Happily Ever After: 6 Marriage Romances In 1 (BWWM Romance)

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Happily Ever After: 6 Marriage Romances In 1 (BWWM Romance) Page 5

by BWWM Club

  “Are you sure about that?” Gabrielle asked her eyebrows rose. She had come off her diet and was having the beef soup with everything in it.

  “We talk about stuff so I am sure he would tell me if he has some reservations.” Kym said with a shrug.

  “You live in a world all your own honey,” Marla said with a shake of her head. “He is a man and that’s saying one thing: sex is totally on his mind.”


  Kymonia took the cup of tea and went outside on her balcony. It was cold but she had bundled up in her special thick blanket and ventured out to sit on the porch swing she had had installed a few months ago.

  It was almost seven and the time had gotten dark a long time ago. She could see the glare from the streetlights on the main road and the leaves shivering in the wind that was blowing. She could also see that Mrs. Willows was in her living room probably painting something, maybe some fruits or a flower.

  It was so peaceful and quiet and lonely, her mind whispered. She looked around startled as if expecting to see someone else besides her on the porch. She had never felt lonely before because she had always been comfortable with her own company and she usually had her writing to involve herself in. What brought this on? She wondered. She had spoken to Julian earlier and he had told her he was on his way home and had told her to eat something which she had done so. But she wanted to hear his voice again before she turned in for the night. She reached for her cell phone before she could change her mind and dialed his number.

  He answered immediately. “Hey,” his deep voice sounded in her ear.

  “Are you home?” she asked him.

  “Just got in not too long ago,” he answered and she just wanted to keep on hearing his voice. “What no writing tonight?” he teased her.

  “No, taking the night off and watching the wind move the leaves on the trees and enjoying some lemon tea.” She told him softly. “I just wanted to say hey.”

  “You sure you are okay?” he wanted her to say no and he wished she would.

  “I guess. I was just feeling a little bit lonely and morbid. I am trying to find stories everywhere but I am going to go to bed now. How about you?” she asked him.

  “I have some things to do before I do then it’s off to bed for me as well.” He paused. “Are you sure you are okay?”

  “Hmm,” she sipped the tea and stood up hugging the robe closer to her. “I am now; it was good talking to you.”

  “Anytime,” he told her softly. “How about taking in a movie tomorrow?”

  “Sounds good.” She said with a smile in her voice.

  “Good night Kym,”

  “Good night Julian,” she hung up the phone and went inside her bedroom. She had almost asked him to come over but that would not have been fair to him and she had no intention of using him just because of how she felt at a particular time. With a sigh she removed the comforter and slipped underneath.

  That night she dreamt that he was beside her holding her close and telling her that he was never going to leave.


  Julian pulled the shirt over his head and stared at himself in the bathroom mirror. She had called him and it had not been something he had initiated. He had wanted so much to go over to her place and hold her in his arms but he had to let her make the first move which she was not doing. But she had called and that was something.

  He sighed and straightened up. He had been about to take a shower when she called and now the sound of her voice had done something to him, he doubt he would be able to go to sleep right now, he thought ruefully. He was going to be thinking about her a lot tonight.


  They went to watch a romantic comedy. He picked her up at eight dressed in denims and a dark green sweater that matched his eyes. She had chosen to wear a long black wool skirt and black and white sweater and long boots and she had put her hair into a ponytail.

  “You look beautiful,” he told her as soon as she opened the door.

  “Thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself,” she told him with a smile. “Are we late?”

  “Not quite, why?” he asked her as he came further inside the room.

  “I need to jot down something that came to mind just as you knocked on the door.” She told him.

  “Go ahead.” He suggested. “I will just sit here and watch something on television.”

  “Don’t be silly!” she exclaimed reaching for his hand and pulling him with her towards the office. “I want to show you where I work.”

  She led him into the small but neat office where she went behind her desk and booted up her computer. “I have notepads everywhere in the house including the bathroom,” she grinned. “You never know when inspiration will strike.”

  “I see,” he wandered around the room and took in the bookcase stocked with books of all sort and the colorful curtains at the large bay windows that looked out on the rolling hills and a glimpse of what looked like an old abandoned house.

  She was hard at work and he watched her as she focused on the computer screen at what she was typing, her smooth brow knit somewhat into a slight frown of concentration. She had a mini fridge inside the room as well as cozy sofa where he suspected she slept sometimes when she worked late.

  “Okay done,” she told him brightly, saving her work and shutting down. “Thanks for understanding.” She walked over to him and to his surprise she came straight into his arms, putting her hands around his neck. “My friends think I am an idiot.” She murmured.

  “Why would they think that?” he asked her huskily, closing his hands around her small waist.

  “Because we have not been to bed yet.” She told him honestly watching his eyes narrow. “They think I am out of my mind.”

  “Are you?” he murmured his eyes on her full lips that had on a peach lip gloss that highlighted the shape of her lips.

  “What do you think?” she asked him standing on her toes to touch his lips with hers.

  “I disagree,” he took her lips with his with a groan. She opened her mouth underneath his, feeling the thundering of her heart and the shaking of her body. His tongue delved inside her mouth and his arms tightened around her body as he deepened the kiss. Kym wanted to just put aside her reservations and let him take her into the bedroom, she wished she could but she was determined that she was not going to be another one of his women, the ones that fall so easily to his charms. He had been showing her that he had changed but she was still cautious and a little afraid because she had started to think of him as more than a friend.

  He pulled away from her abruptly, his breathing ragged. “If we continue we are not going to make the movies,” he told her hoarsely, his hands clenched into fists. “Shall we,” he indicated the doorway.

  Kym looked at him for a moment also fighting for control then she nodded and preceded him from the room. They were quiet on their way to the theater, each immersed in their own thoughts.

  He opened the door for her to get out and handed the keys to the valet. The wind had picked up somewhat and he pulled her closer to him, his arms around her and he did not let go until they were in the movie theater. He bought her a huge bucket of popcorn and she curled up against him ready to enjoy the show.

  “I love romantic comedies,” she whispered after awhile. “I get ideas for my books when I watch them sometimes.”

  Her body beside his and so close was affecting him more than he wanted to admit. The kiss they had shared inside her home office had not worn off one bit and he wanted to pull her onto his lap and devoured her right here and now. “A true writer,” he forced himself to say lightly.

  Kym angled her head up to his and stared at his handsome profile. “You have never been friends with a woman before have you?”

  “Not since kindergarten,” he told her with a short laugh. “This is a first for me but I can handle it or at least I think I can.”

  She reached for his hand and linked it with hers. “I think a relationship that starts with friendship f
irst lasts the longest.” She murmured, her dark brown eyes meeting his.

  “What are you saying?” he asked her hoarsely, his hand tightening on hers.

  “I think this is the beginning of something special,” she told him softly.

  He bent his head and took her lips hungrily, his hand gripping the back of her neck as he pulled her into the kiss. Kym shuddered against him, moaning inside his mouth as her hands crept up and tightened on his sweater, holding on for leverage. His mouth moved over hers, his tongue seeking hers and finding her as she opened up to him. His pulse was racing! And he felt the control slipping away from him as her soft lips drove him crazy with need. He had to get them out of here, one part of his mind thought fighting the fog that was covering his brain. He had to get them out before they were charge for indecent exposure.

  “We have to go,” he dragged his mouth from hers and rested his forehead against hers, trying to control his breathing.

  “I agree,” she told him, her fists still bunched inside his sweater.

  They left immediately, almost with indecent haste. He could feel his erection burning a hole in his pants as he pulled away from the building. He did not say anything to her, he couldn’t and he kept as far away as possible from her as could happen in the confines of the vehicle.

  He pulled up outside her gate and his hands clenched on the wheel, his eyes closed.

  “Aren’t you coming in?” she asked him quietly. He turned to look at her, his green eyes narrowed as he took in her mouth still swollen from his kiss, his body shivering at what she was not saying.

  “Are you sure?” he said hoarsely.

  “Yes, I won’t get any sleep tonight if you leave.”

  Chapter 5

  He followed behind her when they left the car and watched impatiently while she used the key to open the door. He did not want to appear too desperate but as soon as they were inside he pulled her up against him. “I am sorry,” he muttered. “I wanted this to be special and romantic but I can’t wait.”

  “Neither can I,” she told him reaching up to cup his face in her hands before dragging his head down towards hers.

  With a groan he lifted her up against him and took her to one of the bedrooms and pushed open the door. He placed her on the bed and undressed her slowly, staring at every inch of bare skin that was revealed as the layer of her clothes was removed. She was beautiful! He thought, his hands spanning her small waist. He stepped back and removed his clothing climbing on the bed beside her.

  His muscles rippled and she noticed that he was tanned all over. He was magnificent! And she could see why women allowed him to do whatever he wanted with them. There was a smattering of dark hair on his chest and she splayed her hands on his chest.

  He bent his head and took her lips with his. Kym reached up and put her hands around his neck pulling him closer to her, his chest hair rubbing against her nipples and causing them to harden even further. He reached a hand between their bodies and felt for her, his hand touching her pubic area, touching her mound. She gasped softly and arched her body against his. He dipped a finger inside her as his mouth moved over hers insistently and Kym felt the passion raging through her as his fingers thrust inside her.

  He released her mouth and went down to capture her nipple between his teeth, his tongue caressing her as his teeth grazed the flesh. She gasped and gripped his head, her fingers pulling at his hair. He moved over to her other nipple and by this time she was shivering uncontrollably.

  “Julian,” she whispered.

  He lifted his head and stared at her, his green eyes darkened. He moved over her and gently entered her, his eyes still on hers. Her tightness enclosed him like a glove and he shuddered as he pushed himself further inside her. She opened up for him like a flower receiving nectar and with a tortured groan he started moving inside her, his teeth clenched.

  His thrusting became more frantic and hurried as she moved underneath him, her hands clasped around his neck, her body in sync with his. He felt the pressure building up inside him and he knew he was not going to last very long. He pulled out of her for a little bit, his breathing ragged as he tried to fight the raging passion inside him. He had never felt this way before and it was something he had to get used to.

  He rubbed the tip of his penis on her mound and looked with narrowed eyes as her lips parted and she gasped. He entered her again, this time forcefully, his hands gripping her hips, bringing her closer to him. He felt his penis burgeoning inside the walls of her vagina and filled her up so much that he thought he would burst with the pressure of it.

  She met his thrusts with hers and he felt her nipples brushing against his chest. He felt her body shuddering and knew what was coming next because he felt it within him as well. With a groan he took her lips as the cry tore from her throat combined with his hoarse calling of her name as the orgasm crashed over them like a wave!

  She clung to him as he moved inside her still. His mouth was still on hers and she felt the passion racing through her body. She never dreamed she could feel so much emotion clamoring for supremacy in her body. She had never felt this way before and it frightened her that he could make her feel like this. He had not used protection but she had been on the pills for years now to regulate her periods so she was safe and she was not even thinking about that when he had kissed her in the movie theater. That had been the farthest thing from her mind. His touch had driven every sensible thought out of her mind and all she had wanted was to be with him.

  He released her lips and rested his forehead against hers. “I want to stay tonight.” He murmured, his breath fanning her face.

  “I want that as well,” she told him and with a sigh he took her lips with his again.


  He did not allow her to sleep. He kept her awake while his mouth searched every inch of her body, using his tongue to lick and tease and titillate. Kym was kept in constant need as he took her to heights she had never dreamt possible. When his mouth went down on her she cried out sharply and as his tongue entered her she came inside his mouth, sobbing as the feelings wracked her body with a force that was overwhelming.

  He finally allowed her to sleep but even so he kept his hand on her pubic area as he watched her fall into an exhausted sleep, her mouth slightly opened. She was beautiful! He thought and not for the first time, his eyes wandering over her face and the full breasts bare and opened to his gaze. There was no one to compare to her and for the first time in his life someone meant something more than a roll in the hay and someone to slake his thirst whenever the need arose. He was falling in love with her and it was taking some getting used to.


  He spent the night and left late the next morning, waking her up with his mouth on her nipples. It was almost ten o’clock before they got out of bed and she found some milk and eggs and made them omelets and coffee with some fruits before he told her that he had to go into the office and he was already late for a meeting. It was Friday and she had some writing to do and some grocery shopping to do.

  “Will I see you later?” she asked him as he got ready to leave.

  “I will call you,” he took her into his arms and kissed her gently on the lips before he left.


  “Hi Kym, how lovely to see you,” Tyrone the local grocer hailed her as she went into the building. “You finally surfaced from that laptop of yours.” He beamed as he came over and took her to show her some fresh produce that just came in. He was a middle aged African American who had taken over from his father when he died several years ago and had added a fresh produce area to the supermarket.

  She noticed that there were few people walking around and taking up foodstuff. It was a small town and that was one of the reasons she had bought her house here. She knew most of the locals and they were always chatting her up, never really impressed by her so called fame.

  “Hi Mrs. Bingham,” she said waving to the elderly woman who was leaning on her cane and examining a cantaloupe clos
ely. “How are you?”

  “I am well my dear,” the woman beamed waving back. She greeted a few others before picking up some fresh vegetables and fruits. She mostly ate on the go and cooking was not her thing but she always liked to have something in the pantry as well as in her food basket.

  Tyrone handed her a large watermelon as soon as she came to cash her items. “Compliments of the greenhouse,” he beamed as he rang up her sale.

  “Oh Tyrone thanks,” she said in genuine delight. “I had no idea they had started bearing already.”

  “It was due to the showers of rain we have been receiving.” He told her with a smile. “Going back to your writing now?”

  “I am planning on doing that but I am supposed to go and meet with my editor as well.” Kym told him taking up the bag with her items neatly packed.

  “Ah the life of an artist.” He said with a sigh as he handed her back her card. “Did I tell you that when I was a kid I wanted to be a writer?” he asked her probably for the fourth time. “But I just could not get my words right, so now I create art in my greenhouse,” he said giving her a white grin that crinkled his dark brown eyes.

  “Art is art,” Kymonia told him with a smile and left.

  She drove home and put away the items she had bought and quickly changed into dark blue dress pants and a blue and white silk shirt, brushing out her hair and applying make-up sparingly. It was a little past two and she had a three o’clock appointment with her editor.

  All through the day she had tried not to let it bother her that she had not heard from Julian all day. At other times, he would be calling her to check up on her and to find out whether or not she had eaten and how her writing was progressing but today she had not heard from him. What if he had gotten what he wanted so he had no need to call her again? Something whispered in her mind.

  With a feeling of determination she shook it off and got ready to leave the house.

  “Kymonia,” Mrs. Willows called out to her just as she was about to hop into her car.


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