Billionaire's Playmate

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Billionaire's Playmate Page 5

by Chance Carter

  Gosh, what do I go to first? I feel like the wardrobe might be an option. It’s one of those ones with the sliding mirrors that I can’t help checking myself out in.

  Tight jeans, calf length boots, and a thin jumper. Damn. I actually look good considering the rush I was in this morning. If Joe actually would have had a second to look at me this morning he might have liked what he saw. Now, to the snooping.

  I slide the door over and have a look at everything inside. Hmm. Mostly suits and ties, lots of pale colored shirts. I laugh to myself, he’s such a business man.

  Oh, but hello—what do we have here? A box in the back, behind some of the more expensive suits kept in covers. I kick the lid open with my foot to find a few, um… interesting things hidden inside.

  Gosh, Joe. Just what are you in to? The box is filled with leather straps and ropes, blind folds and—sex toys! I’ve found sex toys!

  I quickly flip the lid back on and close the wardrobe, I really don’t want him to know I was snooping! Oh, but… wow! He’s really kinky!

  “Ella?” a small voice from the doorway squeaks.

  “Laundry!” I shout, turning to see Marnie holding her notepad.

  “I finished what I was writing, do you think you could look over it now?”

  “Uh, yeah. Sure! Let’s go.”

  I lead Marnie away from her dad’s room, wondering how much she actually saw. She was standing in the doorway so she may not have seen anything but me slamming the wardrobe shut.

  Just go over her work with her. I’m sure she doesn’t know you were snooping. And she probably won’t tell Joe.

  I hope.

  Chapter 7


  My God, this day is dragging. How do they expect me to do this much work on a Saturday of all days! I just want to go home and spend some time in the sun with my daughter. Is that too much to ask?

  “Mr. Abercrombie, sir,” my new assistant says as he steps into my office. Ugh, I really hate being called sir. It’s a pet peeve of mine.

  “Please, I’ve told you already. Call me Joe.” I smile at him and he almost seems to melt a little. It’s cute.

  “Uh– yes, sorry, Sir– I mean Joe.” He stands there holding a tablet in his arms. I’m pretty sure he came in to tell me something. This is his first big job and he’s clearly overwhelmed.

  “You wanted to tell me something?” I say gently, to remind him.

  “Oh right, yes of course! Sorry. I was just going to say that the investors are ready to start the meeting.”

  He seems kind of proud, even though he hasn’t even told me it was scheduled for today.

  “Another meeting? Ash, why didn’t you tell me about it this morning?”

  “I tried to, but you were in such a hurry to get to your first meeting that I just left a note on your desk instead. He looks a little frightened now.

  Right, a note, huh. I look around my desk and genuinely can’t see anything, until I look on the floor. A small yellow sticky note is stuck to the carpet as if it fell off of my desk. I suppose I can’t blame him for this. It isn’t his fault it got moved before I saw it.

  “Okay, Ash. No problem. Just remember to remind me afterward as well. Just in case?”

  “I will, S—Joe.”

  “It’s just this last one, then I can finish up right? I don’t need to do anything else today, do I?”

  He flicks through the tablet, “No, you don’t. This is it for today, then we won’t see you until Wednesday.”

  “Thank you. Finally, some time off!”

  “Alright, should I start the conference call now?”

  “Yes, Ash. Thank you.”

  * * *

  That had to be one of the most boring meetings I’ve ever had. They kept on talking and talking when the whole issue could have been solved in about 10 minutes.

  Anyway, now that it’s all dealt with I can finally go home. I collect my things and loosen my tie before heading out of my office.

  “Ash, you’re alright to lock up aren’t you?” I ask, throwing the keys to him.

  “Yes, of course Mr. Joe, Sir!” he stutters to me. That’s sweet, it must be the first time anyone has let him do that. I should probably get someone to make sure he’s done it properly, just in case. But right now, I don’t really care. I can finally go home.

  I wait outside the front of my building for my driver to pick me up. It’s not that he’s late, it’s that he’s not here when I want him to be.

  A limousine pulls up in front of me and the back window rolls down.

  “Hey Joey!” an old friend of mine sticks his head out the window and reaches out to shake my hand.

  “Oh gosh, Michael? Hi, how are ya?” I am a little excited to see him.

  “It’s been a while hasn’t it! Where have you been?” he asks.

  “Oh, you know, here and there. I’ve moved out to the burbs with Marnie.”

  “Aw, isn’t that sweet!” he says, except I can hear laughter in the background.

  “Who else have you got back there?” I ask.

  “Oh, you know, the whole gang!” he replies, then the sunroof opens and a couple of guys stick their heads out.

  These guys are friends of mine from business school. We’ve worked together on a few projects, but have never hung out at all. They were always a bit too rowdy for my taste.

  “Hey Joey!” the guys all shout.

  “Hi guys. How’ve you been?”

  “They’re all fine,” Michael interrupts. “The important thing is that we’re all going out for a drink. We’ve just sold the old business and we’re all rich! Well, richer I guess!”

  The guys laugh again.

  “What, not that old thing? I thought you sold out years ago?” I can’t help but laugh, these guys were always working on crazy schemes together.

  “Not important, Joey boy. The important question is, “Are you going to come and have a drink with us?” Michael asks, and the old gang makes mock pouty faces at me to get me to come along.

  “I don’t know guys, I’ve got a new nanny for Marnie—” this sentence is interrupted by wolf whistles and cheers, “and I really should be getting back. I’m already late as it is.”

  “Well,” says Mark, one of the guys in the sunroof, “The way I see it, is that you’re already late. Might as well take advantage of the situation.”

  “And it’s only good experience for the nanny isn’t it?” Michael adds.

  “Come on! You’ve got to! We want to roll with Chad again!” Jeff, the other guy in the sunroof chimes in to a chorus of laughs from Michael and Mark.

  “Oh God,” I put my head in my hands. Chad is the name they gave my drunk self. Back in the days before I could hold my alcohol, on the occasions that I did go out drinking with these guys, I would always end up wasted. I didn’t intend to. I’m pretty sure they would sneak me extra shots to get what they thought was my fun side to come out.

  I sigh. I suppose it would be fun, and I’ve not really had any time off since—well, actually since ever.

  “You know what?” I say, “What the hell, I guess I’ll come along.” I grin and the guys cheer.

  Michael opens the door and pulls me inside, and just that fast I have a glass of ice cold champagne in my hand.

  “Chad, Chad, Chad!” they all chant. Oh Lord, they don’t want me to start downing drinks again do they? That was Chad’s trademark—going into posh places and drinking the most expensive thing he could, as quickly as he could. Hmm… what harm could it do? I won’t drink that much tonight, and it’ll just be a few hours.

  I down the glass, much to the pleasure of my old friends. They’re already pretty drunk, so I’ve got some catching up to do.

  * * *

  When we arrive at the bar, I’m already on my third glass. I can already feel my tongue loosening, just waiting to start blabbing to these guys about Ella. I can’t believe I’m thinking this, but my God, she is stunning. I wish I’d had a chance to get a proper look at her this morning, but f
rom what I could see of her tight jeans—stop it! Just sneak a peek later when you get home. Home! Oh crap! I was supposed to be home hours ago.

  Mark comes back holding a tray with four pints, and I think we’re on our fourth round now? He hands them out to each of us as Michael finally finds the picture on his phone that he was looking for.

  “There she is!” Michael says proudly, showing us all a picture of his new girlfriend.

  “She’s pretty stunning,” Mark says, eyeing up the picture.

  “Sure, she’s nice,” I agree.

  “Nice?” Michael says in shock, “She’s gorgeous!”

  “If you say so,” I smile smugly, knowing she couldn’t hold a candle to Ella.

  “Alright then big shot, let’s hear about you then. Last time we heard, you were marrying that crazy girlfriend of yours from school?” Jeff rolls his eyes at me.

  “Hey come on now. Julia wasn’t crazy.”

  The guys all moan and groan. “At least that’s what all the other guys she slept with said about her!”

  The guys all laugh, and I guess it wasn’t a very tasteful joke, but she did have quite a few affairs. She was a bit of a drama queen, always trying to cause trouble, and to be honest I was glad to get rid of her. I don’t want her to be any kind of influence on our daughter.

  “No, but in all seriousness, we got a divorce a few years back. She keeps trying to call me though, saying she wants another try and all that. But I’ve just been ignoring her. Another part of moving out here was to get away from her as well.”

  Michael laughs, “Classic Joe, hiding from his girlfriend!”

  “What?” I say, rolling my eyes.

  “To be honest, I’ve been hiding from my wife for ages. No telling what would happen if she found out what I got up to while she was away?” Jeff laughs.

  “Yeah, me too. I’m pretty sure Alice is sleeping with my assistant at the moment, but to be honest, it keeps her away from me,” Mark adds.

  “I can’t believe you guys.”

  They are honestly the worst when it comes to loyalty and being faithful. I’m starting to remember why I stopped hanging out with them, or at least why Julia wanted me to stop.

  “Okay, well what have you got going on at the moment? You must have had someone between now and then?” Mark asks.

  “Actually, no. I’ve had to focus on taking care of Marnie.” I suppose I’ve put her above all else. Between that and work I’ve not had a chance to think about women. But then again, what about Ella? “I suppose there is someone I’m interested in.”

  The guys laugh and egg me on to spill the details.

  “Alright, alright, she’s Marnie’s new nanny. I’ve just hired her and she’s at home with Marnie right now. She’s probably wondering where the hell I am right now for that matter.”

  “Going to punish you when you get back, eh?” Jeff nudges me.

  I roll my eyes, “Her name is Ella LeBlanc and she is absolutely gorgeous. She’s got a fantastic body and a beautiful smile. Plus she makes the best coffee I’ve ever had. I’ve run into her a couple of times around the shops back home, but now that I’ve hired her I can’t really do much, can I?”

  “Does she have to wear a special outfit to be a nanny?” Mark laughs, “Like a little maid’s outfit? Have you got a photo?” They all agree with Mark and seem eager to see what she looks like.

  “No, and no! She certainly does not. I want her to be a decent role model for my daughter, thank you,” I snap back at him.

  “Found her!” Michael shouts, flicking through his phone, “I searched her name and found her online and—” he stops, “Wow.”

  “What?” all the guys squeeze round to get a look.

  “Come on guys!” Part of me doesn’t want them in to invade her privacy, but I also want them to see how pretty she is.

  “She’s hot, like, sexy teacher hot,” Mark says, “How old is she?”

  “I’d say more of a librarian. You know, the kind that wears stockings and lingerie under her boring outfit. Takes off her glasses and undoes her bun to punish you for an overdue book,” Jeff says, pausing for a moment like he got a little too caught up in his fantasy.

  “Damn, Jeff,” the guys say, staring at him.

  “Alright, come on now, guys. She’s twenty-four,” I say. “Now, get off her page.”

  “Oh oh! Here we go! Bikini photos!” Michael shouts.

  “Give me that.” I snatch the phone from him and my mouth drops to the floor. There she is, Ella, my daughter’s new nanny, standing almost naked on a beach. The sun reflects off of her perfect skin and I imagine she’s just gotten out of the ocean because she’s practically glistening.

  The strings on her bikini are tied at her hips, and it looks like the slightest tug would cause them to fall to the floor.

  “Man, the things I would do to her,” Michael says.

  “Alright, that’s enough!” I find myself shouting, “You’ve had your fun. She’s mine.”

  “Oh, is she now?” Jeff laughs.

  I stop. I’ve had too much to drink and I should definitely get back on track. She’s not mine, she’s my daughter’s nanny, she works for me and I can’t take advantage of that.

  “It’s alright, Joey. We’re only having a little fun” Michael says, as he puts his phone away.

  “I’ve got to get back. It’s getting late,” I say.

  “Oh, come on, we didn’t mean it!” Jeff begs, “Chad’s not out yet, the night is young, stay a little longer!”

  “No, I can’t. I’ve already missed Marnie’s bedtime, and I’ve left Ella alone all this time.”

  The guys continue to laugh, “Well, you better get back to her then!” Mark says.

  I roll my eyes and turn to go, “You guys are the worst, you know that?”

  “Wouldn’t have it any other way!” Michael winks at me and they all drink to that ridiculous sentiment, “See you around, Joey.”

  I wave to them as I stumble slightly on my way out of the bar. Home is probably a good idea. I need sleep.

  * * *

  As I make my way through my door, Ella is on the sofa waiting for me. She doesn’t look mad. That’s good.

  She turns to me abruptly and runs over, “Joe! Where have you been?”

  Ah, shouting, so loud…

  “Hey, calm down. I just went for a few drinks after work with some guys from college.”

  She pauses for a moment, “Are you drunk?” she looks a little frightened.

  “Maybe a little, but I’m still good.” I’m not swaying right now, and I’m pretty sure I’m standing up straight.

  “Joe, this is… I don’t really know what to say. I put Marnie to bed a few hours ago and I’ve just been waiting for you. Why didn’t you call?”

  “I figured you’d be okay. And besides, you could always stay here.” Crap, I’m reaching toward her, what the hell am I doing?

  She bats my hand away and steps back, “Joe, what are you doing?”

  “What? I know we both want to. What’s the problem?”

  “Okay, that’s it. I’m going home now. I’m not sure if this is the kind of thing I’m willing to put up with.”

  “Oh, no wait!” I’m grabbing her wrist, I’m actually doing this! What is wrong with me!

  Chad, stop it, please!

  “Stop!” Ella knocks my hand off of her and runs out the door.

  “Wait, Ella!” I shout after her, but she’s not listening.

  She’s gone.

  Crap. I’ve ruined this already. Why did I go out drinking?

  I head upstairs to bed and see that my daughter is sitting at the bottom of her staircase, arms folded with a very disappointed look on her face.

  “Marnie?” I say.

  But she doesn’t reply. She just shakes her head, sits up and goes back to her bedroom.

  Wow. I’ve really screwed this up.

  Chapter 8


  “You… are… KIDDING!” Kat exclaims.

“Yeah, L! That is bonkers. I mean, I can’t believe you didn’t go for it!” Cameron shouts, in an equally emotional state.

  “What?” We both shout back.

  “Okay, I get the feeling we aren’t on the same page,” Cameron says, sinking into her seat.

  “So you’re telling us that Joe Abercrombie, the Joe Abercrombie, got drunk and hit on you, right after hiring you as his daughter’s nanny?” Kat asks, just to make sure she understands the situation.

  “Well… yeah, pretty much.” I shuffle uncomfortably in my seat, as both of my friends seem unable to comprehend what I’m saying. Then Kat turns to Cameron and starts shouting again.

  “And you—you think she should have gone for it? Completely sober! You know that’s taking advantage right?”

  “Yeah I know! But he’s so dreamy,” Cameron sighs.

  “You are mad, woman.” Kat rolls her eyes at Cameron, before turning back to me, “So, what are you going to do?”

  “What do you mean?” I reply, knowing what she means, but not really wanting to continue the conversation.

  “Well, you kind of need that job. Are you going to go back?”

  “I don’t know, I suppose I have to. But I’m going to be strict. I can’t lead him on, you know?”

  “Does that mean I can?” Cameron asks, excitedly.

  “No!” Kat and I shout over to her.

  “Oh fine, I won’t,” she gets up, probably to go back to the job she’s been ignoring, “But if he’s got any friends—?”

  “Go back to work!” Kat and I shout back at her again.

  “Seriously though, are you okay?” Kat asks, moving to the chair next to mine.

  “Yeah. It was just weird, you know? Like, God knows I want him to hit on me, but not like that. It was just shocking, and it made me uncomfortable. I can’t work for him if he’s going to be like that all the time.”

  “I’m pretty sure he won’t. He probably just needed to let off some steam and got a little carried away. You know how guys are.”

  “Yeah. You’re probably right.” I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket, then check to see that Joe is calling me. Oh God, what could he want?

  “Oh wow, that’s him!” I show Kat my phone, and she chokes on her coffee a little. “Well answer it!” she snaps.


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