The Year I Met August

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The Year I Met August Page 2

by Renea Porter

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t take you somewhere fancy,” he confessed.

  “I don’t need fancy dinners or fancy things, August. I’m not that type of girl.”

  “Good. I was hoping you would say that. Because I was going to ask if you’d want to go to my place to watch a movie.”

  He must have seen the apprehension on my face. I was definitely leery about going to his house, alone.

  “I’ll be a perfect gentleman. My mom will be there, if that makes you feel better.”

  Knowing his mom would be there did put me at ease. “Okay. I’ll go.”

  We finished our meal. Reaching in my purse, I pulled some cash out.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “I can pay for my own meal, August.”

  “Absolutely not. I asked you out so I insist on paying.”

  Putting the cash back in my purse, I didn’t argue. After he paid, he slid out of the booth and offered his hand to help me out. Hand in hand, we walked to his car. He had a firm grip, and I liked the way he held my hand. No boy had ever made butterflies dance in my belly, or made my heart kick up a few notches. I relished in the feeling.

  Inside the car, the music flowed while he drove us to his house. “You don’t mind meeting my mom, do you?”

  “No. I’d love to meet her.”

  The Blue Beacon Manor’s grandeur greeted us as we arrived. August held my hand as he pushed the front door open. The manor was grand on the outside, and the inside instantly stole my breath. The entryway had marble flooring with high ceiling that rounded and had angels painted above. Walking into the living room, there was a lot of plush furniture, a fireplace, and dark wood tables to accentuate the room.

  “She’s probably in the kitchen.” he told me as he held my hand while we walked to the kitchen.

  The kitchen was big with cherry wood cabinets, a deep sink and a wooden table. I spotted a woman sitting in one of the chairs sipping on a mug and reading her Kindle. She looked up with gleaming eyes.

  “Mom, this is Murphy. Murphy, this is my mom, Helena.”

  Grabbing her hand, I shook it. “It’s so nice to meet you, Murphy. Are you from around here?”

  “Yes; we live about five minutes down the road at the The Weatherton Estate. It’s our vacation home.”

  “Is it okay if we watch a movie?” August asked.

  “Of course. I was just heading up to my room. There are cookies on the counter and soda in the fridge. Help yourselves.”

  She stood to leave. “It was nice meeting you,” I told her.

  “Goodnight,” she said.

  “Night, Mom.”

  “Want a soda and some cookies?” August asked.


  Opening the fridge, he tossed me a can, grabbing one for himself, and grabbed a plate for the cookies. We walked back into the living room and sat on one of the couches. It engulfed me.

  “We have a ton of movies. Pick one,” August told me.

  Flipping through the DVDs, I decided on the newest Adam Sandler movie. I popped my can open and took a sip before taking a cookie from the plate on the coffee table. The both of us laughed throughout the movie. August had his arm on the back on the couch, and we were sitting really close, our thighs almost touched. The movie credits started to roll over the screen when August turned to me, our eyes connecting he lifted my chin up. Slowly bringing his face to mine, he kissed me soft and slow. It felt electrifying.

  I never kissed a boy before, so I was really nervous. What if I did it wrong? What if I was bad at it? Oh god. My heart pounded so furiously in my chest. I thought I was going to die.

  The kiss deepened and his hand roamed my body over my clothing. He was being respectful. When his lips disappeared, he touched my forehead with his. “I better get you home,” he panted.

  “Was the kiss okay?” I felt like a complete dork for even asking.

  He chuckled. “Don’t tell me you never kissed a boy before,” he said.

  “You were the first one.”

  “Shit. I wish I could have made it more romantic for you.”

  I smiled, biting my lip. “It was perfect and I had a nice time”

  He pulled his head away from mine and helped me off the couch. Before leaving he kissed me again.

  “I had a nice time, too,” he said, pulling back. “We’re still on for tomorrow then?”

  “Absolutely,” I confirmed.

  Even though my house was not far, he still drove me home and walked me to the door. I kissed him goodnight and waved as he drove off.

  The rooms were dark, and no one was around as the clock struck midnight. Quietly, I made my way up to my room finding Melanie on the computer.

  “So did you have fun? Did he kiss you?”

  My cheeks heated, remembering his lips on mine. “I’m not telling you, because you have a big mouth.”

  I changed out of my clothes and put on a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top.

  “You don’t have to, because it’s written all over your face. Don’t worry, I won’t say anything.”

  Climbing in bed, I decided to fill her in on how the date went.

  Chapter Three


  Much of the day passed with us swimming in our pool and lounging on the deck. I went with Mom for some groceries for dinner. She seemed glad I had a boy in my life, even if it was just temporary. She was more lenient than Dad was.

  Just as she was preparing for dinner, the doorbell rang. I sprang up to answer it. Opening the door, he stood there with a dish in his hand.

  “Hey.” I smiled.

  “Hey. My mom insisted on me bringing one of her pies.” His face flashed a crimson color.

  Taking the dish from him, I led the way to the kitchen. Setting the dish on the counter, I introduced him to my mom.

  “Mom, this is August.”

  She shook his hand. “You can call me Paige. It’s very nice to meet you. I hope you like lasagna.”

  “I do. It’s my favorite.” He smiled.

  “I’m happy to hear that.”

  Grabbing August by the hand, I led him to Dad’s den where he could be found on most days. Lightly knocking on the door, I slowly pushed it open. Dad immediately stood when he saw us, and came around the desk.

  “Please come in,” he said, smoothing his hands over his khaki pants.

  “Dad, this is August. August, this is my dad, Dr. Jeffrey Tanner.”

  I noticed August took a deep breath. He was nervous meeting my dad. Dad could be intimidating sometimes.

  “Nice to meet you, Dr. Tanner.”

  “Please, call me Jeff. Have a seat,” he motioned. “Tell me about yourself.”

  “Well, I manage my dad’s automotive shop. I just recently moved back in with my mom. We live at The Blue Beacon Manor.”

  Dad crossed his arms. “I know the place. What’s your mom do?”

  “My dad passed away last year. My mom manages a diner over on Beaumont Avenue. I help her out with the bills.”

  “I see,” Dad said, studying August. “I’m sorry to hear about your father.”

  “Thank you.” August twirled his thumbs in his lap.

  Mom saved the day by calling us for dinner. Everyone was seated at the table. Tonight’s dinner had been mandatory for the whole family. Mom had two casserole dishes of lasagna and fresh garlic bread on the table.

  August and I found the only two empty seats and sat next to each other, while Dad sat at the head of the table. Mom was at the other end.

  Everyone fell into conversation while dinner was being passed around. Even August was comfortable in the group.

  “This is amazing, Paige,” he said, covering his mouth as he chewed his food.

  “Thank you, August.”

  We continued eating when my brother interrupted. “So what are your intentions with my sister?” he joked.

  “Shut up!” I chucked a piece of bread at him.

  “Settle down,” Mom scolded.

sp; “What are your plans for the future?” my Dad asked August.

  “Well, I hope the business continues to do well so I can save money for my own place. I don’t want much. I’ve already gone to college and got my degree in automotive. Hopefully, one day, I’ll be able to settle down and have a family of my own to take care of.”

  Dad nodded.

  “So how did you two meet?” Mom asked.

  I gulped.

  “Oh. I introduced them,” Melanie said, looking awkwardly at Dad as I saw the look of displeasure on his face. “He’s a friend of Brandon’s,” she added.

  After dinner, Mom brought the pie over and cut it into slices, passing plates down.

  “This pie is amazing. One thing I haven’t mastered is desserts,” Mom told us. “Maybe your mom can teach me how to make this,” she gushed.

  “I’m sure she’d love that. She doesn’t get many visitors since my dad died.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Mom told him.

  August responded with a weak smile and continued eating the pie. After dinner, my parents excused us. “We are going to go for a walk around the neighborhood.”

  Outside, the air was hot and thick, but that didn’t matter when it came to being with August. “I’m sorry they asked so many questions.”

  He smiled. “It was fine. You’re the baby of the family. So I understand. I like you, Murphy. A lot. But you leave in seven days.”

  Before he could finish the sentence, I interrupted him. “Yeah. So let’s make the best of them.” I threw his own words back at him.

  “Are you going to be able to walk away? At the end of this.”

  “Yes,” I told him. It was the only option I had. Knowing him for ten days was better than nothing. “I can’t imagine not spending the next week with you. I like you, August Jenson.”

  “Well, when you put it like that…I guess I’d rather know you for a short time than not at all. Besides, who knows what the future holds.”

  We turned, heading back toward the house, him holding my hand protectively.

  We reached the house. “So tomorrow, then?” he questioned.

  “Tomorrow. Call me.”

  Waving at him, I headed inside. Everyone was still up when I entered the kitchen to get a drink. Mom and Dad were finishing up the dishes.

  “I don’t like you hanging out with that boy,” Dad stated.

  “Jeffrey!” Mom scolded.

  “He’s not good enough for you. He’d never be able to give you the life you were meant to have.”

  I took a deep breath. “First of all; he has a name. And I don’t plan on running off to marry him. So you need to relax. I’m almost eighteen,” I told him.

  “I just don’t want you to end up like…” He stopped himself just as Melanie came into the room.

  “Like who, Daddy? Finish your sentence.”

  Dad looked horrified at what he was about to say.

  “Go ahead. Tell her you don’t want her to end up like me, right? You wouldn’t want to force your precious daughter to have an abortion like you did me!” Melanie stormed out, crying.

  “Nice going,” I told him, rolling my eyes.

  He looked defeated, and Mom looked pained. Melanie had gotten pregnant when she was seventeen, and Dad forced her to have an abortion. Melanie was devastated. And our mother almost left Dad over it. It was a hard time for us.

  “You can’t control us anymore. We are young. We will make mistakes and learn from them. It’s what makes us human,” I told him, and went upstairs to my room.

  I found Mel in our room, her face buried in the pillow. “Are you okay, Mel?”

  I felt bad for her.

  “He’s such a jerk, Murphy. I can’t stand being in the same room as him.”

  I didn’t know how to reply to that. Dad could be…no, he was very overbearing. I knew he meant well. He just didn’t know how to be anything else.

  Grabbing my pajamas, I decided to take a bath before heading to bed.

  Chapter Four


  Shuffling in bed, I stirred awake.

  “Someone has a birthday tomorrow,” my sister mentioned from her bed across the room.

  I smiled at the thought of finally turning eighteen. I was old enough to make my own decisions, and own the mistakes I would make. I was officially becoming an adult. But I always felt older than my age.

  “You’ve always been an old soul, Murph. That’s what makes you, you,” Mel said. Apparently, she was feeling nostalgic. “You see the good in people. You are the smartest person I know,” she continued.

  “Where’s this coming from?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. I just don’t want you to change. Especially when you become a big time doctor.” She smirked.

  “You know I’ll always be Nerdy Murphy.”

  Her blonde hair was splayed out over her bed. We both had the same color hair, with mine slightly darker. And my eyes were green and hers were blue. She leaned over. “Do you have plans with August today?”

  “The only plan was hanging out. We didn’t specify anything yet.”

  “Then the four of us should do something to celebrate your birthday.”

  “My birthday isn’t until tomorrow.”

  “I know. But it’ll be a family affair, and then all you’ll have time for is to hang out with August.” She smirked.

  “True. I was hoping he and I would have a celebration of our own.” I arched my eyebrows at her.

  Melanie’s eyes grew big. She was stunned by my confession. I knew I could tell her just about anything and she would keep it confidential.

  “Murphy, are you thinking about having sex with him? You just met,” she whispered.

  I shrugged with uncertainty. “Well, the thought crossed my mind. No one wants to go to college a virgin. At least, I don’t. I like him, Mel. Even if we only have a week left, I’d rather him be the one than some random frat boy.” I sat up in bed.

  “Honestly, I couldn’t be happier for you. If you stay the night, just text me and I’ll cover for you.”

  I nodded, biting down on my lower lip.

  Mom called us down for breakfast as Melanie was running ideas for the day ahead past me.

  “I don’t want to do anything that will cost a lot. August has a ton on his plate.”

  She thought for a moment, before an idea came to her. “How about we go hiking to the waterfall? We haven’t been since last summer.”

  “That sounds fun. However, August does work, so we’ll see if he can. I’ll text him,” I told her.


  August got out of work at three, so Melanie, Brandon, and I walked up to August’s house to meet him. He looked freshly showered, his hair still slightly damp.

  “Hey,” he said smiling.

  “Hey,” I responded.

  His muscled arms circled around me, and I hugged him back. Pulling away, our hands interlocked while we walked along the trail to the waterfall. We hiked the trail while Brandon and Melanie walked in front, leading the way. Every so often, August and I would catch stolen glances at each other.

  “So, did I hear it’s your birthday tomorrow?”

  “It is. This is Melanie’s way of celebrating it by doing something fun before tomorrow. Since it will mostly be family tomorrow. But I still want you to come over. We can go swimming and stuff.”

  “You know I wouldn’t miss it. Is there any chance of you getting away tomorrow night?”

  “I was hoping you would ask that. I definitely will.”

  Giving my hand a light squeeze, he smiled.

  We arrived at the top of the waterfall. It was so breathtaking. This was an every year excursion, and I always looked forward to it. This year will be the most memorable with August coming along.

  “How did I not know about this place?” August said in disbelief.

  “It’s Dragon’s Bay’s best kept secret,” Melanie acknowledged.

  She was already stripping out of her clothes and getting rea
dy to jump in. Taking a deep breath, she and Brandon linked hands and jumped in. Her scream could be heard all the way down. I laughed as the water shocked their bodies.

  “Well, I guess it’s our turn,” August proclaimed, looking over the cliff.

  Shimming out of my shorts and tank to expose my swim suit, I stood looking over the edge when I felt August pull me to him. My breath caught as our bodies flushed together. His hand weaved into my long hair, and I was barely breathing as he inched his face to mine. With an arm wrapped around my waist, I gripped both of his arms and his muscles flexed under my touch.

  “I need to feel your lips right now,” he breathed out.

  Closing my eyes, his lips pressed onto mine; there was so much passion behind this kiss. He worked my lips apart, his tongue tangling with mine. This very moment was being burnt into my memory for a later date. For a time I would look back on and savor the feelings I felt for a boy that was capturing my heart with every touch and every spoken word. My heart cracked at the realization, but still, I ran toward every feeling he was igniting in me.

  I don’t know how long we stood there kissing. But when he pulled away, my eyes fluttered open and I felt dizzy. He was grinning at me as my cheeks flushed. I bit down on my lip and looked at my feet.

  “August, we are standing at the top of a waterfall.” I said in amazement “What could be more romantic than this?”

  “Are you guys coming, or are you going to make out up there all day?” Brandon shouted.

  Leaning forward, I buried my head into August’s neck, feeling embarrassed.

  “Come on,” he told me.

  He reached for my hand as we stood on the ledge. Before another thought formed, I took his hand and we leapt into the water together. I may have screamed at the top of my lungs. The water splashed, and then I popped up from under the water, searching for everyone.

  August came up from behind, flinging the water with his hair as he reached me. I spotted my sister and Brandon just off to the right. They challenged us to a game of Chicken.


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