Dragon Night: A Dark Kings Novella

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Dragon Night: A Dark Kings Novella Page 15

by Donna Grant

  And many had tried.

  “You seem to know an awful lot,” Alex said, bringing Dorian’s attention back to her.

  Yasser sneered at her. “You didn’t hide anything from those who worked for you. You were an open book. It was almost too damn easy.”

  “Hmm,” Alex said, lifting her eyes to the ceiling briefly. “Perhaps I should point out that you’re also an open book. Your narrow-mindedness is pathetic.”

  Yasser lunged forward, jerking against the chains that held him. “And you’re tainted now that you’ve had one of them between your legs.”

  At his move, Dorian took a step toward him. Hell, even Vaughn pushed away from the wall. But Alex didn’t so much as twitch. She’d known her words would get a reaction.

  Damn, she was good, Dorian thought. He smiled proudly at his woman. Because she was his. He just needed to let her know.

  “You’re upset because you’re the one who wanted in my bed,” Alex stated.

  Dorian’s gaze swung to Yasser, who was bent over the table glaring at Alex. His nostrils flared, but he didn’t deny her words.

  Alex slowly sat back and crossed one leg over the other, never taking her eyes off him. “As you know, Yasser, money can do a great many things. Every year I give a very large donation to the NYPD. Then there are the lawyers. I know the district attorney personally, and I can be sure to give him every little bit of evidence he needs to nail your ass to the wall.”

  “Trying to scare me?” the ex-driver asked with a bark of laughter. He hooked his foot around the leg of the chair and brought it toward him. He sat and shook his head. “It’s not going to work.”

  “I’m not finished,” Alex said, her tone becoming hard and unforgiving. “You murdered three people, and attempted to murder another. You will be convicted. All the evidence they need is in witness statements and on the many cameras around the area.”

  “That’s already been taken care of,” Yasser said with a smile.

  Dorian jerked his head to the side and said, “Vaughn.”

  “Already talking to Ryder,” Vaughn replied via their link. “The wanker is right. Someone was trying to take care of it. Ryder beat them to it, however.”

  Quietly Dorian moved to stand beside Alex. He bent and whispered, “No’ going to happen.”

  Alex flashed Yasser a bright smile. “Good luck with that.”

  “You think they won’t erase the footage?” the murderer asked.

  “I think you’ve overestimated your group, but really you’ve underestimated the Dragon Kings.”

  Yasser shrugged, uncaring what she had to say.

  Alex regarded him a long, quiet moment. “Let me get back to what I was telling you. You will go to prison. When you do, I can make certain that your life is a living hell. You can’t imagine the various atrocities committed daily in prison. You will suffer each and every one for the rest of your life.”

  Dorian was shocked at Alex’s words, but he shouldn’t have been. His woman was a fierce one, and the world was just getting a taste of what he’d seen of her.

  “Or,” Alex said. “You tell us where you got the weapon and where to find your people, and I’ll make sure you’re left alone.”

  Yasser shook his head. “No.”

  Dorian was tired of standing on the sidelines and watching. He was a fucking Dragon King. He should be doing something.

  “Wait,” Vaughn said in his head, as if he knew what Dorian was about to do.


  “I have a feeling Rhi is about to make an appearance. No’ to mention Alex is getting us much more than I ever could. She’s good, Dorian. Verra good.”

  Dorian’s chest puffed out with pride. “I know.”

  “So let her keep doing it.”

  As much as it rankled Dorian, Vaughn was right. There was a time and a place, and right now wasn’t the time for the Kings. “I’ll save this for when we find these wankers.”

  Vaughn slid his gaze toward where he thought Dorian was and smiled.

  It was good to be back with his brothers. Dorian wished he hadn’t waited so long, but he was with them now and in the fight as he was supposed to be. These evil Druids and Fae weren’t going to know what hit them when the Kings finally located them.

  It was just a matter of time.

  Then Dorian remembered what he’d seen with Usaeil and the dead Kings. Had that been a glimpse of the future? Of a possibility that could happen if the Kings didn’t set something right?

  He didn’t know, and it was driving him mad. Because he had a feeling what he saw was a possible outcome for the Kings. And it scared the hell out of him.

  Alex tilted her head to the side. “When I walk out of here, the offer I’m giving expires. If you don’t help me, from the second my feet cross that threshold, you’re going to believe you’re in Hell.”

  “Your threats don’t scare me,” Yasser said with a derisive sneer.

  Rhi suddenly appeared sitting on the table next to the mortal. “Mine should.”

  Yasser fell sideways out of his chair, his mouth opening and closing in fear.

  Rhi pushed herself off the table and came to stand over him, putting the heel of her stiletto shoe on his balls and pressing slightly. “I can hurt you this way, mortal. Or I can hurt you with magic.”

  He vigorously shook his head and tried to roll to the side to cover his privates.

  But Rhi was having none of it. “Shall I show you my magic?”

  “No, no,” Yasser hurried to say. “I know you’re Fae.”

  Rhi exchanged a look with Alex and Vaughn before smiling at the human. “Do you now?”

  “Yes,” he said eagerly. “I know all about the Fae. We follow you.”

  What the shite? Dorian moved closer to Alex. He wanted to touch her, but he kept his hands to himself. It was the fact she was in the same room with a man who had used her and her entire family that worried him.

  “Tell me everything,” Rhi demanded.

  And to Dorian’s surprise, the mortal agreed.

  Yasser sat up and looked at Alex. “Why didn’t you tell me you were working with the Fae? I would’ve told you everything.”

  “You thought you knew me,” Alex said as she got to her feet. “You knew nothing.”

  “I’m waiting,” Rhi said before Yasser could reply to Alex. “Tell me about the weapon.”

  Yasser frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  “What’s there to get?” Rhi asked. “I posed a question, and now you answer it.”

  “But,” Yasser said looking between Rhi and Alex. “You’re the one who gave it to me.”

  The room went as quiet as death. Dorian only knew Rhi by name. He’d been asleep during her and her lover’s affair—and the ending of it. But he knew how many times she had helped the Kings through the years.

  Yet, it was the second time something pointed to Rhi being the culprit in all of this.

  “When?” Rhi demanded of Yasser. “When did I give you the weapon?”

  The mortal swallowed loudly. “Two nights ago you came to me and said the time was now. You put it in my hands. Why can’t you remember?”

  “I do,” Rhi said, lifting her chin and taking her foot from him. “I just wanted to make sure you knew the facts.”

  “Oh, I do,” Yasser assured her.

  Alex looked nervously at Rhi and then over her shoulder at Vaughn. Dorian wanted to get everyone out. Something had gone seriously wrong, and they needed to figure out what that was before they continued this discussion with the ex-driver.

  “I’m still waiting for you to tell me about your group,” Alex said.

  Yasser looked at Rhi, who gave him a nod.

  Dorian held his breath, waiting for the human to give them what they wanted.

  “We’re Druids,” he began. “We’ve always been aligned with the Fae.”

  “Go on,” Alex urged when he paused.

  Yasser’s eyes bugged out as he opened his mouth and began choking. Black goo cam
e spilling out of his mouth and onto the table.

  Without regard to who might be watching or listening, Dorian grabbed Alex as Vaughn joined him.

  “Rhi,” Dorian shouted.

  The Fae was with them in the next heartbeat, and then they were at Dreagan in Con’s office. Dorian looked down at Alex, whose face crumpled as she threw her arms around him.

  “You were amazing,” he whispered as he rubbed his hands up and down her back. “Simply amazing.”

  “She was bloody brilliant,” Vaughn said.

  Dorian looked at Rhi, who stood beside them, her gaze a million miles away. He moved Alex away when it looked as if Rhi was glowing.

  No one said anything until Con, Cináed, and Ulrik strode in. The three paused at the sight of Rhi. It was Con who moved to stand in front of her.

  She lifted her gaze to him. “It wasn’t me.”

  “Someone tell me what happened?” Con asked without looking away from Rhi.

  Vaughn squeezed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. “Yasser recognized Rhi when she showed herself. Alex was doing a good job of getting Yasser to talk, but he wouldn’t tell her anything because of her association with Dorian.”

  “So Rhi stepped in,” Dorian continued. “As soon as he saw her, his fear was palpable. Rhi asked about the blade, and he said she’s the one who gave it to him.”

  “It wasn’t me,” Rhi said again. “I’ve never seen that mortal before.”

  Alex moved around Dorian and came to stand beside Rhi. Hesitantly, Alex put a hand on the Fae, much as Rhi had done her earlier. “You’re glowing.”

  Rhi’s gaze swung to Alex, and instantly the glowing ceased. “I swear, I wasn’t part of it.”

  “We know,” Con said.

  Ulrik blew out a long breath. “And we know just who is responsible.”

  “Usaeil,” Dorian said.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Why did everything keep coming back to the Light Queen? Alex studied Rhi, who somehow held it all together, but she was a kettle that was about to blow.

  “Why is Usaeil doing this?” Alex asked.

  Cináed’s face creased with disgust. “Because she’s a liar who wants everything.”

  “Because she’s a power-hungry bitch,” Ulrik added.

  Rhi turned her head to Alex. “The truth is that she wants Con, and won’t be satisfied until he’s hers.”

  “So she’s going after you?” Alex asked, looking from Rhi to Dorian. “That doesn’t make sense.”

  Con walked to his desk and pulled out the chair before lowering himself into the seat. He leaned back, crossing an ankle over his knee. “You’re only getting a portion of the story, Alex. There are a lot of sides to Usaeil. I seemed to have lost my mind for a wee bit and took her as my lover with the understanding that it was just a fling.”

  “She didna get the message,” Dorian interjected.

  Ulrik issued a bark of laughter. “That’s putting it mildly.”

  Alex slid her gaze back to Con, waiting for him to continue. There was much more she didn’t know, but she was insanely curious to figure it all out.

  Con waited until the others were finished. Then he said, “Usaeil is on a mission to have us mated. She believes the Fae are the ones who can give us children.”

  “Oh,” Alex murmured.

  Dorian had spoken of that, but she hadn’t thought much about children since they had made love. She’d been too wrapped up in the man—dragon—himself.

  “Usaeil is focused on me because she thinks Con and I are sleeping together,” Rhi said. “We’re not, but Ubitch just can’t seem to get that through her head.”

  Alex nodded, understanding dawning. “So Usaeil is jealous of you.”

  “Exactly,” Dorian stated.

  Alex crossed her arms over her chest. “Rhi, the picture you showed Dorian in New York was of an actress. A very famous, very American actress.”

  The eyeroll Rhi gave was epic. “I’m afraid to disappoint you, but that’s very much Usaeil. She wants and needs to be adored by millions. What better way to do that than to become an actress? Fae have the ability to use glamour to change our appearance.”

  “Which is what Usaeil did when she gave Yasser the weapon,” Alex said. “Wow. She’s quite the piece of work.”

  “She used me,” Dorian said.

  Con quirked a brow. “Join the club. All Usaeil does is use people to her own ends. I fell into the trap without even realizing it. Now, everyone at Dreagan is paying the price.”

  “Many others as well,” Rhi added.

  Alex reached for Dorian’s hand. “Do we know if she’s always been involved with this group that Yasser was a part of?”

  “I wish I could say no, but I can’t,” Rhi said. “Usaeil isn’t the queen I thought she was.”

  Con shook his head. “Usaeil hasna been the queen you needed for a verra long time.”

  “If ever,” Ulrik added.

  Alex leaned against Dorian when he pulled her against him. It felt good to have him near as the whirlwind of this new world spun around her. He was the rock that she clung to, the unfaltering one who would always steady her.

  “With Yasser dead, we still doona have any answers,” Dorian said into the silence of the room.

  Cináed grinned. “No’ totally back to square one. We have a distinct advantage—Ryder.”

  “Get him on Yasser’s trail for as far back as Ryder can go,” Con ordered. “That’s where we’ll find Yasser’s connection to this group.”

  Cináed gave a nod and left.

  Ulrik looked from Con to Rhi. “Things are heating up.”

  “I’m ready to go after Usaeil now,” Rhi said.

  Con shook his head. “No’ yet. We’re learning more of her involvement. We need to know why.”

  “That can be found out after we have her,” Dorian added.

  Alex’s gaze moved from one to the other as they spoke. Rhi was obviously more than ready and willing to take her revenge on the queen, but Con hesitated. Alex didn’t believe it was out of fear, but more of caution.

  Con had everyone at Dreagan to think about while Rhi was only concerned with herself. Alex didn’t understand why the two were working together, but it must have something to do with Usaeil.

  “I’m going to get Eilish and see if we can find out anything on the Druids in New York,” Ulrik said.

  Rhi sighed. “And I’m going to start cleaning up this mess so no one thinks Alex is a murderer.”

  Before Alex could reply, Rhi disappeared. Alex was aware that it was just she and Dorian with Con now. She cleared her throat. “I need to call Meg. She’s going to need to know where to bring the artifact, or Immortal Stone as Yasser called it.”

  “She’s already here,” Con said. “Eilish brought her, along with the relic, after the hospital.”

  “Good.” Alex shifted feet.

  The last time she had been so uncomfortable and nervous was when she’d stood before her father for a punishment.

  Con rose to his feet and came to stand before her. “Thank you for helping us, but more importantly, I want to give my appreciation for all that you did for Dorian when he was attacked.”

  Her heart warmed when Dorian’s arm tightened around her. She smiled up at Con. “I did what most people would do.”

  “Perhaps,” Con said with a slight twist of his lips. “We will be indebted to you forever.”

  Alex shook her head. “That’s not necessary. As I told Dorian, the artifact is yours for however long you need it. It was just sitting in a case with me. Here, it could be put to some good. So use it. And while I believe your estate far exceeds mine monetarily, I do have vast connections. Let me know if I can help. That way Dreagan remains on the sidelines and the focus is on me.”

  A genuine smile turned up Con’s lips. “Thank you. Truly. We will take you up on that offer if something should arise.” Con’s gaze shifted to Dorian. “Welcome back, brother.”

  Alex stared after
Con’s retreating back. She turned to face Dorian. “I had no idea when the day began that I’d learn your secret, watch my employees murdered, think you had died, see you come to life, meet a Druid and a Fae, not to mention Con and the other Dragon Kings, interrogate a murderer, learn of the Queen of the Fae, and watch my driver die by some mysterious magic. And while I did expect to be at Dreagan, I had no idea I would be teleported here.”

  “Are you tired?” he asked with a grin.

  She thought about that a moment before shaking her head. “Oddly no. I’m wired.”

  “Adrenaline. When that dies down, you’ll crash.”

  “I know. Until then, I want to see where you live.”

  He waved an arm around. “This is Con’s office.”

  “No,” she said with a laugh. “I want to see your mountain.”

  Dorian’s face lined with confusion. “Why would you want to see that?”

  “I want to know everything about you.”

  “How about I show you my chambers here? There’s a nice bed,” he said with a seductive grin.

  She caressed her hands up his chest and around his shoulders. “Since when do we need a bed?”

  “Ach, woman. Doona talk like that or I’ll take you right here.”

  Alex rose up on her toes, smiling before she gave him a quick kiss. “Are you needed?”

  “They’ll let me know if I am.”

  “Well, then?” she asked.

  Dorian captured her lips in a searing kiss that ended entirely too soon. “Come,” he said as he took her hand.

  Alex was led out of the office into a wide corridor. Everywhere her eyes landed there were dragons—some plainly visible while others were hidden. From paintings to tapestries to sconces, dragons played a huge part of Dreagan.

  She was so focused on finding all the dragons that she paid little attention to the rest of the manor as Dorian led her through a maze of halls, stairs, and doorways until they were outside.

  Her mouth dropped open as she stared at the grandeur of Dreagan in the vibrant red and orange sky of the sunset. Mountains surrounded them, most still with peaks covered in snow. A large wood extended to her left, silently urging her to walk among the old trees and explore.

  “Tomorrow, I’ll show you everything in the day,” Dorian said as he looked at her. “But I wanted you to see it immediately.”


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