Reluctant Hearts: A Clean Regency Romance (Faithful love Book 1)

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Reluctant Hearts: A Clean Regency Romance (Faithful love Book 1) Page 2

by Skye Kelrose

  “Well,” Mrs. Applegate said. “Looks like you have the job… on a trial basis. If something

  should go wrong, which I hope not…”

  Paige nodded in understanding. “I know I have a lot to learn. I’ve never been around children that I can remember.”

  “Don’t worry,” Sterling said. “You’ll learn. We’ll teach you.”

  Mrs. Applegate tilted her head to the side as she watched the two laugh together. I declare. I’ve never seen him take to someone so quickly.

  “I’ll show you my room,” Sterling said, grabbing Paige’s hand. “It’s where I sleep. Unless

  there’s a storm.”

  Paige smiled as she was pulled from the room. “Where do you sleep when there’s a storm?”

  He shrugged as if it was no big deal. “There’s really no way of knowing. But I end up

  somewhere! ”

  Mrs. Applegate watched as they disappeared around the corner, before she headed to find

  Adrian. Her mind had been running crazy ever since she had laid eyes on the girl.

  Adrian turned as the woman entered the room and raised a questioning eyebrow. “Well?”

  She smiled. “I think we found one. Even Sterling approves.”

  “That’s good. What’s her name?”



  “Mm-hm.” She sighed. “I believe she’s worth keeping around.”

  He simply nodded. “Hopefully I’ll be able to meet her soon.” He patted the old woman’s

  shoulder. “Thank you. And I do hope that you plan on staying around. It won’t be the same around here without you.”

  “Oh, I’m not going anywhere, Honey. Don’t you worry.” Well, not until I figure out if I’m right or just going crazy.

  ~*~*~*Reluctant Hearts*~*~*~

  Paige fell into her bed in her new room in the castle. She was beginning to understand why they were looking for a younger nanny for the young boy. Though only four, his energy seemed boundless.

  He ran everywhere looking for adventure. The way his eyes lit up when he was happy and his adorable grin had captured her heart the moment he had looked at her.

  He spoke of his father as if he was the most wonderful person in the world, but he never said anything about his mother and she couldn’t help but wonder why.

  The next morning, she was following him around the castle when they met Mrs. Applegate in a hallway.

  “How is everything going?” The older woman asked, smiling brightly.

  “She is doing re-marked-able,” Sterling responded. “Good choice, Ma’am.”

  Paige laughed softly and stepped closer to other woman. “Can I ask you a quick question?”

  “Of course, dear,” Mrs. Applegate nodded.

  “He speaks of his father constantly but… he never mentions his mother. Do you know why?”

  A long, deep breath escaped the woman. “Oh dear.” She rubbed the side of her face. “Yes, I do know, Dear.” She sighed. “He doesn’t mention his mother because he’s never known her. The Duchess died four years ago, when the lad was just a babe.”

  Paige froze, her eyes widening in shock and horror. “Oh… I’m so sorry… I-”

  “There’s no need to be sorry, Dear. I guessed that you weren’t from around here. It… was a hard time. Some around here, namely his Grace, hasn’t recovered.” Mrs. Applegate smiled. “But, Sterling is like a breath of fresh air that flows wherever he wishes.”

  Paige laughed softly and nodded. “That he is… wait.” She looked around quickly. “Oh no.

  Where did he go!?” With that, she took off running down the hallway.

  Applegate laughed. “And so it begins.”

  ~*~*~*Reluctant Hearts*~*~*~

  Paige ran all around the castle, looking for the child, but found him nowhere. She was hurrying past the parlor when she skid to a stop. Inside, she saw the missing child following behind a tall, young man and mimicking everything he did.

  Paige watched curiously as the young man handed out some orders to the servants who were in the room.

  He looked to be about twenty-six. The color of his hair seemed to border the line of blond and brown. It was too dark to be blond yet too light to be brown. His eyes were the color of dark chocolate.

  “That is all,” He said to the people in the room.

  “Yes,” Sterling stated. “That is all.”

  Adrian smiled ever so slightly. “You’re all dismissed.”

  “You are all dismissed.”

  He turned to face her just then, one eyebrow raising slightly.

  Sterling followed his gaze and waved. “Papa! That’s my new nanny!”

  She slowly and carefully entered the room. “Pardon me, Your Grace. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  He smiled gently. “You didn’t.” He nodded towards the boy whose arms were wrapped securely

  around his leg. “I take it you were looking for him.”

  She nodded slowly. “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry. I’m afraid I stopped to talk with-”

  “Paige,” He said softly, yet sternly. “It’s perfectly fine. Sterling slips away from anyone who tries to watch him. We’re all used to it by now, so it’s no problem.”

  She looked up at him for the first time and found herself looking into his deep, dark brown eyes.

  “How… you know my name?”

  He nodded. “Of course.”

  Sterling looked between his father and his new nanny curiously. “Why are you staring?”

  Adrian blinked and looked down at the boy. “Why are you still running away from your

  nannies? You know that makes their job harder.”

  Sterling grinned. “Oh, Papa. If it was easy, then she wouldn’t need paid.”

  He chuckled and nodded towards the girl. “Go on and be good. I’m very busy.”

  The child giggled and ran over to the girl who picked him up. “Bye Papa!”

  He nodded and walked away.

  Paige stared after him, an odd feeling stirring up inside of her.

  “That’s my Papa,” Sterling said. “He’s the Duke. He’s real busy.” He wrapped his arms around her neck and whispered. “I think he’s secretly the king.”

  Paige chuckled. “Well, he’s the king of this castle. But I don’t think he’s actually the king. ”

  Sterling pursed his lip. “I s’pose not. I’ve met the king before. He’s old. ”

  She just laughed again. “How about a snack?”

  The child let out a long, exasperated sigh. “Naps always follow snacks.” He leaned back and stared at her through half closed eyes. “Well played, Miss Paige. Well played.”

  ~*~*~*Reluctant Hearts*~*~*~

  “He’s a little minx, isn’t he?” Mrs. Applegate said quietly as she stepped into the boy’s


  “He’s mischief for sure.” Paige laughed softly and brushed the child’s locks from his forehead.

  “It’s hard to imagine that I could love him already but… I do.”

  A smile crossed the older woman’s face. “I heard you met Adrian.”


  “Duke Channon.”

  “Oh… yes. I met him. He was… very kind.”

  Applegate nodded in agreement. “Probably one of the most generous and gracious men around.”

  Her smile grew. “Just wait until you get to know him more.”

  Paige blinked a few times. “Get to know him? Me?”

  “Dear, you’re in charge of watching his son. Running into him is going to be inevitable.” The woman motioned to the sleeping child. “Sterling is the only thing that he has left. He’s the only thing that brings him the little bit of joy he experiences.” She laid a hand on the younger girl’s shoulder. “One thing you will realize is that… Adrian’s smiles are… lacking, so much.” She sighed as she turned to leave. “I’d give anything, just to see one of his old smiles again.”

  Chapter 3

  For the next co
uple of days, Paige made herself scarce whenever the Duke wanted to spend

  some time with his son, which he noticed and greatly appreciated. But, at the same time, he was strangely curious about the new nanny.

  Sterling had had a few nannies pass through, but he’d never accepted any of them, besides Mrs.

  Applegate. But for some unexplained reason, he had taken to Paige and seemed to utterly adore her.

  And that made Adrian extremely curious.

  One afternoon, Adrian was waiting by the front door when Sterling came running up, dragging Paige by her hand. “We’re ready!” The child exclaimed around gasps of air.

  Adrian smiled and nodded towards the door. “Good to hear. Picnics won’t have themselves.”

  Paige pulled her hand from the child’s grasp and took a step back. “Enjoy yourselves.”

  Sterling instantly put on a pout and grabbed his father’s leg. “Papa, can she come? Please?”

  Adrian stared down at the child and from the corner of his eye, he could see the shocked look that passed over the girl’s face. “Well, I don’t see why not.”

  Paige gasped quietly and began to shake her head. “No. Your Grace. This is time for you and your son. I couldn’t possibly interfere and-”

  “You’re not,” Adrian said calmly.

  “You’re not,” Sterling repeated. “Please come.”

  Paige looked down at the ground and bit her lip. “I… I don’t want to step in where I’m not

  supposed to…”

  “You were invited,” Adrian said with a smile. “Please. We’d be honored if you would join us.”

  “That’s right!” Sterling nodded vigorously. “We’d be honored!” Then he blinked up at her with his big blue eyes.

  She released a long, slow sigh. “Alright. As you wish.”

  ~*~*~*Reluctant Hearts*~*~*~

  The picnic spot sat on top of a grassy hill that overlooked the town below. It was close enough to be reached should there be an emergency, but far enough that they got a little bit of peace and quiet.

  The day proved to be perfect for the getaway. The sun was shining brightly and a gentle breeze swept across the area.

  A blanket had been tossed out over the ground, a basket with an assortment of bread, cheeses, fruits and cakes sat in the center.

  Sterling talked nonstop as he ate, telling his father all about his ‘adventures’. After a few minutes, he had eaten enough and got up to go run around, leaving Paige and Adrian sitting alone.

  “You have… a very special child,” Paige said quietly, picking at a loose thread on the blanket.

  He nodded in agreement as he watched the boy chase after a grasshopper. “I know.” A soft smile crossed his face as he turned to her. “I’d do anything to keep him this way forever but… that’s not really possibly, is it?”

  She chuckled. “I’m afraid not, Your Grace.”


  She froze and forced herself not to look up. “Pardon?”

  “Adrian,” He repeated. “Call me Adrian.”

  She bit her bottom lip, feeling the eyes boring into the top of her head. “I-I… couldn’t


  He right hand reached out and gently tilted her chin up, forcing her to look at him. “That wasn’t a suggestion, Paige. That was an order.” All she could manage was a slight nod and he quickly retracted his hand and returned his attention to his son, who was now picking some flowers.

  “Miss Paige!” Sterling came running back towards them, several dandelions gripped firmly in his hand. “These are for you!” He did a dramatic bow and held the, slightly crumpled, flowers out to her.

  Paige smiled as she took them. “Thank you.”

  He grinned brightly then leaned towards her, turning his head and puffing out his cheeks. She couldn’t stop the laugh as she quickly kissed his small cheek. The child’s face reddened almost instantly right before he clutched his hands to his chest and fell straight back, hitting the ground with such force that she didn’t know how he didn’t hurt himself.

  He stared up at the sky dreamily as he released a long, happy sigh. “She’s magnificent!”

  The laughter that bubbled out of Paige caused a smile to pull across Adrian’s face. Her blue eyes shone with amusement as she reached forward to gooch the sides of the child, sending him into fits of uncontrollable laughter.

  “Don’t!” Sterling squealed, trying without success to escaped the tickle attack. “I’m not


  “Are you sure?” She asked as she dug her fingers into his sides.

  “I’m not!” He insisted around the peals of laughter. “I’m not! I’m not!” He finally managed to roll out of the way. “I’ll get you for that!” He scrambled to his feet, ran and jumped straight into her arms.

  “Whoa!” She yelped as she tumbled backwards, her arms instinctively wrapping around the

  child. After she stopped falling, it took her a second to realize that her head wasn’t on the ground. Or on anything. But, there was an arm wrapped around her shoulders, keeping her from falling any further back than she had. She held her breath as she slowly looked up into the smiling face of the young Duke and a moment later, she felt heat rush to her face as she realized that he was the one holding her up.

  Sterling suddenly giggled, causing her to realize for the first time that he was no longer in her lap, but laying on the blanket beside her with his elbows against the ground and his chin resting in his hands. The cutest impish grin crossed his face as he kicked his feet behind him. “Did you see that, Papa? She fell for you!”

  Paige yanked herself away from Adrian as if his arm were on fire and he cleared his throat, sending his son a quick glare. But the boy just grinned back him and attempted to wink.

  This is so embarrassing! She thought mournfully as she turned her head to the side, trying to hide her burning cheeks. But, a moment later, a strange noise met her ears. It sounded like… quiet laughing? She slowly looked over her shoulder to see Adrian shaking his head slowly as he stood up.

  “I think it’s time to head back home,” He announced. “Sterling, grab the basket.” Then he

  turned and offered her a hand. “Paige?”

  Her gaze flicked from his hand to his face and back again. Her own hand held indecisively

  against her chest. When he didn’t move, she slowly reached her and slid her hand into his. She couldn’t explain the shock that flew through her body at the simple touch. Nor why her breath caught when he pulled her to her feet.

  Sterling was observing closely, a large grin on his little face. “Careful, Miss Paige. If you fall for papa again and he tries to catch you, you may both fall.”

  Adrian released her hand and turned to face the four-year-old, staring at him through squinted eyes. “Or… I’ll just have to tickle you some more!”

  “No!” Sterling let out a squeal and dropped the basket as he turned and ran. Of course, it didn’t take long for Adrian to catch him, and in one sweep, sent the child flying into the air.

  Paige watched them as an odd feeling began to build up inside of her. She could see the

  affection on the Duke’s face as he swung his son around before throwing him into the air again. His love for his child was evident in every look, every movement and every word. But at the same time, she could see the pain of losing someone he dearly loved. In the way his eyes never lit up. And the fact that, even though he laughed, it sounded almost empty. She saw a man who had been broken and hurt.

  Whose world had been torn apart without warning. A man who was trying so desperately to hold together the remaining fragile fragments of his life for the sake of his son. And that makes him one of the strongest people I know.

  ~*~*~*Reluctant Hearts*~*~*~

  “I’m glad you went with us today,” Sterling said as he snuggled beneath hiss blankets. “I think Papa is too.”

  Paige smiled and tucked the feather quilt under his chin. “I really enjoyed it. Thank
you for inviting me.”

  “You should come with us all the time!”

  “I… don’t think so, Sterling.”

  “But why!?”

  “Because, your father likes spending quality time with you. He can’t do that if I’m in the way.”

  “But he liked spending qua-lil-ity time with you too!”


  “I’ve never seen him smile like that before!” His eyes widened at his own outburst and he

  quickly ducked his head under the blankets, leaving nothing but the top of his hair showing.

  Paige was frozen in shock at the boy’s declaration. “What… do you mean?”

  He slowly raised his head til she could see his eyes, which stared at her. “Papa doesn’t smile very much.” He answered quietly. “He tries real hard to for me but…” He sighed and popped the rest of his head out from beneath the covers to rest his chin on top of the quilt. “But he smiled today. A real smile. And he was looking at you.”

  She felt as if all of the air had been forced out of her lungs and she struggled to regain it.

  “Sterling… I… I don’t… are you sure?”

  He nodded. “Believe me, I know when he’s happy.”

  He thinks his father smiled at me when he forces smiles for his son? She shook her head slowly.

  “Sterling I’m… I don’t know what to say but-”

  “You don’t have to,” He responded quickly. “I’m not mad.” His grin returned when she stared at him in shock. “Papa has his own smile for me. And it’s real… on oc-case-tion but… the smile he gave you was new. It almost reached his eyes, which is something I’ve never seen.” He tapped his fingers against the edge of the blanket. “Mrs. Applegate said it’s because his heart is broken. Because Mama died.”

  Paige crossed her laid her arms across her knees. “That’s the first time I’ve heard you mention your mother.”

  “Yeah. I don’t know much about her.” He shrugged. “Mrs. Applegate says I have her eyes but…

  that’s all I know.”

  “Don’t you want to know more?”


  “Then why don’t you ask?”

  He released a huge sigh. “It’s com-pli-cate-ted-ed.” Rolling onto his side, he stared directly at her. “I could ask Mrs. Applegate, but… I don’t want her to tell me about Mama. I want Papa to do it but… he doesn’t mention her. Ever.”


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