Color of Forgiveness

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Color of Forgiveness Page 20

by Madeleine Beckett

  “I wanted to kill her…” Dylan growls.

  Natalie chuckles. “I can imagine. I would have loved to have seen your face,” Natalie says with a snicker. “So when can you come? What about this weekend? You can spend the night if you want; you know we have plenty of room.”

  “Eh, I don’t know…”

  “Please? It would mean so much to me. Besides, you need to come before the baby gets here because after that it’s going to be crazy.”

  “I’ll think about it,” Dylan answers gruffly.

  “Okay. It was really great talking to you.”

  Dylan frowns as he hangs up and thinks about Natalie’s proposition. It might not be such a bad idea to get Myra out of Nyssa for a weekend. At least she’d be safe.

  He makes one stop at a drug store and half an hour later, he pulls into Myra’s driveway. When he gets out of his truck, he stretches his back, his eyes darting all around. He hates the thought that someone could be lurking around somewhere, watching Myra. He taps lightly on her door and a moment later hears the locks clicking as Myra unlocks it and swings the door open. Her face lights up with the most beautiful smile. Dylan’s heart melts a little, and a huge grin breaks out across his face in response.

  Stepping through the door, he pulls her body next to his and buries his face in her hair. “Fuck, I missed you,” he mumbles.

  “I missed you too.” She pulls her head back slightly so she can look into his eyes, touching his cheek softly with her hand. “I was so worried about you. How did it go?”

  He shrugs. “It was all right. It went a hell of a lot better than I thought it would,” he says, staring at her lips. He doesn’t want to talk right now. He just wants to touch her… inappropriately… with his cock, which happens to be really fucking hard.

  He threads his fingers through her soft hair and leans in, touching his lips softly to hers. He kisses her gently, small kisses over and over against her mouth. Myra shoves her hands into his hair and crashes her lips hard against his. He groans at the contact, loving that she seems to want him as much as he wants her. Slowly, his lips trail a path from her mouth to her ear. “I’m supposed to work on your cabinets…”

  “I know,” she says in a breathy voice.

  “But I want you. I want you naked. I want you all the damn time.”

  Myra moans softly.

  “Do you want me?” he asks in a low voice before gently biting on her neck.


  “What do you want?”

  “You… I want you.”

  “Do you want my cock?”

  She moans again. “Yes…”

  “Say it... Tell me you want my cock.”

  “I want your cock,” she says with a soft moan.

  Dylan’s breathing hitches, and he’s almost fucking panting when he pulls back to look at Myra’s flushed face. “Holy fuck, that was hot. Say it again.”

  “I want your cock.”

  He slams his lips against hers, and rubs his hard cock against her. “I’m gonna give you every fucking inch of my cock, woman. Now get your sweet ass upstairs. I want to ravage you in your bed.”

  She turns and makes a mad dash for the stairs. He follows after her and can’t seem to get up the damn stairs fast enough.

  * * *

  “Oh god, Dylan…” Myra groans, her hands fisting the sheets. His fingers rub against her faster, and she falls over the edge, hard, splintering into a million pieces.

  “Oh, fuck,” Dylan shouts as he pounds into her from behind, his grip on her hips almost painful. “I can feel you… I can feel that. Oh, Jesus, I can’t hold on any longer. I’m gonna cum… fuck…” He thrusts into her rapidly, moaning and panting. “Myra, oh shit…”

  His thrusts slow to a lazy pace until he’s spent. He pulls out and flops on the bed beside her, pulling her down onto his chest. “Jesus, that was fucking good. Feel my heart,” he says between pants as he places her hand on his chest. It pounds so hard she can see it beating underneath his skin.

  “You’re not going to die on me, are you?” she asks with a grin.

  He barks out a laugh. “Nah, you know I can go all night long,” he says, grinning. “But if I do die, just know that I died an incredibly happy man. That dirty talk…” he shakes his head. “You definitely have to do more of that shit. I liked that a lot.”

  “I noticed,” Myra says with a shy smile. “I need to go clean up. I’ll be right back.”

  Dylan frowns and makes a whining sound. “Hurry up. You know I like to cuddle.”

  Myra kisses his chest before hopping off the bed and making her way to the bathroom. The smile slips from her face and she takes in a deep breath. She has to tell Dylan about Sabrina. She planned on telling him the minute he stepped into the door, but he just looked so happy seeing her and she was so happy that he went to see the therapist. Then things just got so out of control that before she knew it, she was upstairs naked. She hopes that maybe he won’t take the news so hard now that he’s a little more relaxed. A lot more relaxed, she thinks to herself, grinning again. After quickly cleaning up, she steps back into the bedroom.

  “Took you long enough,” Dylan says with a frown.

  “I was only gone a minute,” she says.

  Dylan sits up and grabs her, pulling her on top of him.

  “But a minute’s too long,” he says in a low voice, hugging her close.

  “You’re such a needy caveman.”

  “Very needy,” Dylan whispers as his fingers play with her hair.

  Myra runs her fingers along his upper arm. “What’s this?” she asks, touching the patch on his arm. “I was going to ask you about it earlier when you took your shirt off, but you distracted me.”

  “It’s one of those nicotine patches. You don’t know how fucking bad I want a cigarette right now,” he says shaking his head. “But I threw my smokes in the trash. I’m doing this for you. I’d do anything for you, you know that, right?”

  Myra smiles, her eyes tearing up. “Thank you. But I want you to do it for yourself. I want you to live a long, happy life.”

  “I’ll be happy if I’m with you,” Dylan says softly.

  Myra smiles and touches his cheek and jaw tenderly, lowering her head to give him a soft kiss. When they part, she lays her head on his chest, smiling as his hand strokes up and down her back.

  “I’m so proud of you that you kept your appointment today,” she says. “Do you want to talk about it? I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to,” she says quickly.

  “Stop,” Dylan says as he pokes her in the rib with a finger, causing her to squeal. “I wanna tell you about it. It was all right. When I called to set the appointment, I didn’t pick the doc out; I just told them to set me up with whoever because I really didn’t give a shit, but get this… the doc’s name was Mitchum.”

  Myra lifts her head up to look at him, leaning her elbows against his chest. “Seriously…? That’s crazy. Did it bother you?”

  “Hell, yeah, it bothered me a lot at first but then it wasn’t so bad. She told me I could switch to another doc if I wanted, but… I don’t know. I decided not to. So I made another appointment. I’m willing to give it another shot. I wanna get better and shit… for you.”

  She kisses him softly on the mouth before gently kissing his heart and laying her cheek against it again. For a long moment they’re quiet, content to just lie in each other’s arms. Her fingers play with the hair on his chest as he continues to run his fingers slowly up and down her back.

  She clears her throat. “I had a visitor this afternoon.”


  She sits up again, leaning against his chest and stares at his frowning face. “Sabrina.”

  “What the hell?” he shouts.

  Myra tenses, her eyes widening at the sudden loudness of his voice.

  He sits up, pushing Myra off his chest. “She came here? How the hell did she know where you lived? What the hell did she want?”

  “Calm down,�
� Myra says, grabbing her hand in his.

  “I’m not gonna calm down because her ass should’ve never been over here. Now what did she want.”

  Myra knew he’d overreact. “She just said she came to visit you and when you weren’t home, she dropped by Marshall’s and mentioned to Lucia that she was an old friend of mine and that she’d lost my address. And of course Lucia gave it to her.”

  “That bitch. I’d like to wring her fucking neck…”

  “Lucia’s always had a big mouth.”

  “So what did Sabrina want?”

  “She basically told me that she wants you back.”

  “Why would she tell you that? Jesus Christ. I don’t want her, Myra. What I had with her is over. I don’t love her anymore.” Dylan pulls her into his lap and wraps his arms around her. “I only want you. I know I have a lot of history and shit with her, but it’s done. She has a lot of fucking nerve coming here and telling you that. You can be guaranteed that I will set her straight and let her know where things stand.”

  “She said she was going to fight for you. I think that for some reason she has it in her head that since you told her you’d wait on her, she feels like you owe her another chance.”

  “I should’ve never fucking told her that, but I felt guilty for leaving her and I wanted her to get better. I probably would’ve promised her anything to help her get clean. You do understand that I only want to be with you, right?” Dylan asks as he rubs his thumb against her cheek.

  Myra nods.

  “I’ll take care of things with her. She won’t be bothering you anymore.”

  Myra nods again. “Do you think she was the one that slashed my tires?”

  Dylan frowns. “Sabrina? Hell, no.”

  “But don’t you think it’s kind of strange that my tires got slashed, and then she suddenly showed up on my doorstep telling me how she’s going to fight for you?”

  “I’ll admit it’s a little strange, but I know Sabrina. She’d never do something like that.”

  “But I’m the one standing in the way of what she wants. She wants you and she hates me. You should’ve seen how angry she was. Maybe she’s using drugs again.”

  Dylan shakes his head. “She could be using again, but she’s just not capable of doing something like that.”

  Myra nods and keeps her mouth shut, a little offended that he would defend Sabrina so quickly. For some reason, she can’t quite let go of the thought that Sabrina is somehow involved.

  * * *

  “So is Dylan giving you a power drill demonstration?” Susie asks before snickering like an idiot.

  “Shut up. He’s downstairs working on my cabinets.”

  “Why’s he working so late?”

  Myra refuses to tell her it’s because they spent the afternoon in bed. She clears her throat. “His therapy appointment was today so he wanted to make up for the time he was gone. He was supposed to go see his chiropractor, but he canceled because he didn’t want leave me again.”

  “I love your man. So how did the therapy go?”

  “Good. He scheduled another appointment.”

  “That’s super fantastic! I’m so proud of the hottie. You have to hear what happened. I was sitting at my desk earlier minding my own business when Trent came up and tried to threaten me. He said he was going to take me to court and sue me for my little stunt I pulled. So I slowly stood up and pointed my finger at his puny little chest and said, ‘Go right ahead, bucko, and as soon as you do, I’m going to have Lori pull out that little video she has of you boinking Julia on the conference room table, you dickhead. And you can then kiss your job goodbye, asswipe’.”

  Susie laughs boisterously. Myra doesn’t laugh because the thought of Trent and Julia on the conference room table makes her nauseous.

  “Sorry, hon, I know you didn’t want to hear that, but you knew he was doing it. Myra, you should have seen his face. He turned completely white and then ten shades of purple. I thought his head was going to explode. He turned and stomped his little ass right out of my office. I’ve got his tiny little nuts fisted in my hand so tight. Just one little squeeze, and he’ll be screaming like a little bitch.

  “Oh, and I am so pissed at Jeff. You know how he goes to the gym like every other day? Well, every time he comes home, he’s horny as a cross-eyed toad. If I’m cooking supper, he’s in the kitchen, rubbing his junk all over me and molesting me the entire time. Now, I know, I know what you’re going to say. I should be happy that he wants me. But that’s the problem. I know why he’s horny. It’s because he’s been at that stupid gym gawking at big giant fake titties and tight buns of steel. I’ve seen what those women look like at the gym with their giant racks on display and those skin tight yoga pants they wear. And I just know that he’s been lusting after those women and has gotten all hot and bothered and is coming home and settling with my fat ass. I’m so mad at him that I could spit nails. He had the nerve to try to tell me that it was adrenaline or endorphins or something stupid like that. I bet if we had a gym at home with no tits and ass in his face, he wouldn’t want be mauling me afterwards.”

  “I can’t believe you just said that,” Myra says in an angry voice.


  “How many times have you read those stupid books with Desmond in them or drooled over pictures of him and then went and attacked Jeff? You’ve done that so many times, I can’t even count. What’s the difference in what you’re doing and accusing him of? You’re doing the same exact thing.”

  Susie makes a huffing sound. “I hate you, do you know that? Why do you have to be such a good friend that you call me out on my shit? Why can’t you just be a terrible friend and not tell me like it is because I was really enjoying being all pissy at Jeff for lusting after those skinny gym whores and now you’ve complete ruined it for me.”

  “And you know what else? I’ve actually read that exercise, especially weight-lifting, can increase testosterone levels in men. So Jeff is probably telling you the truth. He wants you. He comes home to you every night, and he loves you. You need to remember that.”

  “I know,” Susie moans. “It’s just that I get so down on myself sometimes. You know my self-esteem is in the crapper most days. I hate having this extra weight on me. I just don’t understand how Jeff would still want to be with me when I’m so humongous and revoltingly fat. I’m so pissed at myself that I blew my diet after what? Two days? I’m the Mayor of Loserville.”

  “You know Jeff loves you exactly the way you are. Just because you feel that you have a few extra pounds on you doesn’t mean you’re not beautiful because you are. You don’t have to be skinny to be beautiful. It comes from inside. You need to change the way you think about yourself.”

  “Okay, stop it. You’re going to make me cry. I’m a little PMS’y right now. I’ve been a little overly emotional the last few days. I almost cried watching a Geico commercial the other day. I felt sorry for the ugly ass caveman.”

  Myra giggles. “You’re crazy.”

  “Yes, I am. And I’m so glad that you like my brand of crazy.”

  “I love your brand of crazy.” Myra clears her throat and changes the subject. “Guess who stopped by my house today?”



  “Sabrina, the ex?” Susie shouts.


  “Holy shit... Why?”

  Myra quickly relays the conversation she had with Sabrina.

  “That bitch totally slashed your tires. She’s completely wacko.”

  “I thought so too. But Dylan defended her and said he didn’t think she did it.”

  “That’s because he was with her when she was sane, and now she’s clearly lost her marbles. She could totally be doing drugs again especially with her being that delusional.”

  “I know.”

  “I don’t care what Dylan says, watch your back. I don’t trust her.”

  “I will.”

  “All right, I gotta go. When I was in the k
itchen earlier and Jeff was trying to hump my leg, I almost clocked him in the nuts. I told him I wasn’t in the mood so he marched off and started pouting. Now I’m going to have to get the kids to bed and go strip him naked and throw him down on the bed. Thanks for setting my mind straight on things.”

  “You’re welcome. Just make sure you don’t hurt the poor guy,” Myra adds with a snicker.

  “He likes it when I hurt him.”

  “Ew…” Myra says with a shudder.

  “Love you, honey,” Susie says as she giggles hysterically.

  * * *

  Dylan’s phone rings. He yanks it out of his pocket and groans when he looks at the caller ID. More work. He’s got enough work to keep him busy for the next six months. He silences his phone, and lets it go to voicemail.

  As he screws the last cabinet into the wall, he thinks about Sabrina. He plans on calling her later and having a little talk with her. He thought for sure he’d made everything clear with her the last time he saw her, but apparently he didn’t. But he’ll make sure that she understands exactly where he stands, and that he doesn’t want her ever bothering Myra again.

  “Oh my god,” Myra says as she steps into the kitchen. “I don’t even recognize my kitchen. The cabinets look amazing. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” Dylan says with a grin as he starts putting away his tools. “Oh, I ordered the spring for your garage door too. It should be here tomorrow.”


  “So, are you coming home with me tonight, or do you want me to stay here?”

  “Whatever you want…”

  Dylan smirks. “You’re coming home with me. I want you in my bed again.” She smiles at him, and he can’t wait to have her between his sheets again.

  * * *

  Just as Myra puts the last few items in her overnight bag, she hears someone knocking on the door. She makes her way downstairs to find Dylan standing at the door looking out the small window.


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