Necromancers, Demons & Kings: A LitRPG Epic (World of Samar Book 2)

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Necromancers, Demons & Kings: A LitRPG Epic (World of Samar Book 2) Page 20

by LitRPG Freaks

  “Yeah and why are we having it in secret?” Jimmy asked.

  “Because I have something I need to tell you that I was told not to. But after some much hard won convincing from Callie, I’ve decided as my friends you have a right to know. And I’d prefer Alana not kick my butt for withholding information from you guys again,” he added.

  “What the hell did you go and do this time?” she asked with a sigh.

  A picture being worth a thousand words, he lifted up his t-shirt to show them.

  Jimmy muttered something about not having any ones with him, but fell silent when Harrison revealed his most recent injuries. Callie’s face paled, yet it was Alana who stood and walked to him, tracing the emblem on his chest.

  “Where did this come from?” Her hand drifted to the dressing on his shoulder. “And this? What’s under this one?”

  “A handprint, burn,” he corrected himself. “Got it the other day when we were all visited by her after the dungeon. She likes to leave me mementos.”

  “Wait, she’s physically hurting you?” Jimmy exclaimed. “No, that can’t be right.”

  “Well it is,” Harrison said. “I tried to explain it away, too, thought maybe it was all in my head, but they are real. The pain is definitely real.”

  Alana backed away slowly, chewing her bottom lip. “This is not good. Does Dennis know?”

  “Yeah, he knows everything. But like I said, he wanted me to keep it quiet if I could.”

  “I can understand why. The other players might cause a panic,” she explained.

  “Other players? What about us?” Jimmy said. “Can I panic?”

  “No, no one needs to panic. She’s not going to hurt anyone else,” Bishop assured them, wishing he could make his voice sound stronger. “She’s latched onto me for some reason I have yet to figure out.”

  His guild mates stared back at him with mixed looks of worry, fear, confusion, and disbelief. He agreed with every look they gave him, wishing he had better news.

  Jimmy was the first to raise his hand and Harrison smirked as he called on his friend. “Yes, Jimmy?”

  “Look, I have no idea what the hell this game is trying to do to you, but we’re a family now, right? And families protect their own. Whatever it’s doing to you, this crazy AI will have to go through all of us to get to you,” he stated. “I never had a lot of friends before. Yes, Benji, I know how cheesy that sounds, but with you guys I feel like I belong. Like I’m home.”

  “Ditto,” Alana said, and she stepped forward to take Jimmy’s hand. “You’re not alone in this, Harrison.”

  “Sure, why the hell not,” Benji sighed with a wink to Harrison. “The game wasn’t edgy enough already for me anyway. Why not throw in the possible chance of it having a mind of its own and trying to kill our leader?”

  The rest of the guild stood one by one and Harrison blinked furiously at the moisture in his eyes.

  “Aw man, don’t start crying,” Jimmy said. “What’s the worst thing that could happen?”

  “That demon queen could actually kill Harrison,” Callie whispered, biting her thumb nail. Harrison and the rest of them gave her a look and she shrugged. “Just saying, but don’t worry, I’m not going to let anything happen to you either.” She took his hand and pulled him close for a kiss on the cheek.

  “Alright, I’m going to ask this because I already know the answer,” Alana said, “is there anything else you need to tell us before we go back into the game tomorrow and meet with Godfrey?”

  Harrison cringed. “Might be a spoiler for you guys.”

  “What could be worse than what you’ve already told us?” Jimmy said.

  Harrison glanced to Callie. “Godfrey was a twin to Lachlan who was the original King. Tavin was his wife, she’s still technically the rightful queen, oh and they’re all half-breeds.” He watched their eyes widen and held up his hand. “And I almost forgot, it’s pretty obvious Godfrey had something to do with it all happening. Now you all know what I know. Isn’t it great?”

  Jimmy groaned, holding his forehead. “I think I have a migraine and it’s all your fault.”

  “Trade you a headache for some burns?” he joked.

  They stayed in Harrison’s room talking for a while and putting the pieces together of the story. One by one, they eventually filed out, and Harrison was left alone, his spirits lifted to know his friends, his family, would be fighting right beside him whatever came next.

  Chapter 13

  Bishop waited for everyone else to meet back outside the palace gates again before he made ready to finish up the two quests he received from saving Godfrey. He checked his gear and his bags. In reality, he was only trying to keep his mind occupied as he waited to get the day started. After last night’s conversation, he expected some of his guild mates to change their minds about playing with him in case Valen did change her line of fire towards them.

  At breakfast, it was just like old times and he was grateful for it, for them really.

  Today’s quest was about confronting Godfrey again and speaking with him. Which direction the quest would take, however, was completely up in the air. The King could feel better towards him, but he doubted it. That man was way past saving. Unless he told Bishop he was willing to let Tavin come back and rule with him somehow, even if it wasn’t to have her take over, then Bishop cared very little for whatever that man might have to say.

  “Busy day,” Calista said, sidling up beside him and squeezing his hand. “You sleep ok?”

  “Like a baby,” he promised. “The others on their way?”

  “I waved to Maverick when I passed the house. Looked like she was ready, but not sure about the rest of them.”

  Bishop was not going to complain about a little alone time with Calista. Other players walked by and NPCs, but no Jimmy dramatically sighing every five seconds trying to drive him nuts. He did love his friend and didn’t want to interrupt his fun, although there were times a few moments alone with Calista made his day that much better.

  “There they are,” he said, hearing Jimmy’s obnoxious singing headed their way.

  “I wish these weren’t solo quests,” Calista murmured.

  “I’ll be fine. I’m sure all we’re doing is talking to him.”

  “No, all we’re doing is talking to him. You have that damn journal already and know enough to really stick it to him as far as what happened with the true king,” she whispered, not wanting to upset the royal guards standing so close. “You have no idea what could happen once you do that.”

  Bishop opened his mouth to reassure her, but he knew she was right. That journal could easily lead him into another quest, or to the past. Hell, it could open a portal to the Demon realm and he could fall inside with no one being the wiser. “Hmm, now I’m not so sure about doing these quests today.” He smiled when Calista gave him a quick peck.

  “You’ll be fine and, if you don’t come back in an hour, I’ll log out and go track down Dennis to find you and make sure you’re not getting any more burns.”

  “I know you would and I appreciate it. Not sure Dennis would, but I do.”

  “What are you two lovebirds tweeting about?” Jimmy asked in between making smooching noises.

  “Hey Jimmy,” Bishop said, “how about a morning duel?”

  His friend’s smile faltered and he ducked behind Maverick. “Nah, I’m good.”

  “That’s what I thought.” Bishop smirked as Jimmy stuck his tongue out at him. “Alright, hope everyone slept well enough. We’re going to head to the palace and speak with our dear friend King Godfrey. Meet back at the guild house when you’re finished and we’ll discuss where to go next. Ready?”

  Bishop held Calista’s hand as long as he could, climbing the steps to the palace and stopping when they neared the doors. The royal guard standing there stretched out a hand to halt them, and Bishop let go of Calista so he could address the guard.

  “We have come to speak with King Godfrey,” he stated, glancing up at the
sky to be sure it was still morning.

  The guard bowed his head and stepped to the side, slamming the tip of his spear into the stone. ”King Godfrey awaits you in his private chambers. Follow the guard inside and he will take you to our King. Be mindful of what you speak, though, half-breed,” the guard added with a glare. “We are all watching you.”

  Bishop glowered at the guard. “Thanks, really, not like I’ve saved his butt twice now.”

  Holding his breath, he stepped through the doors first as his quest updated before his eyes.

  Follow the guards inside the palace to reach King Godfrey.

  The same shimmering overcame him as he walked into the main hall, and he turned backwards to check he was indeed alone with only a royal guard as his companion. Bishop held out his hand to shake that of the guard’s, trying to be civil. But the soldier rotated on his heel and stalked away.

  “Follow me, half-breed,” he snapped.

  Bishop hesitated. Why all the hostility? The guards and he used to be on good terms. So why did they appear to hate him now? Why? What happened between his last visit, where he saved the King with Winston by his side, to this instant? As they walked further into the palace, taking a path he had not yet trodden, he hurried to catch up to the guard.

  “Where is Winston?” he asked.

  “You may ask your questions of our King, but I will not answer any for you.”

  “And why is that? You do realize Winston is sort of a friend to me, so why would you not answer me? Is he unwell? Did something happen to him?” The guard remained silent and his mouth closed. “Where is Winston?” He grabbed the guard and yanked him around. Instantly, a spear point was pressed to his throat. Bishop held his hands up in a surrendering motion before the guard skewered him. The hatred in the man’s eyes was visceral and promised utter violence.

  “You are not to speak that traitor’s name, understand? Not now, not ever, and certainly not in the presence of our King.”

  “Why the hell not?” he chanced.

  The guard’s face stiffened as he lowered his spear. “He tried to kill our King. He is the reason Valenastrious was able to get her hands on him.”

  “What? No, that’s not possible,” Bishop argued. “He helped me save him.”

  “And why should I believe you? The tower was blown apart by her magic and all that was left was Winston and our King, the first holding a dagger to our King’s throat as the man himself screamed for aid.”

  Bishop shook his head as the guard stalked down the corridor again. “That’s not what happened.”

  “It is and, if you say otherwise, than you either work with the traitor or he has tricked you as well. Come, half-breed, the King is in need of rest and we cannot keep him waiting.”

  Winston, a traitor? It wasn’t possible.

  Feeling a bit numb, Bishop followed the guard through the palace, up several flights of ornate stone stairs, down another corridor towards a set of double doors. They were closed, with four men keeping watch. The guard leading Bishop paused when they neared.

  “You may enter. Keep your conversation brief and, remember, try anything half-breed and all of this palace will come down on you. I will not hesitate to deliver the killing blow.”

  Bishop smiled at the warning, if only to hide his confusion and slight tremor of fear. “Trust me, I’m not here to harm the King. I only want to talk. Thanks for the escort. You’re such a cheerful person. I’ll be sure to put a good word in for whoever you report to now.”

  The NPC only glared fiercely as Bishop walked through the guards and the open door. Cautiously, Bishop stepped inside and glanced around the dimly lit room for the King. A beautifully carved bed occupied the space to the far right, though it was hard to make out too much. Curtains were drawn over the windows and the roaring fire in a hearth was the only light leading his way through the chamber.

  “King Godfrey,” Bishop said, and he respectfully lowered his head, although that was the last thing he felt like doing for a man accusing his savior of being a traitor.

  “You,” the King muttered, his voice rough. He struggled to sit up in bed as Bishop moved closer. “Are you a traitor, too? Did you know what was going to happen to me? You did, didn’t you?” He coughed into his hand, eyes narrowed at Bishop in outrage. “You brought that bitch here, you and Winston, to kill me!”

  “That is not true and you know it,” Bishop argued. “Winston and I nearly died saving your life.”


  “If I wanted you dead, I would have let you fall, you idiot.” He stomped to the side of the bed and shook his head in disbelief at a man who did not deserve his help. “Where is Winston? When I saw him last, he tended to your wounds instead of those he received while rescuing you.”

  Godfrey sneered as he leaned closer. “Winston is gone.”

  “What do you mean?” Bishop asked, flinching away from the force of malice in those few words. “What have you done to him? Where is he?”

  When the King didn’t answer, he lunged forward and grabbed him by his shirt, shaking him as the man cursed and clawed at his hands. “Get off me!”

  “Where is he?” Bishop yelled louder, and the doors flew open. The guards poured in and he was surrounded. Letting go of the King, Bishop stepped back and lifted his hands, glowering at the man coughing and hacking in bed, weakened from Valen’s attack.

  “He is gone,” Godfrey grunted. “Gone from this palace and, by now, this city! He has left us and why else would he do that if not out of guilt?”

  “Or because you forced him out,” Bishop argued. “You have very few allies in this world and you sent one of the most loyal men you had away from your side. Do you understand what is coming? Do you realize this fight with Valen and her demons is only just beginning?”

  For a split second, Godfrey’s eyes flared green and Bishop waited to see if his Demon half would make an appearance. No, the king wouldn’t grant him this pleasure; after he blinked, his eyes returned to normal. “You listen well, Bishop of Harborage,” he seethed, aiming a finger at his face. “You will do as I command because I am your king. You will hunt Winston down and bring him to me so he can receive the punishment he deserves. If you refuse, then I will consider you in league with the man and place a bounty on your head as well.”

  Bishop barely took a half-step forward that two guards crossed their spears before him. “You can’t do this.”

  “Actually, you’ll find being king, I can do whatever I wish.”

  “Until Tavin reclaims the throne,” he said, without thinking, and Godfrey lunged forward, slapping weakly at Bishop’s face.

  The guards separated them and shoved Bishop towards the doors. Godfrey yelled obscenities the entire way until Bishop was too far down the corridor to hear him. The guards threw him and he stumbled, hitting his knees and palms hard on the floor. He whipped around to tell them off, but a glimmer drew his attention, leading down another corridor. The guards were too busy hustling back to their King’s side to notice him dart down in that direction instead of leaving the palace. A strange tugging grew in his gut and each step only increased its pull, dragging him blindly through the place. Luckily, there were no guards, and the few servants he passed gave him little notice. Eventually, his feet staggered to a stop outside another set of double doors, covered in dust and showing their age.

  Tentatively, he reached out with his boot and pushed. The right door creaked as it swung inwards into a shadowy room, and Bishop slipped inside. The room had not been entered in quite some time and appeared to be an old study. Books and stacks of parchment covered the floor and the tables set around the edges and in the center. He moved through the room, taking his time to run his fingers over each surface. He was brought here for a reason, and he was not leaving until whatever it was presented itself.

  After walking around the entire space three times and still finding nothing, he had to face the facts. He sighed and neared the doors.

  “Maybe you are going crazy after
all,” he whispered to himself, when a book thudded to the floor behind him, making him jump. “Or maybe not.”

  Peeking out the door to ensure he was still alone, he hurried to the book and flipped it open. Pages of scribbled writing filled them, similar to the writing in Lachlan’s journal. He skimmed a page or two and realized, very quickly, this was not the late King’s journal, but his brother’s. Godfrey’s journal. He knew he couldn’t stay there to read it, so he tucked it away in his bags.

  You have received: Journal of King Godfrey.

  Accepted Quest: Piecing Together a Traitor’s Past.

  “Now it’s getting interesting,” he said to himself, and he rushed out of the door to the entrance to the palace. As soon as he was back through and standing on the main steps, the other quest updated with another prompt as well.

  Accepted Quest: Humbling the King Part II. Find Sir Ulfric Winston and reach the truth. The decision lies with you to kill him or to believe him, but know this will change your rep in the game.

  “Of course it will because nothing in this game is easy.”

  “Bishop?” Calista said nearby, and he closed the prompts. “How did it go?”

  “You’re the only one finished?”

  “No, the others already messaged me. They’re back at the guild house, but I was too anxious so I stayed to wait for you,” she told him, eyeing him closely and squeezing his arms. “She show up again? Hurt you? Do I need to go kick someone’s rear?”

  He captured her hands and smiled. “No, but I do need to talk to the other half-breeds in our guild. Something just changed drastically for me and I’m praying it’s the same for them.”

  “Good, you all can talk about that while we make plans for our next adventure.”

  “Adventure?” he questioned.

  “Yeah, we’re taking on the Dead Man’s Bay instance.”

  “Great, more zombies,” he groused. “At least, Trajan won’t be with us, so we don’t have to hear him whining about dead bodies.”


  Bishop flipped through Godfrey’s journal from front to back repeatedly as the others debated if they needed to prepare any more for the instance before doing it. He tried to listen, but his mind wandered to the two journals in his possession now. Lachlan’s and Godfrey’s. Each told a very different story, and his suspicions that Valenastrious had been working at controlling him since the time of Lachlan’s death only grew with each word he read. Somehow, the Demon Queen had a stronger foothold in Samar than they all first assumed.


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