Reluctant Hearts: A Clean Regency Romance (Faithful love Book 1)

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Reluctant Hearts: A Clean Regency Romance (Faithful love Book 1) Page 4

by Skye Kelrose

  “I’m sorry. Did that muddle your thoughts?” Then, she drug her mud covered hand across his cheek, leaving a streak of dirt that was quickly washed away in the rain. “Oops.”

  He stared up at her, a strange spark coming to his eyes. “Oops?” He finally demanded. “We’ll see about that.”

  She scrambled to her feet, which proved to be difficult due to the ground.

  Adrian grabbed a handful of mud, a mischievous grin crossing his face. A moment later, she felt the mushy ball smack her in the back of the head and stopped, her jaw dropping in disbelief as he burst into laughter. The sound registered so many things inside of her, but the biggest was revenge. She grabbed her own handful of mud and threw it. It slammed into his shoulder and he quickly sent another her way.

  Sterling stood on the porch beside Mrs. Applegate, watching as balls of mud flew back and

  forth. “What are they doing?” He asked, shaking the water out of his hair.

  “I believe they are healing, Dear,” She answered. “Healing.”

  Sterling snorted. “More like catching a cold.” Then he turned and skipped into the house.

  “Crazy kids.”

  The mud fight continued for about fifteen minutes before Paige grabbed one final handful of mud, but Adrian ran to her before she could throw it. His hand wrapped around her wrist and held it up into the air. The rain washed the dirt from her hand, sending it back harmlessly into the ground.

  He breathed heavily as the rain continued to pour, but he didn’t notice. All that seemed to exist at the moment was the girl standing before him. Her hair was drenched and several strands were clinging to her face. But, her eyes were shining and sparking with fun.

  A sigh escaped him as he released her hand. “I thought I’d forgotten how to laugh.”

  She chuckled as she tucked her wet hair from her face. “I’m glad to see that you didn’t.”

  He opened his mouth to respond but was cut by a loud, surprised voice.

  “Your Grace!?”

  Adrian spun around, only to see all six of the council members staring at him from beneath their umbrellas. He instantly felt the amusement fade as he turned and hurried back inside. As soon as he stepped through the door, he was greeted by two maids, each holding a towel. He smiled his thanks as he took one and dried off his face.

  “Sire, mind if we ask what exactly you were doing out in the rain?”

  “Yes, I mind.”

  Paige remained glued to her spot in the middle of the yard as everything that just happened started to sink in. She'd tripped the Duke. She caused the Duke to fall into the mud! She'd thrown mud at the Duke! She covered her face with her hands.

  What is the matter with me!? You take one look at him and completely forget yourself! And he's the Duke! You're just the nanny. Snap out of it! The rain suddenly felt icy cold and she ran for the safety of the castle. Quickly thanked the maid who handed her a towel and ran to her room.

  “Paige?” Mrs. Applegate asked softly. “Are you okay?”

  Paige released a deep breath. “I don't know. I don't know anything right now. I don't know what possessed me to... to... do that! ”

  “I haven't seen Adrian laugh like that in a long long time.”

  “But it's not my place to...”

  “Fall in love with the Duke?”

  Paige spun around to face the woman, her face a mask of horror. “What!? No! I-I'm not... I can't be...” She shook her head. “I barely even know him. And I'm just Sterling's nanny.”

  Mrs. Applegate smiled patiently. “What does being just a nanny have to do with anything?”

  “Dukes don't fall for girls with no social status. They marry duchesses and... ladies and... all those. ” She didn't know why, but she felt like she was grasping at straws for an excuse. But they all seem lost on the older woman. “I'm not falling for Ad... the duke.”

  “Mm. You might want to change before you catch a cold, Dear. That rain was awful cold.”

  ~*~*~*Reluctant Hearts*~*~*~

  “What did you need?” Adrian asked. “Surely you didn't come all the way here in the rain just to ask why I was in the rain.”

  “While we would still like an answer,” Randolph Tucker, the chief adviser, said. “We're here to speak to you on an entirely different matter. Although it does involve the nanny.”

  Adrian stopped and turned to face the man. “What about her?”

  “Well, not her specifically but...” Randolph took a deep breath. “When we heard you had hired another nanny, well... we thought it was time to inform you of the proper thing to do, concerning the well-fare of your son.”

  Adrian stiffened. “What are you talking about?”

  “Sire, it's been four years since Duchess Olivia died, may she rest in peace. It's not good for your son to have people just passing through his life. He needs a mother.”

  “Wait... are you saying you want me to...”

  “We believe it's time for you to remarry.”

  “No.” Adrian shook his head. “Absolutely not.”

  “It's for the good of your son!” Randolph insisted. “You know as well as we that he needs a mother. A real mother. Not some nanny who's only job is to see to it that he doesn't fall down the stairs.” He stepped forward as the young duke turned away. “Sire, you know we're right. He's getting to that time in his life where he needs a mother.”

  Adrian slowly shook his head. He knew they were right. Sterling needed a mother. But

  somehow, he doubted that their concern was for the well being of his son. “I suppose you have someone in mind.”

  Randolph smiled brightly. “Indeed, Sire! We do!” He turned to one of the other men. “Fetch her from the carriage.”

  Adrian's eyebrows lurched. “You brought her here with you? A little over confident, isn't it?”

  “We knew you'd be reasonable.”

  He released a deep breath and turned to stare out a nearby window. “I haven't agreed to it yet.”

  “Sire, trust me when I say that we found the absolute best match for you.” Randolph placed a hand on the young man's shoulder. “I know it's hard but... it's time to move on.”

  “I know.”

  “Sire. Allow me to introduce Lady Patricia.”

  Adrian turned to see the young woman standing in the doorway.

  Her dark red hair was pulled up into a perfect bun on the back of her head. Her complexion was flawless and she stood straight with her chin slightly raised.

  He released a slow breath and felt his heart drop. There's really no way out of this.

  Chapter 5

  “The dragon came closer,” Paige said, leaning back into a chair with Sterling in her lap. “But the young prince wasn't afraid. Because he knew a secret.”

  “What secret?” Sterling asked anxiously.

  “Well. He knew that-”

  “Sorry to interrupt,” Adrian said as he stepped into the room. “Would you mind if I borrowed Sterling for a moment?”

  Paige shook her head and quickly stood to her feet, setting the boy on the floor. “I'll be on the balcony at the end of the hall.”

  When she left, Sterling looked up at his father curiously. “Do you know a secret too?”

  Adrian smiled ever so slightly. “Kind of.” He sat down on his heels. “Sterling, I... have

  something to tell you.”

  “I'm listening.”

  “Look... you need a mother.” He honestly didn't know how to tell his son the news, but he knew he had to. “Mr. Tucker thought it would be best if I remarried.”

  Sterling blinked slowly. “Are you going to marry Miss Paige?”

  He was taken aback by the question. “Wha- no. No no.” He shook his head quickly.

  The boy frowned. “Why not? I like her!”

  “I know, Sterling but...” He released a deep breath. “I'm going to be marrying Lady Patricia.”

  “No!” Sterling's eyes filled with tears. “But I don't want her to be my mama! I want Miss Paige to b
e my mama!”

  “Sterling, she can't be.”

  “Yes she can! You just have to marry her!”

  “Sterling...” He sighed and shook his head. “I can't.”

  The child burst into tears and ran from the room. Adrian quickly followed him only to stop

  when he saw where he was going. He watched as Paige spun around and Sterling ran into her arms. She picked him up, blinking in confusion as the child wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her shoulder to cry. She suddenly looked through the open doorway straight at Adrian, confusion written all over her face.

  He sent her a helpless shrug. He stood there for a few more moments before he turned and

  walked away, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

  Paige stared after him, her confusion only growing. What on earth?

  ~*~*~*Reluctant Hearts*~*~*~

  Adrian was in the parlor leaning against a window frame, staring out into the pouring rain when Paige found him.

  “Adrian?” She said quietly, startling him out of his thoughts. “What's wrong? Why was Sterling so upset?”

  He turned to face her. “He didn't tell you?”

  “No. He cried til he fell asleep.” She stepped closer to him. “Is everything okay? You look like you've been in a fight where everyone had a stick but you.”

  He gave a short laugh. “Honestly, I kind of feel like that.” He raked a hand through his hair. “I actually feel like that a lot. ”

  She smiled ever so slightly. “Do you need a hug?”

  He blinked a couple of times. “What?”

  Her face reddened. “Sorry. I just... someone told me once that when it feels like the world is weighing on your shoulders, sometimes the only thing you need is a hug...”

  “Because then the burdens on their shoulders too, making it lighter on you,” He finished. “Yeah, I've heard that too. I can't remember from where.” He chuckled softly and looked down at his feet. “It's been... years since... well.”

  She watched him for a moment before stepped closer. “Do you need a hug? ”

  He got a strange look on his face, but a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “Actually... yes.”

  He didn't mean to move so quickly, but the moment she held out her arms, he found himself pulling her tight up against him.

  She found herself shocked at how easily she relaxed into the embrace, as if she'd been there a million times before. His arms tightened around her as she laid her chin on his shoulder.

  Why does this feel so... right? He wondered. It was as if she belonged there, and he didn't ever want her to leave. He let out deep breath as he felt so many worries that had been wearing down on him drift away. Knowing that he'd already held her too long, he reluctantly loosened his hold on her, although he didn't let her go completely. “Thank you,” He whispered.

  She slowly pulled back and looked up at him. Her cheeks were tinted with pink and her blue

  eyes were shining. “You're welcome.”

  “Adrian, Dear!” A voice called as the parlor doors swung open. “I was told I could...” She

  stopped suddenly, her gaze landing on Paige. “Who... are you?”

  Paige released a slow breath, grateful that she hadn't been caught in the young Duke's arms. “I'm Paige. Sterling's nanny.”

  “Mm.” Lady Patricia nodded ever so slightly. “Well, I wish I could say that you'll be around long but... I'm afraid your services won't be needed once Adrian and I are married.”

  Adrian cringed as Paige spun around to face him.

  “Married?” She asked quietly.

  He gave a weak nod. “Yes. Unfortunately, the council has decided that I should remarry. And this is Lady Patricia. My... Fiancee.” He nearly choked on the word.

  Paige's eyebrows slowly lowered, the look in her eyes made him wonder if she could see right through him. “Is this what you want?”

  “Of course it is,” Patricia answered. “He knows whats right for everyone.”

  Paige's eyes flashed as she spun to face the other woman. “I wasn't talking to you.” She felt a strange satisfaction when Lady Patricia stepped back in shock. And the feeling only grew when she heard the smallest chuckle come from behind her. Turning back towards Adrian, she tilted her head to the side. “Is it?” But the only response she got was a shrug. She didn't know why that simple gesture sent a stab of pain straight through her chest. He's given up... She took a stop back. “I... I better go.

  Sterling will probably be awake soon.”

  Adrian watched her leave as Lady Patricia began to babble on about wedding plans. I don't know what else to do... I'm sorry.

  ~*~*~*Reluctant Hearts*~*~*~

  She fell back onto her bed, and stared at the ceiling high above her. What is happening to me?

  Why does him marrying bother me? It shouldn't! I barely know him and yet... I feel like I'm losing something important. She rubbed her eyes with the heels of her hands and sighed. “It shouldn't matter.”

  As she flopped her hands onto the mattress, her right bumped against the old diary and she turned her head to look at it.

  She knew she should stop reading it. She was digging into someone's personal lives. But she just couldn't leave it alone... no matter how hard she tried.

  She released a huff of air and shifted so her head was on the pillow and picked up the book, flipping to the place she'd left off a few hours before.

  December 21st 1643

  I am so confused. Two days ago I discovered that Adrian was the son of the Duke.

  That he's the one in line to take over once his father retires. But... today, I received word that I would no longer be working and living at the orphanage, but that I would go to work at the Duke's manor as a maid... per his son's request!

  I don't know what to think anymore. I thought that Adrian would just forget about me... If he'd ever noticed me at all. But now...

  I keep telling myself not to hope. Not to even think that there a chance for me anymore. But I keep failing, because it's Adrian! My first friend. The first person that's made me feel special and wanted... and maybe a little, dare I say, loved?

  I don't know. Maybe I'll figure it out once I get there. Chances are, I won't even see him... which may be for the best.

  Paige rolled onto her side, a small smile coming to her face as she continued to read.

  Needless to say, the writer of the diary did see Adrian again. Constantly. He sought her out, stole her away from her work or helped her with her work. Sometimes, she wondered if it was actually talking about the same Adrian, because of the mentions of his smile and constant laugh. Him teasing and pulling small pranks seemed almost impossible to imagine by looking at the calm, reserved man who forced himself to go beyond himself only for his son.

  June 18th 1643

  He kissed me.

  Adrian kissed me. Me!

  I..can't believe... Me, of all people.

  How did I end up being the one that he seeks out?

  I keep noticing how people are looking at me, but I can't bring it in myself to care when I think about the look on his face whenever he smiles at me. The way his eyes just light up and, I can't help but feel like they're only for me.

  There has been a few times that he's gotten distracted, and it seems like it was because he was watching me. His father had to call his name several times, and when Adrian finally snapped out of it.

  His face was so red, it could compete with a tomato. It's adorable.

  How could someone be so sweet, charming, cute and, he's not perfect but... he is.

  And I can't help but feel like he is the one person that I could spend the rest of my life with. He makes me feel so special and important and... he knows me better than anyone. He knows when I'm sad or angry, and he lets me talk without judging or expecting anything in return.

  I believe it's safe to say that... I love him. And I don't know what to do about it.

  Is it possible that we could ever actually be together? Or are our w
orlds too far apart?

  With each page, it became apparent that the girl was falling deeper and deeper in love with this boy who, now, seemed like a stranger. Paige could feel the emotions in the writings as if they were her own; The joy. The confusion. The fear. But mostly, the love.

  Paige suddenly sat up as she turned to another page and the hand writting suddenly changed.

  This is April 4th, 1644

  Dear Olivia,

  I know you've been avoiding my lately and... I don't know quite what else to do.

  I'm sorry for getting into your diary, but I didn't know how else to explain

  the situation. I promise. I didn't read it! Scratch that, I didn't read all of it. Heh.

  Just, please, hear me out before you rip out this page and throw it away.

  I had NO idea about the engagement, I promise. I've only met

  Lady Patricia once before, and to be honest, I ignored her.

  I do not love her, Olivia, I love you. And only you. And... I'm ashamed to

  admit but, thanks to this book, I know you feel the same and, that makes

  me happier than you could ever know.

  I will NOT marry Lady Patricia. I will fight this, even if it means giving

  up my position if it means I can be with you. Because I believe in 'us'.

  And I don't want to spend the rest of my life without you.

  You mean the world to me. You were my first and are my only love.

  And I promise you here and now that I will fight for you. I will fight for us.

  I'd actually been planning on asking you something for a while now,

  and I don't want to do it through this book. So please, PLEASE talk to me.

  If not... I don't know what I'll do.

  I love you, Olivia,


  Paige stared in awe at the page. She had read a few love letters in her life, but none as desperate and... anxious. “So... he's actually been engaged to Lady Patricia before. No wonder she was so smug.”

  She noticed that her hands had clenched and she quickly relaxed them. “He's not yours to be protective over, Paige. So just... stop.”

  Chapter 6

  “Sterling,” Paige said quietly, watching as the boy pushed his lunch around on his plate.


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