Happily Ever After: 6 Marriage Romances In 1 (BWWM Romance)

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Happily Ever After: 6 Marriage Romances In 1 (BWWM Romance) Page 35

by BWWM Club

  “This is actually a pretty great idea,” said Mike. “We can do so many things together, it’s pretty astounding. If I take care of the tech aspect of the whole company, I can give you a great product to sell. Thanks to your experience, you can work as CEO really easily.”

  “If it’s too much for me, we can go for someone else too,” said Kizzy. “I’m just saying that I am not going to force you to keep me on board or anything, that is not the type of person that I am.”

  “Of course not,” said Mike. “I know you. I know what kind of person you are. I trust you with this completely.”

  “I am so glad that that’s the case,” said Kizzy. “We can work really well together. What ideas do you have for the company?”

  “Nothing too fancy,” said Mike. “We can start off small. I have a couple of ideas for gaming apps, these apps can help us to establish a user base. Once we have started to build up some steam, then we can actually start to earn the big bucks. But I think that even when we are starting off we are going to be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor a great deal. With everything that’s going on, we are going to have a nice little nest egg tucked away. With the investment that we will be putting into this thing, we are going to end up earning pretty decent salaries too.”

  “Yeah,” said Kizzy, “although I would be open to not earning all that much either.”

  “I know you won’t,” said Mike, “but you deserve a good salary. You have worked so hard for your career, it doesn’t make sense for you to settle for a low paying job when there would be so many start-ups that would be begging you to work for them.”

  Kizzy laughed and said, “First of all, I am going to become a CEO before I even get to twenty five. That is so young, it’s ridiculous. And secondly, I am going to do this for us, for our marriage. This is going to be something that transcends my career. Don’t you see? This is more important to me than my career. You are more important to me than my career. It’s the exact same thing for me, the way it is for you. I have honestly stopped caring about how my career goes as long as I have you in my life.”

  Mike smiled and kissed Kizzy on the lips. “You are a treasure,” he said, and breakfast continued.


  The wedding was an absolutely amazing event. It was everything that Kizzy had ever dreamed of, even though she wasn’t really the kind of girl that would be too fussy about what her wedding would be like. At the end of the day, however, it was her special day, and she really wanted it to be perfect. And Mike, to his credit, made sure that everything that happened, happened according to what Kizzy would have wanted. He made sure that the canopies were set up perfectly and that the food was what Kizzy would have loved, he even went out of his way to get Kizzy’s favorite wine even though it was so difficult to find.

  Kizzy’s parents were absolutely delighted when they found out that Kizzy was getting married, especially when they were told that it was going to be Mike. Over the course of his stay in Westfield, Mike had made sure that her parents never wanted for anything. Whatever they needed he got it for them without making any fuss, and whenever they were alone at home because Kizzy needed to go somewhere he always offered to stay with them before they even needed to ask him.

  Her father was healthy as an ox now, and was able to come to the wedding and really enjoy himself. The new medication was working perfectly, and Kizzy was glad that this was the case because it meant that she would be able to relax for a change. For months relaxation had been like a dream for her, something that she could think about on occasion but never really achieve. Now that her father was healthy and she had Mike to help her out with so many things, she could easily let her hair down and not worry about anything at all. This was particularly important considering the fact that it was her wedding day. All brides should be relaxed on their wedding days.

  Mike’s parents were also extremely happy about the wedding. Their baby boy was finally growing up in their eyes, and they really approved of his choice in wife. When they found out that both Mike and Kizzy had plans to live their life their own way by starting a business, they were as happy as they could possibly be. They particularly approved of the plan to keep Kizzy as the CEO of the company. They had realized that Mike was better as a software engineer, and that Kizzy was far superior to him as far as business management went.

  They danced and sang and ate and generally had a good time, and by the time the wedding was over they were all drunk on alcohol and life and they were enjoying themselves to the fullest. When it came time to go home, they realized that they did not want to leave just yet, so the main guests went to Mike’s parents mansion and the party continued. However, the party had to stop some time, and when it finally did they were all so tired. Mike and Kizzy decided to spend their wedding night at Mike’s parents home. It was not exactly the perfect situation to be in, after all they had just gotten married and they were desperate to get into each other’s pants. This was something that they had been waiting for ever since they had professed their love for each other, and now that it was time to actually do the deed they were being forced to do it in such un-ideal circumstances.

  It didn’t matter in the end, of course. When they were alone in their room together, the only thing that mattered to them was their bodies next to one another. This time, they were tender with one another. They spoke softly, whispering about their love for each other into their ears. They stroked their hands up each others bodies and when they eventually started to get into the mood, when lust started to overtake their every sense and the only thing that mattered to them was the warmth of sex, they started to do the deed.

  Kizzy was aching for the feel of her man’s cock inside her. When he touched her she felt like she was fulfilling some sort of divine purpose, something that had been set aside specially for her. Mike placed his hand on her bare breast, stroking her nipple, making it firm. When she started to feel the pleasure radiate outwards from that area, she moaned as sensually as she could. She wanted her man to know, after all, that what he was doing was pleasing her. When she started to kiss him, she started hearing moans from him as well, and this told her that things were going well for her as well. She was doing just what he wanted her to do.

  She started to jerk him off, starting slowly with this as well. He was already hard, he never had trouble with that, but what she really enjoyed was doing whatever she could to make him feel good. Once he started to groan in a specific way, she knew that it was time. She laid down on her back and held him close as he entered her for the first time as her husband.

  There was something different about the sex this time around. There was something going on within her that made it feel somehow, miraculously, better than it had ever felt before. She was sure that it was because of the fact that they were married now. She truly belonged to him in a religious sense now, and that made the whole thing far more special and spiritual.

  Kizzy got on all fours for her man. The more primal position also allowed for deeper penetration, and when this happened she couldn’t help but feel like she was even more submissive to her man. This was how she wanted to be. The way she was meant to be.

  “Do you like me on all fours, baby?” asked Kizzy.

  “I love you on all fours,” said Mike, growling in that sex voice of his. “I want you like this because it gives me the one part of you that I need. The only part of you that matters to me right now.”

  “Yeah, use me however you want baby,” said Kizzy. “Use me however makes you happy and makes you feel good, that’s what I am here for. I don’t care about anything else I just want you to feel good, I swear.”

  “Good,” said Mike. “Now get on your back.”

  Kizzy did as she was told. Mike rammed his cock into her with no mercy at all. Kizzy wailed but took it. “Take it hard now,” said Mike, ramming his cock into her. “But I want you to be utterly silent.”

  “Okay,” said Kizzy. “Okay, I’ll be quiet I swear.”

  She did exactly as she was
told, keeping her mouth shut so that her man could enjoy her body. But then Mike upped the ante for her. He really loved pushing her limits in bed, and Kizzy did not mind that either.

  “Clench your cunt for me,” said Mike. “Clench it now.”

  Kizzy clenched, and the sensation brought her to the brink of insanity. She had no idea that such pleasure even existed in the world. This was a whole new universe for her, and it was all for her. Nothing else existed.

  Mike was silent as he rammed himself into her. Kizzy felt an orgasm coming on but she did not let it spoil her silence. As she came, she was completely quiet. Only the shaking of her body told Mike that she was coming, but this was enough for him to come as well. He was not quiet at all in his orgasm. On the contrary, he roared loudly and fucked her harder, just the way he liked it. And when he was done, he slowly decreased his pace until the only thing that was left for him to do was to pull out.

  He laid down beside her. When he and Kizzy looked at each other, they both started to laugh.

  “Is it just me, or is marriage sex a lot better than regular sex?” asked Mike.

  “It’s not just you,” said Kizzy. “It’s both of us. We’re both feeling the exact same way. I don’t know what it is, but something about fucking while married is so hot.”

  “I think it’s because, in a way, I own you now,” said Mike. “I mean even before, I said that you were mine a lot. But when I said it, it did not really mean anything. They were just words that did not hold a lot of weight. Now, however, when I say you are mine, there is some truth to it. I am saying that you are mine because you are my wife, and I have a right to you.”

  “That is so fucking hot,” said Kizzy. “Let’s fuck again.”

  Mike chuckled and said, “Give me fifteen minutes to recharge my batteries and we can go for it.”

  “That sounds perfect,” said Kizzy. “This marriage deal isn’t so bad. I don’t even know how I managed to go so long without it. I mean, it has everything you could possibly want and it’s given to you in such a convenient way! I can’t believe that the people that don’t get married are missing out on something so wonderful, and they don’t even know what they are missing.”

  “We are going to have to start making public service announcements,” said Mike.

  “Definitely,” said Kizzy. “We have to spread the knowledge that marriage is the greatest thing ever. It makes everything better, including sex.”

  “I used to be so scared of marriage,” said Mike. “I used to be scared that I would never be able to last in such a tight commitment. But with you, I don’t feel anything like that at all. All I feel is the need to be around you at all times, to be surrounded by your love.”

  “I feel the same way, baby,” said Kizzy. “That’s just how life works for us, I guess.”

  “Yeah,” said Mike. “We are two extremely lucky people.”

  “That we are,” said Kizzy. “So, have you thought about kids?”

  Mike snorted and Kizzy laughed. “I’m kidding. Or, well, not.”

  They laughed once again and hugged each other. They talked about children, of course. They were no longer afraid of such things now that they had each other. The only thing that mattered was that whatever they did over the course of their lives, they did it together, for if they missed out on something like this they would never be happy again. Thankfully, such a thing was a distant concept, and nothing that would actually end up becoming a part of reality. All thanks to the fact that the two of them had come to terms with the fact that they were in love with each other.


  Kizzy was busy with work when she realized that she had to check something. It had been two months since her last period. She and Mike had not been planning to have a child, but they hadn’t exactly been trying to avoid it either. With everything that had been going on, such as their business taking off and them getting a ton of eager investors, they had started to go into celebration mode. As a result, they had not really used all that many contraceptives.

  Kizzy went into the bathroom and peed on the stick. After waiting for a little while she checked it. She saw that the test was positive.

  Immediately something within her changed. It was like she was a completely new human being. There was something inside of her, something that was growing. It was a whole other human being, someone that would grow up and fall in love and have dreams and be happy. Someone that she could teach how to live. She could not wait to tell her parents that they were finally going to be grandparents. She and Mike had been married for two years, and they had never stopped pestering them and asking them to get on with it. She did not know how it had happened, but now that it had she was as happy as she could possibly be.

  She was also excited about telling Michael and Tawny. They were also eager to become grandparents. They missed having Mike to spoil, and they wanted a new child that they could give everything to. It was going to be a very spoiled child indeed, as both sets of grandparents were going to end up giving it so much attention that Kizzy and Mike would probably be just fine as far as work was concerned.

  There was, of course, one person that mattered more than anyone else. One person that she wanted to tell so badly that she could hardly wait. This person was, of course, her husband and the father of her child, Mike. The love of her life. His baby was in her belly, and she was going to bear it for nine months.

  She rushed out of the bathroom and into Mike’s office. “Mike,” said Kizzy. Mike looked up from his desk.”What’s up?” he said distractedly.

  “Come here,” said Kizzy. “I have to tell you something.”

  “I’m busy right now,” said Mike. “Can we talk later? At dinner maybe?”

  “No,” said Kizzy, “we have to talk about this now. Trust me, this is something that you are going to want to hear, like, right now. Just trust me on this one and come here.”

  Mike got up and came to her. He had a look of worry on his face. For some reason, he had a feeling that Kizzy was going to give him bad news. Kizzy couldn’t wait to assuage his doubts and tell him that the news she was going to give him was the very best kind.

  “So,” said Kizzy. “Are you ready?”

  “Oh, it’s good news,” said Mike, brightening immediately when he saw how perky Kizzy was. “What’s the news? Tell me, I can’t wait!”

  Kizzy was silent for a while. Mike gave her a murderous look that was only half serious, and then Kizzy laughed and said, “I’m pregnant!’

  “What?” asked Mike. “Are you serious? Oh my god that is so amazing!”

  “Yes!” said Kizzy. She jumped around, and Mike picked her up. “Oh my god, I can’t believe we are actually going to have a baby. After all this time, we are finally going to have a baby. This is the sort of thing that I have been dreaming about for so long. I mean, I know that we haven’t been planning for it, but it’s just such great news anyway.”

  “We’re going to be just fine,” said Kizzy. “If it happened, it happened for a reason. We are going to be able to handle this no matter what. After all, we have handled everything else so far, right?”

  “Right,” said Mike. He looked off into the distance, “Michael Gamble the Fourth.”

  “No,” said Kizzy. “it’s going to be a girl, I can just feel it. And we are going to name her Kendra after my mother.”

  “Hey now,” said Mike, “nothing wrong with planning in advance right?”

  “Oh we have to buy so many things for the baby!” said Kizzy.

  “Yes we do!” said Mike. “I am so excited.”

  They took the rest of the day off and held hands as they exited the building. They drove home, happily discussing all of the things that they would do. They would be able to take extended leave in order to relax during labor. Everything was going to be alright.

  And in this manner, Kizzy and Mike ended up starting yet another chapter in their lives. They ended up starting something that would change everything yet again, but they knew they could handle it.
After all, life altering events were their specialty. It was the sort of thing their entire relationship had been built on after all!

  One thing was for sure: they would always be happy.

  The end.

  Marrying Her Billionaire Church Man

  Will he be the one to turn her life around?

  A clean Christian romance, brought to you by popular author Shannon Gardener.

  Leah, who recently lost her father, is feeling a little disillusioned with life.

  Returning home to bury her dad and take care of his estate, she soon gets a job with the local paper.

  When she’s sent to get a story on the local minister, a billionaire who runs his own church and more, she doesn’t expect to get on with him at all.

  But she does, and what's more she soon becomes very attracted to him!

  It seems like minister Paul feels the same way, and despite his marriage to the Lord, he seems determined to dedicate some of his time to Leah.

  But will their strong feelings for each other be able to overcome all the obstacles they’re yet to face?

  Find out in this heartwarming and clean Christian romance by bestselling author Shannon Gardener.

  Features a marriage under God's blessing and a pregnancy.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 1

  Leah stared out onto the garden; absently noticing the weeds had grown taller than the petunias which were in full bloom and the yellow roses had started to wilt. Her father had been an avid gardener and had tended his plants as if they were his children, which they probably had been after she had left.

  She could not believe that two months ago her life had been so different. A big city, elegant apartment and editor for a popular fashion magazine that took her places she had never been before. She had been at a photo shoot for a swimsuit layout when she had gotten the call that her father was dying of cancer and needed her care.


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