Caution to the Wind: Book One of the Elementals Series

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Caution to the Wind: Book One of the Elementals Series Page 2

by F. R. Southerland

  His weight shifted from one foot to another. “It’s confusing. I know.”

  Loren sighed and looked back to him. His arms folded across his chest again.

  “Confusing doesn’t even begin to cover it. What—how am I supposed to help save the world?” That was the big question.

  “I can’t explain it. Not right now. It…” His robotic voice fell briefly silent before he sighed. “It’s more than complicated. All you need to know right now is we need you. I can’t explain it more than that.”

  “Helpful.” Loren drew her lips together, wetting them. She debated her next words. “Who are you?”

  The question met with another small shift of his feet. When he didn’t reply after a few moments, Loren nodded. “Okay. I get it. Secret identity. Secret mission.” She tightened her shaking hands into fists, released them, and flexed her fingers.

  Only one of her dozens of questions escaped her. “Why me?”

  “Because of your powers.”

  She’d been afraid of that. Loren wasn’t important. It was her powers. That made sense. It was painful, but it made sense. It was never about her.

  “Everything will be explained,” he assured her. Loren detected a softer tone, but with the modulator altering his voice, it was difficult to tell. Most likely she imagined it. “It will take time.” He let his arms hang down at his sides again. “We need to leave as soon as possible.”

  “Leave?” He expected her to go with him. “I can’t. You show up at my apartment, knowing about my powers, claiming—” Loren cut herself off. “I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t trust you.”

  The silence was thick between them, finally broken with his sigh. “You don’t have a choice. You need to come with me.”

  Loren wasn’t convinced. Everything was happening so fast. She couldn’t think clearly on the spot with all this new information.

  The hooded figure looked down at her before he moved. He reached into his coat and Loren automatically tensed. His hand withdrew empty a moment later. Both hands lowered the hood.

  His hair was a dark shade of brown, slicked back and drawn into a ponytail. His eyebrows knit together in a sympathetic look, and bright blue eyes lifted to her. Loren stared, taking in the appearance of a man she’d seen in the media dozens of times.

  “We need you, Loren.” Without the modulator, his voice was smooth and even. “Your powers. Your presence.”

  Loren’s breath caught when he crouched down to her level, looking at her eye to eye.

  “I know this is difficult to understand and I promise everything will be explained as soon as possible. I have powers too. You’re not the only one.” As he said it, he lifted a hand. He did so slowly, holding it out level with his palm up. A small flame ignited against his flesh and began to burn. The heat from it was real. Loren could feel its warmth.

  Her throat tightened as she stared at the tiny, flickering flame. Her eyes watered, but she didn’t dare blink. Avery Morgan, brother of billionaire and industry mogul Callum Morgan, was just like her. She wasn’t alone. Slowly, she looked away from the flame to his face.

  “There are others like us, with powers. We’ve been looking for you. For years.”

  Loren took a deep breath and held it. She kept her eyes on him, searching for insincerity. She found none. Everything swam in her head and all she could do was stare at him.

  “You’re important, Loren,” he said softly. “We need you.”

  It was a lot of information to take in and it all happened fast. Her mind sought to wrap around it all. She believed she was important, once, and it had filled her with elation and purpose. That had been short-lived, but she remembered it well.

  This feeling was the closest to that she’d had in years. Things were often too good to be true. She couldn't hold onto much hope.

  Avery's gaze remained steady on her face, but he drew back to give her some room. Loren was thankful for that. It gave her a minute to attempt to collect herself. She wiped at her eyes. Why was she crying anyway?

  “It's too much,” she managed to get out, casting her gaze to the side.

  Avery shifted to stand and Loren took the opportunity to move her chair back. “I know,” he said. “These aren't the ideal circumstances. You shouldn't have to find out this way and it's sudden, but I didn't have another choice.”

  “There were options?” She lifted her head and looked at him.

  Avery's jaw set. “It's complicated.” He lifted his arm in a helpless gesture. “And I'm sorry I keep repeating that. There's a very long-winded explanation and I'm not the guy who can give it to you. You'll have to trust me. I can take you somewhere safe, to the people who can explain it.”

  Trust was difficult. Loren found herself chewing on her lip again and she released it to speak. “Who?”

  “My brother.”

  Callum Morgan. He was a smart man, running a multi-billion dollar company. He'd been doing that for the last seven years, since the death of his father. Loren had learned about all of it from the media. The Morgan family was heavily in the spotlight, under public scrutiny on a daily basis. The idea he knew about superpowers and saving the world seemed completely ridiculous. “He knows?”

  “Of course he knows.”

  Loren's brow knitted together more. “I'm really struggling with this.”

  “You'll have to struggle with it on the way.” He faced her and his gaze dropped, looking her over. “You should go get ready.”

  She became aware she was only half dressed. Loren grabbed at the hem of her t-shirt, tugging it down to cover up an expanse of bare thigh. Her cheeks burned.

  “I uh I'll go grab something.”

  She stood and moved quickly from the kitchen. It was ridiculous for her to agree so readily. She thought about it while she changed out of her frumpy old t-shirt into a nice bra and a faded but clean black sweater with jeans. She did want to know more about her so-called purpose. She needed an explanation.

  It was relief enough to know she wasn’t alone. There were others with abilities. Curiosity got the best of her. She marveled at how that always seemed to win out over her suspicions and anxieties every time.

  It didn't mean she trusted him. It didn't matter that he was famous, or rich, or had superpowers too. There was something dangerous about all of this. Loren wanted to be cautious.

  Damn curiosity. She was throwing caution to the wind and she knew it.

  Loren tucked the yellow stone into her shirt and adjusted the cord it hung from before she grabbed her shoes and went back to her living room. She sat on her couch as she put them on.

  Avery had left the kitchen and currently stood next to her poorly constructed bookshelf. He had a novel in his hand, flipping through the pages, occasionally pausing long enough to read. He seemed distracted and it gave Loren the perfect opportunity to get a good look at him.

  The Morgan family had been born into wealth generation after generation. Well-groomed and sophisticated, they were akin to a royal family. And Avery, if one believed the tabloids and media, was the black sheep of the family. Prone to partying, boozing, and a laundry list of offenses, he was one of the media's favorite targets. Each week there was a new article about his dalliances. Loren read the headlines at the supermarket checkout.

  He must be very careful about his powers if he'd never been caught using them in public. The secret identity made a lot of sense to her. Word couldn't get out that the Morgan family had a skeleton in their closet, especially not this skeleton.

  “Are you a crime fighter?” she asked as she finished tying her shoe.

  Avery closed the book. A dark eyebrow lifted. “Excuse me?”

  She made a gesture toward him. “The hood. The voice thing. Stopping that mugger. Are you a vigilante?”

  His mouth twisted into a smile. “No, not strictly speaking. I help people when they need help.”

  “A hero, then?” Loren stood.

  “A friend to the city and the people
in it, I prefer.” He put the book back on the shelf. “I’m no hero.”

  “Oh.” Her voice only sounded a little disappointed. Maybe he wouldn't notice.

  He didn't. “You should pack a bag. I can’t guarantee how long it will be until you come back here.” He looked away from her, scrutinizing the apartment with lifted eyebrows. “Or if you’ll come back at all.”

  She looked around, taking in her residence. It wasn't one of the best places to live. It was in a terrible neighborhood and her landlord was a pig, but it was hers. She'd been here for long enough for it to feel like a home.

  The idea she might not come back weighed heavily, but she shook it off. After all, Avery was used to big, fancy houses so leaving a small, shitty apartment probably didn't give him a second thought. She didn't need to think about it either—or let the judgment of her living conditions get to her.

  “Okay. Sure. Just give me a minute to do that, okay?”

  “Try to hurry.”

  Loren nodded and headed into her room again. What should she take? She focused on the basics—clean clothes, lotion, shampoo, deodorant, and hairbrush. It didn't take her long to emerge with an old duffel bag in hand. “I uh guess I'm ready.”

  “Good.” Avery stepped over and took the bag from her. He was close enough for Loren to smell his aftershave. It was nice, manly. She gave him a shy smile.

  He didn’t notice. His free hand reached into his jacket again before he pulled the hood over his head once more. “Let's go,” he said in his modified voice.

  Loren grabbed her jacket and made sure her keys were in the pocket, as well as her cell phone. She took it out to check the battery. It was full.

  “Leave it.”

  Her eyes widened and she looked up at him. “What?”

  “Leave the cell phone. You won't need it.”

  “But what if someone texts me?”

  He gave her a pointed look. “Then they can wait.”

  No one would text her. It was as if he knew. She shut off the phone and put it on the table.

  Avery gave a satisfied nod and held the door open for her. After she shut and locked the door behind them, he began to walk and she fell into step beside him.

  Loren gave one last look back to her apartment. “I’m leaving my world behind,” she said quietly.

  Silence fell, but Avery’s hand touched her arm. She flushed and remained quiet.

  “Think of it as a new start instead,” Avery suggested. “Leaving an old world behind, starting a new one?”

  What did this new world have in store? Loren’s stomach knotted in anticipation and anxiety.

  There was only one way to find out.

  Chapter Three

  Fairhaven Manor.

  Loren couldn’t believe she was actually here. In the broad spectrum, she should’ve focused on her recent discoveries.

  But Fairhaven Manor.

  The mansion completely blew her away. Having only seen the Morgan family home in photographs, it was surreal. Only the most prestigious of the prestige ever came here.

  And here she was.

  Avery chuckled at her awe of the place. “You’ve seen nothing,” he told her. Maybe that was true. After all, she’d barely glimpsed the garage and the huge backyard. She’d seen a terrace and part of a swimming pool before he ushered her inside.

  It didn’t surprise her much when Avery explained he had a secret route for getting back and forth from the city and Fairhaven. It consisted of some back alleys, an old dirt road outside of city limits, and an honest-to-God underground passageway.

  The ultimate secret lair wasn’t so secret. It was only the Morgan manor, passed down through generations, as expansive and elegant as she’d ever seen it shown.

  They entered the manor through a side entrance. Once inside, Avery stripped off his coat and put it in a closet. He looked normal now, dressed in a simple t-shirt and black jeans.

  “Come on,” he told her. “I’ll get you settled.” He hefted her worn duffel bag strap onto his shoulder and pushed open a door into another room.

  She stayed quiet, her wide eyes taking in the surroundings. Everything was lavish. The dining room was incredible. There was a long table, with many chairs. The lighting came from electric sconces on the walls. There were landscape paintings decorating the room instead of photographs. It made for a sophisticated, cozy atmosphere.

  As she followed Avery through the room, her attention finally returned to him. He had a smartphone in his hand.

  “I’m home.” Avery looked over his shoulder at her before he spoke again. “She’s with me. Yes.” A brief pause. “Right now? All right. Meet you there.”

  “What? Meet who? What’s going on?” A wave of anxiety hit her and she bit down on her lip as she looked up at him.

  “I didn’t think they’d want to meet you right away. I figured they’d let you settle in first. Guess I was wrong.” He pushed open the door and entered a large foyer.

  Loren stayed close behind him as they neared the staircase. The chandelier hanging from the ceiling caught her attention. Loren stared up at it, slowing her steps as she gazed in amazement.


  She flushed in embarrassment when she noticed Avery had begun to climb the stairs without her. She hurried to catch up.

  “I’m sorry; this is all so… fancy. You grew up here. With all this. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s like—” she cut herself off when she noticed Avery's stare. More heat flooded into her cheeks.

  He didn’t ridicule her. He just smiled and continued up the steps. Loren followed and focused her eyes on his boots to keep from further distraction and embarrassment. While her gaze trailed Avery’s footfalls, her mind drifted to what was about to happen. She would soon meet other super-powered people. Nervousness formed a ball in her stomach. She worried her lip with her teeth again, further aggravating the raw wound.

  Avery stopped and Loren nearly collided with him. He sharply glanced back at her and she gave an apologetic smile.

  He opened the door. The first thing he did was toss her duffel bag into an empty chair nearby. Loren remained in the doorway.

  She had never seen so many books in anyone’s home before. It was as if she’d become lost in the aisles of a public library. It put her pitiful bookshelf with its dozens of cheesy and dog-eared romance novels to shame.

  She let her gaze trail along the walls, on the many rows of books. Her attention finally shifted. She noticed the desk and the man who leaned back casually against its lacquered surface.

  Loren had only ever seen Callum Morgan in photographs and on television, and always in a three-piece suit. His dark hair was always combed back and his face was stoic and stern—every bit a serious executive. Seeing him now in jeans and a soft blue sweater with his arms crossed and a gentle smile made Loren rethink her preconceived notions. Maybe he wasn’t the hard-ass the media made him out to be.

  Next to him was the sister. Eva Morgan, the middle child and the only girl of the family, looked as relaxed as her oldest brother did. Her hair was the same dark color as Avery’s, but her eyes were more hazel than blue. She was a gorgeous woman, perfectly made-up even now. A slender brow arched at Loren.

  There was a young man seated in one of the large armchairs, a laptop open on his legs. She didn't recognize him at all. His hair was short and spiked with blue at the tips. He glanced up and a wide grin spread over his face, pulling at the ring below his bottom lip.

  “I wasn’t expecting the entire gang.” Avery ran a hand through his hair, brushing back one or two errant strands off his forehead.

  “We became anxious when you disappeared earlier today,” Callum answered. His smile dropped.

  Avery lifted his head. “Yeah, I figured as much.” His voice was tense, but he gestured for Loren to step forward. “This is Loren Bramley.”

  Callum pushed off from the desk and closed the distance between them, offering his hand to her. “A pleasure, Loren. I assume my introduction is not n
ecessary.” His hand was cool and strong when he shook hers. She hoped he didn’t notice how shaky and sweaty her hand was.

  “Everyone knows who you are,” she answered. A small nervous laugh bubbled out of her. “Callum Morgan. One of the most powerful men in the world.”

  He smiled. “I wouldn't go as far as that.”

  His sister strode forward and took Loren’s hand next. Her grip was much tighter than Callum’s, stronger. Loren hoped she hid the surprise from her face.

  “Eva.” Her red lips spread into a tight smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Loren.”

  “It’s uh nice to meet you too.” Her attention drew away from Eva’s face when the blue-haired man lifted his arm in greeting.

  “Levi. I’d shake your hand, but I’m occupied.” He gestured at the laptop. “How’s it going?”

  “Uh, good, I guess? I can’t believe I’m here. Meeting famous people.” Loren's cheeks reddened when Callum chuckled.

  “Famous, yes, but don’t let that deter you. We’re just as down to earth as the next family.”

  “We’re really quite normal, outside the spotlight,” Eva continued. “You don’t need to be intimidated by us.”

  “Oh, I’m not. I’m just… incredibly nervous.” Loren wiped her hands on her jeans.

  “Would you like some tea?” Callum suggested, “Or perhaps another refreshment? I’m sure both of you would like something.”

  “I’ll take hot chocolate,” Levi piped up, his attention glued to the computer screen. Long fingers scrolled along the mouse pad. Callum paid no attention to him.

  “I’m fine, thank you.” Avery chose to sit in another of the armchairs, but he didn't relax. His back was rigid, his shoulders tense. Loren remained where she stood.

  “I’d like some tea,” she said.

  Callum offered her another soft smile. “Please make yourself comfortable.” He stepped behind the desk, pressing a button on an intercom. “Please have tea and refreshments brought to my study. And one hot chocolate. Thank you.”


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