132, 138, 158–159, 318–319
English Soldiers’ Standard, The, 120
Enslow Hill Rebellion (1596), 19, 37
Equiano, Olaudah, 220, 243, 244, 245–246,
265, 285, 334–338, 340
Erbery, Dorcas, 94
Erskine, Thomas, 285–286
Essay on the Causes of the Variety of Complexion
and Figure of the Human Species, An (Smith),
Ethiopianism, 334
Evans, Benjamin, 165
Evans, Thomas, 308
Everard, William, 117–118
Ewins, Thomas, 94
Exact History of the Late Revolutions in Naples;
and of Their Monstrous Successes, An (Giraffi), 114
expropriation, 15–20; classification of dispossessed
from, 19–20; colonization and, 56; in
countries other than England, 28; in
England, 17, 49; Evans on, 308; fens and, 44;
as fuel for colonization, 20; hewers of wood
and drawers of water and, 42, 43–45; as mobilizing
disenfranchised, 276; resistance to, 18–
19, 335; as source of capital, 16; terror and, 49;
Wedderburn on, 313–314; workers from, new
kinds of, 40
Exquemelin, Alexander, 143, 151, 158, 159
factories, 28, 46, 150, 242
Fairfax, Lord Thomas, 105, 118
fatigue, meanings of the word, 260
Federici, Silvia, 52
Felt-Makers’ Riot (1591), 19
fens, 44–45
Ferguson, Adam, 46
Fernandez, Lucas, 28
Ferrers, George, 22
Fielding, John, 220
Fiery Flying Roll: A Word from the Lord to All the
Great Ones, A (Coppe), 119
Fifth Monarchist workers, 134
“1st Security against Insurrections,” 259
Fisk Jubilee Singers, 300
Fitzgerald, Edward, 285
Five Mile Act (1665), 73
Fly Boys, 183
Ford, Richard, 252
forests, 43–44, 125
Fort Wilson Riot, 238
Fox, George, 94–95, 125, 138
Foyle, Oxenbridge, 132, 133
France, 148, 212, 241, 274
Francis (Blackymore Maide): as Anabaptist,
78–79, 102; from Bristol (England), 77; on
community, 82; ethnicity of, 78, 86; as
hydra, 102; message of, 82; as prophet, 88;
religious fellowship of, 78–80, 82; as servant,
76–77; on slavery, 82; social relations, within
context of, 74, 76; spiritual power of, 101; survival
of her ideas, 100; Terril on, 73–74, 75
Franklin, Benjamin, 1
Free African Society of Philadelphia, 334
Frend, William, 338
Fryer, Peter, 77, 242
Fuller, Thomas, 45
Gage, Thomas, 231, 232
Gambia (River), 127–132
Gangraena: Catalogue and Discovery of many of
the Errours, Heresies, Blasphemies and pernicious
Practices of the Sectaries of this time
(Edwards), 65, 282
Garden, Reverend Alexander, 192
Gardiner, Samuel, 121
Garrison, William Lloyd, 299–300
Garvey, Marcus, 41, 99, 100
Gast, John, 331
Gates, Sir Thomas, 9, 13–14, 16, 23, 29–30, 32,
Gateward’s Case, 50
Gay, John, 143, 162, 166
gender, 72, 103
General History of the Pyrates, A, 167
genocide, 40, 61
Gentleman and Cabinet Maker’s Director, The
(Chippendale), 269
George, David, 226
George I, King, 170
George III, King, 290
Germain, Lord George, 266
German peasant revolt, 87
Gerrard, Joseph, 285
Gewen, Thomas, 134
Ghana, 28, 47
Giant Killer, Or, Anti-Landlord, The (Spence),
296, 307
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 56
Giraffi, Alexander, 114
Glas, John, 292–293
“Glimpse of Sion’s Glory, A” (Hanserd), 84
globalization, 327, 328, 353
glory, 82–86, 100
Godwyn, Morgan, 126, 139
Golden Hill Riot, 231
Goldsmith, Oliver, 246
Gordon, Lord George, 280, 285, 294
Gordon Riots, 48, 283, 288
Goree Island, 46
Gorgon, 302, 331
Grantham, Thomas, 137
Gray, Robert, 20–21
Great Awakening, 190–193
Great Instauration, The (Bacon), 38
Green, Thomas, 18
Greene, Robert, 63
Grigg, Nanny, 302
grometta, 129
Grotius, Hugo, 17
Güemes, Juan Francisco de, 205
Guianese Arawaks, 124
Guinea Company, 128, 129
Guy, Hannah, 89
Gwin, John, 174, 176, 177, 183, 206
Gypsies, 57
habeas corpus, 220–221, 245
Haitian Revolution, 241, 242, 273, 274, 301,
319–320, 330, 334, 340–341
Hakluyt, Richard, 16, 20, 56
Hamilton, Alexander, 191, 198, 199
Hamilton, Elizabeth, 284
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 28
Handbook of Freedom (Rickword and Lindsay),
Hannibal’s army, 66
Hardy, Lydia, 334, 335, 336, 337, 340
Hardy, Thomas, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340
Harman, Thomas, 63
Harrington, James, 93, 292
Harriss, John, 120
Hawkins, Jane, 90
Hawkyns, John, 28
Haymarket Massacre (1886), 331
Haynes, Samuel, 41
Hazzard, Dorothy, 73, 78–79, 80
Hercules, 30; Bacon on, 37–39, 39–40; as executioner,
329; hewers of wood and drawers of
water and, 60; Hobbes on, 69–70; in
Raleigh’s History of the World, 36–37; Shakespeare
and, 28; significance of, 6; as symbol,
2–4, 234, 330–331
Hercules and lolaus slaying the Lernean Hydra,
Eritrian amphora, 3
heresies, 67, 68, 88, 93, 282
Hesilrige, Arthur, 134
hewers of wood and drawers of water, 40–70;
children as, 59; genocide for, 61–65; mechanization
on, influence of, 48–49; origins of,
40–42; self-organization of, 60–61, 65, 69; as
slaves, 49, 69, 329; women as, role of, 47–48;
as workers, 42, 329
hewers of wood and drawers of water, functions
of, 43–49; for building ports, 45–47; for
labors of expropriation, 43–45; for maintaining
communities, 45–47
hewers of wood and drawers of water, role of
terror for, 49–54, 56–60; banishment legislation,
57; black dog myth and, 53–56; capital
punishment, 50–52; forced overseas labor,
57–58; prisons, 56–57, 58–59; servitude in,
57–60; witches, 52; women, 52
Heywood, Peter, 353
High-Heel’d Shoes for Dwarfs in Holiness (Wedderburn), 323
Higman, Barry, 313
Hill, Bridget, 48
Hill, Christopher, 72, 140, 158
Historie of Serpents (Topsell), 30
History of Jamaica (Long), 284
History of the World (Raleigh), 36
Hobbes, Thomas, 69, 84, 109
Holdip, James, 125
Holland, 114
Hollister, Dennis, 94
; Holmes, Robert, 131, 148
Holy War, The (Bunyan), 99
Hopkins, Stephan, 13, 29, 31, 65, 92
Horsmanden, Daniel, 183, 184, 192, 194, 199,
201, 231
Hortop, Job, 9
House of Burgesses, 135, 136
Howard, Martin, Jr., 229
Howell, James, 114, 247
Hughson, John, 174, 176, 177, 182–183, 184, 186,
189, 191, 203, 209
human solidarity, doctrine of, 86
“Humble Petition of the Seamen, belonging to
the Ships of the Commonwealth of
England,” 156–157
Hume, David, 139
Hunt, Henry, 331
Hunter, Robert, 188
Hutchinson, Anne, 88, 90, 91
Hutchinson, Thomas, 215, 218, 229, 232
Hutton, Luke, 53
Hyacinth, 274
hydra, 3–6, 30, 331, 353; Bacon on, 37, 40, 65;
counterrevolutionary forces in terms of, 330;
Francis (Blackymore Maide) and, 102;
Hobbes’s interpretation of, 69–70; mobs
and, 228, 233; pirates and, 173; proletariat
described in terms of, 329; in Raleigh’s History
of the World, 36
“Hydra Decapita” (Mather), 5–6, 92
hydrarchy, 144, 145, 147, 154, 167–173, 294
hydrarchy, sailors’, 154, 156–162; buccaneers of,
157–159; comparing ship to jail in, 160; conditions
of, 159–160; defeat of, 173; impressment
in, 157, 160; piracy in, 160–161;
resistance of sailors in, 156–157; stages of, 156
Hydra Rebellion, 302
imperialism, 145, 147, 152, 234, 319
Imperial Registry Bill of 1815, 302
impressment, 145, 157, 160, 214, 217, 219, 228–229,
235–236, 237
Independent Advertiser, 217, 218
industrial revolution, 250
“Insurrections of the Slaves in some of the West
India Islands,” 320
Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano or
Gustavus Vassa the African, The, 285, 336–337
Intolerable Acts, 228
Ireland, 120–123; Act for the Settlement of, 121;
Baptists in, 97; capital punishment in, 121;
colonization, 20; “cutthroat expedition” to,
116; Despard conspiracy and, 254–258;
English Revolution and, 71; expedition to
conquer, 120; hewers of wood and drawers of
water in, 328; Orange Order in, 283; ports in,
46; Quakers in, 97; slaves in, 123, 125, 126;
war in, 147
Ireton, Henry, 106, 121
Irish: banishment legislation and, 57; Black,
126; Despard conspiracy and, 278–281; hewers
of wood and drawers of water and, 41; history
of betraying English, 187–188;
Methodists, 297; New York Conspiracy of
1741 and, 186–188; pirate queen O’Malley,
64; prisoners, 94
Irish Rebellion of 1798, 250, 278
Jackson, George, 41
Jamaica: Baptist War in, 326; buccaneers in,
148; class-leader system in, 307; Despard conspiracy
and, 258–261; jubilee in, 312;
maroons of, 194–195, 309–311; plantations in,
272; slaves in, 201. See also Tacky’s Revolt
Jamaica Discipline, 158, 159
James, C. L. R., 108, 254
James I, King, 44, 52
Jea, John, 311–312
Jefferson, Thomas, 214, 237, 299, 343–344
Jefferys, Thomas, 261
Jeremiah, Thomas, 226
Jessey, Henry, 89
Jessup, John, 168
Jobson, Richard, 128
Johnson, Edward, 91
Johnson, Francis, 138
Johnson, Joseph, 344
Johnson, Samuel, 160
Jones, Absalom, 274
Jones, Joshua, 270–271
Jonson, Ben, 28, 36, 49, 50, 114
Jourdain, Silvester, 9
Joyce, James, 112
jubilee, 290–300; African Americans carrying
message of, 268; biblical tradition of, 290;
Coke and, 297; elements of, 290; Evans on,
308; Garrison and, 299–300; in modern era,
292–294; opposition to slavery and, 296–300;
as restoration of manufacturing rights,
339; Spence and, 292–296; Wedderburn’s
proletarian version of, 291. See also
Wedderburn-Campbell correspondence
“Jubilee Hymn; Or, A Song to be sung at the
Commencement of the Millennium, The”
(Spence), 292–293
Justification of the Mad Crew, A (Ranters), 85
Kane, William, 185, 186
Karlsen, Carol, 90
Kelley, James, 321
Kerry, Margaret, 174, 177, 187, 204, 206
Kett’s Rebellion (1549), 19
Kiffin, William, 97
King, Boston, 226
King Street Riot, 231–232
Kinte, Kunta, 130
Kipling, Rudyard, 24
Knight of the Burning Pestle, The (Beaumont),
Knolly, Hanserd, 84
Knowles, Charles, 215
Knowles Riot, 216
Labat, Père, 159
labor. See hewers of wood and drawers of water;
sailors; slavery
labor code, 18
Lamb, Charles, 330
Lamb, Thomas, 232
lançados, 129
Land of Cockaygne, 158
land rovers, 63
languages, on ships, 152–154
Latchett, Sarah, 93
Laurens, Henry, 211
Lavenham Rising (1525), 19
Lawes, Nicholas, 164
Law of the Privateers, 158
Laws Divine, Moral, and Martial, 33, 35
lazzaroni, 63
Learning, Hugo, 138
Legate, Bartholomew, 31
Leland, John, 307
Lemisch, Jesse, 228
Lenthall, Sir John, 134
Leonard, Daniel, 235
Leslie, Charles, 195
Letters from tbe Dead to the Living (Brown),
Levant Company, 114
Levellers: Bunyan and, 98; Canne on, 87; on
impressment, 157; on Ireland, 120–121; as law
advocates, 105; opposition to impressment,
235–236; origins of, 80; as political party, 105;
as radical voice, 72; Rainborough as leader
of, 105; resistance to expropriation, 19; on
slavery, 111; survival of ideas of, 119–120
Lewis, “Monk,” 312
libertism, 87
Liberty Riot, 228
Liele, George, 226, 307
Light Shining in Buckinghamshire, A (Diggers),
101, 108
Ligon, Richard, 124
Lilburne, John, 97
Lincolnshire Rebellion (1536), 19
Lindsay, Jack, 108
Locke, John, 114, 139
Lockyer, Robert, 119
Lok, John, 28
London, 116–120, 132–135
London Corresponding Society, 274, 288, 329,
337, 338, 339
London Spy, The (Ward), 152
Long Bridge Boys, 183
Long, Edward, 221, 222, 284
Lovejoy, David S., 235
Lovelace, Richard, 60
Lowther, George, 169
Loyal American Rangers, 269
Luddites, 303–304
Ludgate Prison Riot (1581), 19
Ludlow, Edmund, 121
lumpenproletariat, 63
Lydon, James G., 199, 201, 208
Lysons, Daniel, 104
Macintosh, Eben
ezer, 229
Mack, Phyllis, 88
MacNamara, John, 249
Madden, R. R., 259
Madison, James, 239, 240
Magnalia Christi Americana (Mather), 92
Making of the English Working Class, The
(Thompson), 100
Makonnen, Ras Tefari, 108
Malthus, Thomas, 276
Mandela, Nelson, 41
Mansfield’s army (1624), 56
marine insurance industry, 148
Marine Republic, The (Spence), 277, 294
maritime labor, 150, 151
maritime radicalism, 173
maritime state, 144, 145, 147, 148
Markall, Martin, 61
Markham, Robert, 34
maroons, 194–195, 309–311
Marriage of Heaven and Hell, The (Blake), 345
Marryat, Frederick, 312
martial laws, 33, 146
Marvell, Andrew, 136
Marxism, 107
Marx, Karl, 20, 332
Masaniello (Naples fisherman), 112, 113, 114, 775,
Masque of Blacknesse, The (Jonson), 28
Massachusetts’s Riot Act of 1786, 238
Mather, Cotton, 5–6, 91–92
Mather, Joseph, 273
Mathews, Governor William, 193
Maurice of Orange, 32
Maurice, Prince, 127
Mauricius, J. J., 4
Mayhew, Jonathan, 217, 218
McKay, Claud, 313
McManus, Edgar J., 200
Mediterranean, 46
Medusa; Or, Penny Politician, 302, 331
Memoirs of a Modern Philosopher (Hamilton),
merchant shipping industry, 150
Mercurius Militaris, 120
Merrington, John, 45–46
Methodists, 291, 296–298, 307, 309
middle passage, 17, 172
Midlands Revolt of 1607, 19, 335
military discipline, 32
Miller, Kerby A., 197
Milton, John, 79–80, 90, 245, 292, 336
mobs, 227–229, 231–236; in Boston, 229;
description of, 228; hydra and, 228, 233;
against impressment, 228–229; multiracial,
228, 234, 235; prisons and, 232–233; resistance
to Townshend Revenue Act, 231; riots and,
Moffat, Thomas, 229
Molyneux, Thomas More, 263
Molyneux, Tom, 321
Monson, Sir William, 56
monstrosity, Bacon’s theory of, 39, 40, 61, 62,
63, 64, 65, 91, 137, 341
Montaigne, Michel de, 24
More, Thomas, 17, 24
Moreton, J. B., 258
Morgan, Lewis Henry, 268
Morris, Richard B., 234
Morton, Thomas, 62
Moseley, Benjamin, 258
Mosquito Indians, 158, 265–266, 267, 281
motley crew, 27–28, 151, 212–214, 235, 246, 331
Moutapass (formerly Robert Markham), 34
Mr. Midshipman Easy (Marryat), 312
Muggletonians, 96, 101, 135
Muggleton, Lodovick, 83
Munster, 64–65
Murray, James, 293
mutiny, 130, 156–157, 165, 173, 277
myalism, 306
The Many-Headed Hydra Page 51