Her Wish--A Playboy Genie Romance

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Her Wish--A Playboy Genie Romance Page 19

by Sophie H. Morgan

  “So do you live in New York?”

  Charlie frowned, surprised. “You don’t know?”

  Peter shook his head. “I’ve been out of the country for three weeks. And I’m ashamed to say I’m not up on my celebrities. Don’t be offended.”

  “Trust me, I’m not. It’s actually kind of nice.” Understatement.

  He smiled at her. “So how did you meet Jax?”

  “Oh, the usual.” Charlie stifled a laugh as she raised her flute to her lips. “Friends of friends.”


  Jax returned to her side with a gloomy expression. “We’re staying in here.”

  Although she was dying to kiss him, she actually thought it was really sweet how he minded his old friend. Still, she couldn’t let him off the hook.

  Charlie patted his cheek. “Remind me to get your balls out of Mabel’s clutch before we go.”

  She squealed as his hand dug into her side.



  They stayed with Peter and Mabel for the next half hour, nibbling on pastries from the buffet and making fun of the other guests. Charlie was shocked by some of the outfits worn by the celebrities. She herself had vetoed several of Kate’s choices because she didn’t want to bend over and give everyone more than they’d paid for.

  “My money’s on Travolta.” Jax indicated a lone man on the dance floor grooving to “A String of Pearls.” He wore a white silk suit, a black ascot tied around his neck. His unfortunate sprayed-stiff, Elvis-like hair and the gyrations of his pelvis were drawing attention as the other dancers kept at least two feet between him and themselves.

  Charlie squinted. “Isn’t that Winston Morris?”

  Jax nodded.

  “Wow.” Charlie watched the TV host Kate adored perform three hip thrusts. “Kate will be crushed.”

  “Ah, speaking of Kate.” Jax turned to Charlie as Peter whispered in Mabel’s ear. “She dumped Ian tonight.”

  She blinked. “What? How did I not know this? How did you know?”

  “I was there when it happened. She said she was all right,” he added, smoothing a lock of hair that had unwound from her updo. “Seemed more shaken than anything.”

  “God.” Charlie pursed her lips and glanced out over the sea of well-dressed strangers. “I hope she’s okay.”

  “She’s better off. The guy was a dick.”

  A laugh was startled from her. “Yes, he was. I just hope she doesn’t let him coax her back.”

  “Why would she?”

  Charlie glanced at him. “Kate’s got what you might call a rescue complex. She’s the nicest person in the world, but that leaves her open to opportunists. She loves to help people. Like me.” Charlie touched her chest. “She’s got this idea that I need saving. That’s why she’s still living with me, apparently because she can’t find another place, but I know that’s a lie.” At his blank look, she smiled. “Kate’s last name is Worth.”

  “Like the soap?” He whistled silently. “Big bucks.”

  “Ian was trying to convince her to move in with him and rent somewhere on the Upper East Side, but she didn’t want to leave me alone. She’s pretty great, if like an extra mother sometimes.”

  “Well, if he does come back, you’ll be there to guard her. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the last two weeks it’s that nobody should underestimate how stubborn you are. And if that doesn’t work, I can always fry him with some magic.” He pressed warm lips to her temple as she chuckled. “Mmm. You smell good. Think we can sneak away yet?”

  Charlie leaned back against him, enjoying having his solid warmth wrapped around her. “We can try, but I think we’re going to have to dance first.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because every time Glenn Miller is played, Mabel gets this matchmaking look in her eye and starts staring at you.” Charlie let a smile play around her mouth. “It’s sweet.”

  He grumbled. “She’s an interfering busybody.”

  Charlie played her fingers over his arms where he held her against his chest. “Do you need to go schmooze people?” She waved a hand at the crowd. “I can stay with Mabel and Peter.”

  “Not yet.” Jax twirled her so she faced him and pulled her in. His grin was wicked as he lowered his head. “I’ve got all night to play Jax Michaels. And then we’re going to play.” He dropped a kiss on her forehead. “And play.” His lips brushed her nose. “And pl—”

  “Jax. Enjoying the evening?”

  Charlie felt Jax stiffen as he pulled away from her. His arm slipped around her waist as he turned to face the tall man who’d just greeted him.


  She’d heard that name but couldn’t tease out from where. He was very good-looking in a rakish sort of way, with long black hair hanging about his shoulders and piercing hazel eyes. Silver glinted within the color, giving away his Genie powers. His smile was easy as he looked between the two. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to . . . Charlie, isn’t it?”

  This was the first other Genie she’d met since declaring in front of the world she didn’t want their wishes. Her stomach immediately tried to reject the miniature Victoria sponge she’d eaten twenty minutes ago.

  She accepted the hand he held out. “Yes, and you’re Luka?”

  “Jax’s boss.” His teeth flashed as he looked at the unnaturally wary Jax. “You two kids having a good time?”

  Charlie waited for Jax to say something.

  Jax’s hand tightened around her waist. “WFY always throws a good party.”

  “I like the decorations,” Charlie put in.

  Luka cocked his head back and looked at the floating candles. “Reminds me of a funeral, myself. Damn depressing. I only arrived thirty minutes ago, and already this damn monkey suit is chafing.”

  Charlie laughed. “Not one for suits?”

  Luka looked at her with lazy eyes. “Unless it’s a birthday one, no.” His voice was low and intimate.

  Jax made a noise in his throat as Charlie absorbed the sensual impact of being Luka’s focus. These Genies sure were magnetic. Unfortunately, he couldn’t measure up to the one who made her heart pound with a shift of those blue-gold eyes.

  Luka laughed and raised the scotch glass he held. Ice cubes clinked as he swallowed. “Sweetheart, I think he’s jealous. Care to make him more so and dance with me?”

  Charlie was starting to lose sensation in her hip from where Jax gripped it. Even if she’d had any inclination to dance with any Genie other than Jax, there was something incredibly powerful about Luka that teased the hair on the back of her neck in warning. Although he looked as rumpled as though he’d risen from bed and thrown on a suit, power crackled in his eyes.

  Jax cut in before she could answer. “Luka, what are you up to?”

  “Up to?” Luka pursed his lips. “About six foot three.”

  Jax sent him a sour look as Charlie held back a smile. “Cute.”

  “You think? I picked this suit especially for you.” Luka batted his eyelashes, and then smiled with genuine warmth over his shoulder. “Mabel.” He sent her a smoky leer. “As stunning as ever.”

  “Lucas.” She embraced him. He blew the feather out of his mouth. “You’re as lickable as the last time I saw you. You sure you don’t go for older women?”

  “Aw, Mabel, shucks, you know you’re a toddler compared to an old man like me.”

  Mabel fluffed her hair. “Dang straight.” She cocked her head. “This is my favorite song.”

  The beginning notes of “Moonlight Serenade” drifted from the orchestra, pulling dancers onto the floor to slip into each other’s arms.

  “Jackson. Ask Charlotte to dance.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Jax grabbed Charlie’s hand and towed her onto the dance floor without a second look. He spun and slipped his arms around her waist.

  Charlie circled her arms around his neck. “That’s your idea of asking?”

  “I wasn’t going to risk a public no.”
  Charlie smiled and rested her head against his chest. The romantic bluesy music swirled around them as she listened to his heart thump steadily away beneath her ear.

  Trust me, charm boy. You won’t hear a no tonight.

  * * *

  Luka circled the dance floor to stand behind a woman wearing a diaphanous ice-blue gown. It shimmered like crystal as it fell in an elegant line to the floor, leaving her shoulders bare except for a row of diamonds of the first water. Silky pale blue gloves cut off at her elbows. Her hair was a sweep of white blond, curled and pulled back so not even one errant hair could escape.

  “Did you see them?” Her voice was chilled as Dom Pérignon, no inflection as she continued to present him with that stiff spine.

  Luka shoved his hands in his pockets and wondered when he could get out of the suit. His tie was choking him. “Yeah, I saw them.”



  The Director of WFY’s East Coast branch finally turned. Her pale blue eyes stared at him with steady demand. Pearly flecks, like the beginnings of a blizzard, flickered in their depths. “Explain.”

  “There’s a disturbance in the force. Star Wars,” he prompted. “Unrest, disorder, chaos. In a word, fun. Or do I need to explain that, too?”

  Her expression didn’t falter. Ice would’ve melted more.

  A smile nudged at Luka’s mouth. Same old Clare. He ran a hand over his hair and slung back another swallow of scotch before he deigned to answer. “He’s falling for her.”

  “He’s what?”

  “Falling for her. You know, Clare, it’s an emotion.”

  Again, Clare didn’t react to his deliberate prod. “What makes you think that?”

  Luka sometimes wondered what it would take to break down the Snow Queen. He’d known Clare for going on eighty years, and only on rare occasions had he seen past the cool façade. “He’s different with her. Attentive, possessive.”


  Luka shook his head. “Nah, it’s more than that. Something . . . I don’t know. Could be the making of him—or the end. Either way, trouble.”

  Clare held a flute of champagne in one hand, which she sipped, her eyes on Luka’s. “He was in the Library this morning.”

  “Jax can read? I, for one, am shocked.”

  “Papers are missing.”

  He threw a glance over his shoulder and moved in, close enough so he could smell Clare’s personal pear scent. “Shit,” he swore, serious now. “What the hell is he up to?”

  “According to Anne-Marie, he wanted to research what might help him get Charlotte Donahue to wish.” Clare threw a measured glance over her shoulder, which Luka followed.

  Jax spun Charlie around, his hands low on her hips as they moved to the music. Although they were just one of many couples, there was something intimate about the pair, a heat that crackled.

  “Shit,” Luka said again. He put down his scotch glass on one of the tables that lined the walls. He yanked at his murderous tie until it loosened, enjoying Clare’s disapproving glance. “He’s not going to make her wish. The Partners are going to throw a shitfit.”

  “Luka, have I ever told you how eloquent I think you are?”

  At that, Luka’s lips curled. His glass reappeared in his hand. “So what should we do?”

  Clare tapped her champagne glass with a slow finger. “We’ll have to ride the wave. At this point, there’s no stopping those two.” She walked away without another word.

  Luka stared after her before fixing his gaze back on the couple dancing like nobody else was in the room. A grudging smile curved his lips before his glass tipped in silent salute.

  * * *

  Jax stroked his hand up and down Charlie’s arm. In the dark cocoon of the limo, her vanilla scent teased his nose. “Did you have fun?”

  “Mmm.” Her head was against his chest, her hand slipped inside his jacket. She was as loose as a rag doll, propped against his side. He was definitely enjoying the benefits as he inhaled against her hair.

  “I saw you talking to Winston.” Jax glowered into the darkness as he thought of the TV host voted sexiest of the year. Even with that jackass hairstyle. “You should stay away from him.”

  “Oh, but he’s such a charmer. Did you know he promised he’d call his mom if he ever met the girl of his dreams?”

  “You’d better not have given him a quarter.”

  “Please. That line is older than you are.”

  She squeaked as he hauled her over his lap and fisted a hand in her hair, unwinding some of it so that it fell over her shoulders. She pressed against his shoulders to sit straight, her cheeks flushed and her eyes bright. Her core brushed his dick, making him groan as she straddled his lap.


  “Damn straight,” he growled. “Winston’s lucky he didn’t get five thousand volts shoved up his ass.”

  “Yet, strangely, his hair wouldn’t have looked any different.” She shrugged, some of her hair straggling down her shoulders. “Besides, he was only trying to figure out what we were doing together. A lot of people were wondering why you were there with me tonight.”

  “Trust me—in that dress, the only thing they were wondering was how long it’d take me to peel it off you.”

  Charlie smiled and wound her arms around his neck, bringing her face close to his. “Like an orange?”

  “That I want to devour, piece by juicy piece.” He moved his hands to her hips, a favorite move of his, a hot caress through the slippery material.

  Her breathing became shallow. “They all saw that, hmm?”

  “Anyone who glanced at my pants knows how I feel about that dress. And the woman inside it.”

  “Smooth, charm boy.” Her breath puffed against his lips as she rocked against him. Her voice grew husky as he drew in a sharp breath. “You seduce all your dates this way?”

  “Just my oranges.”

  He tasted the smile at his pun on her lips as he captured her mouth. They moved slow and easy, tasting as her hands ran through his hair.

  Their tongues met and slipped away, teasing each other. Jax shifted her on her lap so that she was right over his aching dick. He fancied he could feel her heat through her dress and cupped her to him as he nipped her bottom lip.

  “Jax.” His name was a whispery moan as he kissed the edge of her jaw.

  He brought her to him again, one hand on the back of her head guiding her in the kiss, twisting through the silky strands of hair. Heat sizzled through him, building like a storm he was determined to hold back.

  She drew away, her changeable eyes a deep, dark brown. She took his hand from the back of her head, bringing it to her breast. As his fingers automatically curled around the sweet globe, her head fell back. “Touch me.”

  He didn’t need to be asked twice. He leaned forward and dropped an open-mouthed kiss to her covered neck, plumping her breast in his hand. As she moaned, he circled the hardening nipple with two fingers, brushing it with each pass. His dick was hard enough that he knew he’d have a damn zipper mark down the length of it in the morning.

  Biting back a groan, he pressed hot, wet kisses down the side of her neck as he brought his other hand to her neglected breast, wishing he could lick her there. “Why’d you wear this damn dress?” He flicked his thumbs over her nipples. She groaned.


  “Not enough skin.”

  “It’s backless.”

  “Well, you should’ve worn it back to front.” He filled his palms with her breasts, growling as her eyes slid half closed. “Was it expensive?”

  “Why?” Her eyes flew open. “Don’t you dare rip this dress, Jax.”

  “I can always magic it together again.” He drew lazy circles on her nipples, watching for the desire that shadowed her sexy hazel eyes.

  She sucked in a breath and shuddered. “No.”

  “Killjoy.” His hands stilled. She gave an involuntary cry of dismay. “Don’t worry. I’ll just do
this blind.”

  He shifted her and closed his mouth over her right nipple. Her choked cry filled the dark, hot space of the limo as he sucked hungrily.

  Her hands fisted in his hair, almost tearing it from the roots.

  “That’s it, gorgeous. Hold on to me.” He sucked again, plumping the other breast with his hand. His tongue pushed against the engorged nipple, and he tasted desire as she shuddered against him.

  She pushed against his shoulders. “Rip the damn dress.”

  “Nope.” He moved to the other nipple, flicking out his tongue like a cat and watching her shiver. “We’re not having sex tonight.”

  She stilled, and then pulled away. His hands settled on her as she leaned back on his lap. She was panting, hair half down around her shoulders in sexy waves, and her lips were moist and red from where she’d bitten them.

  He almost went off in his pants.

  “Why aren’t we having sex tonight?”

  He arched an eyebrow. “Charlie Donahue, did I just hear you whine?”

  She frowned at him and tucked a piece of hair back over her ear. “Do you . . . I mean, don’t you . . .”

  He caught on, almost choked. “Don’t I want to? Charlie.” He eased her back onto his dick, pressing so tightly that his eyes rolled back in his head.

  She let out a sexy half-caught breath.

  His eyes were sleepy with desire when he looked back at her. “I want to take you home tonight. I want to chain you to my bed and never let you leave.” He shifted closer. “I want to take you so deep and so hard you’ll have trouble walking in the morning. I want to taste and lick every inch of your skin.” He dropped a hungry kiss to her throat, turned on from imagining it. “I want to make you scream.”

  “Oh, God,” she said in a faint voice. She closed her eyes and pressed a hand to them. “Then why aren’t you ripping off my clothes?”

  “You’ve had a lot to drink tonight.”

  “Yeah, so?” When she realized what he was implying, she smacked him on the shoulder. “You think you’d be taking advantage?”

  He was firm about this. Firm everywhere, actually. “You’re not used to drinking, Charlie. I don’t want you to regret it.”


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