Something Real

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Something Real Page 23

by Ariadne Wayne

  “After our guests are gone, and the children are in bed, it’s a date,” he whispered.

  A chill ran up my spine as he kissed my neck and let me go. I turned toward him. He walked to the doorway before turning around.

  “Love you,” I said.

  “Love you too.” His lips were turned up slightly, his eyes so full of affection that my heart swelled to look at him.

  “Dinner’s nearly ready. Give me ten and we’ll be ready to eat.”

  “I’d rather eat you,” he said, waggling his eyebrows at me before disappearing out the door. I rolled my eyes and returned to the counter to finish getting the meal ready. Even so, I grinned to myself as I took out the dinner plates.

  “Need a hand?” Maddy stood in the doorway, a smirk on her face.

  “I’m just setting the table. The food is nearly ready if you want to help me here.”

  She took the plates from me while I gathered the cutlery.

  “I figured the kids could just sit at the table with us. I’ll just grab some cushions from the living room.”

  She laughed. “My Little Miss Independent will like that.”

  I followed her as she walked around the table, setting the cutlery beside the plates.

  Logan appeared in the doorway, Chloe in his arms.

  “This little one just woke up. Want me to change her nappy?”

  “Yes please.” I walked over to him, chucking her under the chin as she grinned at me.

  “Aww little baby, I can do it if you want. Then I get to have a snuggle.” Maddy had Chloe off Logan in a moment and I laughed as he stood there, his hands held as if she were still in them.

  I bit down on my bottom lip, trying not to laugh at the look of utter disbelief on his face. “That’s my daughter, Maddy. Don’t you have one of your own to snuggle?” He looked at me, gaping and shaking his head. “Liv?”

  “Don’t look at me. I’m going to serve up dinner.”

  I laughed, looking over at Maddy, standing over the change table as she changed Chloe's nappy. Shaking my head, I walked back into the kitchen, retrieving the roast from the oven and placing it on the chopping block to carve.

  Logan came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Aren’t you going to defend my honour? I didn’t wake Chloe up to play with Maddy.”

  “You woke Chloe? I thought she was already awake.” I turned my head back towards him, looking at him with one eyebrow raised.

  “Caught me,” he whispered, leaning closer.

  "You're so naughty." I laughed as he nuzzled my neck.

  “You two should get a room,” Maddy said from the doorway, rocking my baby on her hip and looking right at home.

  “Excuse me,” said Logan, “we’ve got a whole house. Just gotta get rid of the interlopers.”

  She laughed, shaking her head as Andrew walked in.

  “Who do you have there?” he asked, tickling Chloe. She grinned, waving her arms excitedly. It wouldn’t be long until those two had another child from the way they clucked over her.

  “Isn’t she gorgeous? We should have another one.”

  I had a silent chuckle. Maddy never was one for holding back, and I had to give Andrew credit for not really being all that surprised. He nodded at her, looking at her in that way that spoke volumes.

  “How on earth do you put up with it, Andrew?” Logan asked.

  I flicked him with the tea towel, laughing as he slid out of my way, looking at me in the same way Andrew looked at Maddy. My heart fluttered and other parts of me burned for him to be near me.


  * * *

  The house was silent with all the children asleep and our guests gone.

  “Meet you in the tent,” Logan whispered as I went up to check one more time.

  I came back down the stairs and looked out the back, spotting the torchlight flickering through the tent door. Shaking my head, I laughed, going out the back door to the deck and poking my head inside, waving a small white box at him.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “I brought the baby monitor so we could listen out for the kids. I know we’re only on the deck, but it’s safer.”

  Logan grabbed my hand, pulling me down on the makeshift bed of sleeping bags.

  “You’re so responsible,” he said.

  “Someone has to be.”

  I put the monitor at the edge of the tent, and he pushed me gently onto my back, leaning over me on his elbow.

  “Why are we out here?”

  He shrugged. “I just thought it might be fun. Quick camping holiday by ourselves.”

  Tracing down my face with his hand, he drew his thumb across my lips. A bolt of electricity passed between us, and that familiar ache between my legs began as I closed my eyes and kissed his hand.

  “I’ll never stop wanting you,” he whispered. He leaned over, kissing my cheek, trailing his lips down to my neck while his hand moved to my breasts.

  Tears gathered in my eyes as he raised his head to kiss my lips, pressing his to mine so softly and tenderly. He loved me more than anyone had loved me, except for my children. This man made me complete, was the other half of me.

  “Olivia,” he said.

  Just the way he said it sent shivers through me. Whatever had brought me to this moment, all the good times and the bad, they had all been worth it to find him.

  His mouth claimed mine and I kissed him back with all that I had. He needed to see how much I loved him, how much I loved being with him.

  He tugged at my dress, and I sat as he lifted it over my head, reaching behind me to unhook my bra.

  I lay down, and he kissed each breast. “I love you more than anything,” he whispered. He ran his tongue over my skin and I closed my eyes. Logan pulled at my panties, and I helped pull them down my legs, lying naked beside him.

  “You’re just so damn beautiful. I spend all day thinking about doing this with you.”

  I ran my fingers down his shirt, lifting the hem and he grinned, sitting up to pull it off. I ran my hand over his chest, feeling his soft skin, the patch of light hair across the middle. He was perfection.

  “I don’t know if I can wait,” he said.

  “Hurry up then,” I whispered, pulling him back down to kiss me. I wanted to taste his kiss, feel his tongue press into my mouth with the urgency that was him needing to be inside me. Just as I needed it too.

  He pressed fingers into me, and I gasped as he thrust them in and out until he was happy I was ready. Discarding his pants, he moved on top, pressing himself to me as he slid inside. Each movement filled me with a new sensation of joy, and I raked the ground, the groundsheet crinkling in my hands, pushing my hips to meet him.

  Logan kissed my throat, taking gentle nips as we moved as one.

  “I never thought life could be so perfect,” he whispered. “In a million years, I never dreamed I’d find anyone who loved me, believed in me, wanted everything I did.”

  “Don’t. You’ll make me cry.”

  “Olivia Grant, you cry all you want. I know it’s because I make you happy. And I’ll go on making you happy for the rest of my life if you want me to.”

  He linked fingers with me above my head, kissing my lips, grinding himself against me and I struggled to keep my eyes open.

  Our eyes met and I watched as his face contorted, never taking my gaze off him as he groaned, releasing inside me.

  “Damn it. I swore I’d always make you come first.” He laughed, rolling over.

  “I think I can excuse you.” I snuggled into him, and he ran his fingers down my back.

  “Let’s get married, Liv. I want you to be my wife. There’s nothing stopping us now.”

  Tears rolled down my cheeks and he kissed them away, the way he always did. “I think, Mr Mitchell, that I would very much like to be your wife.”

  And then he kissed my lips, selling the deal we’d just made.

  This was perfection.

  I woke with a start as the soun
d of Chloe crying came wailing over the baby monitor.

  Logan laughed softly beside me. “Give you a fright?”

  “I didn’t know I’d fallen asleep.”

  We were spooned together, his warm body pressed against mine, and reluctantly I pulled myself away, slipping my clothes back on before heading back inside. She’d be looking for her 3am feed. I glanced at the clock in the hall. Yep, bang on 3am. That kid had a built-in alarm clock.

  She let out a scream as I entered the room. If I didn’t get to her fast enough she’d be inconsolable, and I gathered her into my arms, rocking her until she quietened.

  A small sniffle and bleat let me know she was still waiting, and I settled into the rocking chair to feed her, closing my eyes as she latched on and began to drink.

  “Love watching you guys,” Logan said from the doorway.

  We were surrounded by stars and moons, projected from the nightlight he’d installed. In the soft glow, he came toward us, kneeling at my feet as I gently rocked our daughter. I thought I’d felt all the love I could, but every time we were together it grew.

  Chloe snorted and snuffled, gulping down the milk as if it were the last time she’d ever be fed, and Logan stroked her head, grinning up at me.

  “You get to bed. I’ll be there soon,” I whispered.

  “I’m in no hurry,” he replied, gazing down at our daughter with all the love he had for her.

  I leaned back, closing my eyes again.


  Chapter Thirty-Five

  My hands shook as I read it. ‘Dissolution of Marriage’ it read. This was it. I was free of the past and I could move on with my future. Our future. Our family’s future.

  Evan hadn’t made contact again. He’d just signed the papers and now I got the notification I’d been waiting for. Maybe one day he could have a relationship with his children again. He’d shown some regret, but hadn’t reached out to Jack and Thomas a second time.

  I wouldn’t stop him. He was their father.

  Logan sat in the living room, Chloe on his knee, and a boy on either side. Thomas and Jack were both reading, and Chloe was all grins and dribble, her father tickling her under the chin while chattering away to her in baby-talk.

  Every time I saw them together like this I was pretty sure my ovaries would explode, and I just knew another baby would be on the way in the not-too-distant future.

  “Guess what I’ve got?” I said, swooping down to grab Chloe from his arms and handing him the piece of paper.

  Logan scanned the text. “Liv, this is awesome. When do you want to get married?”

  I grinned. “I should have known you didn’t want to wait.”

  He smirked. “I know you don’t want to wait either.”

  Chloe dribbled on my hand, and I laughed, wiping it with her bib. She smiled up at me, and I kissed her cheek. “Hey, baby. How would you like to be my bridesmaid?”

  “Jack and Thomas will have to be my groomsman.” Logan looked at me with so much love. A love that grew every day, never stagnating or growing old.

  “Just us, your mother and my mother,” I said. "Does she still have Kat living at her place? She won't want to come too, will she?" I grimaced at the thought.

  Logan shook his head. "I haven't asked and Kat hasn't contacted me. No one is going to be at the wedding we both don't want. I do think we need to invite Andrew and Maddy, though. She’d never forgive us.”

  I laughed. “I think you’re right there. Then I want to invite Rebecca.”

  Logan rolled his eyes. “You know this is where it starts.”

  “Where what starts?”

  He put his hand up, as if to shield his face. “Bridezilla.”

  “Ha ha. As if. I’d marry you in jeans if I had to.”

  “I have been thinking about venue. What about the park across the road? There are some lovely trees and that pond with all the flowers around it. Close and easy to get you back home.” He waggled his eyebrows at me, and I grinned, knowing what was behind that.


  “Always.” His eyes darkened with desire as we gazed at each other, lost in the look that no one could break into.

  Except for Chloe.

  Her little foot poked my side, and I grinned at her. “I’m sorry, sweetie. Is Mummy not paying enough attention?”

  Little arms and legs waving excitedly told me just how happy she was, or hungry. Even after having three, it was still hard to tell what babies wanted. But, having recently discovered food, I was pretty sure that was what she was after.

  “Is it time for dinner?” I asked.

  She kicked and waved some more, and I carried her to the dining table, placing her in her high chair. It was a beautiful thing, watching her grow so fast, even though I wanted her to stay a baby for as long as possible.

  I went into the kitchen to get her food, already prepared and waiting. By the time I got back, Logan sat next to her at the table, tickling her under the chin again.

  “She’s going to start giggling any day, aren’t you, Chloe?” he said, nodding at her.

  She chortled, kicking her legs as she chatted at him.

  “You’ll look so pretty for the wedding, won’t you, miss?” He took the bowl of vegetables from me, and started spooning them to our delighted daughter.

  A snorting noise came from her, as if she thought it were the funniest thing in the world. Laughing with Daddy.

  * * *

  I began making plans at the start of the week.

  We knew the venue and who to invite. Kat proved to be a non-issue as she'd found a job and moved out of Beth's place. By all accounts she was safe and sober and Logan's relief was obvious.

  Neither of us wanted anything too fussy, so it would be a quick wedding across the road and then back here for a meal with the people we loved. The sooner the better as far as we were concerned.

  On Wednesday, the latest car Logan had been working on had been a tough fix, and he called me to let me know he’d be late.

  “Sorry, babe. I’ll be home as soon as I’ve finished. It’s being picked up first thing, so best to get it done tonight.”

  “It’s okay. You let me know. That’s all that matters.”

  He growled down the phone. “I’ll make it up to you, Mrs Soon-To-Be Mitchell.”

  A warm glow built in me as his words made my heart beat faster.

  “Love you,” I said.

  “Love you too. I’ll be as quick as I can. Promise.”

  A promise I knew he would keep.

  With the boys in bed and Chloe fast asleep, I sat in front of the television for a while. I hated the house being so quiet, but it would give me a chance to start working on my wedding present for Logan. An idea that had been brewing for a while.

  I went to the table, opened the laptop and started to write. The words flowed faster and easier than I had thought they would, and I got lost in the story that was us. Me and him. The man who gave my life meaning again, who slotted into my family as if he’d been there the whole time. The man who had given me the world and asked for nothing but my love in return.

  That was my Logan.

  I was in tears when he found me, and he knelt beside my chair, all frowny and worried.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” I sniffed.

  He ran his fingers down the side of my face, tilting my chin until I met his eye.

  “I’m writing.”

  A smile snaked across his face, growing in intensity as he studied me “Glad to hear it. Not so glad you’re upset.”

  “I’ll be fine. I just get emotional sometimes.”

  He kissed my forehead, my nose, and leaned in to kiss my lips. “Let’s go to bed. I’ll make up for being late.”

  I threw my arms around his neck. “Just hold me.”

  “Hey, hey, hey,” he whispered as I clung to him, the tears starting again. “Olivia. What’s wrong?”

  “I just love you so much.”

  “I love you to
o. More than anything else in the whole world. I never thought I’d find my soul mate, and there she was. I knew it as soon as I spent time with you. Something felt so right. More right than anything else.”

  That just made me cry harder, and he grasped my arms, releasing himself from my grip.

  “Come on. I’ll hold you until you stop crying, and then I’ll make up for being late.”

  I nodded, unable to say anything else, and he helped me up.

  And then he kept his promise about making it up to me.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  We lay naked in bed, his body pressed against mine as he kissed my lips, my neck, every part of me that responded to him. I curled my leg around his, pulling him as close as he could be.

  “Olivia,” he whispered. I was putty in his hands, melting into him as he possessed me, and we tried our best to quench the thirst we had for one another. But that would never happen. The more we were together, the more we wanted.

  It was the never-ending need for one another that kept us so close. It fed our love, the love that will last for the rest of our lives. Of that I’m sure.

  With Logan, I will never have to worry about whether he’s coming home or not. Every morning he’s in bed with me, and I lie in his arms knowing that I am the only woman who does. Every night he was the most amazing father, showing his love to all our children without favour.

  And then he was mine, all mine. There was no one to take him away from me, and his heart was far too entangled with mine for there ever to be.

  This was it.

  We were forever.

  I took a deep breath as the tears rolled down my face, threatening my makeup. Today I would give him this book as a wedding gift. The story of our love—the story of our life together.

  Taking one last look in the mirror, I patted down my curls and stroked the foundation back in place to cover the streaks the tears had left behind.

  My last wedding had been a rushed registry service thing with just Evan’s mother in attendance. In the park were people who cared about us, loved us. Everything was perfect.

  I turned around when the knock on the door came. “Come in.”


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