Two Stone Brothers for Tessie [Love in Stone Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Two Stone Brothers for Tessie [Love in Stone Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 14

by Sam Crescent

  Tessie cried out when he thrust the last inch inside her.

  “How does she look?” Markus asked.

  “Perfect.” Staring down at her ass, Brant was overcome by a wave of lust. He had every intention of making love to her tonight. Seeing the plug in her ass and his need so close, Brant couldn’t hold back.

  He grabbed her hips, aligned his cock, and slammed home. Their cries of pleasure mingled in the air. He didn’t give her time to become accustomed to his cock. Pulling out until only the tip remained, Brant plunged inside.

  His movements were erratic to start off with. The tight grip of her pussy was driving him insane. He felt every flutter and pulse as he rammed inside.

  “Touch yourself, Tessie. I want to feel you come.”

  Every time he gazed down at her ass he saw the plug resting against her anus. He knew it was only a matter of time before she accepted him in her ass.

  Moving his hands from her hips up to her breasts, Brant fondled her nipples, pinching the hard buds. He saw her hand working her clit. The action was rushed. He didn’t care. Her pussy was tightening by the second.

  “Come for me, Tessie, I want to feel you come before I explode.”

  “Brant, you haven’t got a condom on,” Markus said, invading his pleasure.

  Glancing down, Brant cursed. He’d slid inside her without wearing one. Pulling out of her tight warmth, he grabbed the condom he’d placed on top of the drawer. His hands were shaking, but he got the latex on and was back inside her in time to feel the first flutters of her orgasm.

  With the plug in her ass and the grip of her orgasm, Tessie screamed.

  He stayed still, relishing the feel of her climax. When it was over, he fucked her hard and fast, feeling his release building.

  Tessie made him forget himself all the time. Pushing inside her over and over again, Brant growled as, with a sudden punch, his climax washed over him. His body tensed up when his seed rushed out of him, filling the condom.

  Brant didn’t even want to think about the damage he could have caused if he wasn’t wearing a condom. He didn’t have any disease or infection. The only damage that could be caused was through pregnancy. He wouldn’t betray her trust again.

  Only when he was finished did he step back and then collapse beside her on the bed. She rolled over, reaching a hand out toward him. He felt her hand on his chest, stroking over his nipples.

  “You forgot the condom?” she asked, smiling.

  “I put one on after Markus pointed it out. Are you mad?”

  “No, I’m not mad. I can’t stop smiling. You were too far gone to remember a condom and I find that quite liberating. It means I’m doing something right,” she said, winking.

  “Baby, you’re always doing something right. I doubt there is anything you can do wrong.”

  Tessie chuckled. “I’m sure there is plenty I can do wrong, and often have.”

  He ran a hand up her hip to caress her breast.

  “I look forward to teaching you how to do everything right.” Brant leaned forward, claiming her lips once again. He’d never felt so complete in his life.

  “Right, my turn,” Markus said, coming to stand beside them.

  Brant chuckled as Tessie let out a groan. “I’m sure he’ll make it worth your while,” he teased.

  “You both make it worth my while.”

  With her words echoing through his mind, Brant took care of the condom, then took his seat where Markus had been sitting.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Tessie stifled a groan as she leaned forward to serve one of the tourists their morning coffee. Her men had insisted she start wearing a plug first thing in the morning after they’d fucked her, and only take it out around lunchtime. They both wanted to take her together. Also, in her pocket lay a set of keys to the house. Both men had asked her to move in with them permanently that morning. She didn’t have a clue what to say to them. It seemed silly to say no, especially after spending the last week with them.

  She glanced in the back to see Donald and her mother deep in conversation. Watching them walk into the diner had been a little unsettling. The diner was filling up again with morning regulars. She put the busy breakfast down to the fair happening in a couple of weeks. It was one of the few times the Flippin’ Tasty was closed. Jake and Bessie catered to the crowds with snacks and fast foods that didn’t require waitresses. This morning, Darla and Tate were both working. Tessie was relieved to have the other two waitresses present. She couldn’t have done this morning rush by herself.

  Brant and Markus were seated in their usual seats, eating breakfast.

  “I tell you this town is so full of hotness, I don’t have a clue how we get anything done,” Tate said, standing at the counter.

  Darla sneered at her before going to refill coffee cups.

  “Is she still hating on men?” Tessie asked.

  “She’s hating on everything that is not Nathan-related. Me, I’m wondering when my men are going to come and show me some loving.” Tate let out a sigh.

  “Your men? I didn’t know you were seeing anyone.”

  “I’m not, honey. I’ve got no male company at all.”

  “I bet that’s not true,” Tessie said, trying to cheer her friend up.

  “Anyway, I better get back to serving before Bessie has my paycheck. She doesn’t pay us to stand around and yap.”

  Tessie laughed. Bessie always pretended to be a hard-ass, but they all knew the truth. Bessie was a real softy and so was Jake.

  The doorbell pinged and Tessie turned to see who it was. A man in his fifties was looking around the diner, looking lost.

  “Can I help you, Sir?” she asked, approaching him with a menu.

  “I’m new in town. I’m here to see a buddy of mine, Donald Mitchell.”

  “David? David Coulter, is that you?” Donald’s voice rose over the diner. Some of the customers stopped eating while other kept on going. Tessie stood, watching in fascination as Donald moved out of his chair to greet the new man in town. “I can’t believe it’s you. I thought you said you wouldn’t be able to make it.”

  “I needed a change of scene.”

  Taking a step back to grab the coffee and a cup, Tessie watched as David was introduced to everyone. Markus and Brant looked surprised to see Donald with a friend. When Donald finally got him back to the table, Tessie took note of her mother’s flushed cheeks.

  She wasn’t close for the introductions but from the way Lillian was responding, Tessie imagined David was a charmer. Heading in their direction, she smiled down at her men before heading toward them.

  “Good morning. Is there anything I can get you?” she asked, placing the cup in front of him.

  “I’ll have whatever these guys are having,” David said, pointing at her mom and his friend.

  Tessie smiled and made to leave.

  “Actually, Tessie, I’d like to introduce you to my friend. David, this is Lillian’s daughter, Tessie.” Donald made the introductions.

  “She’s beautiful, Lillian, like her mother.”

  Lillian giggled and Tessie contained her laugh as Donald winked at her. “It’s nice to meet you, David. I’ll go and see about your food.”

  The rest of the morning was spent with Donald introducing his friend to as many people as he could. The scene wasn’t unheard of in Stone Valley. When a local wanted to get someone accepted within the community, introductions such as the one Donald was displaying had to be made. In a way it was saying to the folks, “this is my friend, I vouch for him, accept him.”

  When her mother made to leave with the two men, Tessie stopped her.

  “Can I talk to you in private?” she asked.

  “Of course.” They stepped out of the diner and walked several steps away. “What is it, honey? You’re scaring me.”

  “It’s nothing to be scared of. I promise.” Tessie glanced down at the uniform, wishing there was a better way to say what was on her mind.

  “Whatever you ha

ve to say, Tessie, say it.”

  Licking her lips, she took a deep breath and rushed out with it. “Markus and Brant have asked me to move in with them.”

  For several seconds, Lillian didn’t respond. She thought she was going to have to repeat herself.

  “Oh my God, that is wonderful news.” Lillian threw her arms around her.

  Tessie laughed, even though she was a little concerned by her mother’s obvious happiness. “If I knew you wanted me to move out, I would have done so months ago,” she joked.

  “Oh, honey, I didn’t mean that. Moving in together is a huge commitment. Your father and I grew closer when we got a home together. I’m so happy for you. Markus and Brant are serious about you.” Lillian cupped her cheeks between her palms.

  Hearing the explanation made Tessie feel better. “So you’re not upset that I’m leaving home?”

  “No. I was expecting it sooner or later. You’re a beautiful woman, Tessie. I’m surprised it has taken this long for someone to snap you up.”

  Overcome by emotion, Tessie pulled her mother into a hug.

  “Thank you,” Tessie said. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too. You’re my daughter, and even though I am upset to see you leave my home, I know it’s time for you to move on.” Lillian pulled away. “Just know there will always be a place for you at my home.”

  Kissing her mother’s cheek, she said her good-byes and made her way back inside the diner.

  * * * *

  Markus stroked a hand down Tessie’s naked back. Brant was singing to an imaginary tune in the kitchen. They’d collected Tessie’s clothes from home. She didn’t want to bring any furniture with her, and they hadn’t pressed for her to take everything. Donald and David had been keeping Lillian company during the packing. He was surprised by how well Lillian was handling it.

  When they got home, Tessie went to put her clothes away and Brant made his way to the kitchen to cook. Markus had settled onto the sofa to watch a movie. When Tessie came down in a pair of shorts and tight shirt, he’d been lost to the movie. It hadn’t taken him long to get her naked and underneath him. The moment the giggling and moaning started, Brant came to join them.

  He’d taken her pussy while Brant claimed her lovely lips.

  “When are you going to take the plug out?” she asked. Before either of them claimed her body, Markus had placed another plug, a bigger one, inside her ass.

  “When you’ve had it on for long enough that we’re satisfied,” Brant said, bringing in three large glasses of fresh orange juice. Tessie sat up, crossed her legs, and reached for the juice.

  “We’re going to need to get the sofa dry-cleaned,” Markus said.

  Moments before, he’d had his fingers inside her dripping pussy.

  “You said that on purpose,” Tessie said, glaring at him. Her face was bright red.

  “I love to see you blush.” Pulling her into his arms, Markus dropped a kiss to her lips. “And what man would complain about a soaking-wet pussy?”

  “There are times I hate you.” Tessie slapped his thigh before going back to sip at her drink.

  “What’s happening in the movie?” Brant asked.

  Markus looked over at his brother to see him looking at Tessie’s pussy. His brother’s hand was between her thighs. Snickering, Markus glanced at the horror flick playing. They didn’t own many DVDs and only watched the films that were playing on the television screen.

  “You’re not watching it, Brant, don’t try to kid her.”

  “I’ve only just moved in and you’re both driving me crazy.”

  He finished his drink and helped Tessie lean back against the sofa. Markus claimed her nipples.

  In the next instant, Tessie cried out as she spilled cold orange juice all over her body. Taking the glass from her shaking fingers, Markus put it next to his and then went back to licking her breasts.

  “I’ve made everything dirty.”

  “No, you haven’t. We’ll clean you up and then we’ll pull the covers from the sofa. It’s not a problem,” Markus said.

  He licked one breast, then moved over to lick the other. His brother moved down between her thighs. “Hold her leg, Markus.”

  Gripping her leg over his, Markus watched as Tessie was spread open for Brant’s waiting tongue. He stroked a hand up her thigh, watching her face as she was consumed by pleasure.

  “You look so beautiful. You’re close to coming, aren’t you, baby?” he asked.


  “Tell me what he’s doing?” Markus asked. Her hands were lay limp by her side.

  “He’s fucking me with his tongue.” Her head turned toward him. Her tongue licked her lips. He stared into her eyes, getting harder by the second at the pleasure flickering in her depths.

  Her nipples were rock hard and pointed up.

  “What else is he doing?”

  “He’s stroking my clit with his thumb.” She groaned, arching up.

  Brant brought her to the brink of pleasure and stopped her from climaxing by pulling away. His mouth was covered in her cream.

  “Stop with the torture,” she said, crying out.

  Staring at his brother, Markus winked. Brant grabbed a condom, tore into the foil and quickly placed it over his shaft.

  Markus watched his brother coat his shaft with her cream and then slam inside her hard. Holding her in place, Markus watched his brother fuck their woman. Tessie was so open with them. She gave her body to them so freely.

  Brant’s cock was slick with her cream. Markus palmed his own erection, watching them make love.

  All his dreams were coming true with Tessie moving in with them. The only thing left to do was to propose to her. He and Brant had been discussing asking her to marry them at the fair. They wanted the occasion to be memorable. Proposing at the fair would be pretty memorable.

  “Bring her off, Markus. I won’t be able to last.”

  Rolling his eyes, Markus stroked a hand down her stomach to rest on the top of her pussy. Brushing his fingers through her pubic hair, he watched her eyes flash and then he stroked her nub. Her eyes rolled back in her head. She cried out, her body tensing up for more.

  He worked her clit while also pumping his shaft at the same time. Markus watched her explode, which sparked off his own release.

  “That’s it, baby, so perfect and beautiful,” Brant said.

  In no time at all, Brant’s cries of release joined theirs. He collapsed on top of her. Markus stroked her hair, feeling tired for the first time in a long time. He snuggled up close to her side.

  “We’re going to have to change this furniture. I have a feeling we’re going to make this messy often.”

  Markus chuckled while Brant grunted. “I never thought I’d find a woman to exhaust me, but I have. I’m exhausted. I don’t think I can move.”

  “Speak for yourself. I’m an old man here,” Markus said. He was feeling every one of his thirty-five years.

  “I was a virgin. Do I have to go recruiting more guys to keep me satisfied?” she asked.

  He and Brant jerked at her words.

  “What?” they yelled the word out. Brant sat up, pulling his flaccid cock from her, while Markus turned her face toward him.

  There was a smile on her lips that made his heart beat a little faster. “No man other than Brant and I are ever coming near you.” He pressed his lips against hers, showing her who was boss.

  Brant did the same, turning her toward him and claiming her lips. “I’ll hurt any man who tries to touch you.”

  Tessie’s smile widened. “Good. I was pleased it woke you guys up some”—her hand went to both of their members—“because I’m ready for round three.”

  They had woken up a monster and Markus knew they were both going to heaven, all because of Tessie. She matched them perfectly and Markus couldn’t imagine spending time without her in his life.

  * * * *

  One week later, Brant was looking through some of the figures and c
hecking on the order of the specially designed wedding band when Tessie walked into the office. She was wearing a pale cream dress with no shoes. From the sun shining behind her, he saw she wasn’t wearing any underwear underneath.

  It was her day off and he’d promised to spend some time with her, but he’d failed. Glancing at the clock on his office wall, he saw it was past lunchtime.

  She walked into the office with her hips swaying side to side.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, moving toward his desk. She glanced down at his paperwork and let out a sigh. With her distracted, he quickly closed the email confirming delivery of the engagement rings and wedding rings so she wouldn’t see it.

  “I’m working.”

  “I know, and you’re supposed to be keeping me company. If I knew I was going to spend the day alone, I’d have gone into town and spent time with Darla and Nathan. She promised me ice cream and you promised me time. I know Darla would have given me ice cream by now.” Tessie took a seat and pouted at him.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, picking up all the work sheets. “I’m swamped. I’ve had so much on my mind lately.”

  “Well, if that’s the case, see you later.” Tessie stood, moving toward the door.

  “I’ll show you around the ranch another time.”

  “You won’t need to. I’m going to go and explore myself. I don’t need you as an escort. I was looking forward to your company.” She closed the door behind her with a slam. Brant winced as the sound vibrated through the office. Glancing at the clock, he knew he was in trouble.

  Markus is going to kick my ass if I let her wander out there like that for the rest of the day.

  Letting out a groan, he stood up and found her walking toward the barn where Polly was.

  His cell phone rang as he made his way toward her.

  “You left her alone until this late?” Markus’s angry voice came over the line.

  “I was working. Time ran away with me.”

  “We promised her a good time. I stopped her from making plans so she could spend time with you, and this is what you do,” Markus said, cursing.


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