Two Stone Brothers for Tessie [Love in Stone Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Two Stone Brothers for Tessie [Love in Stone Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “I always knew it was Tessie.”

  The comments surrounded her. Opening her eyes, she smiled up at Markus. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  “Morning.” She felt the happiness glowing out of her.

  “My turn.” Brant tugged into his lap and did the same. The whistles grew louder until Bessie stormed out and ordered everyone to be quiet.

  “People are trying to work here. Brant and Markus Stone, get your hands off my waitress before I sue your wandering hands and lips for everything you’re worth.”

  “We wanted to make a statement, Bessie. I think everyone knows who she belongs to.”

  “I don’t think we’re ever going to forget it, either.”

  When the commotion died down, Tessie stood, took their order, and made her way around the diner. Every time she passed their table, Brant and Markus took it in turns to caress her hand or tug her into their laps.

  She laughed at their good humor.

  In no time at all, they were leaving her and Tate to clear away the breakfast mess.

  “So, Markus and Brant, huh? I wondered how long it would take them to make their intentions known,” Tate said.

  “Am I the only one in town who didn’t know about their feelings?”

  “Pretty much. We all know Ruby was helping them with your gifts. When they first started with the mysterious gifts, we all thought it was sweet. Time went on, nothing happened, and it became boring.”

  Tessie laughed. She could imagine to the town of Stone Valley, watching a woman receiving anonymous gifts could get old very fast.

  “I’m happy. I don’t care, and I look forward to the future.”

  “I’m sure you do, honey. At least one of us is getting some. I’ve dried up on the love. I’m taking these through to Bessie. You got the floor covered?” Tate asked.

  “Yeah, go on ahead.” Tessie wiped down a table, whistling as she did. When she got to the corner booth in the back of the diner, she stopped. There in the center of the table lay a cell phone. She reached out to it and picked it up.

  Wiping down the table, she decided to give the phone to Bessie when she was done.

  The cell phone vibrated in her hand. Checking the screen she saw it said “Mom” and quickly answered it. She might be able to get the phone to the owner in quick time.

  “Hello, before you say anything, this phone was left on the table in the Flippin’ Tasty diner.”

  There was silence on the other end.

  “I’m outside. Will you pass it me? It’s my daughter’s.”

  The voice was off. Frowning, Tessie glanced out of the windows. She couldn’t see anything and figured she was being a coward.

  “Sure.” With the phone against her ear she walked out of the door. “Where are you?”

  “Cross the road and you’ll see me soon.”

  She took a step.

  * * * *

  Markus stood laughing at Luke’s unfortunate love life. He didn’t know why the older brother tried to date anyone. The last time he checked, the Willis brothers had a thing for little Darla Rose. Shaking his head, he glanced toward the diner. He couldn’t see anything because of the glare of the sun.

  “I’d heard about your little display in the Flippin’ Tasty. Tessie finally know you and your brother are in love with her?” Luke asked.

  He heard the concern in his friend’s voice, but shook it off. There was nothing wrong with falling in love. “You should allow yourself to be honest with Darla. I’m sure she’d be more than happy to listen to you.”

  “She’s got a kid, Markus. How can all four of us make it work with a kid involved?”

  “All three of you are in love with her?”

  “Yeah, we’re going to share her. She’ll be wife to all of us.”

  Markus glanced over to see Tessie stepping out of the diner. She held a cell phone against her ear and was talking.

  Frowning, he looked over at his friend. “Well, that feeling you have for Darla, Brant, and I have it for Tessie. We’re in love with her. Always have been and always will be.”

  “At least Tessie doesn’t have a kid,” Luke said.

  He turned back to see what Tessie was doing. She was on the phone and not looking left or right.

  Instinct took over as he saw a car racing toward her. Why didn’t she see it? Who was on the goddamn phone?

  “Tessie!” He ignored Luke and started toward her.

  The car was getting faster. Markus’s heart raced as he charged toward her. She was paying too much attention to the cell phone and not enough on what was happening around her. The sound of the car finally got her attention. Markus wasn’t close enough. He raced harder and faster than he’d ever raced before in his life.

  All he saw was his woman. Everything else drowned out around him as he saw Tessie and the danger around her.

  When she saw the car, she stood frozen in place.

  Charging at her, Markus went with her as he shoved her across the road and out of the way. He took the brunt of the force, but kept his arms wrapped around her.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Luke charging toward the car. There was no license plate on the back and no way to trace it.

  Closing his eyes, he held Tessie in the comfort of his arms as relief swamped him. “What the hell happened?” Brant asked.

  He opened his eyes and had never been so happy to see his little brother.

  “You saved me,” Tessie said, smiling down at him. “There was someone on the phone talking to me.”

  The Sheriff charged over and for the next hour, Markus listened to everything, but kept his arms locked around her. Donald turned up within twenty minutes, followed by her mother.

  An ambulance arrived, taking Tessie from his arms.

  “I’m going to talk with Donald,” he said. “I’ll be right over here.” He wasn’t letting Tessie out of his sight.

  “Okay. Nothing is wrong with me. I’m fine. You saved me.” She nodded her head and waved him away.

  He kept a firm grip on her hand before he left her in the care of the paramedics. Moving toward Donald, he found Brant stood by the other man.

  “What do you know?” Markus asked.

  “This was either a hit or a way to send a message.” Donald didn’t break eye contact with Tessie.

  “How do you know?” Brant asked.

  “Unmarked car with no way to trace and the cell phone left in the diner. I heard her telling the Sheriff she picked up the cell and it rang. I don’t know about you gentlemen, but I don’t believe in coincidences. My guys were getting too close. I don’t like this.”

  Markus watched as Lillian wrapped her arms around her daughter. “Both women could be in danger.”

  “Yeah. I think you should get Tessie to stay with you. I’m going to keep Lillian company. I’ll be around her place as soon as she gets off work,” Donald said.

  “Don’t you think we’re overreacting a little?” Brant stared between them.

  “No,” Markus and Donald answered immediately.

  He watched Tessie, knowing he could have lost her today. There was no chance he was going to let that happen for a second time.

  “As soon as your guy finds out some information, let me know.” Markus slapped Donald on the arm then walked toward Tessie.

  The paramedic nodded at him.

  “See? Nothing is wrong with me.”

  “Where’s the cell phone you were on?” Markus asked, pulling her close. He kissed the side of her head and stroked her hip.

  “I don’t know. I must have dropped it when you charged me. I can’t believe the lunatic didn’t see me.” She dropped her head to his chest.

  Bessie walked toward them. “How are you feeling, honey?”

  “Like a rock knocked me over.”

  He laughed at the teasing, even though he found no humor in the situation. His woman could have died if he hadn’t gotten to her in time. Whoever was messing with Tess would feel his wrath soon enough.

was more than just a Stone and a rancher. He was a guy who knew how to take care of his problems.

  “Well, you’re not coming back to the diner today. Go with Markus and get some rest. You’re not needed.”

  “I could go home,” Tessie said. “You’ve got a lot to do.” She looked at him, waiting.

  “No, I’ve not got anything to do. You’re coming with us. I wouldn’t leave you alone.”

  “I can stay with her,” Lillian said, coming back into the conversation.

  “No, you’ve got work, Lillian.” Donald placed a hand on Lillian’s shoulder.

  Brant took the other side of Tessie. “We’ll make sure she’s fine, and we’ll bring her to work tomorrow.”

  “Good, good.” Bessie tapped her hand, smiled at him, then walked back into the diner.

  Escorting Tessie back to his truck, Markus turned toward Donald. “I need to know who I can trust. Find out about the Sheriff. I’m not having her in danger.”

  “Consider it done.” Donald walked away, flipping his cell phone open.

  Brant climbed in beside Tessie as Markus went behind the wheel.

  “I’m so sorry about this,” Tessie said, pulling them into conversation. “I feel fine. I can’t believe someone would leave their phone, and now I’ve lost it.”

  Markus tapped her knee and tried to calm down his anger.

  * * * *

  Brant kept hold of Tessie’s hand throughout the drive home. He didn’t like the way Markus was acting. She squeezed his hand tightly.

  Glancing over at her, he gave her a smile.

  “I really don’t need a babysitter. I know you’ll both be really busy. Please don’t let me keep you from your hard day.”

  “Nonsense. You can rest. Markus and I will handle the few things we need to do, then for the rest of the afternoon you’re all ours.”

  She let out a chuckle. “Okay, only if you’re both happy with me being here.”

  “I wouldn’t have you any other way.”

  Brant didn’t like the thought of keeping things from Tessie. She really believed the incident in town with the car was an honest mistake. Nothing exciting happened in Stone Valley. Why would someone chase down Tessie? She was a good woman with a heart made of gold. The whole town doted on her.

  Once they were inside the ranch, Markus sent her up for a long, relaxing bath to relax and freshen up.

  She kissed his brother, then him, before making her way upstairs.

  “What?” Markus asked the moment they were alone.

  “You should tell her what we’ve found out.”

  Brant followed him through to the main kitchen.

  “You think scaring her will help our situation? Are you completely insane?” Markus grabbed a juice from the fridge and handed one to him as he passed.

  “Tessie has a right to know. Her life could be in danger.”

  “I’m not going to do it. She loved her father. He was her rock when he was alive. I’m not going to ruin her memory of him. There are more facts to come into play.”

  “And you trust Donald to give them to you?”

  “I have no reason to believe he wouldn’t.”

  “You’ve put a lot of stock in what he’s got to say. I don’t think we should trust him. We don’t know anything about him,” Brant said.

  Maybe it had to do with the club, but Brant didn’t trust the other man. “We haven’t got much of a choice,” Markus said. “He has resources that are much better than our own. The only thing we can hope for is that he’s on our side.”

  Markus walked out the door. He followed his brother. The main office was over a hundred feet from the house, while the ranch surrounded several acres of land.

  “I’m just going to get an update on the work I left.”

  “No, you’re not leaving me here to deal with this, Markus. We need to talk about Donald and his involvement, or potential involvement.”

  “Donald is not involved. He’s not part of this.”

  Brant stared at his brother, waiting for him to continue. “How do you know?”

  “I have a hunch.”

  He let out a long string of curses. Turning back to Markus, Brant let out a sarcastic laugh. “So you mean to tell me that I should put the safety of Tessie in the hands of a man because you have a hunch?”

  “I’m older than you, Brant. Please trust me.”

  “Trust you? You may be older than I am, but we both know you’ve got weaknesses yourself.” Brant wished he kept his mouth shut. He watched as Markus tensed.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Markus took a step closer. “If you think I’d let my weaknesses harm Tessie in any way, then you’re fucking wrong. I love her, Brant. I’m in love with her. My ability to make out words or count has nothing to do with this.”

  His brother continued to speak. Brant already felt like shit for bringing it up. Never in all of his life had he brought it up. Markus never made it an issue.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You better be. Don’t ever tell me I’m putting our woman at risk. Put your college education to some use and make dinner.” Markus stormed off, leaving Brant alone.

  He was pleased that none of their workers were there. Walking back to the house, he felt like the worst kind of scum on the planet. His brother had no weakness. Markus’s dyslexia had been diagnosed too late in high school.

  There was no changing the outcome, but their family had made sure Markus always had a place. Their fathers told him never to bring it up. Dyslexia was not a weakness.

  “Fuck.” He slammed the door closed and made his way through to the kitchen. The juice in his hand tasted bitter. He took several gulps of the juice anyway.

  “Are you okay?” He turned to see Tessie stood in the doorway. Her long, brown hair was wet and dripping onto her shirt.

  “Markus told you to relax and bathe.” His gaze fell onto her nipples.

  “I know. I couldn’t sit around having a bath all day. A quick shower was fine. Really, I feel fine. More than fine.”

  “Why have you put your uniform back on?” Brant tried to distract himself with thoughts of her.

  She glanced down at her attire. “I don’t have any clothes here and you wouldn’t let me stop at home, so I made the best of what I could.”

  He hit his forehead. “Crap, I didn’t even think about clothes. Come on, I’ll get some of mine you can change into. They’ll swamp you, but they’ll be better than dirty clothes.”

  Brant brushed past her and made his way upstairs.

  Tessie caught his arm.

  He stopped. “What’s the matter?” he asked, looking from where she touched him to her eyes.

  “What were you arguing about?”

  “How fast do you shower?” He frowned.

  “I shower fast enough. Your bathroom has a window for me to see out. I saw you both fighting.”

  He cursed.

  “Please, tell me. I don’t like you fighting. I thought the Stone brothers were supposed to be thick as thieves, or something like that.” She shot him a smile and Brant couldn’t stop himself from reaching out and caressing her lips.

  “You’re too observant for your own good,” he said.

  “That’s me all over. Too observant, and you’re avoiding the question.”

  “I said some pretty shitty things to my brother. My dads asked me never to bring it up, and I failed. I failed them. I’m not proud of it.” He stopped stroking her cheek and made his way toward his room.

  Until they shared the master bedroom, he and Markus owned their own separate rooms.

  “Does this have to do with Markus’s dyslexia?” she asked.

  He froze and turned toward her. How did she know about that? No one knew about it.

  “No one told me. I figured it out for myself. I’m not stupid, Brant. Remember who tutored you in high school. I observe and notice things. I noticed your brother’s fight. I think it makes you a crappy brother for bringing it up.”

  Brant shrugged
. “I feel crappy.” He searched through his clothing, looking for something for her to wear.

  Settling on a pair of sweats and a shirt, he left her to get changed.

  * * * *

  “Is it done?”

  “Not exactly, but the Stones know it’s a message.” Patrick glanced around him. He didn’t like being out in the open. There were more of the Sheriff’s men looking around.

  Glancing behind him, he noted the deputy stood a couple of feet away, holding a file. The double life was hard to maintain. It would be easy to end the deputy now rather than carry on the farce.

  “What do you mean, ‘not exactly’?”

  “I’ll get it done.” He hung up and walked over to where the deputy stood. No one was paying them any attention.

  “Here are the files you needed. I took everything on the Hollands’ death. I also handled the guy who did the autopsy. He won’t ruin your operation as long as I continue to get my five percent of the profit.”

  He hated men who thought they could blackmail him. Pressing the tip of his Glock against the man’s side, he looked at the deputy.

  Deputy Steven Ryan, a piece of shit and a coward. He hated dealing with the bastard, but he didn’t take orders from him.

  “Don’t ever threaten me. I will end you faster than I did Frank. You’re nothing but a little bug in the scheme of things.” He took the file and walked away. Patrick knew this was good. By finding out the deputy’s involvement, he was learning who was involved in the criminal dealings.

  When he looked back, he was sure he saw the deputy pissing his pants.

  Chapter Eight

  Tessie watched the two brothers over dinner, wishing there was something she could do. After Brant disappeared to his office, she hadn’t seen her two men for the remainder of the day. She’d decided to spend her time in the kitchen making them a delicious meal and baking a cake.

  Talking to her mother had been scary. Donald was spending the night on the sofa. Tessie didn’t know why it unsettled her, but it did. Her mother was more than capable of looking after herself. Shaking the negative feelings from her system, she threw all of her frustration into baking.


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