Billionaire's Playmate

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Billionaire's Playmate Page 49

by Chance Carter

  “Oh,” Emma replied, trying to hide her disappointment, “I’d like that.” She would have enjoyed spending a little more time with the handsome stranger, learning more about him. He took her hand once more, holding it delicately between his own strong hands. His touch sent an unexpected shiver through her.

  “Until next time,” he assured through his gallant smile. He nodded gratefully at Luke before turning to go. She watched him take his leave, walking through the room with quiet authority as people on either side of him parted the way. She looked back at Luke who was staring at her, brows raised.

  “What?” she grinned sheepishly, knowing exactly what Luke was thinking.

  “Wasn’t he charming?” she whispered under her breath, hoping that “next time” would be sooner than later.

  Chapter 13

  She squirmed in the passenger seat as Luke drove her home, watching the city lights pass by, every bump and pothole keeping her acutely aware of the toy penetrating her delicate lady parts. She held her breath over and over again to keep from moaning out loud and displaying her pleasure to Luke.

  It hadn’t been a late night. Most of the house guests filtered out by 11:00 pm, probably anxious to continue their playtime at home. Luke had introduced her to only two other people, Mario and Lucia, a married couple who seemed happy to see him after a long spell. They chatted for a while and Emma was surprised by how ‘normal’ they seemed. No horns or scales under their clothing from what she could tell. They were just a fun-loving, open-minded, kinky couple that enjoyed spicing up their marriage. The truth was, she really didn’t know what to expect but it was very reassuring that people just like her and Luke sometimes had colorful sex lives and weren’t ashamed of it. She thought it was beautiful how they had such an honest, trusting relationship, something she never had with Andrew, a foreign concept to her.

  Luke had asked her if she wanted to play, promising to introduce her to a patient, gentle dominant, but the truth was, she was perfectly happy just being an observer. It wasn’t that she ruled it out, quite the contrary actually. The party had piqued her curiosity, made her comfortable enough to tease out her own fetishes, mild as they were compared to some. She just wasn’t quite ready to explore them so publicly, and certainly not with a stranger. She wondered if she ever would be, or if she would ever be fortunate enough find herself in a partnership like Mario and Lucia’s, exploring fantasies together, safe in each other’s arms.

  She thought again about Arran and wondered about what kind of man he was. He was obviously open-minded, maybe even a little adventurous, otherwise he wouldn’t have been at the party. He’d made an impression on her for sure, as short as their encounter had been.

  The vehicle bounced and shifted over another pothole. Emma looked at Luke and grimaced, drawing a chuckle out of him.

  “What’s so funny?” she grinned.

  He laughed again, and shook his head, “Just wondering if you’re comfortable.” “Not in the slightest,” she admitted playfully, giving him a stern look.

  “Your face is flushed,” he observed, his eyes lit with glee. Emma looked at him thoughtfully, wondering if the chastity belt was meant for her pleasure or his.

  “You might be enjoying my suffering just a little too much, are you sure you’re not just a little sadistic?” Emma asked, shifting her position again.

  “Probably,” he winked, turning into her parking lot. He found a vacant spot and put the car in park. “Come on, Mimi, let’s get you home before your pie turns into a pumpkin.” “Haha, very funny.”

  Chapter 14

  Luke escorted Emma to her apartment, amused by her obvious discomfort. He thought it would be a trip giving her the chastity belt, a joke of sorts. In truth, he thought she would have laughed and tossed it back at him, but she hadn’t. She continued to surprise him with her commitment to it all. It was sexy as hell that she put it on and it played on his mind all night. It had to be driving her mad with desire.

  “Are you coming in?” she asked casually unlocking the door. “It’s still early.”

  Luke shook his head, certain it would be a very bad idea. His mind shifted inappropriately as he imagined carrying her to bed and burying his face between her legs, knowing her pussy was probably aching, sweet, and dripping wet from being tenderized all night long. He knew he shouldn’t be thinking about her that way.

  “No, I need to get going,” he insisted, shifting from one leg to the other.

  “Really? I hoped we could chat for a bit.”

  “Raincheck?” he said, smiling warmly at her. She pouted playfully and shrugged.

  “Fine, leave me hot and bothered,” she teased, opening the door and slipping past him.

  He swallowed hard, certain her comment was just innocent flirting, the way it always was between them.

  “Sorry,” he shrugged, “I’m going to hit the hay.”

  Before he could do something stupid, he gave her a kiss on the cheek and turned to leave.

  “Luke,” she sang sweetly. For a moment he wondered if she might be trying to convince him to stay and thought for a split second he might even agree. He turned around slowly, meeting her eyes. “Are you forgetting something?”

  “What would that be?”

  “The key?” she grinned, pointing at her crotch. He looked down at her nether-regions and then quickly back up, noting the smirk on her face.

  “Oh, the key...” he purred, “you want the key?”

  She nodded at him, a blush rising to her cheeks. He smiled impishly and reached into his pocket, enjoying the power he had over her, even if it was short-lived.

  “Tell you what, you can have this key if you guess the safe word...”

  “Come on, Luke, stop kidding around...” she chirped, reaching out to grab it. He pulled it away quickly, before she could take it from him.

  “Oh, I’m not joking,” he growled, dangling the key on his shaky index finger, “safe word...”

  She looked him over carefully, as though trying to read his mind, then smiled sweetly at him.


  He shook his head, a grin spreading slowly across his handsome face, then tossed the key at her. Fuck, she knew him so well.

  Back in his car he checked his text messages. The one that caught his attention right away was from Maggie, a woman he had met six months back, a feisty little Puerto Rican with a penchant for punishment.

  I’m lonely, let’s hook up.

  She was a firecracker, that one, and smart too. Unfortunately, she withheld a very important piece of information from him. She was married. While they enjoyed their short fling, it ended approximately six days after it started when she told him her husband was due home from a business trip in approximately 20 minutes. He hightailed it out of there without so much as a kiss goodbye. One thing he wasn’t was a cheater, and it pissed him off that she had put him in that position. A shame really, because he kind of liked her.

  He looked at the time of her text, noting that she had sent it just a short time earlier. She would be waiting for his response. He texted back.

  With your hubby’s consent? Otherwise I don’t hook up with married women.

  Her reply came back instantaneously.

  That you know of. Don’t be naive Luke.

  He tossed the phone on the seat beside him, shaking his head. Another reason to be cynical about marriage.

  Chapter 15

  A week had gone by since Luke had taken her to the kink party. She was still whirling from the whole experience, her imagination fueled by the naughtiness of the night. After Luke dropped her off, she carefully unfastened the chastity belt and peeled it away, her hole aching for sweet release. She had never felt so churned up, so desperate to be fucked. She needed to release her need with a vengeance and wished she had a man to share her newly-found confidence with, maybe even Arran.

  She must have climaxed five or six times that night, each more intense than the last, fueled by her hot, taboo fantasies until final
ly, she passed out from sheer exhaustion, uninhibited for the first time in her life.

  She had dreamt that night too. She was sitting blindfolded in a chair, her wrists bound with a silk scarf, her heart racing with anticipation, damp with perspiration. She could sense someone behind her, his breath hot on her neck, the sweet scent of cologne perfuming the air around her. Her exposed flesh tingled with anticipation, waiting for his sweet assault, her senses acute, alert. He laced his fingers through her hair and pulled her head back, raising her parted lips to his, and kissed her. At first he was tender but quickly became passionate, forceful even, pulling her tongue into his mouth to taste her. She surrendered to him, allowing him to steal her kiss, his teeth grazing her tongue before gently biting her bottom lip. She swooned under his touch.

  He checked her restraints, ensuring she was indeed helpless, before unbuttoning her blouse, exposing her nipples for his own pleasure. He nibbled down her neck, tasting the saltiness of her skin, cooling her flesh with his trail of moist kisses. She moaned her approval, a desperate, guttural sigh that rose from deep in her belly. It was mostly the unknown that fueled her desire. Who was this man, what were his intentions, how would he torture her? She longed to be possessed, seduced out of the shadows that for so long had been both her refuge and her prison.

  —Do you trust me?

  She nodded, unafraid of him. Somehow she knew he would take care of her.

  —Good, because I’m going to push you to the very edge of your comfort zone, and beyond. I’m going to make you feel things you have never felt before. You may be uncertain at times but you have to trust that I will not allow any harm to come to you. Physically, emotionally, sexually...I’m going to take you...

  further than you ever thought you could go. Your whispers won’t stop me. Your moans won’t stop me. Your begging will not stop me. The only thing that will end my sweet, sweet torture is our safe word...

  In her dream, she did surrender to her mystery lover but it was all a blur, and when she woke suddenly, he slipped back into the night on an echo. She laid in her bed for hours after that, tossing and turning, hot and swollen beneath her sheets.

  But that was a week ago, and aside from a few friendly text messages, she and Luke had not spoken. He was working on a big project at work and she didn’t want to pressure him but she hoped they would go out again soon. She wondered what else he had up his sleeve, what her next adventure would be.

  “Can you pull the file from the last Board meeting, Emma? I need to look it over and prepare the agenda for next week’s meeting. Also, once I’m done with it, would you mind typing up the minutes for the Board of Directors?” Jennifer called out from behind her open office door.

  “Of course,” Emma replied, pushing her chair out from under her desk and standing up, “but the minutes have already been done, I just need your approval on them and then I’ll make copies.”

  Jennifer poked her head out her door, her grin showing her approval. “Wow, thanks for being so proactive. What the heck would I do without you?”

  “Oh, I’m sure you would get by,” Emma blushed, still not used to receiving compliments.

  “Don’t sell yourself so short, Emma, you’re a godsend,” her boss said. “I just have to make a quick phone call and I’ll grab the file from you when I’m done.”

  Jennifer closed her office door, giving herself some privacy, leaving Emma to her work. She wandered over to the filing cabinet and unlocked it, her fingers fanning through the files until she found what she was looking for. She heard a shuffling behind her as someone slipped into the office.

  “How can I help you?” she said nonchalantly, turning around to face the visitor. When she saw his face, her body involuntarily stiffened. She could feel that familiar flutter in her gut, that urgent sensation of fight or flight that always seemed to trigger when she saw her ex.

  “Andrew. What are you doing here?” she whispered, her voice barely audible.

  “And hello to you too,” he said, his words more a scolding than a greeting. She felt herself shrinking, the way she always did in his presence.

  “Hello,” she answered robotically.

  She watched him walk toward her, frozen in her tracks, her eyes carefully reading his to gauge his mood. An old habit. Smiling, he slipped in beside her and placed his arm around her waist, as though giving her a half-hearted hug. To anyone watching, it would have appeared a friendly greeting, but as his fingers gripped tightly on her hip she could sense his subtle threat. She held her breath, trained well by him to submit, triggered by memories of past assaults.

  “I see you aren’t concerned about your weight anymore,” he snickered, letting her go. He walked to the chair in front of her desk and sat down, gesturing for her to take the seat behind her desk. The initial shock of seeing him quickly shifted to anger, but like always she held her tongue.

  “Come sit down, I have news to share,” he insisted, kicking her chair under the desk forcefully. It hit the wall behind, making a sharp clatter.

  “What do you want, Andrew? You shouldn’t be here,” she croaked, walking slowly around her desk. She rolled the chair away from the wall and sat down, placing the file on the desk in front of her, her body stiff and alert.

  “Relax,” he sniffed, rolling his eyes at her, “Jesus, you’re always so uptight!”

  He leaned forward and folded his hands on the desk in front of him, eyeing her casually. She looked at them, swallowing hard. She always hated them, those hands that were so soft but rarely ever tender, hands that gripped too tightly and slammed doors too loudly. Intimidating hands.

  “I heard through the grapevine that you got a job here. Full-time? Part-time?” he prodded. Emma shrugged her shoulders, not really interested in discussing any part of her life with him. He chuckled derisively and sat back in his chair.

  “I guess you didn’t really have a choice, did you? You didn’t make out very well in the divorce, but thems the breaks,” he said, trying to get a rise out of her. She refused to give him the satisfaction, holding tightly to the calmest expression she could muster.

  “Do you want to hear my news?” he finally asked, his expression suddenly flat and cold. Emma felt her lip twitch, in what was sure to be interpreted by Andrew as a smile.

  “I’m getting married,” he offered stiffly, his eyes glued to hers. Surprised by his confession, her brows raised before she could stop them. He grinned at her, as though thrilled to have broken her facade. “Portia McDonald. Remember her? Nice girl.”

  Emma suddenly felt all the moisture leave her mouth, replaced by the bitter taste of resentment, not because Andrew was getting re-married, but to whom. Portia had been one of her closest friends when she and Andrew were married. She had confessed to her, on many occasions, how difficult things were and how cold Andrew was, even hinting at the affairs and the abuse. Portia was so understanding, so supportive. It was Portia who finally convinced her to leave her husband. Once the separation was public knowledge, the dominoes inevitably began to fall. Friends started taking sides, and since Emma adopted most of Andrew’s friends, she was left standing alone, and even Portia refused to take her calls anymore.

  She felt betrayed, swallowed by the sudden reality that all her memories, her entire relationship with Portia, had been a lie. The feeling could only be compared to suddenly losing gravity and finding yourself floating uncontrollably into space.

  Emma cleared her throat, struggling to maintain her composure.

  “Congratulations,” she uttered, the word stuck in her throat like a blade. She picked up the water glass in front of her, holding her hand steady.

  “Thanks. We’re getting married a week Sunday, at the arboretum,” he continued, as though he was speaking to someone who cared. Emma shrugged softly, raising the glass to her lips, hoping it portrayed indifference. Andrew didn’t seem to notice.

  “You may be wondering why we aren’t having a long engagement...”

  “Actually, I wasn’t...” Emma answ
ered quietly, taking a sip of water, even though the thought had crossed her mind.

  “We’re having a baby,” he blurted, his eyes revealing just how much joy he was getting out of the conversation. He was searching her face for pain, grief, anger, any discomfort he could pull out of her. He knew the admission would hurt her in some way, and he was right, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of revealing it. She nodded.

  “Portia will make a great mother. We’re just thrilled,” he boasted, sitting forward in his seat once more to underscore his statement.

  “Why did you come here to tell me this?” she asked flatly, trying to mask her emotions, her tears dangerously close to spilling.

  “I wanted to see your face. You thought you could hurt me, that I would be lost without you, but I’m not. I have Portia now, and she is everything you weren’t,” he spat, his spiteful words spurting out like venom, “and now you have nothing.”

  Emma looked at him thoughtfully, suddenly understanding how vulnerable he actually was, driven by his own insecurity. Maybe he always had been.

  “I never wanted to hurt you, Andrew. You’re wrong about that. I never thought you would be lost without me. I simply knew that I was lost when I was with you,” she whispered, knowing her words would fall on deaf ears.

  He shook his head slowly, allowing a sardonic smile to bloom across his face. His reaction spoke volumes to her. He would never take any ownership for his part in the breakdown of their marriage, that was certain, Emma thought. Not that it mattered anymore, he would always and forever blame her for everything, shame her for leaving. That’s why he was there that day.

  “I wish you well, Andrew,” she offered kindly, and she truly meant it, “best wishes to you and Portia.”

  She stood up and walked around her desk, signaling him to take his leave. He sat for a moment longer, looking at her flatly, his expression cold and menacing. Although it totally went against the grain, she forced herself to maintain eye contact with him. Finally, he stood up and took a few steps toward her. Out of habit, she stepped back, out of harm’s way. He snorted at her, then turned and walked to the door.


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