Zodiac Academy 2: Ruthless Fae: An Academy Bully Romance (Supernatural Bullies and Beasts)

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Zodiac Academy 2: Ruthless Fae: An Academy Bully Romance (Supernatural Bullies and Beasts) Page 20

by Caroline Peckham

  His eyes flashed with the reptilian slits of his Dragon form, the irises turning golden for a moment as he glared at me. “Fuck you.” He was gone as quickly as he’d arrived, his power releasing me so that I was left slumped against the wall while he stalked from my room.

  For a few seconds, I couldn’t move, my heart raced and fear trickled through my veins but I forced myself to follow him to the doorway. He’d almost made it to the end of the corridor when I called out to stop him.

  “I’ll meet you in the Fire Arena after dinner tomorrow. If you can stick to your word and help me harness my magic then I’ll come to your stupid party and I’ll even wear a pretty dress like I’m a nice girl.”

  Darius stopped and looked over his shoulder at me in surprise.

  “Just like that?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe I wanna see how the other half live,” I teased.

  For a second he actually seemed amused but I must have been imagining it. “I’ll have dresses sent over for you.” Darius walked away before I could tell him that I was perfectly capable of dressing myself and I rolled my eyes as I shut the door.

  Looks like we’ll be having dinner with the devil next Saturday night then.

  I woke to the sound of wind chimes jingling on my Atlas and joy beamed through me as I shot out of bed.

  Today is the day!

  My heart jumped excitedly as I raced across my room to the bottle which sat in the light of the morning sun before the window. The yellow crystal emitted a bright glow where it floated at the bottom of the liquid. It had turned entirely clear just like the instructions had said it would. Yay!

  I used the star chart on my Atlas to angle myself toward the North Star then sat down on the floor with the bottle, taking a steadying breath. I prayed with all my heart that this would work as I unscrewed the top and the scent of something heavenly sweet reached my nose.

  Here goes nothing.

  I tipped it into my mouth and was delighted by the delicious taste, swallowing a small mouthful before stopping. I didn't want to risk the chance that I'd gotten the recipe wrong and was about to accidentally poison myself.

  I reached up to touch my hair, hope burning through me like a shining star.

  Come on. Please grow.

  My eyes watered as I waited, tugging at my locks, begging it to extend. “Grow out dammit.”

  I skimmed my fingers over the bald patch at the back of my head and the tears burned more keenly, threatening to fall.

  Soft, luscious hair pushed into my palm and a squeal of excitement escaped me as a new inch grew all over my head.

  “Yes!” I stood up, tipping the bottle into my mouth and pouring it all down my throat.

  I ran to the bathroom, whipping the door open and hurrying to the basin to look in the mirror. It was already longer, down to my chin, then my neck, my shoulders.

  I whooped my delight, jogging on the spot as I ran my fingers through the dark, silky locks. They tumbled all the way down my back, perhaps even a little longer than I'd had it before. I wound it around my fingers and reached beneath it to check for bald patches. Nothing. I was whole again. And I felt stronger than I ever had.

  I hurried back to my room with a fire roaring in my heart.

  I snatched my Atlas, tapping on my horoscope with a wide smile on my face. I had to endure detention with Orion today whilst stuck in the company of the Heirs, but even that wasn’t capable of dousing my mood.

  Good morning Gemini.

  The stars have spoken about your day!

  You'll find yourself at the mercy of a Libra today, but take heart, Libras tend to offer fairness in everything they do. If you follow the natural push and pull of your signs, you'll find the day flows much more smoothly. Beware though, as Mercury moves closer to retrograde in the coming weeks, the stars are feeling more volatile. A simple flip of a coin could change your day for the better, or for much worse.

  Your actions will decide which way the wind blows.

  Okay so that sounded fairly positive. The smile was still stamped on my face and I was going to ensure the stars kept it there for the remainder of the day.

  I didn't have long before I had to meet Orion in Jupiter Hall to commence my detention – please don't be a beating! - so I hurried to The Orb to grab some breakfast beforehand.

  Campus was peacefully quiet, the only sound the chirruping dawn chorus and the rustle of leaves in the wind. Shadows shifted overhead and I cupped my hand with my eyes, gazing up to spot a group of Harpies sailing under the light of dawn.

  I hadn't seen any in their shifted form before and I marvelled at their beauty. Apart from their bird-like characteristics, they still looked mostly Fae. Their wings held a silvery hue which flashed pink in the rising sun. Their bodies were plated with bronze and copper armour and their feet had morphed into sharp talons.

  Laughter carried down from them as they cartwheeled and twisted through the air and for a moment I was captivated watching them. My mother had belonged to their Order. And the sight of them playing in the sky made me hope I might emerge as one of them too. Her blood ran in my veins but so did my father's. A Hydra. I shuddered at the idea of it. I certainly didn't want to be a fifty headed giant beast roaming around campus like an extra in Jurassic Park. No thanks.

  When I walked into The Orb, I found the place predictably empty. Not even Geraldine was up this early to put on her usual breakfast feast for us. Though that was probably because she'd finally figured out Tory didn't show her face for anyone before nine am on the weekends. And even that was a rarity.

  I headed to the pristine buffet of shining pastries and vats of cereal which were ready and waiting as always. I never saw a single member of staff in the Academy outside of the faculty so I wondered if this kind of work was done by magic.

  I helped myself to a croissant and a cup of coffee, glancing around the large room and wondering where to sit. My eyes fell on the Heirs' curved red sofa as I took a large bite out of my pastry.

  I can't sit there.

  Can I?

  Feeling high on the buzz that invaded me, I weaved through the tables and found myself standing before it. I glanced around to double check I was alone then dropped down at the heart of it, placing my coffee on the table. I felt the same rush I imagined Goldilocks had felt in the three bears' house and a giggle escaped me as a few crumbs cascaded down onto the seats either side of me.

  My gaze kept flipping to the door. I knew I was playing with fire; the Heirs had detention with me today and they would surely grab some breakfast before it started. But it felt too good defying them for me to stop.

  When I'd swallowed the last bite of my croissant, I picked up my coffee and jerked it toward me a bit too hastily, splashing it across the plush surface (and okay a bit on my knees).

  Oh shit.

  I stood up, heading back to the breakfast table to grab a few napkins when the door opened. I moved like the wind, dropping into the closest chair, my heart pounding wildly as the four Heirs strolled in one after the other.

  I refused to look over at the coffee stained sofa, instead focusing on finishing my drink with my head angled away from them and my hair creating a curtain between us.

  “Get me a pan au chocolat, Max,” Seth demanded, dropping into his seat before immediately springing back up. “Ergh! What the fuck?”

  “What?” Darius asked, yawning as he moved to join him.

  “Someone spilled coffee on my seat.”

  Haha sucker.

  Max headed over to the breakfast table, throwing a glance my way, his scowl deepening. But thankfully he didn't utter a word.

  “I thought your sister was the one joining us in detention?” Caleb suddenly purred in my ear and I jolted in alarm. He leaned in close to my neck, shifting my hair away so he could gain access to my throat. His lips brushed gently over my skin and I jerked away in horror.

  “I'm not Tory,” I blurted, pushing him back and lurching out of my seat in the same movement. And does he always tou
ch my sister so freaking intimately?

  Caleb stared at me with a crease on his brow. “Is that supposed to be a joke?” He grinned playfully but I shook my head, sensing all of the Heirs looking my way now.

  Seth rubbed the back of his damp pants, stalking toward me with his eyes narrowed. “Who helped you?” he growled, his voice void of warmth.

  I stood my ground, my hand clamped tightly around my coffee cup. “I helped myself. I can read a library book, Seth. It's not rocket science.”

  His eyes narrowed to even sharper slits as he glowered at my full head of hair. I slowly brought the coffee to my lips and took a sip, desperately trying not to show how intimidated I felt. But that feeling wasn’t as powerful as the song spilling from my heart in response to his expression. Because I'd won. And that tail of blue hair around his wrist didn't mean as much as it had yesterday.

  His gaze fell to the coffee cup in my hand and my heart juddered. A dark grin pulled at his mouth and he folded his arms. “Hey guys, it looks like this Vega was trying out the throne this morning.” He stepped closer and the shadows of the other Heirs drew in.

  My mouth dried up as my eyes flicked between them, fear slithering through my body.

  “Did you sit on our couch?” Max asked like I'd done a whole lot worse.

  “You don't own it,” I blurted before I could stop myself.

  The group closed in tighter and the hairs raised on the back of my neck.

  Crap crap crap. I should not have pissed off the bear family. Goldilocks definitely got eaten in the original version of that story.

  “Actually, sweetheart, we do own it,” Caleb said. “This place would be nothing without the Celestial Families funding it.”

  “So apologise,” Max whispered close to my ear, but he didn't use his Siren powers against me.

  I pressed my lips together, refusing to say it. If I did, I'd be giving in. Bowing to their display of power. And even if I suffered the consequences for it, I had to stand my ground.

  Just please don't take my hair again.

  Darius toyed with a small sphere of flame in his palm. “Why did Orion give you detention, Gwendalina?”

  I glowered at the name, watching as the magic in his hand twisted and writhed.

  “That's between me and him.”

  “Oohh secrets with Orion,” Seth taunted. “You always did give him the fuck-me eyes. Are you in trouble for trying to spread your legs for a teacher, babe? Guess the students aren't interested so you had to look elsewhere. I'll make sure to ask him for all the details later.”

  The poison in his words slid into my veins and I dug deep for my courage, hunting for a response to his vicious question. “Well I guess that's the difference between us Seth. I'd spend the rest of the afternoon vomiting if anyone gave me details about your sex life. But you seem awfully interested in mine.” My heart thumped an erratic tune as I latched onto the one insult that I knew had gotten under his skin. The beating Tyler had taken for suggesting Seth was interested in me was a clear indicator of how much it bothered him. And though I knew I wasn't going to come out of this altercation unscathed, I also knew that standing my ground was the only way to survive this Academy. Besides, after reuniting with my hair I was still determined to stay on top of the world today. No matter what.

  “Maybe that's why she's here,” Max chided and I turned to him with a questioning frown. “So Orion can spread them again.”

  “Screw you,” I hissed, blood thumping against every inch of my skin.

  “Back off,” Darius said, surprising me. “Orion wouldn't lay a hand on the daughter of The Savage King. He's got more class than that.”

  Caleb knocked his shoulder into Darius's. “I forgot you two were little buddies.”

  “We're not little buddies,” Darius said flatly but broke a smile when Caleb turned away.

  “No we are definitely not, Mr Acrux,” Orion's voice cut across the room and the group split apart to look for him. He stood in the doorway in a t-shirt and jeans, looking like one of us with his casual clothes and youthful appearance. I wondered how much older than us he actually was; it couldn't have been more than a few years. “Especially since you all left me waiting in Jupiter Hall. You've all just added an extra two hours to your day which means the sun will be long gone by the time you head to eat whatever scraps are left for dinner this evening.”

  “For fuck's sake,” Max huffed and my heart sank a little.

  Dammit, why is this day trying to ruin my mood?

  Darius checked his watch, frowning at Orion. “You picked today to be on time for the first time in your life?”

  “Yup,” Orion popped the P, grinning darkly. “I have plenty in store for you and I just can't wait to get started.” He looked to me with a frown. “Where's your sister?” he asked sharply.

  “Um here?” I said and his frown deepened. “I pushed a hand into my hair. I’m Darcy, sir.”

  “Oh,” he whispered, his throat bobbing. “Well, follow me.” He headed out of the door with a dark smile that made my stomach knot.

  Max shouldered roughly past me, followed by Seth shoving into my other shoulder. Douchebags.

  I left a few yards between us as I followed, leaving my coffee cup down on a table as I went, wondering whether I was really going to get away with the sofa incident.

  Orion strode off at a brisk pace ahead of the group, making a beeline for The Wailing Wood. From the carefree aura hanging around the Heirs I assumed we weren't about to be beaten and left to die in the forest.

  I relaxed a little as we headed into the trees and the Heirs paid me no attention. Orion cut a path all the way through to The Howling Meadow and I frowned as he halted in front of a set of shovels. He turned to face us, his eyes sparkling with one of those grins that said he was about to do something wicked. “The first half of your detention will be spent digging an eight foot deep hole in the meadow.”

  My heart clenched uncomfortably. Was he for real? I wasn't exactly built for hard labour with my puny arms and small stature.

  Caleb snatched up a shovel and Orion caught hold of it the end before he walked off. “You will be digging the hole as a team, Altair.”

  Caleb groaned. “You know our Order work better alone.”

  “So do the Dragons and I don't hear Darius complaining. Now get to work. No magic.” Orion folded his arms, his expression saying the time for questions was over.

  I arched a brow at the way he'd casually called Darius by his first name. And when he passed him a shovel, Darius even thanked him. It seemed like Geraldine’s theory about them was spot on. They were a lot more than little buddies. They were bonded by those marks on their arms.

  Darius stalked off with the other guys and I moved forward to collect my shovel. Orion scooped it up, holding it out for me. Before I took it he caught my hand, brushing his thumb across my palm and sending a shiver through me. He repeated the process on the other hand then pressed his index finger to his lips. “That'll stop your skin chaffing,” he whispered.

  I stared at him in complete surprise as he passed me the shovel and moved aside.

  “Thank you,” I said, confused as I stepped past him, making my way through the high grass and colourful array of meadow flowers as I walked toward the Heirs. The four of them had formed a circle and were already getting to work digging the hole.

  My chest compressed as I drew closer, expecting them to look up and hurl abuse at me at any moment. It wasn't abuse that got hurled though, a shovel full of mud flew my way and slapped me right in the face.

  “Ah!” I yelped, spitting out mud as they all roared with laughter. “Jerks.”

  “DROP AND GIVE ME FIFTY SETH CAPELLA!” Orion boomed and I wiped the mud from my eyes, spotting him climbing up onto a high chair that looked more fitting for a lifeguard than a vampire in a field.

  Who the hell put that there?

  Seth was already half way through his set of push-ups as I joined the circle, pulling back my new hair which was now speck
led with mud as I took a band from my wrist and tied it into a knot. I placed myself between Caleb and Darius, wanting to be as far from the other two as possible. Not that Darius and Caleb were much of an improvement but neither of them were the guy who'd cut off my hair or the one who'd drawn my deepest fear from my lips.

  Darius worked like a machine, throwing his weight into the shovel and slamming his boot down on the rim to dig it deeper. I tried to mimic his style, forcing the shovel as deep into the earth as I could manage before tossing the dirt behind me into a pile.

  My pile was noticeably smaller than the others' as they worked together, taking a deep slice off of the earth already.

  I soon had to catch my breath, desperate for water as I wiped sweat and mud from my brow.

  “Vega!” Orion beckoned me and I was grateful to put the shovel down. I was a little dizzy as I walked up to his high metal chair where he was sitting a few feet above my head. He now had a large umbrella set up over it and a flask of coffee in his hand which he'd apparently brought with him. His Atlas was propped on his knee and he looked like he was thoroughly enjoying his morning as he gazed down at my mud stained skin with a bright smile. Thanks to his magic, at least I didn't have any blisters on my hands.

  “Water.” Orion waved his hand and water gathered in the air before me, circling into a glistening sphere. Orion tossed me a cup and I caught it at the last second. The water dropped straight into it with a splash and I guzzled it down greedily,

  “That's favouritism, sir!” Caleb called.

  “You're right, how rude of me!” Orion shouted back, lifting a hand and a torrential waterfall poured down on all of the heirs. Max crowed like a cockerel, pounding his chest, seemingly spurred on by the downpour. The others didn't seem quite as happy as the water continued to fall down on them.

  A laugh rushed from my throat and Orion threw me a wink. “So I'm having a little trouble, Miss Vega.”

  “With what, sir?”

  “Telling you apart from your sister,” he said in a low voice that I imagined only I could hear through the torrential storm he was still casting over the Heirs. “And you never did answer my question. Blue or green?”


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