Two Stone Brothers for Tessie [Love in Stone Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Two Stone Brothers for Tessie [Love in Stone Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 10

by Sam Crescent

Markus’s cock pressed against her entrance. Tessie stared up at him and Brant watched everything. He kept turning his attention to where Markus was about to claim her and the flitting of emotions crossing her face.

  “This is it, Tessie. No turning back,” Markus said, warning her.

  “Shut up and take me already.”

  One hand moved to her hip as the other held his dick in place. The tension in the room was thick.

  Blood pumped around his body. His cock tightened as, in slow motion, Markus tensed and slammed deeply inside Tessie.

  She cried out. Her body tensed under Markus. Taking her hand, Brant held onto her throughout it all.

  “I’m in, baby. The worse of it is over. I’m in.”

  “It hurts,” she said. “I didn’t think it would hurt this bad. This is not fair. I bet it didn’t hurt for you the first time. So not fair.”

  Pushing the hair off her head, Brant stroked all of her flesh that was easily accessible to him. There was pain on her face and he hated it. He would gladly do anything to make the pain stop.

  “No, we don’t feel pain. If you want, when I’m done, and if you still hate my sex, I’ll let you hit me,” Markus said.

  “You’re making fun of me. It’s not fair. You shouldn’t get to make fun of me.”

  “I’m not making fun. I’m a big guy and you’ve got all of me in your tight cunt. I love you, Tessie Holland. You’re a beautiful woman and the gift you’ve just given me will make all the Christmases and birthdays we spend together pale in comparison.” Markus kissed her head, her eyes, and her mouth.

  Brant kissed her cheek, smiling down at her.

  “You’re part of this moment as well,” she said.

  “Of course I am. I wouldn’t miss this moment for the world. You’re our woman, Tessie. This is all our moment.”

  Markus moved away, giving Brant enough room to kiss her.

  “See, not going anywhere.”

  He held her hand as they all waited for her body to adjust to the penetration.

  She lay on the bed, staring between the two men.

  “This is so surreal.”

  “I’m going to move. Let me know of you need more time to adjust,” Markus said.

  Staying by her side, Brant held her hand. His cock stood out, long, thick and proud, but he ignored it. His needs could come much later.

  In that moment, the only person who mattered was Tessie.

  Chapter Nine

  The slight pain had startled her. She’d read all the books and knew it was supposed to happen, but she never actually anticipated the pain. Tessie glanced between her two men and saw the pain in their eyes. Clearly, neither of them wanted to see her in pain. Love consumed her and she allowed herself to relax. The pressure eased inside and Markus didn’t feel like an anaconda inside her.

  I’m not a virgin anymore.

  Markus is inside me.

  Brant is watching me and his cock looks so damn good.

  Markus rose up on his arms and warned her he was going to continue. She lay back on the bed, relishing the feel of him surrounding her. He eased out of her, slowly.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “You feel good.”

  “What about now?” Markus pressed forward, filling her once again. She let out a moan as he stroked over her inner walls. The pleasure was inviting, and made her want to know everything about what he could do.

  She’d noted the butt plug and the lube on the drawer beside the bed. Were they for her? Being a virgin didn’t mean she was dumb about these things. With her age, she’d gotten curious a long time ago. She wasn’t going to stop being curious now.

  “Tessie?” Markus asked.

  “It feels amazing. Please don’t stop.” She wrapped her legs around his waist, trying to pull him deeper inside her.

  “You look so beautiful,” Brant said, stroking her face. He knelt by her side with his cock stood out in a long line in front of him.

  She remembered the way he felt in her mouth. Licking her lips, she reached out and stroked him in her palm.

  Her attention was being taken by both men as they made love to her. Brant caressed her nipples as Markus pressed slowly within her. She tightened her pussy around him, not wanting to let him go.

  “You feel so fucking good. Your pussy is so tight.”

  All three of them groaned as his speed increased. Markus was no longer going slow. He was fucking her hard and deep.

  She stroked Brant with her palm, feeling him pulse under her ministrations.

  “Harder,” she said, needing more than what Markus was giving her.

  He tugged her legs from around his waist and held them over his shoulders. Brant passed him a pillow and Markus settled it under her hips. She didn’t understand what they were doing, but she let them place her where they wished.

  With the pillow under her waist and her legs over his shoulder, Markus slammed deep inside her.

  She screamed as he went deeper than he’d ever gone before. Her pussy tightened as he stroked over muscles she didn’t know existed.

  “Do you feel me deep?” he asked.

  Tessie nodded. She couldn’t find the right words to communicate with him.

  “I can get deeper. Wait until I take you from behind. There will be no getting away from me then.”

  She didn’t doubt it.

  Brant moved closer and she saw he was fucking his fist as he watched them together.

  “He’ll bring himself off watching us. You look so fucking good underneath me, baby. I’m going to find any excuse I can to fuck you,” Markus said.

  Tessie stared between the two men. She didn’t know who to look at. Markus was fucking her and she loved watching his facial expressions, while Brant was masturbating over her. Both were amazing to watch.

  “This is not fair. I don’t know who to look at.”

  Markus reared back and thrust deep. “Look at us both, baby. There is no jealousy here. Both of us love you, we’re sharing you.”

  He swiveled his hips and pressed a finger to her clit. She groaned, feeling her pussy tighten around him.

  “It feels so good!”

  There was nothing left for her to do other than to wait for her men to take her. Brant’s hands moved fast over his large erection. The tip glistened in the candlelight. She watched as he stopped to smear more of his cream over the tip. He wasn’t circumcised and he pulled the foreskin back to reveal the mushroom head.

  Turning her head, she went up onto her elbows and watched as Markus’s cock pumped inside her body. The condom he wore was slick with her arousal.

  “That’s right, baby, watch us fuck you.” His grip tightened on her waist as he fucked her hard and fast.

  With his free hand, he stroked her clit. She was so sensitive, and she was so close to orgasm.

  A few short strokes and Tessie cried out.

  “I’m going to come,” Markus said, growling as, with two thrusts, he slammed deep and then she felt the pulse of his cock.

  The condom he wore protected all of them from pregnancy. She loved Markus and Brant, but she wasn’t ready to be a mother yet.

  After only just dealing with her virginity, she wasn’t ready to start counting diapers.

  Brant’s cry of release brought her out of her thoughts. His seed spurted onto her stomach. White dots of his seed coated her with his pleasure.

  They collapsed on the bed, Markus still deep inside her as they took several deep breaths.

  “I’m not a virgin,” she said.

  Her pussy felt sore from the fucking it had taken. She wasn’t going to let the soreness stop her from feeling them again.

  “No, you’re not,” Brant said, kissing her lips. “From the look on Markus’s face, your pussy is a dream to be inside.”

  Even after everything they’d been through, Tessie couldn’t stop the heat filling her cheeks.

  “Did you enjoy it?” she asked, directing her question at Markus.

  “Are you really
worried about what I think?” he asked.

  She nodded. “I want you to have just as much fun as I did, maybe even more so. I’ve got all those women to contend with. Didn’t you have a harem of girls surrounding you when you were younger?”

  Markus had been a big catch, and still was. She knew plenty of the girls in their year at high school wanted him. They talked about the oldest Stone, often. Some of the girls had even been jealous of her friendship with Markus. Tessie had always gotten along with both of the Stone brothers. She’d always understood they came as a package deal.

  * * * *

  Markus stared down at his woman and saw the uncertainty in her eyes. Yes, he’d been surrounded by women when they were younger, but none of the women were Tessie. He would never dream of comparing Tessie with the women of his past. She was his present and future, and she’d been part of his past. Stroking her cheek, he made sure not to touch his brother’s release. That would be revolting. There was nothing wrong with sharing a woman but there was something wrong with touching your brother’s cum. It was never going to happen.

  He brushed a kiss across her lips and watched her eyes widen as his cock pulsed anew inside her.

  “You’re getting hard.”

  “I’m always hard around you.” Kissing her deeply, he waited until she was squirming underneath him before pulling away.

  Looking down at her, he let out a sigh. “When it comes to other women, Tessie, there is no competition. You’re the woman I want. The woman I love, and the only woman I’d dream of spending the rest of my life with and sharing with my brother.”

  Kissing her again, he waited for his words to sink in.

  “And making love to you has become one of the best moments in my life.”

  “What’s your best moment?” she asked.

  “You telling me that you love me.”

  “Same here,” Brant said.

  Looking up, he saw Brant staring down at them intently. Brant had always been the closer one to Tessie, as they were the same age. When they were growing up, there had been times when he felt like he was watching them from afar. Neither of them ever made him feel like an outsider. Considering the ten-year age gap, they had made him feel part of their group, but his own thoughts had pulled him away.

  “I love you so much,” she said, stroking his cheek.

  “Good, because you’re not getting rid of me. You’re my woman now and I won’t be letting you go.”

  She laughed, wrapping her arms around him. He pulled away and she frowned.

  “What’s the matter? What’s wrong?”

  “I love you, baby. I love sharing you with my brother, but I don’t want his cum all over me. I think a wash is called for.”

  She gazed down at her stomach and smiled. “You’re squeamish over semen?”

  “Not my semen, Brant’s semen.”

  His brother laughed.

  Markus pulled out of her tight, comforting body and wished he could stay deep inside her for the rest of their lives.

  The condom was filled with his seed. Pulling the latex off, he tied the end and then held it in his fist. Gazing down at Tessie’s spread thighs, he saw the speck of blood on her body. He also saw some of her virgin blood on the sheets underneath her.

  “Brant, do you want to take her into the bathroom and I’ll follow you inside?”

  He pointed down at the sheet without Tessie knowing what he was pointing at.

  “Of course.”

  His brother picked up their woman and escorted her through to the en-suite bathroom. He kept the condom in his fist as he quickly removed the sheets. Running down stairs, he put the condom in the trash and filled the machine with the sheets. He knew Tessie enough to know she’d be embarrassed by the soiled sheets.

  Going back up to the main bedroom, he pulled down some fresh sheets and quickly made the bed. He was finishing with the blanket when he heard Tessie moaning. Pausing, he listened to her gasp and he couldn’t wait any longer. Quickly flinging the sheet onto the bed he headed toward the bathroom.

  Brant and Tessie were in the shower. Markus stopped as he watched his brother wash her hair. Tessie kept moaning even though all Brant was doing was cleaning her hair.

  “That feels so good,” she said.

  Moving closer, Markus joined them inside the tub.

  “You finally got the time to join us?” Tessie asked, turning to him with a sinfully wicked smile on her lips.

  “Your moaning lured me back.”

  He picked up the soap and foamed some in his hands. There was no need for a flannel to clean her delectable body. His hands would work well enough.

  Running his hands over her body, Markus took his time soaping her neck down to her breasts. They filled his hands perfectly. He thumbed her nipples. Hot water and soap ran down her body. She looked so sexy wet, and Markus’s mouth watered for another taste. Moving down her stomach, he soaped her body.

  He knelt in front of her, caressing her thighs apart. Looking up at her pretty pussy, Markus ached for a taste of her. Grabbing her hips, he pulled her down until her pussy smeared against her tongue.

  Her taste exploded on his tongue. Tessie gasped and glancing up, he saw Brant had hold of her. It was a weird position, but he hadn’t been able to wait. Lifting her thigh over his shoulder he pierced her juicy cunt.

  She cried out. Her grip tightened on Brant’s arms.

  “It feels so good.”

  “Let him love you, Tessie. Your pussy is so damn tasty.” Brant kissed along her neck, going to her nipples. Markus watched his brother loving her even as he fucked her pussy with his tongue.

  Her cream coated his tongue and he swallowed down her pleasure.

  He stroked her clit with his finger, feeling her pussy contract around his tongue that was buried inside her.

  “I’m going to come,” she said. Her hands held Brant’s as she shook above them. There was no way she’d be able to stay upright with the way he held her.

  “Then come all over his tongue. Scream his name and let him know who is giving you pleasure.”

  Markus listened to his brother’s encouragement, but he didn’t let up from the pleasure he was creating. He wanted her to come on his tongue. Piercing her tight cunt, he repeated the action over and over until he heard her delightful little screams. Her orgasm shook her body and Markus held onto her as she reached her release.

  * * * *

  Brant held Tessie in his arms, watching as her climax shook her whole body. Her eyes were closed and her teeth were biting into her bottom lip. She looked so sexy with her naked body and the trust she displayed with them.

  Her hand squeezed him tight and wouldn’t let go. Holding her close, he watched as she opened her eyes and smiled at him.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  Markus stood, dropping a kiss to her breast.

  “Get used to this, baby. For the rest of your life, we’ll be like this.” Markus claimed her lips and Brant simply held her in his arms.

  He remembered all the times he’d held her in his arms. When they were younger, he always found a reason to hold her. She’d been the only girl, growing up, who understood what it meant to grow up on a ranch. For as much time as their parents spent with them, the running of a ranch took up a great deal of time.

  She turned toward him. “Don’t I get a kiss as well?” she asked.

  “You never need to ask.” Sinking his hands into her hair, he tugged her close, smashing his lips against hers. He claimed her lips, plunging his tongue deep into her mouth as he did. “I love you so damn much,” he said, breathing in her scent.

  “I love you, too.” She stroked a hand down his face. “I’m so sleepy.”

  “We’ll finish up in the shower and then we’ll have cake,” Markus said.

  He’d forgotten about the cake. Other, more pleasurable things had been on his mind. Sinking his teeth into her lip, he deepened another kiss.

  Tessie moaned, her hands trembling as she wrapped them aro
und him. She was too tired to deal with his passion.

  Markus finished washing her body. Tessie took the soap and washed each of them in turn. Her small hands on his body made it hard for him to be good. His cock was thick, straining up with need.

  “Do you want me to sort that out for you?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “No, I want you to get washed and then we’ll sort out food.”

  “You’re rock hard.” She wrapped her fingers around his length.

  Brant let her pump his shaft a couple of times before groaning and pulling away. “No, I can’t let you right now. We’ll see how you feel after you eat something.”

  Markus kissed the side of her head. “If you don’t slow down, you’ll be too sore for any more lovemaking tonight.”

  “Okay, okay, I’ll leave you guys alone.” Her hands raised in surrender. Brant was convinced. Tessie was desperate for more fun. He saw it in her eyes. Shaking his head, he turned the water off and climbed out. Markus held her in his arms as Brant grabbed a towel. Together, they got her out of the shower stall and wrapped into a towel.

  Quickly putting another towel around his hips, Brant escorted her through to the bedroom.

  “I’ve not got any clothes with me.”

  She grumbled and Brant couldn’t stop thinking about her naked body at the dinner table. Glancing at Markus, he waited for his brother to nod.

  When Markus gave his approval, he took her hands as his brother moved toward the walk-in wardrobe.

  “There’s something we want to show you. I would have showed you earlier, but Markus and I had argued.” Brant waited for the door to be opened.

  Markus flicked the switch for the light.

  “We know how much you like to accessorize, and walking around clothing stores. You can make your pick of what you like and trash the rest. This is your section of clothing,” Markus said, pointing to one long wall.

  “You prepared a walk-in wardrobe for me and even filled it with clothing?” she asked. Her hands rested at the top of the towel. Brant wondered if she was trying to stop the towel from falling.

  If it was only her, him and Markus, he’d have her walking around their home naked. Unfortunately, living on a ranch meant their workers could walk past a window and see in. Brant wasn’t willing to risk Tessie being seen by any other man who wasn’t his brother.


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