of them. Perhaps thirty or more. It did not matter to Dougal for he has killed worse. The white fiends snapped their teeth like guillotines as they got closer. They emerge from behind every tree in sight with blood dripping from their mouths that foamed with saliva. They swiped the tree trunks with their sharp nails and snarled louder moving towards the area lit by Lola’s rod.

  “I will feast on you with my brothers and sisters.” Said the white fiend that stood near Lola. “I will make sure they leave your head so that I can deliver it to Master Perim and as for your pet. We will have fun drinking wolf blood for the first time.”

  Dougal could not wait any longer. From his mouth he shot a bullet of blue flames. He sneezed it and it flew across the misty woods and hit one of the fiends. The creature screeched in pain so loud that it could rip the insides on one’s ears. It caught fire and died in seconds. They all leapt at Dougal and Lola. The white fiend that was feasting on the dead unicorn fled. It seemed to be their leader. “Lola don’t let him get away!” Dougal alarmed. Lola ran after the white fiend but another one jumped in her way, its teeth snapping, it’s long sharp nails about to swipe her. “Pikan Fahiah!” Lola yelled and a bullet of fire left her rod as if it had been launched from a crossbow. The white creature gave an irritating screech. Lola then smacked it aside with the end of her red rod and the fiend caught on fire, it melted and kicked on the grass.

  Lola ran after the one white fiend that knew the direction to her old master but more of them attacked. There were three of them. One jumped at her and Lola whipped it aside with her rod, setting the creature on fire. Another one swiped its long nails at her. “Pikan Fahiah!” Lola cast her spell on it and set it on fire. The third leapt and swung its sharp nails at her. It wounded Lola cutting through the tight sleeves of her black blouse. Lola cussed and kicked the ugly beast. “Pikan Granda!” She shouted and launched a larger bullet of fire. The fiend shrieked in pain and Lola watched its flesh melt right off its bones. It died within seconds and Lola was glad to see it die. “I worked really hard for this dress. Stupid fiend.”

  Lola looked back and saw Dougal incinerating fiends with his blue flames. Dougal burned them and tackled them with his ram horns and pushed them against the trees. With his fangs he bit their small necks and decapitated them. Dougal quickly glanced at Lola and bellowed “don’t let him get away!”

  “Oh yes. I almost forgot.” Lola remembered. She turned east in the direction of the white fiend who had killed the unicorn. She saw it running from far away. It laughed hysterically as it fled cowardly, like a child who had just stolen goods. Lola pointed her rod at it; she took aim at the fiend’s legs. “Pikan Ray”, she whispered and a red beam was sent from the end of her rod. The red beam flew across the misty woods until it reached the cowardly fiend and pierced its right leg. The white fiend crippled and gave a hissing scream. It tried to crawl away as it watched Lola pacing towards him. It knew it had nowhere to run now. When Lola reached the ugly creature she stomped on its face with her boots and press down on its cranium with her heels. “No please!” It shrieked. “I will tell you where he is, just don’t kill me I beg you.”

  “As cowardly as I thought.” Lola stared down at the ugly creature.

  “You better give us the right directions. Ugly little beast.” Dougal insulted as he approached. Blood dripped from the sides of his maw and blue smoke left his nostrils. His ram horns were tainted with blood as well.

  “Ugly beast you say. Someone has not looked at his own reflection.” The white fiend teased then Lola stomped on its face again with her high heel boots.

  “I am running out of patience. Tell us which way is Master Perim’s mansion?” She demanded an answer for the last time.

  “As you wish. I will tell you.” The white fiend said and moaned in pain at his leg that had been pierced by Lola’s fire spell. “Find the stream east of here then follow it north. You should find his mansion and once you get there you will die by Perim’s apprentices.”

  “Is there anything else that we need to know?” Lola asked politely making sure nothing is left unsaid by the creature and she would successfully find her old master’s mansion.

  “Oh yes. I will see you in Necrovania.” Were the fiends final words and Lola yelled “Pikan Fahiah!” The fiend’s body was set on fire. Lola and Dougal watched it burned. Its stench was viler than a dead rat or rotten rations. They watched the rest of the fiends burning in the misty woods. Dougal had killed most of them with his blue flames.

  “See you in Necrovania.” Lola paraphrased. “Where do fiends go after you kill them?”

  “They don’t die so to speak. Their bodies may vanish but their souls return to Necrovania.” Dougal lectured. “There is a possibility that these fiends may haunt us however I highly doubt that. I don’t think they have any authority in the world of the dead if they were following Perim.”

  Lola stared up at the night sky over the naked autumn branches. She noticed the white and blue moon were behind her. The moons and sun rise from the east, she thought and turned in that direction. Dougal walked by her side. She was not sure if the white fiend had told her the truth. If it had given them the right directions but Lola was willing to try. Anything to finally see Master Perim. They walked east as instructed. The woods were silent with only the hoot of owls and crickets. Despite the silence Lola understood that there could be more fiends lurking in the shadows of the woods. “The vibe of
these woods has changed.” Dougal said as they walked to their destination.

  “In deed.” Lola agreed. “I always thought Perim was a strange man however what caused him to work with fiends.” Lola waved her rod and the ruby stone at the end lit up, illuminating the way. Soon they reached the stream. It was a beautiful stream. Lola ran towards it as soon as she saw it. She kneeled down by the edge of the stream, lifted her skirt and dipped her hands in the water. At the bottom of the stream, the rocks glow of turquoise, vivid greens, blues and yellow colors. Tiny fishes jumped from the water catching flies. Lola washed her face with the water. It was cold but refreshing. She sat there on her knees gazing at the stream and lovely aquatic creatures below. It brought back sweet memories.

  Dougal joined her and brushed his ram horns on the side of her left arm. “Do you remember this stream Dougal?” She asked him.

  “Yes I do.” He said in a low tone. “I am no longer human but I still remember this stream. We use to sneak out during the night and sat by this stream under a tree.”

  “It was the only escape we had from that prison.” Lola muttered.

  “Sorry my dear but this is not the time.” Dougal said, intending to disrupt Lola’s moment. “We will have time for sweet memories later. Let’s focus on finding Perim’s mansion.” Dougal then walked away from Lola as she sat there by the stream. She gazed at the black wolf walking away. That form has changed you, Dougal, she thought with a heavy heart. I understand your pain. I promise you I will find a way to turn you back into a human again. Lola then stood up and followed Dougal.

  The white fiend said to follow the stream north. As Lola walked behind Dougal alongside the stream, she thought of the old days. She thought of her friends at the mansion and wondered if they would be glad to see her again. It has been three long years since I have seen them. I wonder.

  The time passed and the moons moved over the night sky. Lola gazed up at the two moons, an hour or so has passed, she thought. Although she remembers the stream going into the direction of the mansion, she does not remember it being such a lengthy walk. Then finally.


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