Infinite Love (The Austin Series)

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Infinite Love (The Austin Series) Page 1

by C. J. Fallowfield

  Infinite Love

  By C.J. Fallowfield

  Kindle Edition


  Copyright © 2014 C.J. Fallowfield

  All Rights Reserved Worldwide

  Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations and places or events, are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Image Copyright © 2014

  Editing by Ella Marie

  Cover Design by Kellie Dennis at Book Cover by Design


  Thank you so much for buying Infinite Love, the sixth and final book in

  The Austin Series.

  The series is designed to be read in sequence.


  The Campus Killer



  Exploring Options

  New York


  Christmas Day



  Valentine’s Night





  New Arrivals

  Trials and Tribulations

  Coping Strategies

  Moving On

  A New Chapter

  Starting Again

  Great Expectations

  Full Circle

  Gabe Austin - Bonus Chapter


  What’s Next?

  The Campus Killer

  I was ecstatic. Months of waiting, months of trying to get Mia alone and I’d finally done it. The surge of power I felt coursing through my veins as I grabbed her from behind, choked, then drugged her, was intoxicating. I loved the futile way she struggled in my arms, like a floundering fish in the jaws of a shark, completely outmatched. It was inevitable that I’d subdue her, it was the law of nature, I was top of the food chain. Well, this predator was now going to retreat to his lair to enjoy his well-earned spoils. I think the capture was my favourite part, knowing that I’d succeeded, that I had a new plaything. Sure, I loved the thrill of finishing them off, but then I always felt deflated. Alone, abandoned and empty. Until the cycle began again.








  It wasn’t until my third victim that I’d added a step between abduct and kill. Rape. Except it wasn’t exactly rape, was it? Not when they were asking for it. All of them were asking for it. They’d flirt with me and encourage me with their coy glances and tucks of their brown hair behind the ears. A dampening of the lips with their tongues and a hand sweeping over their breasts, teasing me. The giggling, the batting of their eyelids while wearing slutty revealing clothes. They were all asking for it. All asking to be treated like whores. Just like she did all those years ago. Whore by name, whore by nature. Spreading her legs for the highest bidder. Making me watch her over and over as she endured the physical violence, both during and after, for extra cash, until eventually nothing else but abusive sex really got me off.

  I wanted Mia so badly, she reminded me of her so much, but that cocky bastard was constantly with her. I hated him. Touching what was mine. I saw her first. I’d tried to take him out of the picture. It had seemed so easy. I’d waited outside his house until he’d returned from a run. I’d watched him coming up the street, like some fucking Iron Man contestant, all muscles and power with his damn good looks. I’d accelerated, but the lucky bastard had fast reflexes and had flung himself out of the way just in the nick of time. When I’d glanced in my rear-view mirror he was lying unconscious, partially on the pavement. I’d stuck the car in reverse, judging the angle required to drive over his skull and chuckled as I remembered that smile that had spread across my face at the thought of it. I’d been bloody thwarted though, by another approaching car and had no choice but to speed off. I’d been so angry at myself. I’d missed my opportunity and realised that it was too risky to try again. She was my goal. He’d just have been a bonus. I’d reminded myself that I just had to wait for the perfect time to get Mia alone. I’d known it would come if I was patient, after all, he couldn’t be with her twenty-four-seven.

  In the meantime, I’d sourced substitutes. I’d scoured the campus grounds for blue eyed brunette freshmen just where I’d spotted Mia on the first day. Like fish in a barrel, such easy pickings. I’d tried to be different with the first two, tried to treat them with respect, to be a somewhat normal man. But I’d had to silence their protests during sex, with tight fingers around their slender necks. They’d led me on, then the minute I climbed on top of them they’d screamed rape. So they didn’t deserve to be alive. After the first few I became really angry. It was Mia that I really wanted. None of them looked like her. None of them had her beautiful round eyes, long lashes, full pouting lips or shining brown tresses. None of them had her perfect porcelain skin, or her curvaceous body with full pert tits and an arse I could worship. She was a goddess. A goddess that I wanted to possess. That I’d wanted to love, that I wanted to love me, until she rejected me, three times. She reminded me so much of her. I’d hated those other poor imitations. I hated them so much that I’d finally beaten the one’s face with my fists before strangling her. I’d left her with a bloody broken nose, missing teeth and bruised, swollen eyes. It had felt good. Treat the whore like a whore. The last two girls had given me the most satisfaction. I’d become inventive. I’d used a wrench to break their ribs, then a cricket bat to smash in their skulls while they were still alive, obliterated their pretty faces while they screamed. They hadn’t lasted long.

  I heard a moan and looked over at my reclined passenger seat, where Mia was lying. She was starting to come around. Fuck, my cock was hard just looking at her, thinking about how I was going to strip her naked, cuff and chain her, then do whatever I wanted to her. The bitch would pay for rejecting me.

  ‘Gabe,’ she moaned, as her eyelids fluttered. I growled as a ball of anger spread through my body like a raging inferno. Fucking Gabe. I hated him. She should have been with me. She should have been mine. I laughed as I thought of how he’d react when he found out that I had her, that I’d fucked her, that I’d maimed and then killed her. That would take that cocky arrogant bastard down a peg or two. I wondered if he’d grieve, or if he’d move on and go back to his old ways of banging anything that moved. I’d done my research on him, that redhead was only too willing to talk about him. Either way I didn’t really care. I just wanted to deprive him. I wanted to teach him a lesson.

  I parked up at the derelict factory and carried Mia out of the car. Damn it, her tits were barely contained by that sports top she had on. Keep calm, you have her now, you don’t need to rush this, I reminded myself. I’d just wanted her for so long, to have her in my arms, to be so close to finally having her had me in a tail spin. I resisted undressing her straight away. She was still pretty out of it. I wanted her to be reasonably lucid, so she could appreciate how muc
h pleasure I was going to get out of unveiling her for the first time, of casting my eyes over her perfect naked body. Maybe even touching it first? I didn’t usually touch, touching was intimate, too intimate. But she tempted me, like always. Damn it, my cock was straining at the thought of fucking her for the first time. I picked up the cuffs attached to the chains and secured her wrists and ankles to the metal frame of the bed. My chest was heaving as I looked down at her. I closed my eyes to calm myself down. I needed this to be perfect and she needed a bit longer to come to. I’d waited so long, I could wait five more minutes.

  I went to the table next to the bed and examined my tools, all neatly lined up in a row. Longest to shortest. I liked order. My cricket bat had been scrubbed clean and freshly oiled. It had taken some cleaning, with fragments of brain matter from girl number six stubbornly clinging to it. The wrench was spotless and gleaming. My carving knife was next, but that definitely needed cleaning properly, it had blood on it already. A syringe and some bottles of Methadone were handily placed, to keep them nice and compliant. Last, but not least, was a box of matches. I’d never used them before, but I figured Mia’s waist length hair was the perfect kindling. Why just ruin her face and body when I could burn off one of the things that she used to tantalise me with? I still couldn’t believe that she’d rejected me, three times. She didn’t deserve to be pretty anymore.

  I hummed to myself as I walked over to the old stone sink in the corner of the vast empty space. I always hummed Roxanne by “The Police,” as I got myself into the right frame of mind. My natural frame of mind, not this persona I was forced to wear to fit in. The song seemed fitting, a song about whores, for whores. I turned on the tap and meticulously washed and scrubbed the knife until the water below changed from red to clear and I could see my face in the knife’s reflection. Why didn’t Mia want me? I was good looking. No, not good looking, I was handsome. A had a head of dark hair, chiselled features and a body that was sculpted and toned. I worked out. A lot. Why the fuck didn’t she want me? What did her precious Gabe have that I didn’t? I laughed again. He didn’t have her. Not anymore. She was mine now. I heard her muttering and smiled to myself. She was finally coming around.



  I kept drifting in and out of consciousness, flashes of street lights, the noise of a car’s gear stick crunching, a voice talking to me. Everything was dreamlike, snippets of lucidity before I crashed back under. I felt my eyelids flutter again and tried to lift my head, but it felt so heavy, along with the rest of my body and limbs. When I managed to open my eyes, everything was out of focus, I felt like I was drunk, incredibly drunk or high even. I was aware that I was lying on a very uncomfortable bed, one of the broken springs was digging into my back, and it felt like I was spinning on a fairground ride, with nausea clawing at my stomach, a dry mouth and a seriously sore neck. My brain was racing, but all the thoughts running through my head seemed to make no sense. The last that I remembered was checking for my taxi outside Milo’s house and him suddenly grabbing me from behind. Hurting me. I heard a noise and tried to turn my head, but it just lolled to the side. I could barely make out the rough silhouette of someone standing next to me.

  ‘Gabe?’ I slurred. My voice sounded wrong and my throat hurt. I tried to reach out my hand to him, but its progress was suddenly stopped by a loud clattering of metal chains and a painful tightening around my wrist. I twisted it and winced as I felt rough metal scratch at my skin. Was I handcuffed? I didn’t have a clue what was going on. Suddenly I heard a voice talking, but it sounded all distorted, like a slow motion cartoon, with me underwater. I knew for sure that wasn’t Gabe’s voice, besides he’d never leave me in this confused state without comforting me.

  ‘Mia, Mia, Mia. What am I going to do with you now that I’ve finally got you?’

  ‘Milo?’ I couldn’t comprehend why I felt so ill, nor why was I handcuffed to a bed with Milo looking after me.

  ‘I wanted you the moment I saw you, you were going to be the one that I worshipped, but you tuned out to be just like all the others, didn’t you? Pretty blue eyed, brunette whores,’ his voice hissed in my ear. ‘Do you know how hard it’s been finding the right time to take you with that idiot always at your side? I should’ve finished him off with my car when I had the chance, while he was lying in the street unconscious. It would have been so easy.’

  ‘Milo,’ I moaned. The room was spinning faster and faster, but the longer I tried to keep my eyes open, trying to focus on his face and to listen to what he was saying, the worse I felt. Why was he being so nasty to me? What was happening? It sounded like he was telling me that it was him all along that had hurt Gabe. Where was Gabe? I wanted him so badly right now.

  ‘You’re wearing far too many clothes, Mia. You don’t normally dress like this up there, when you’re parading your body. Let’s remove some for you.’

  ‘No,’ I begged. I felt metal sliding up my leg, closer and closer to the apex of my thighs, up over my stomach and then repeated all the way down the other side. A couple of sharp tugs and my yoga pants were ripped from under me. I held my breath as the room spun and the scissors cut through my crop top like butter. ‘Please, no,’ I pleaded. I wasn’t wearing a bra. The scissors made short work of the straps over my shoulder and the material was peeled back and yanked away, leaving me in just my knickers.

  ‘Your tits are even better than I remembered,’ came the voice as his hand ran down my breastbone, between them.

  ‘Stop it,’ I cried.

  ‘You don’t give the orders, I do,’ he hissed. ‘Let’s get rid of these knickers, so I can see my prize in all its glory.’ I thrashed my head as I felt the small strip of material being ripped by his hands and slithered from underneath me. I was naked, cuffed and vulnerable. Why was Milo doing this to me? I felt my stomach churn and saliva flooding my mouth. I instinctively knew that I was going to be sick and tried to roll, to hang my head over the side of the bed. As I tried, I realised that not only were both sets of hands chained, so were my feet. I just managed to tilt my face as I threw up. My head was pounding as I retched again and again, and I started sobbing as I felt the warm wet fluid gliding over my bare skin.

  ‘For Christ’s sake. You dirty bitch,’ he snapped. ‘Now I’m going to have to clean you up, no one wants to fuck a whore covered in vomit, do they?’

  ‘Don’t,’ I whispered and heard a heavy sigh.

  ‘It’s inevitable, Mia. We were always inevitable. Well, I guess I’ve waited this long, another few minutes isn’t going to kill me.’

  I heard footsteps leaving as I cried to myself, my stomach turning again at the vile smell invading my nostrils, as well as the taste of bile my mouth. I closed my eyes tightly, which seemed to help, as I took pained gasps for air between the sobs that wracked my body. This wasn’t like Milo, surely this wasn’t happening? He sounded so angry and … psychotic. I couldn’t believe how badly I’d misjudged him, that all along everyone had been right, that he wasn’t trustworthy. I was terrified and totally defenceless chained to this bed. It sounded like he was going to … I could hardly bring myself to think it, but I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was going to rape me. I gasped as I was hit with the sudden realisation that not only had Milo abducted me, but that he was the Campus Killer, and unless I did something and fast, I was never getting out of this alive. I lifted and tilted my head as I was sick again, fresh with the knowledge that my own best friend was an evil sociopath and I hadn’t seen what was right in front of me.

  Then, I started screaming.

  ‘Shut your mouth,’ he yelled.

  ‘Ahhhh,’ I cried out as a firm hand connected with my face, snapping my head to the other side as pain radiated through my cheek and temple. I screamed again as I was doused with freezing cold water and gasped and thrashed on the bed, the rough metal restraints cutting painfully into my skin.

  ‘On second thoughts, scream all you want, whore. No one will hear you.’

sp; ‘Stop. Please stop, Milo. Don’t do this,’ I pleaded as I blinked with wet hair all over my face.

  ‘Milo,’ he laughed. ‘You know that’s not even my real name, don’t you?’ I shuddered as he licked the side of my face. ‘I’m going to make you scream even louder, Mia. You’ll scream with pleasure before I make you scream with the pain.’

  ‘NO,’ I screamed. I suddenly stopped moving and closed my eyes tightly and gulped as I felt the cold of metal pressing against my cheek, then moving down the side of my face, following the trail where his tongue had been, but this time it left a sharp stinging sensation. My whole body started to tremble as I realised that he had a knife.

  ‘You don’t get to call the shots, Mia. I thought you were special, I really didn’t think that you were like the rest of those easy sluts. I was going to get you to agree to date me, then bring you here, where I could look after you. I’d have looked after you so well, until you finally realised that you loved me and we could be together. That’s all I wanted from you, all you had to do was give me a chance, but you couldn’t even fucking do that could you? As if rejecting me wasn’t bad enough, it turns out you’re just like her, just like all of them that came before you, just a filthy disgusting whore who uses her body to try and exploit us.’ His voice was cold, the only emotion I could hear was hate and anger. I tensed as he ran his hand down my bare body.

  ‘No,’ I cried. ‘Please stop this.’

  ‘Too late Mia, I’m going to enjoy taking my time with you. Instead of fucking you the once, and then ridding the world of another cheap slut, I’m going to draw it out until you’ll be begging for me to finish you off, to put you out of your misery. I’m going to fuck you over and over until you’re begging me for more. Then when you want me I’ll do it again while I cut up this pretty little face of yours that’s taunted me forever. I’m going to mark this perfect body you love to show off until you’re covered in scars. In fact,’ he stalled. ‘I’ll start with this.’ I shivered as I felt him trace the edge of my tattoo with Gabe’s initials.


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