by Mike Shade
"It's a tempting offer, Jason, really, but the fact is that once we're done, it'll be winter. Bessie's old and she doesn't handle so well in the cold."
"You could always stay and write the book here." Jason waved his hand around. "You know, atmosphere. And no strings attached -- you'd have your own room, I'll even provide a key and promise not to make the first move. Or uh... any move unless one were to be made first by you. I... well if you were interested in an old guy like me." Jason cleared his throat. "All right, I'll shut up now before you decide nuts of the not so harmless variety and run away without your notebook again."
"I didn't..." He blushed dark, eyes fastened onto the table. "Okay, so maybe I did a little... but it was weird and I was gonna be sick, that's the truth."
"Of course. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you, Joshua."
"It's okay. I usually manage to embarrass myself just fine." He took a third slice, not looking up. "You don't look old Jason. Really." He sighed internally, the temptation to say yes to Jason's offer incredibly strong.
"No? So you think I'd have a shot with someone say... your age?"
"I don't see why not. You're good-looking, interesting, a home-owner." He giggled again, unable to stop it, mischief filling him. "Tall."
Jason was smiling, staring again, only this time Josh realized that Jason wasn't upset, just... wistful, like maybe he wanted to hear the sound more. A lot more.
"You like tall, Josh?"
"I..." He ducked his chin, nodding. "Yeah. Yeah, I do."
Oh. Oh, goodness.
He heard Jason take a deep breath. And then another.
A soft finger slid along his cheek and then down to hold his chin, lifting his face to look into blue eyes. "Would you like to stay the night, Joshua? No pressure for anything more, no strings, just two men enjoying each other's company."
"Oh... Jason, I..." He swallowed hard, forcing the complete panic back down his throat where it could fight with lust in his belly. "I have to tell you that I... I really haven't done a lot. Just kissing and touching. High school stuff."
Jason stroked his cheek and then dropped his hand away. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push."
Well, that was nicely blown, Josh, you moron. He swallowed again, staring at his half-eaten piece of pizza. Nothing like admitting you were clueless and had the experience of a sophomore.
"I was twenty three before I lost my virginity," Jason told him softly. "All I'd done up 'til then was some kissing."
"Yeah?" He looked up and tried to grin. "I didn't mean I wasn't willing, just that I didn't want you to think you were getting some young stud."
He shut his mouth and rolled his eyes. "God, that sounded terrible. I'm so sorry, Jason."
"How about we try the last couple minutes over again?"
Jason's hand slid over his own, warm, soft bumps of calluses sliding over his skin. "I'd like to kiss you, Joshua."
"Oh! I'd like that." Then he giggled again, turning his hand to touch Jason's. "You did have some of the onion on the pizza, right?"
Jason smiled, eyes alight. "I did. And at the risk of ruining the spontaneity, shall we go into the office? The window seat is very comfortable and there's a nice fire going."
Josh nodded and stood, one hand dropping to hide the swelling at his crotch. "Okay. Sounds good. Cozy."
His insides were fluttering like ten thousand butterflies were trying to force their way out.
Jason stood as well and grabbed his hand, leading him back into the office, heading straight for the window seat. Sitting, Jason spread his legs and pulled him in between them.
Then those warm hands slid along his cheeks and back into his hair, tilting his face just a bit to the right as Jason's lips covered his own.
He didn't whimper, at least he didn't think so, but his entire body melted against Jason's, hands sliding around to hold on.
The kiss started out soft and gentle, just lips moving slowly together and then Jason gasped, or sobbed softly, the sound almost a name and then his lips were parted by Jason's tongue, the slick invader pushing into his mouth.
He opened easily, the kiss making him ache, making his heart beat fast. Oh, Jason tasted like pizza and beer and man and oh... He liked. He really, really liked.
One of Jason's hands stayed in his hair, stroking his head, the other slid down his back, moving in slow, slow circles. He could tell the hand was headed for his ass, knew instinctively that Jason was forcing himself to go slowly, but Jason was going to get there, was going to hold him and pull him close.
It seemed only polite to scoot forward first and let Jason know he was cool with this. Wanted him.
The clutch of Jason's hand as their bodies touched was gratifying, proved he'd done it right.
A soft shiver went through Jason and then he was being gathered closer, heat meeting heat, their clothes not disguising their need for even a moment.
He did whimper this time, shuddering and pressing close. "Oh, god. Jason..."
Jason licked at his lips, the hand on his ass squeezing gently, guiding him into a gentle thrusting motion. "Do you want more, Joshua?"
"I..." He shivered, lips parting, trying to draw that tongue back in. "Yeah. Yeah, Jason. Please."
He was given another soft, almost chaste kiss and then Jason was standing, taking his hand. "Bed then. Where we can both get naked and comfortable and take all night playing if we want."
"O...okay. Yeah." He stumbled a little, his feet hurting. "Anything to get these shoes off. They're killing me. I hate shoes."
Jason gave him a sharp look and then glanced down at his own feet, wriggling his naked toes. "I got out of the habit myself quite awhile ago."
"Yeah?" If he didn't stop laughing so much, Jason was going to think he was nuts. "Cool. Mine are two sizes too small. I was trying to impress you."
Jason laughed. "Joshua, it's big feet that are supposed to be good."
He decided it was okay to laugh when they did it together and it made the walk into the bedroom feel good and easy. Natural. Like he'd done it a thousand times.
Moonlight shone in through the window and Jason left it open but didn't turn on the light, hands warm and sure as they started to undress him.
He toed off his shoes, moaning and shivering as Jason smoothed his clothes away. "I... I'm short and pale, you know? Not a babe."
"You're skin is lovely and you're hair is soft and beautiful and your eyes..." Jason stopped and stroked his cheek again. "You're so warm. Real. Solid. I'm not dreaming am I?"
"I don't think so." He nuzzled into the touch with a happy murmur. "I'll believe in you if you believe in me, okay?"
"Oh." Jason sounded like he was about to come and Josh’s lips were taken in a pretty wild kiss.
He held on, shaking and overwhelmed, mind whirling.
Jason pushed him back onto the bed and lay down facing him, bringing their bodies back together, hot flesh against hot flesh without the impediment of clothing.
He reached out and slid his hand down Jason's chest, moaning at the soft, smooth silk there. "Oh, you feel so good. So warm."
Jason's blue eyes had dropped closed and he was being touched so gently by the long, warm fingers, almost as if Jason expected him to suddenly not be there.
He stroked Jason's face, slowly scooting closer, wanting to feel their skin moving together. "Is this okay?"
"Oh!" Jason's eyes flew open and he blushed. "Sorry, Josh, it's just... been awhile and I got lost in it. This is great -- wonderful, please yes -- touch me."
"It's okay. I'm just a little nervous, you know?" Josh pressed close, crying out as flesh met flesh. "Oh, God! Jason!"
Jason made a sweet sound that could only mean pleasure. "Yeah, it's pretty damn good, isn't it?"
"Yeah. Yeah, it is." His entire body was shivering and he felt like he was going to dissolve into a thousand pieces. His cock slid against Jason's belly and it was the best thing he'd ever felt. Ever.
Jason's hands sli
d down along the skin of his back, drawing slow circles just like he'd done before, only now they were naked and rubbing together at the same time.
Gentle kisses were being peppered over his face, Jason murmuring softly.
Slowly but surely, he relaxed, melting into those hands, that body, those sweet kisses. He closed his eyes and floated, surrounded by pleasure, cock sliding gently against Jason. Jason continued to make noises, mumbling softly and gasping, moaning, leaving no room for doubt that Jason was enjoying this.
Finally, those slow moving hands arrived at his ass and they each grabbed a cheek, pulling him tighter against Jason's body, their cocks sliding together.
He groaned, blinking up to look into those blue eyes. "Oh... I've never... So good."
Jason smiled down at him. "God, your eyes..."
One of the hands on his ass moved, slid between them, wrapping around his cock. So hot, so tight, so good.
His head didn't know exactly what to do, but his body did, hips pushing up strong and hard while his hands found purchase on Jason's shoulders. He was gasping, open-mouthed, eyes wide, entire focus on the incredible heat and pleasure firing every nerve.
Jason bent, filling his mouth with tongue and heat, hand never stopping its pulling. He jerked hard and cried out, coming in long shudders, pleasure overwhelming him. Jason's hand continued to stroke, pulling more shudders out of him, the pleasure still coming.
Soft kisses rained over his face, his shoulders, Jason's other hand solid and hot on his ass, unmistakable, there.
"I... Jason..." He blinked, hands sliding down Jason's torso again, mapping the long lines, trying not to be selfish with the sensation.
Jason moaned for him and he could feel the man's cock, hard and so hot against his hip, rubbing as Jason kept them moving together.
He reached around to caress Jason's lower back, drawing circles as had been done to him. Then he moved lower, cupping the round, soft ass cheeks, adding his strength to their movements.
"Oh!" Jason gasped and moved faster, using both hands on his ass now. "That's very nice."
"Yeah. You feel so good." He leaned up and kissed Jason's jaw, licking a little, learning the taste of that skin.
Jason shuddered and made a soft, groaning noise at that, moving faster, harder against him. He did it again and again, licking and sucking at Jason's neck, taking in each sweet motion, each noise.
"Yes!" Jason cried out, pushing hard against him. Heat spread out along his belly -- Jason's come. Jason's come.
It was almost enough to make him come again, definitely enough to make him shudder and moan, gasping against Jason's skin. Jason held him close, held him tight, breathing heavily against his ear.
"You taste good. Really." He snuggled close, closing his eyes and ducking his head into Jason's shoulder.
"Yeah?" Jason chuckled, hands stroking slowly up and down his back. "I'm looking forward to getting a taste of you, too."
He grinned, cock jerking against Jason's leg. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." Jason's mouth covered his again, the kiss long and slow and sweet. "There's all kinds of tasting we can do."
"That sounds incredibly tempting." He giggled softly, pushing his hair out of the way. "You're an incredibly tempting, lovely man."
A soft shudder went through Jason. "You think I'm lovely?"
There was something in Jason's voice, something that said, though the man was trying to be casual, the answer to this question was very important.
"Oh, yes. Very." He blushed, glancing up at Jason through his eyelashes. "Do you mind?"
"No, not at all. It's just a very... old fashioned word. One I wouldn't expect from someone so young."
"It just suits you." Josh leaned forward and took a soft kiss.
Jason smiled and deepened the kiss. The covers were pulled up and one of Jason's legs pushed in between his.
It was warm and close and intimate.
He could learn to need this, learn to love this.
"Oh, I've missed this." Jason chuckled. "Don't get me wrong -- I like the sex, but this is really nice -- the cuddling and holding."
"Yes. It feels... wonderful." He kissed Jason's neck, the long, curved collarbone. He was hard again, needy, but he didn't want to seem greedy.
Jason was still laughing, hands starting to dance over his skin again. "Oh, I can remember being this young."
"I'm not that young. I can snuggle... Oh... Oh, Jason..." He shivered, hips pressing against Jason, wanting.
Jason pushed him over onto his back, body heavy and good against him. "It's not a complaint, Joshua." Jason kissed him hard on the mouth and then started to kiss his way down along Joshua's neck.
"Oh..." He arched, rubbing up against Jason with a cry. Oh, that was... So hot. So good.
Jason's lips and tongue were tasting him all over, moving slowly from shoulders to chest. When Jason reached his nipples, they were taken between Jason's lips and tugged on, tongue flicking across the top of them. His breath caught, eyes wide. Sensation shot through his body, sharp as electricity.
Oh, it had never been like this before. Never.
Jason left his nipples, mouth continuing to find bundles of nerves and soft, sweet spots where Jason's tongue made him arch and cry out. Warm, callused hands slid teasingly along his shoulders and chest, occasionally sliding across his nipples.
"Jason! Oh, you... You're making me feel so good." He gasped and twisted, fighting for breath.
"That's the idea sweet boy." Jason's tongue slid over his belly, teasing his navel.
He giggled and groaned, all in the same breath. "Tickles! Oh, Jason! Tickles!"
Jason's next breath was a half sob, but he didn't stop, licking and tickling and making him feel so incredibly good. He finally just relaxed in the sheets, sensation pouring over him. Jason knew him, knew where to touch, how to touch. Knew him.
As if to prove the point Jason's tongue slid along the inside of his right hip, making him arch up and cry out and unbelievable pleasure shot through him. Jason nibbled there, just enough pressure to keep it from being ticklish.
He sobbed softly, entire body convulsing. So close. So hot. So good. "Jason... Good..."
Jason nodded and said something soft, inaudible. Then Jason was nuzzling his balls, tongue licking at him.
"Oh, God!" He sat halfway up, thighs spreading. "Oh!"
"Yeah, that was my reaction the first time, too." Blue eyes twinkled up at him, Jason's tongue dragging up along his cock.
He wanted to cry out, to say thank you and please and need and oh, god, but he couldn't. He couldn't breathe, couldn't do anything but arch and cry out.
Jason's tongue slid across the tip of his cock.
"Jason!" He jerked toward Jason, body aflame.
The caress was repeated, once, twice and then again. Then Jason's whole mouth slid around the tip of his cock, pulling hard.
He came with a soft sob, eyes rolling back into his head, hips jerking.
When the shudders stopped, he was still on his back, Jason lying with one cheek on his belly, hands stroking, touching him with random sweeps of warm fingers.
"Oh... oh, Jason. I just... Oh..." He reached down, stroking through the soft hair.
Jason murmured and placed a kiss on his belly and then shining blue eyes turned up to him. "A first time to remember?"
"Yes. Yes, thank you." He smiled down into those fascinating eyes. "It was fabulous."
Jason smiled up at him and another kiss graced his belly. "Good."
Jason slid slowly back up until they were eye to eye again, one of Jason's hands on his hip. He leaned forward and nuzzled Jason's nose, humming softly.
He had never been so warm, so happy.
Jason was smiling, looking pretty happy himself. "You'll stay the night?"
"If you don't mind. I won't hog the covers...much."
Jason chuckled. "I'll risk it."
He was given another soft kiss. "Thank you, Joshua."
"Thank you." He settled in clo
se, cheek resting on Jason's shoulder. It was easy to relax, to sink toward Jason's heat. He felt safe and warm and happy and...
Home. He felt at home.
For the first time in his life.
Chapter Eight
Jason woke up warm and snug and not alone in bed.
It had been awhile.
He stretched, skin sliding against warmth.
It had been too long.
He opened his eyes, gazing down at Joshua. Pale skin, soft, red ringlets, green eyes hidden behind long-lashed eyelids... the boy looked like his Samuel.
His cock jerked and he took a deep breath.
Reaching out, he slid his hand along one warm, slightly pink cheek. This boy was alive though. Real and warm and solid -- all the time. He slid against the boy, cock moving over warm skin.
He ignored the little voice at the back of his head that suggested this strong attraction was solely based on the fact that Joshua looked like Samuel. If Joshua decided to stay he could mention it. If it came up.
Meanwhile something else had come up and he shifted, tongue exploring the sweet, warm flesh beneath Joshua's ear. Josh gave a sweet, still-asleep giggle, cuddling closer. One hand slid around his waist, thumb stroking aimlessly.
Oh, that giggle...
He gave a soft, half sob and nibbled his way to the sweet lips. Josh opened to him, trusting and warm, lips moving gently against his own. Warm and soft and sweet.
So good.
Jason pushed closer, leaning over Joshua, hands moving over the wonderful skin.
"Jason... lovely..." The words were whispered, hands sliding down to cup his ass, making slow circles.
A shudder moved through him and he deepened the kiss, his feelings becoming more urgent. The boy in his arms gave a soft squeak and then pressed closer, hands wrapping around his neck, lips parting.
He murmured into Joshua's mouth, pulling the soft flavor into himself. A shudder went through him at the faint hint of cinnamon hidden within the silky depths.