Gettin' Lucky in Kentucky

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Gettin' Lucky in Kentucky Page 4

by Shane Morton

  I glanced over my shoulder and saw them walk over to a table parallel to ours but on the other side of the room. Sure enough, Mason McKendrick walked into my view and sat over in the corner. He saw me and nodded, a sly smile creeping across his face.

  “I don’t really care,” I lied. I was totally annoyed with him, and he was probably a complete jock dick, but my libido still kicked in when I saw him. He was that fucking pretty, even if he was conceited butt-face. “After Saturday, I think he might be a dick. Still wish he was our starter, but he’s not as hot as he used to be to me.”

  “You are such a bad liar,” Gina droned as if saying this to me wasn’t even worth it. “He is so hot, that if he walked through fire, he wouldn’t even break a sweat. That’s how hot he is. Damn… I should start going to the games with you, boys. Hey! Oh my god! It’s the twins… Fuck, they are… ginger gods.”

  “You did not just say, ginger gods…” Chad chuckled. “They’re cool. I’ll give them that.” Chad had grown to respect them Saturday night. They did handle the scuffle quite well.

  “All I want is my burger. I’m starving. What’s taking them so long?” I asked, hoping it would change the subject. My friends liked to bitch about being hungry.

  “Dude… McKendrick keeps looking over here at you.” Mike said, slowly trying not to glance back over at their table.

  I looked up and shot my eyes over in his direction. Mason was looking over at me. He noticed me looking at him and cocked an eyebrow in my direction and winked with the other eye, a stupid beautiful smile across his face.

  I quickly looked away. He was maddening. Why was he even bothering? It wasn’t like he knew me, or we were friends or anything. I met him Saturday, and we said like, maybe five sentences, and it ended with me telling him I thought he was an asshole. He knew exactly what I thought. Maybe that was the problem. Maybe his ego was so large that he couldn’t stand having anyone on this campus think that he wasn’t amazing.

  Well, he wasn’t. He was a pompous ass who believed that the jocks on this campus deserved special attention.

  No matter how hard my heart beat, or how hard my dick was, it wasn’t hard enough to forget the kind of person he was.

  Mason McKendrick was a dick.



  Twice in just a few days…

  There was something about that boy that had gotten under my skin. He was pretty clear what he thought about me, even though he really didn’t give me much of a chance. Maybe I didn’t quite say what I meant, but I was being put on the spot, and my defenses went right up.

  Yeah, I probably didn’t make a very good first impression.

  And he was a fan.

  Was, being the most important word of that sentence.

  Yeah… there definitely was something about him that I couldn’t quite get out of my head.


  He was too fucking cute for my own good. If we kept meeting like this, and if he would just give me a second chance, then maybe my life here at Moray would change. Maybe I would be brave enough to admit who I was to my friends and teammates.

  That would be a big step.

  Hell, I don’t know if he’s even gay. The odds were not in my favor. I remembered that I needed to text Gwen. I pulled out my phone and shot her a quick text.

  Do U know a gay guy named Calvin? Tall, cute, and stuffy?

  Could I admit to everyone I was a card-carrying friend of Dorothy? Hell, was I? Was I bi? I got it up with girls. I liked it.

  So, could I tell the Twins that I wanted to suck dick?

  As far as we know, there has never been an out athlete at this school in any of the major sports. No football, baseball, or basketball players have ever been brave enough to step out of the closet.

  I’ve always hated that analogy. Why a closet? Why not a drawer. I hide shit in drawers, not my closet. My closet is small and meticulously clean. You open a drawer in my dorm, and it's packed with shit I didn’t know what to do with.

  Hiding in the drawer makes so much more sense.

  I glanced over at him and watched him wipe the grease off his mouth with a napkin. He dabbed at the sides of his mouth. Fuck, that was cute. He looked up and noticed me watching him. A frown fell across his face.

  I picked up my burger and took a bite. I didn’t want to bother him. Besides, now wasn’t the time, but I was going to find out about him, one way or another.

  He and his friends all got up and walked over to the cash register to pay on their way out. I had to stop myself from getting up and running over to talk to him. That probably wouldn’t go over too well with my teammates right now. It wasn’t that they weren’t cool, they were just jocks.

  The twins would be the least of my concern. They would just think its cool because that’s how they were. Ever since they became Instafamous, they hung out with all kinds of people now on their photoshoots. It would probably make them like me even more. But the rest…

  It was a crapshoot.

  I watched him walk out into the bright light and disappear into it. Part of me, a large part, actually wanted to get up and follow him to learn a little more about him. I realized how creepy that was. So I didn’t.

  I finished my burger and laughed at the guy's jokes as we shot the shit. My stomach was uneasy, and the chicken sandwich wasn’t helping, or maybe it was the fries. I had to be over at the Lohry Center in fifteen minutes. The thought of walking int here and getting help for one of the campus’ easiest classes made me feel completely stupid.

  I struggled with classes. Of course, I did. I wasn’t exactly a dumb jock, but I had never really learned to study. I coasted through high school as the football star and when I got here… Well, it wasn’t as easy. I struggle to get C’s. But this should have been cake. It wasn’t. All of their fucking names sound alike. They are all Italian and old and dead.

  I listened to the twins talk about their last trip to LA and the shoot they did on the beach until I had to get up to leave.

  “I got to get out of here, guys. I’ll catch you all later,” I said as I slid my chair out and stood up.

  “Where you going, McKendrick? You got class?” Elder asked. “We were just getting to the part where we met the female twins we shoot with.”

  “You’ll have to catch me up later. Believe it or not, I have a meeting. Oooo…” I said mysteriously as I walked away.

  “Don’t sign any contracts until our lawyer looks at them,” Elliot joked loudly. All of the guys laughed, even if it wasn’t that funny. That was just how it was.

  I paid and walked across the street.

  The Lohry Center had large columns that stood in front of the building. A lot of the buildings on this campus were built in the old Greek revival style. I learned that in my Freshman O class. See, I learned something while I was here.

  I passed between the columns and entered into the main lobby. The tutoring center sat to the right of the lobby, and a small library with old books sat to the left. I’ve never wanted to go into a library so bad in my life. I rubbed the back of my neck and could feel the clamminess as my nerves got the best of me.

  These people were here to help. It was their job. I took a deep breath and opened the door and walked inside.

  I walked over to a desk where a young girl sat. Her jaw dropped as I walked up to her. It happened on this campus with the football fans. I gave her my most dazzling smile.

  “Hi there. I have an appointment with Dean Whiting,” I said as normal as possible as if I weren’t here because I was failing a class.

  “Name?” she asked, smiling back at me.

  Okay, so she wasn’t a fan.

  “Mason McKendrick,” I dropped my voice so it wouldn’t be heard by anyone else.

  She looked down at her clipboard. “Sure. She will be with you in a second. Just have a seat over there, and she’ll come out to get you.” She spun around and slapped the cubicle wall behind her. I turned and walked over to the chair and took a seat.

p; A head popped up behind the cubicle. Motherfucker…

  Calvin’s eyes were wide and confused, almost filled with panic when he spotted me. I grinned at him, happy to see him, and then it hit me.

  Shit… He worked here.

  Then another thing slapped me across the face harder. HE WORKS HERE! This is perfect. Here was an opportunity.

  “Calvin!” I said happily at the realization that I might get a second chance with him.

  “Mason?” he said completely lost for words. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Well, I thought I would ask you how you liked your lunch. Looked a little greasy to me,” I answered slyly, winking at him.

  “Did you follow me over here?” he said, confused. Maybe a little concerned.

  “He has an appointment,” the girl at the desk said, matter of factly.

  “Oh…” He stared at me. “Why?”

  “Why do people usually have an appointment here?” I shrugged. I wasn’t fast on my feet, usually. I wanted a snappier comeback, but I couldn’t think of one fast enough.

  “Oh… Okay,” he disappeared behind his cubicle. I got up and walked over. I put my elbow on the corner and leaned in towards him.

  “So, you work here? You’re a tutor?” I asked as if that were cool.

  “Yep. I do… That’s what it is that I am here for…”

  “I need a tutor, I guess,” I smiled sadly. “I have to pass this class, and I am having a hard time with it.”

  “What class?” he turned towards me.

  “Uh… Art Appreciation… I know… It’s just…” I stuttered, feeling like a fool.

  He grinned back to me. “It’s not that easy a class, I promise. There are a lot of names to memorize. People think it’s a coast class. It is not.”

  “Thanks, man. I’ve been feeling like an idiot,” I said. “However, I am glad that I got to get another chance with you. I felt like… Well, like you didn’t like me very much.”

  “Mason… I don’t really know you. However, you and I are on different sides of an issue that I’ve had around here since I started college.” He ran his fingers through his hair. Chills ran up my arm.

  “Jock perks? About that… I don’t really…”

  “Mason?” A woman said to me from the door to her office. “I’m ready.” She said quickly as if she were annoyed at having to meet with me.

  “Continue this later?” I asked sweetly, feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket.

  “I don’t see why…” Calvin turned back around to his computer. He was going to be a tough nut to crack. But I was willing to put in the time, I think.

  I pulled my phone out as I walked towards the tall, middle-aged lady with blonde hair. I guess she’s Dean Whitmer… I glanced at the phone.

  Yep! Calvin. Green eyes. Tall. Hot. Gay.

  I smiled as I entered her office and stuffed the phone into my pocket. My heart pounded. My stomach flipped. It was as if I were walking onto the football field for the first time.

  Calvin was gay. Holy shit! The cutie who had captured my mind was actually someone with whom I… Shit… If things… Everything could be…

  I was in trouble.

  “Is everything okay, Mason? There’s no reason for you to be alarmed.” Dean Whitmer studied me, concerned about the war that was ravaging my body and soul right now. I couldn’t even think much less answer her, so I nodded.

  “Have a seat. I know that, well, you spoke to Dean Winston today. He actually came to see me about you. Having a little trouble, I see.” She thumbed through the file in front of her. “You’ve managed C’s and B’s in everything else, but the rules for academics have to be followed. Let’s see if we can get someone to help you out with that class and stop you from getting put on probation. We have three weeks until your midterms. You have a paper due, two quizzes, and the midterm. If you put in the work with one of our tutors, I don’t see why we can’t raise your GPA to a passing grade in that time. Andrew is our best tutor with the arts, so I think I will put him with you.”

  “Can I have Calvin?” The words fell out of my mouth before I even had a chance to stop them or think about them.

  “Oh… He’s the best tutor we have, and I am afraid his schedule is full.” She looked at me over her glasses. “I take it you two know each other?”

  “Yes, a little. It would make me feel better, Dean Whitmer. If you would like me to talk to Dean Winston about it, I would be happy to,” I said quietly. Ashamed at playing that card. Here at Moray, athletics ruled, and if I wanted Calvin, Dean Winston would make sure I got him, I thought.

  She sighed and sat back in her chair. “Calvin… Mason, you would be putting me in a difficult position. There’s no way I could add you to his schedule. The Dean and I spoke today, and he wants you to get daily tutoring when you are in town and not on away games. Calvin doesn’t really have that time. Dean Winston is paying for you to have a private tutor for the rest of the semester, to make sure that you get through the fall with no other hiccups.” She looked at my file. “Social Science, math, two classes in your major, and Art Appreciation. I mean, Calvin would be great at these other classes too, but…”

  “I need Calvin, Dean Whitmer. Please… I don’t really want to beg, but he is the only one that I would feel comfortable with. And I wouldn’t want to come here if you don’t mind. I don’t think I would do well in this type of environment. I would prefer my room or the library, I think. I would… uh… Like to keep this private.” I was begging. I even whined a little.

  “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, Mason.” She smiled at me, trying to put me at ease.

  “I know… It’s just… I would prefer it if it would be okay with you. It’s not against the rules, is it?” I batted my eyes at her. I was a very handsome man. Flirting had always gotten me far. And yes, I was embarrassed. How would it make me look if I was seen coming and going from the tutoring center? People on this campus know me, and maybe it made me an ass, but it would bother me for people to know.

  “No. It’s not against the rules. I suppose that can be arranged, but as for your choice of tutor…”

  “Dean Whitmer, please… It has to be him. I am so stressed right now with the games and being captain of the team on top of helping to train the new quarterback. I don’t think that I would succeed with anyone else. I trust Calvin. I don’t know why, really. But it has to be him.” I leaned forward and put my head in my hands. She almost gasped, thinking that I was about to have a breakdown. Don’t judge me… I know it was a shitty thing to do. But my heart needed this chance. I was laying my entire college career on the line.

  “Mason… I can’t promise anything. I would need to hire two tutors to do the work that Calvin does. Let me talk to Dean Winston, and I will see what I can do. She sounded defeated, and I felt bad for her. Not bad enough to let her off the hook. I wanted Calvin. I wanted this chance to get to know him and to hopefully make him like me. I wanted to see if there was anything really there or was it just my own needs, finally breaking through, and he was the new fixation.

  I stood up and smiled at her and held out my hand. “Thank you, Dean Winston, I really do appreciate it.”

  She shook my hand and smiled at me. She seemed genuine, and I was sure that she landed in this job because she actually cared about the students and their success. That made me feel even guiltier.

  “Is this your cell?” She handed me the paper, and I nodded as I handed it back to her. “Okay, your tutor will contact you once we come up with a plan. They will contact you tomorrow.”

  “Thank you,” I said sincerely, looking her in the eyes. “Today has been a hell of a day.”

  “Tell me about it,” she said flatly, as I walked out of her office.

  Calvin wasn’t at his desk. I guess he was with some other student. I walked by the girl at the desk. “Tell Calvin I said bye.”

  She laughed and shook her head.

  Somehow the day looked brighter.


/>   Calvin

  “You have got to be kidding me!” I said much louder than I had planned. I could feel my face growing red. I was unsure if it was embarrassment or anger.

  “Calvin… Look, I don’t know what to tell you. Mason is important to the school right now, and he needs help. That is your job.” Dean Whitmer sat down defeatedly in her chair. She knew this was a waste of my talent and my time. “You’re the best, and Mason needs the best. Besides, the athletic department is cutting us a check that will allow me to hire two new tutors for the year. Once that money is in my budget, Calvin, I will get it rolled over for next year too. This is great for the campus and this department. Can you see that?”

  “I am going to be Mason McKendrick’s private tutor for the rest of the semester? That’s… I don’t even know what to say. Of course, I am. The football team gets whatever they want, don’t they?” My frustration was boiling over, and I was madder than a cat on a hot tin… well, you know what I mean.

  “Yeah, hon, they do. It’s called the university food chain. They bring in all the major donors and a ton of money for the school, so yeah, they get special treatment. It’s not Mason’s fault, or even the coaches, it’s just the way it is. It’s how the college functions and can afford things like dance minors and sculpture. The athletics department helps out every other department just by being there.” She crossed her arms and looked at me.

  “Fucking Mason… He asked for me, didn’t he?” I said stubbornly. I was really going to give him a piece of my mind when I saw him.

  “They asked for the best. You are the best, Calvin. This isn’t Mason’s doing.” She glanced down at the file and picked it up for me. “Here is his class schedule and practice schedule and the syllabi for his classes. Look at it this way, honey. You got a break. You only have one client, and the rest of the time, you can focus on your own studies. It is what you wanted, isn’t it? A lighter load…”

  “Dammit… yes. Patricia, I… Fine. I will do it, not like I really had a choice, but I’ll drag him kicking and screaming into a B if it kills me. He’s not even going to know what hit him. When is he coming in?” I asked, not seeing it in the file.


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