Happily Ever After: 6 Marriage Romances In 1 (BWWM Romance)

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Happily Ever After: 6 Marriage Romances In 1 (BWWM Romance) Page 14

by BWWM Club

  It was the first time that she had let anyone get close to her. They talked about everything and Jordan let him walk her home from school every day. The only problem was the more that she got to know him and spend time with him the less time she focused on her school work and so her grades began to suffer. Neither Ella or Charles ever showed any interest in her schoolwork and never asked for report cards so it was easy to hide.

  Jordan was convinced that she was in love. Things were wonderful, his parents liked her and she spent more time at his home. She finally saw what real parents were like. John made all the promises in the world to her and talked about their future after high school, he was very convincing.

  After four months she let him pressure her into having sex. A few months passed and Jordan began getting sick. At first she thought it was the flu but after throwing up in class one morning and a fateful trip to the nurse’s office it was revealed to be otherwise.

  The school contacted Ella and told her what was going on. She promised they would get through it and Jordan was grateful. The first time Ella showed any kind of compassion for her. That was until Charles came home. He was furious when he heard the news and didn’t want to deal with a new baby. He threatened to leave if Jordan kept the baby and no amount of convincing would make Jordan give her baby up for adoption.

  Ella told Jordan that she would either give the baby up or she would have to leave. Jordan didn’t care. She packed her few possessions and headed over to John’s house. She was sure that the Parker’s would be more supportive. It didn’t go as she had planned. John, Shay’s father, the boy who promised to love her forever had broken up with her once she told him she was pregnant. He accused Jordan of trying to trap him and said that he probably wasn’t even the father of her child. She couldn’t believe her ears. He told her to leave and never come back. Jordan refused to leave until she spoke with his parents, convinced they would react differently. His parents didn’t want to have anything to do with the child either and demanded Jordan get an abortion. She turned around and left. Never to see John Parker again.

  So at just fifteen she found herself living in a group home for teenage mothers. Some nights she wondered if she had made the right decision. Ella was always busy and soon stopped taking her calls altogether.

  A few months later, alone and devastated, she gave birth to a little baby girl. The minute she held Shay in her arms she knew she had made the right decision in keeping her baby. Her plan was derailed but she would do anything for her daughter even if that meant sacrificing her own dreams. And so she had made her a promise that she would have a better life than Jordan did. She didn’t know how exactly but she would make sure Shay never felt unloved, unwanted or alone.

  After she gave birth she was transferred to a new center that doubled as a childcare and boarding for underage teenage mothers. At the group home she shared a bedroom with another girl, Paula, who had also just had a little girl of her own. Jordan and her became as close as sisters and Shay and Morgan even shared clothes.

  When Shay was three months old, Paula helped Jordan get a job with her, working as a cashier in a grocery store, the best she could do without her diploma. She thought about her big plans and realized sometimes no matter how much you wanted something it didn’t guarantee you would get it. So she settled in to her new life as a teenage mother, grateful for her daughter.

  The only one that seemed to be happy about Shayna’s birth was Jordan’s English teacher Mrs. Reynolds. She came to visit Jordan at the home to see the baby and make sure that Jordan was doing okay. Jordan appreciated the gesture. Then one day when she came to visit when Shay was about a year old, she asked Paula to watch the baby while her and Jordan went to lunch.

  They ordered their food and after a while Mrs. Reynolds revealed the real reason for her visit.

  “So when are you returning to school?” she had asked.

  “I’m not,” Jordan said not meeting Mrs. Reynold’s eyes.

  She was her favorite teacher and she didn’t want to see the disappointment in her eyes.

  “Jordan,” she said, “this is not the end of your life. You have to do this for you and your daughter, to provide a better life for her.”

  “I’m doing the best that I can,” Jordan had insisted.

  “You’re one of my smartest students. I’m not going to give up on you,” she stated.

  She thought that would be the end of it. Mrs. Reynolds was not that easily deterred however. She called Jordan often and came to see her at least once a month after that. She had been there so many times that she was now insisting that Paula earn her G.E.D. as well.

  Finally, she and Paula, with Mrs. Reynold’s help, enrolled themselves into night school. It was the best feeling when after two years they proudly got their high school diploma in a small classroom celebration.

  Jordan decided to attend community college shortly after that. She worked days but worried about the expense of childcare. The group home provided that service but once she turned eighteen she would have to leave. She was lucky to be invited to stay in the small one-bedroom apartment that Paula was currently renting, having aged out a few months prior.

  It wasn’t that easy. Her and Paula leaned on one another for support. Somehow after lots of hard work, and sacrifice she managed to earn her bachelor’s degree in education, Paula in business management.

  Mrs. Reynold had inspired her and she wanted to be a teacher. She helped Jordan get a job as a teacher’s assistant in the ESOL program at the local high school.

  Paula was Jordan’s only friend, the only real family that she and Shay had, so when Paula got a promotion and moved to DC a few years later, Jordan applied to all the local high schools there as well. On a whim she applied as an ESOL tutor at the embassy and was shocked when she got called in for an interview. They made her an offer that she literally could not refuse, making more money than she did in Baltimore so she readily accepted and she and Shay packed up their belongings and moved into a nice two-bedroom apartment not far from Paula and her new job. The same apartment that Shay grew up in and the same neighborhood they had lived in since Shay was four. It was bittersweet leaving but she knew that they would be returning to something even better. So she took emotion out of it and made the sacrifice to secure their future.


  Exhaustion finally took over and Jordan drifted in and out of sleep. When the stewardess came around with food she woke Shay up, they hadn’t eaten since they left, but neither were very hungry.

  “You should eat that,” Jordan joked. “I have no idea what the food is going to be like. You know how picky you are.”

  “Great,” Shay replied sarcastically. “I’ll be forced to live off borscht for the next year.”

  “I’m sure you won’t starve,” Jordan responded with a sigh. “Shayna can you at least try to find some positive in this?” Jordan pleaded.

  Shay pushed her tray away, put her headphones back on and turned away from Jordan. This bothered her because they usually got on so well. This was the first time Shay had refused to talk things out with her. She felt a ball of anxiety in her stomach and for the first time felt like maybe she was making a mistake. It was too late to change her mind now. They had given up their apartment, shipped some of their belongings over and were five hours away from their new life. With a sigh Jordan picked at her food for a little while longer before finally pushing it away as well and tried to sleep.


  Five hours later they descended into the city of Saint Petersburg, Jordan shook Shay awake. When they arrived at the airport they took some time sorting things through with immigration. Almost an hour later they were unsure of what to do next. Surprisingly there were quite a few people who spoke English at the airport to help guide them. Once they collected their bags at the baggage claim, they made their way through the airport. Shay was impressed by the architecture, the entire building was made out of glass, and she kept pointing things out. Jordan smiled to see her daughte
r finally getting back to her normal self. As they made their way out of the airport Jordan was surprised to see that there was already a car waiting for them, she had assumed they would need to get a cab. However, there was an older gentleman holding a sign that said “Jordan Hill’. As they walked to the car, waiting for them was an impressive black Mercedes sedan.

  “Nice car,” Shay said with a smirk as she slid into the backseat.

  Jordan followed behind her, thanking the driver and he closed the door. As they drove through the city of St. Petersburg, the driver Olaf, pointed out some interesting sites. Shay took pictures with her phone, undoubtedly planning on uploading them to social media later. Soon they left the tall buildings behind and drove through the country, the highway turned into a heavily wooded two-lane road.

  After a while Olaf turned down a hidden lane and Jordan saw impressive manors every few miles. They went down the road for another twenty minutes and then suddenly turned onto a driveway that Jordan would have missed had she been the one driving. The paved road grew wider flanked by green hills and finally a tall black wrought iron gate which opened automatically as they approached. Jordan's breath caught in her throat as the impressive house came into view.

  “Is this the school?” Shay asked uncertainly.

  “No,” Olaf said with a chuckle. “This is the estate of Mr. Vladikov.”

  Shay whistled and Jordan mirrored her sentiments. Her employer’s home was indeed remarkable. Manicured green lawns that looked as if it must have been painted green, she'd never seen grass that green before, at least not in DC. On either side of the brick house stood two massive white pillars, a second smaller set framed the oversized wooden doors The house was two stories tall and Jordan could see why Shay might mistake it for an institution.

  “I feel like Annie,” Shay said jokingly as Olaf held the door open for them.

  “I'll get your bags Ms. Hill,” Olaf said indicating that they should make their way to the door.

  “Please call me Jordan,” she said with a smile that he returned with a small nod.

  They slowly made their way to the door and Shay grabbed Jordan’s hand, something she had not done in a while. Before they could knock, the door was opened by a beautiful brunette woman wearing a simple black dress. She had her hair pulled back into a bun. She could look stern if it wasn’t for her wide smile as she looked at the two of them warmly.

  “Hello,” she said, “you must be Miss Hill and her daughter Miss Shayna Hill. Welcome to our home. I am Ivanna. I hope you had a pleasant flight. I can show you to your room if you like or I can give you a tour of the house.”

  She said this all in one sentence with a heavy Russian accent and Jordan grinned as she wondered if she had practiced her speech before they arrived.

  “I would love to see the house but I would like to take a shower and get settled first. And please call me Jordan,” Jordan said.

  “That is understandable. You have had a long flight. Let me show you to your rooms, Jordan.”

  Ivanna led them through the foyer, the most prominent feature was the massive wooden staircase that led to the top floors. As she led the way she pointed out various rooms on the ground floor. Jordan was glad she spoke English as her Russian was only rudimentary. Jordan ran her hand along the smooth banister as they made their way up the stairs. They came upon an open sitting area with a long hallway on either side. Ivanna led them to the left and to the very last room on the right.

  “This will be Shayna’s room,” she said opening the door.

  Shayna’s jaw dropped open. At home her room was tiny, this was almost three times as large. The room looked as if it has been decorated specifically for her. The furniture was all white and very girly. It was decorated with a purple comforter which happened to be one of her favorite colors, and matching drapes in a lighter shade that framed a huge bay window. There was a desk and a brand new laptop in one corner and a comfortable looking armchair in the other.

  The boxes that they had sent ahead were nowhere in sight, however upon closer inspection Jordan realized that they had been unpacked. In addition to Shayna’s clothes hanging in the closet, there were five new sets of school uniforms and two pairs of shoes. Jordan also saw a navy colored pea coat hanging and sets of scarves and fur lined gloves. They must have gotten her size from the school. Jordan appreciated the gesture, as it gave her one less thing to do. Shayna plopped her bag on the bed unceremoniously.

  “This is nice,” she said with a huge grin.

  “Your bathroom is through that door next to the closet,” Ivanna continued.

  “Wait, I have my own bathroom?” she asked as she headed towards the doorway to inspect.

  There was a small bathroom also decorated in purple, not unlike the one they had at home, the only difference was she didn't have to share it with Jordan. Someone, Jordan guessed Ivanna, had thoughtfully stocked the bathroom with shampoo and conditioner, and other toiletries, on the shelf were several fluffy towels and a robe hung on a peg next to the tub.

  “I think this might not be so bad after all,” Shay said.

  “I’m glad you like it,” Ivanna said with a smile. “And now to your room Jordan,” she said leading the way.

  They went to the room across the hall. Jordan was struck speechless. It was perfect. It was exactly the way Jordan would have decorated her dream bedroom. There was an enormous king size bed, tastefully decorated with light blue, yet feminine bedding. The furniture was cedar and looked expensive. Jordan ran her hand along the smooth sheets, impressed.

  “You also have a bathroom, on the other side of your closet,” Ivana stated. “I have also put away your things and Mr. Vladikov has ordered you a new wardrobe. As a welcome gift.”

  “He shouldn’t have done that,” she said shocked.

  “It gets rather cold here I’m afraid and when I was unpacking, I happened to mention that I wasn’t sure your wardrobe was suitable for the climate. I apologize if that was out of turn,” Ivanna said with an anxious grimace.

  Jordan didn’t want to appear ungrateful, and it was true. The winter jacket she currently wore did little against the harsh Russian winds on the small trek from the car earlier.

  “I would like to thank you and your husband. That was an incredibly kind gesture. I would be happy to repay you for anything that you purchased.” As she made her way to the closet that was now filled with several wool suits as well as dresses, trousers, blazers and coats she hoped that she could afford it.

  “I assure you that it will not be necessary,” Ivanna said. She laughed suddenly. “Also he is not my husband. Mr. Vladikov is not married. He’s only thirty. My husband is Andrei. You will meet him later. I just run the estate.”

  “Oh,” Jordan said embarrassed.

  Jordan herself was twenty-nine and didn’t realize her employer was only a year older. In her mind, based on his position, she pictured a much older man.

  “I have unpacked your things and set up your sitting room,” Ivanna continued.

  “I have a sitting room?” Jordan inquired, a bit overwhelmed.

  “Yes. That door,” she said pointing at a door Jordan previously had not noticed, “leads to the adjoining room and will also double as your office when you would like to work from home,” Ivanna explained.

  Jordan opened the door and was immediately delighted. It was charming. On one side of the room was a couch and loveseat framing a small fireplace. On the mantle above it, her pictures had been placed carefully. There was an elegant glass desk and several chairs in one corner. And finally a bar stocked with what looked like vodka and other spirits, a small refrigerator and microwave, and a brand new coffee machine. She was grateful, she couldn’t live without her coffee.

  “This is too much,” Jordan said overwhelmed.

  “The house is very large and only five of us live here. Mr. Vladikov, Katya our cook, Olaf the groundskeeper, who you have met. Andrei and I, we live in the cottage behind the main house. It’s nice to have rooms that
can be…lived in.”

  “Thank you. This is so much more than I expected,” Jordan explained.

  “Mr. Vladikov has plans so you have the entire weekend to get comfortable and make yourself at home. I’ll leave you two to get settled,” Ivanna said closing the door behind her.

  “Okay,” Shay said when she had left, “this isn’t completely terrible.”

  “I’m going to go shower and then we can explore,” Jordan said.

  “Can I please call Morgan?” Shay asked.

  Jordan checked her watch.

  “It’s five here so it’s only ten am at home. Morgan is at school right now,” Jordan explained.

  Shay’s face fell slightly.

  “You can call her in a few hours,” Jordan added.

  After a long, much needed shower, Jordan perused her closet and pulled out a warm sweater, a pair of jeans and her boots she wore earlier. She brushed her hair in a curly ponytail and went to check on Shay. She was gone. Jordan must have taken longer in the shower than she thought. She made her way downstairs in search of her daughter. She felt lightheaded as she made her way down the stairs and realized that she hadn’t eaten in a long time.

  She was looking for the kitchen when she stumbled upon what appeared to be the library. She was so busy looking at all the books, some looked to be very old first editions, that she didn’t hear the footsteps indicating that she was no longer alone.


  He had stopped home briefly to get a few things before he left for the investor’s meeting. Ivanna had informed him of Miss Hill’s arrival. He thought about stopping in to greet her but decided Monday would be soon enough. He wanted something to read on the train and stopped in the library to grab something. That’s when he saw her.


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