LEARNING: How to Learn Faster, Become a Genius And Remember Anything (Accelerated Learning - Brain Training - Memory Improvement - Learning Techniques - Study Skills)

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LEARNING: How to Learn Faster, Become a Genius And Remember Anything (Accelerated Learning - Brain Training - Memory Improvement - Learning Techniques - Study Skills) Page 2

by Alex Right

  So, at a leisurely pace, simple calculations in the works include some important parts of the work, but it is necessary to increase speed - Almost half of the brain is involved.

  The structure of the Patrick Kelly brain exercises includes the following:

  ● examples of the simplest mathematical operations;

  ● consecutive counting awakens speech activity;

  ● remembering unconnected activity within the meaning of simple words;

  ● simultaneous visual word recognition and comprehension of values, which activate different areas of the cortex in both hemispheres of the brain.

  The basic set of exercises is specifically designed for those people who want to simultaneously develop their intellectual capacity and significantly increase their vitality. All proposed assignments are so simple and practical that they are ideal for beginners and those who have already started on this amazing technique.

  It includes tasks of the following types.

  Quick Counting out loud from 1 to 120

  In this case, you have to recite every word loud and clear. If you are confused in the process of counting, then call the correct number and continue to be considered further. While this exercise is very effective for training the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex, it is necessary to remember that the speed is very important here!

  2. Exercises on memorizing words

  You are offered a set of 30 simple words, not logically related to each other. Within 2 minutes, you should read them and try to memorize the maximum amount. To check the record from memory on the sheet. At the same time it does not matter in what order you write these words. Then count the number of words correctly recorded and record this number in the appropriate box.

  3. Examples of mathematical calculations

  You are invited to solve a number of examples of the simplest arithmetic operations. Begin to perform the task at a pace that is comfortable for you, and gradually increase the speed to the maximum possible. In this case, it is important not so much the correctness of the results, as the speed of the thinking process.

  4. Assignments Stroop Test

  This original test was developed in 1935 by American John Ridley Stroop. He offered the job, which is based on the difference in logical and visual perception of colors. Psychologists have quickly appreciated the uniqueness of the test and began to actively use it in their practice. The structure of the Stroop test is original and at the same time very simple: you are encouraged to read the words, the names of the primary colors, typed letters in different colors. In this, the meaning of the word can match the color of the font, or may be different from it. So, seeing the word "blue", typed letters in red, you have to read the word "blue" to yourself, and say the name of the color "red" out loud.

  The fact is that our brain perceives the text and color in different ways, cycling through the different the areas of the cerebral hemispheres, and such work with the Stroop-test becomes a great training for their integrated development.


  Do not try to create a similar exercise on your own, coming up with simple examples or words to remember. The opinion of the incoherence of all tasks is a mistake- each of them is madeaccording to the particular system and carries a certain meaning. All these schemes are designed in complex experiments, and should not be changed arbitrarily.

  The sequence of assignments

  To achieve optimal results, you should perform the tasks as follows.

  1. The first preliminary assessment of efficiency of the brain and record results.

  Then proceed to the next exercise.

  2. Perform tasks in cycles of weeks:

  5 days - Monday to Friday - every day to solve mathematical examples,

  The 6th day - Saturday - exercise to memorize words and a quick score,

  The 7th day - Sunday - follow the Stroop test.

  Activities that you perform on Saturday and Sunday are chosen in a special way, on the one hand, to put into operation certain parts of the cerebral cortex, and on the other - to get an objective assessment of the progress which has occurred during the previous week.

  3. At the end of the course evaluate the results. To do this, use your records of the table to take account of the results, the most important indicators of exercises are in the math. We should not compare their results with someone else. Everyone - individuality, and your success allows you to best develop your ability.

  It is also important to pay attention to the time it took to perform daily tasks (mathematical account) for at least the last three days.

  If you can produce mathematical calculations

  ● In 1 minute or less - you are brilliant! We hope that, thanks to this book, you've finally seen how.

  ● 1,5 minutes - your IQ is higher than most people, but there is always room for growth, isn’t there?

  ● 2 minutes - a great result, but we need a little more practice.

  The whole course of exercises is designed for 70 days or, respectively, for 10 weeks. Specifying you can make or before the first day of the course, or on the first day.

  To ensure that the results do not disappoint you, do not forget to:

  ● do all tasks on a daily basis in the sequence which is recommended in the book;

  ● observe the time of the day - get enough sleep and alternate periods of mental work with physical activity;

  ● eat healthy and balanced meals. Your brain and your body should be getting everything you need to complete the work.

  Regular practice is very important as is the order of the exercises - it was designed based on the results of extensive research!

  A great option is if you can set aside time to do these during the morning, with a fresh mind. Try to maintain them in one and the same time - in this case, they will soon become a habit, like sleeping and washing.

  After you perform all the tasks of the course, take a break for two weeks and go to the next chapter of the book - an exercise based on the Schulte tables. In the future, you can alternate between training exercises, taking breaks of between 1-3 weeks. This will help you to constantly maintain not only your brain, but also keep the whole body in good shape.

  Chapter 3 - Smart Brain Exercise based on the Schulte tables.

  This exercise perfectly complements the first method. And the effectiveness of their use is proven, both individually and sequentially.

  This intelligent trainer will change your view of all similar techniques as specific activation of attention allows you to master the ability to increase the rate of your intelligence, and in seconds, to extract all the information from the depths of memory, quickly and accurately making decisions.

  With it, you can "pump up" parameters of the attention that is needed above all as key components of intellectual abilities. They run certain processes in the brain, so that the ratio of human intelligence is greatly increased.

  Warning - the ability of consciousness to organize the information that comes from outside and distribute it on the basis of importance and significance, depending on the tasks that a person puts in front of him at the moment.

  Getting the ability to control their attention, man becomes the master of his mind, he can move to things that are important and meaningful to him, or pass unnecessary things.

  Living in today's world, every day presents us with new challenges. Naturally, we want to solve them all with the maximum benefit for ourselves. How well we can implement it depends on several factors, primarily on intelligence, memory and attention. The significance of memory is known to all. Without it, as they say, even to leave the house is not necessary. But it is important to understand that focus is precisely the powerful coordinator of memory and, therefore, the cornerstone of success. Agree, that to successfully address a specific problem in any field (from the exam or the final game of chess - up to negotiations for the sale of the plant for hundreds of millions of dollars) we have, at a given point in time, to choose the important details from the vast
amount of information, focus on them, keep them in mind, and to isolate all extraneous stimuli. Only then our brains will work accurately and clearly, and as soon as possible to find the right solution.

  The speed of thought processes and, ultimately, their performance is directly dependent on the parameters of attention!

  We know about the lucky ones who, from birth, have the ability to hold in mind a million facts, not to be distracted during important negotiations, the focus at any one time and manage his brain, causing him to work "at full speed", whenever it is needed... These people are a bit like a rule - they are in first place in the list of the richest people on the planet. What about the rest? Those who do not want to accept the fact that success in any field - is only for a chosen few?

  An intelligence exercise developed by scientists, based on the Schulte tables allows anyone to get the process of attention control. With this method, each of us can learn in the required time and in the right situation bring their intellect to super operating condition and instantly get the desired result!

  There are many techniques that train the mind to develop different properties (size, concentration, distribution, etc). It is not that they are ineffective; many of them allow you to train a variety of properties of attention that will certainly come in handy in life.

  However, none of these techniques gave tools to the right time "to include" the consideration to instantly reveal their own intellectual potential, activate the memory and repeatedly reinforce the ability to quickly and correctly make a decision. The intelligence exercise based on the Schulte tables suggests a whole new approach to the development and training of these qualities.

  When we talk about the effectiveness of attention, we mean the intensity and concentration, volume and switching speed and stability. All of these characteristics exist in close connection with each other, therefore, by increasing one of them, we are working on the process of attention in general.

  Typically, attention is described by the following characteristics.

  The intensity of the attention - the ability of a person to keep the attention on one or other object for a long time.

  The amount of attention - the number of objects that people can simultaneously cover with sufficient clarity.

  The focus - deliberate release of a specific object and the direction of attention to it.

  The distribution of attention - a person's ability to perform multiple activities simultaneously.

  The switching of attention- the ability to quickly take attention "off" of some units and include in the new matching the changed conditions.

  The stability of the attention - the length of time during which a person can keep their attention on the subject.

  The distractibility of attention - involuntary movement of focus from one object to another.

  Doing intellectual exercises with Schulte tables contributes to mastering skills and quickly connecting attention. The training will help you in the first place, to significantly increase the speed of attention switching and volume - the number of objects that a person can store in short-term memory.

  As a result, you can:

  ● at any time, in seconds multiply intellectual capacity, bringing the hidden reserves of the brain;

  ● activate the memory and to extract from it all the necessary information;

  ● quick selection of a million possible only the solution that brings success!

  Super trainer "Device"

  An intelligence exercise based on the Schulte tables presented sets of tables for different types of workouts. "Methods of numbers search technique" (or "Schulte Tables") was originally developed as a psychodiagnostic method for studying the properties of attention.

  Sami table is a matrix consisting of 25 cells (5 vertical and 5 horizontal). In every cell in random order is inscribed a number from 1 to 25. Before the trainees is the task - as soon as possible to find the numbers or direct sequence of 1 to 25, or in reverse - from 25 to 1.

  This procedure is used by practical psychologists in their research.

  But not so long ago, scientists observed that a simple «solve» table has a powerful positive effect on the development of attention, intelligence and memory.

  First, while working with Schulte tables develops volume (parallel rather than sequential) account when the characters in the field of view are perceived simultaneously and sequentially converted. This discovery became widely used in teaching speed reading and expanding the field of view.

  Secondly, it was noted that the state of a man working with Schulte tables, similar to meditation. And in such a state as possible revealed all our inner potential, including the intelligence and memory.

  The secret of the striking results

  The mechanism of action of intelligence exercises based on the Schulte tables on the brain can be compared with nanotechnology. You influence the finest processes in your brain, including the work of those reserves, which most people do not use in everyday life.

  According to the most recent scientific research, in order to use our brains a hundred percent for the solution of the problem and to achieve the maximum success in resolving any issue, you need to:

  Increase the blood flow in certain areas of the brain (frontal lobes).This ensures maximum availability of all intellectual processes that occur in the cerebral cortex during the decision-making process.

  2. Mobilize memory so that all information related to the issue being addressed, came out of the long-term memory store in the operational memory. That is literally waking associative links that are relevant to the issue. This will avoid wasting precious seconds to recall, as all the necessary information to "lie on the method”.

  3. Right to focus on the task at hand. One task requires concentration, to literally see or hear nothing but that; another - switching attention; third - simultaneous access to multiple information fields.

  Superefficient for 5 minutes a day

  An intelligence exercise based on the Schulte tables is not just exercise for keeping your brain in good shape. This - "mandatory program" for those who want to achieve maximum results in any case.

  Just five minutes working with tables for five to ten days - and your intellectual capacity is increased many times over due to activation of the latent reserves of the brain and your memory offers all the information you need in seconds.

  Do the exercises whenever you need to focus and limit the concentration on the task when you need to wake up your brain and prepare it to perceive important information, to pull out of his mind important information before you are going to start to learn new skills, and so on.

  An intelligence exercise based on the Schulte tables can become your "magic wand" literally in every situation.

  For example, before an important meeting, interview, exam date, driver's license test, competition, carrying out any physical or mental exercises - in any situation where you need to limit the concentration and the inside of your mind determines your achievements, you do not need to panic or to resort to using affirmations, telling yourself that you will succeed (although this is also a good idea). You will take out this book, work on an intelligence exercise for 5-7 minutes and having become confident and prepared, make a productive step towards your career, health and success.

  The work on this technique creates a particular pattern of brain activity that increases the effect of any intellectual and volitional effort many times, which you will take with you later. Thousands of people have been tested: the effect of the use of this technique comes instantly!

  Features of the exercise are not yet fully understood, but it is now clear that humanity has in it’s hands, an amazing tool.

  How to work with an intelligence exercise?

  Try to perform the training at about one and the the same time - such regularity promotes greater efficiency. When and at what time you are going to do will depend on your personal preference.

  Before you start training sit so that you feel comfortable. Keep the
book in front of you at a distance, so that the eyes are not strained. Perform the following steps.

  1. Determine the mood (for details see below).

  2. Turn on the stopwatch.

  3. Get to work on the first table.

  4. Once you have found the number 25, turn off the stopwatch and record the results in the graph below the table 1. It is necessary to record your first result. In the future, you can record your results on any piece of paper, to compare with the original.

  5. Go to the following table.

  6. Once you have passed the 4 tables, take a break for 10-20 minutes. Then do the remaining tables in the same manner.

  To consolidate the results you can perform training with the same series of tables again that day.

  The method works with a Schulte table

  So, before you is the table of a number of cells in which are the randomly arranged numbers from 1 to 25.

  Your job is to, locking eyes in the middle of the table, with your peripheral vision to find all the numbers in ascending order (descending). What do you need?

  1. Place the table at a comfortable distance from your eyes as if reading a book - 30-35 cm.

  2. Fix your gaze on the central square. Imagine that in the very middle is the point. It is on this point you should fix your eyes.

  3. Then, still looking at the middle of the table, try to see figure 1. It is - to "see" and not "look." Your job now is not making eye movements to detect the cell in which the unit is.


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