Zodiac Academy 2: Ruthless Fae: An Academy Bully Romance (Supernatural Bullies and Beasts)

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Zodiac Academy 2: Ruthless Fae: An Academy Bully Romance (Supernatural Bullies and Beasts) Page 23

by Caroline Peckham

  My heart pounded faster as he shifted his hands on my skin, his fingers pressing against my hip bones and skimming the waistband of my leggings. For a moment my brain completely scrambled and the only thing I could think about was the way he was touching me.

  I threw every inch of my focus into the magic and tried with all my might to ignore the feeling of his hands on my body.

  Damn super-hot asshole. He knows exactly what he’s doing.

  I released a long breath and conjured the flames to life in my hands again. I focused on their form, imagining the way I wanted them to look. Darius’s magic danced alongside my own as I channelled it and with his help, I managed to mould the fire into what I wanted. The ball became a wheel which split in two to create a second then a chassis, saddle and handlebars all sprung to life until a sleek super bike sat in my palms.

  I stared at it for a moment, a breath of laughter escaping me as I took in exactly what I’d managed to do.

  “Can you ride one of those?” Darius asked curiously as he looked over my shoulder at my work.

  I snorted a laugh. “That’s an understatement. If you really want to get rid of me then just give me a bike and an open road and I’ll be gone.”

  “That’s... interesting.”

  He didn’t add any further comment and I reminded myself that I didn’t care what he thought anyway. With a nudge of my power, I sent the bike flying out of my hands and racing through the air in front of me.

  Darius’s grip on my waist tightened a little as I drew more power from him but I didn’t try to hold back. Our magic was burning through me, aching for this release and I was smiling like a damn idiot as it did what it was told for once.

  As I turned the bike in a sharp circle over our heads, Darius shifted forward, his hands sliding across my stomach and down a few inches so that the tips of his fingers pushed beneath my waistband.

  I inhaled sharply as a spike of energy ripped right through my core and my concentration was shattered, tearing the bike apart so that little flames tumbled out of the sky all around us.

  “You need to work on your focus, Roxy,” Darius teased, maintaining the new position of his hands.

  I almost jerked out of his grip but I knew that that was what he wanted. He was winding me up, trying to get a rise out of me by abusing this situation.

  But if he thought he could throw off my magic with his touch then two could play at that game.

  “Maybe I should try something bigger?” I suggested, not giving him the satisfaction of mentioning the way he was touching me or the fact that he kept moving his fingers instead of just staying still. His touch danced across the delicate skin beneath my waistband sending a flood of heat to my core and making a sultry, amorous part of me ache for him to shift lower still and I had to bite my tongue to distract myself from it. I refused to give any recognition to the fact that my skin was coming alive in response, desire unfurling in me like he’d woken a sleeping beast.

  “If you think you can manage it,” he said in a tone that suggested I couldn’t.

  “I'm pretty sure I can handle more than you think,” I replied dismissively.

  I conjured a much bigger ball of fire this time, shaping it into the beginnings of a huge bird while drawing at least four times as much energy through the bond that connected us as I had the last time.

  Darius tried to cover up his sharp intake of breath as I tugged on his magic and I took a step backward so that I was pressed against him, his arms tightening around me.

  The movement of his hands stilled as my body pushed back against his, the lines of his muscular build moulding to my curves, my ass pushing into his crotch. I refused to let the game I was playing with him distract me as I spun the ball of fire into a huge falcon. It took more effort than the bike because I wasn’t as familiar with the shape and it was so much bigger. In turn I had to use Darius more to control it and as I yanked on his magic, I shifted my hips so that my ass ground against him.

  Two can play at this game.

  A deep growl resounded in his chest and I smirked in satisfaction as I made the falcon soar overhead. From the corner of my eye I could see members of his little fan club staring at us and hear them whispering but I ignored them; Darius was the one who’d started this game and I wasn’t going to let him beat me.

  Darius recovered from his surprise fairly quickly, holding me firmly as his fingers pushed down a little further, brushing against the top of my underwear.

  Heat pooled in my core and my heart thundered like a jackhammer in my ears but I worked to hide the reactions of my body to his.

  I conjured a second falcon and sent it up to fly with the first, frowning at the effort it took to maintain the two creations. I could only make them fly in circles, their movements mirroring each other but it was so much more than I’d ever managed before that it made me want to jump up and down with excitement.

  With a wicked grin, I did just that, bouncing on the balls of my feet and clapping excitedly as my ass rubbed up and down against Darius’s crotch.

  “Fuck,” he muttered and I felt the evidence of his arousal pressing against me as his grip on my waist tightened. His concentration broke and the falcons shattered above us.

  My skin flared with heat and energy raced through my body, aching for him to move his hands again. I wanted to turn and claim his mouth with mine. I wanted him to keep up the torment he’d started on my flesh and give my body over to his mercy.

  I gave myself half a second to indulge in the fantasy of making use of Darius Acrux’s perfect body and I turned my head to the left so that I could look up at him.

  His endlessly dark eyes found mine and for a moment no words passed between us, just heat and need and aching desire.

  “Darius?” I breathed, biting down on my bottom lip.

  His eyes dropped to my mouth and he pulled me against him even more firmly. I could feel every inch of his desire for me pressing against my ass and I couldn’t deny the fact that certain parts of my body wanted to do more than just indulge in this fantasy. But the fact that he was disgustingly attractive didn’t change any of the things about him that made him utterly repulsive.

  “Mmm?” He leaned closer to me, our breath mingling as nothing more than a few millimetres separated our lips.

  I hung in that moment with him, reaching up to brush my fingertips across the dark stubble which lined his jaw. A dark thrill ran through me as I toyed with this beast, the danger in him calling to me in a way it really shouldn’t have if I had better sense.

  “Don’t flatter yourself.” I pushed out of his hold and walked away from him across the Fire Arena.

  I didn’t look back but I could feel his eyes on me the whole time I went, urging me to. I wondered if he’d had much experience of rejection before now and somehow I really doubted it. The idea of that made me want to do a happy dance all the way to the dinner table.

  “I’ll come and get you and your sister from your room at six on Saturday before the party with my Father and the other Councillors,” he called. “Your dresses will arrive that morning.”

  “Whatever you say,” I replied without looking back.

  I walked straight outside and started heading for The Orb where I was meeting Darcy and the others for a late dinner. I wasn’t really sure what I’d say to them about how my training session with Darius had gone but the shit-eating grin on my face probably said it all.

  Monday night marked our first Astrology Class in the Earth Observatory. And it didn't start until eight o'clock. I was distracted during my Liaison while Orion sat across his desk from me, attempting to explain Nymph anatomy in greater detail while I tried not to wonder what those lips would feel like against more places than my neck.

  I bet his kisses taste like bourbon and power.

  “Miss Vega?”

  I blinked, snapping myself out of my latest dirty daydream as Orion rose from his seat.

  “Time's up,” he answered my questioning expression. “I'm so glad I
didn't waste my time tonight. You've been listening so attentively.” His narrowed eyes told me that was sarcasm and I gave him an apologetic grin. Well I had fun anyway.

  I gathered up my bag, wishing I could head back to my room, have a shower and change out of this uniform. But according to the email I'd received when the class had been added to my timetable, we had to turn up dressed in the Zodiac uniform even for lessons after hours.

  “I'll walk you back to your House,” Orion said. “And maybe on the way you can tell me exactly what you've spent the last hour thinking about.” He strode toward the door with a smirk and I followed him across the room, my heart pitter-pattering.

  “No thanks, I've got Astrology now, sir,” I said, saying absolutely nothing more about my daydreams. Those can never see the light of day.

  “Then I'll take you to Earth Observatory.” Orion stepped out into the hall, waiting for me as I followed.

  I frowned at him. “I think I can manage a ten minute walk alone.”

  “Well I'm heading in that direction anyway so we may as well go together.” Orion headed off and I fell into step beside him, fighting an eye-roll.

  We headed onto the path beyond Jupiter Hall and a yawn pulled at my mouth as we turned in the direction of Earth Observatory. Students were spilling out of The Orb heading back to their Houses, but I wasn't jealous. Despite the long-ass day I'd had, I was excited to attend my first ever Astrology class. Supposedly our schedule was going to fill up even more once we passed The Reckoning. Or if we passed it. God I hope we do. We might end up back in Chicago after all. Even Darius’s gold doesn’t make me feel much better about that.

  I spent most of my free time practising Elemental magic with Tory and the others in preparation for the exam. Orion was still refusing to teach us anything practical in class, and I half wondered if his vague promises of practical lessons would really ever come to fruition.

  I stole a look at him as we walked in perfect silence, finding it surprisingly not awkward. I noticed the deep set of his eyes, the way his shoulders were slightly tense and his fingers were flexing a little.

  “Are you expecting an ambush?” I teased and he glanced my way, his expression deadly serious.

  “You should always expect an ambush, Miss Vega.”

  “Oh,” I breathed, figuring he was probably right considering the way the Fae world carried on. I'd not really thought about what it might be like to live somewhere beyond the walls of the Academy. Would it be just as cut-throat out there as it was in here?

  “Darcy!” Sofia's voice caught my attention and I spotted her up ahead with Diego, standing outside the observatory. She beckoned me over and I stopped walking, looking to Orion to say goodbye. He turned to me too and a strange energy passed between us as we simply stood there for much longer than was necessary.

  Why are we even stopping to say goodbye? Why am I not just walking away now?

  He half tipped his head then shot away at high-speed, disappearing back the way we'd come.

  So he hadn’t been heading this way. I knew it. His casual stalking was clearly to do with his worries over a Nymph getting its probes into my magic.

  “Daaarccccyy!” Sofia sang and I turned back to them, finding her on Diego's back, waving her arms.

  I snorted a laugh in surprise, hurrying over to join them.

  Diego dropped Sofia with a grin. “Did Orion walk you here?” he asked in confusion.

  “Er-” I started but Sofia danced around me, flicking my hair and giggling. For a moment her skin seemed to shimmer like diamonds. Weird.

  “Darcy luuuuurves him. Look at her face.”

  “What's got into you? And are you sparkling?” I stared at her as she spun in circles a few times, smiling from ear to ear.

  “Don't you feel it?” she sighed, coming to a halt as she smiled serenely at me.

  “Um...no?” I said, beginning to laugh.

  Sofia started spinning again, her skirt twirling around her thighs.

  Diego shifted closer. “She flew through a rainbow just before sunset. She's been like this since.”

  “Is that why she wasn't at dinner?” I asked with a laugh.

  “Yep,” Diego said. “All of the Pegasuses are high on rainbow juice.”

  “Hey guys!” Tory jogged over to join us, wearing jeans and a blue crop top. She looked down at our uniforms in surprise. “Oh, were we not supposed to change?”

  “Nope,” I said in a teasing tone. “Didn't you read the email?”

  Tory gestured to her clothes. “Does it look like I read the email, Darcy?”

  I started laughing. “Let's hope the Professor isn't an asshole,” I said, giving her a look which suggested that was very unlikely.

  I spotted the class filing into the observatory ahead of us and we moved to join them. The imposing building was built from shining onyx stone, reaching high up above us to an enormous black metal dome which crested the top of it. My heart skittered excitedly as we headed inside, arriving in a low-lit atrium where a large elevator awaited us. The doors slid open as someone pressed the call button and the fifty or so freshmen filed into the enormous space.

  I shuffled in beside Tory who glanced at everyone's uniforms with pursed lips.

  “Maybe I should have gone and changed, your detention sounded like hell the other day,” she whispered in my ear.

  “Too late now,” I said with half a shrug.

  The doors parted again and we all moved out into the huge dome at the top of the building. A circle of chairs ringed a stage at the heart of it, the seating area sloping down toward it. On the stage was a massive bronze telescope angled up toward a hole at the very top of the roof and beside it were two cushioned velvet seats.

  A prickling kind of quiet descended on everyone and anticipation scored through me as we moved to sit down.

  I dropped into a chair in the back row beside Tory and just as I pulled out my Atlas, a blinding spotlight fell over the two of us. I raised a hand to cover my eyes, squinting against the harsh light.

  “The Vega Twins are in our midst! Bow down to their glory!” a powerful female voice rang through the room.

  “Oh no,” Tory breathed and my heart burst like a dodgy firework.


  As my eyes adjusted to the glaring light, firstly I saw a sea of staring students and Tyler Corbin's Atlas raised to film the entire thing. Second, I spotted the Professor who had conducted our Awakening weaving through the chairs toward the stage. Her long raven hair fell all the way down to her waist and her sharp features gave her the vague appearance of a bird.

  She pointed to the plush chairs set up on the stage. “Come girls, rise to your feet. Take your rightful place at the centre of the room.”

  “Um, we're fine actually,” Tory called down to her.

  “Nonsense, get down here this instant.” Her eyes turned volcanic, her voice terrifyingly fierce and offering no room for negotiation.

  Tory and I stood and my skin tingled from all of the eyes on us as we descended the sloping floor toward the stage.

  “I am Professor Zenith,” she announced as we arrived then curtsied low, pulling out the skirt of her long dark dress. “Your humble teacher and proud sponsor of the Almighty Sovereign Society.”

  Oh man, I think I would have preferred an asshole to an Ass. Now everyone is glaring at us.

  She stood upright, gripping each of our arms and guiding us firmly toward the armchairs. Her nails dug into my skin as she placed me firmly down into it.

  “Forgive me, I'm a little over excited,” she whispered, her eyes roaming over us as she stepped away again. She turned to the room where people were staring at us with looks of outright hatred, some snickering, while others whispered to each other.

  My cheeks burned and I shifted awkwardly in my chair as Zenith stepped behind the telescope and returned a moment later with a huge hamper. She placed it at our feet, flipping open the top of it to reveal an entire picnic of strawberries, cheese and bread complete with a
bottle of champagne.

  “Please, help yourselves,” she encouraged, bowing again as she moved to stand before the class.

  I wanted to curl into a ball and vanish as a few jeers rang out around us. But if Zenith heard it, she didn't let on.

  The loud pop of the champagne cork sounded like a claxon and Tory shrugged as she filled two glasses. “Everyone hates us for this anyway,” she murmured to me. “So we might as well have a drink.”

  I snorted a laugh, accepting the glass she offered me and drinking it quickly.

  “Now,” Zenith said in a deep tone, her eyes shadowing as she waved a hand before her. The room darkened immediately so all I could see was her and the pale blue glow of magic she wielded in her palms. She spoke directly to Tory and I as if no one else in the class existed.

  “Today, girls, it will be my honour to teach you about Star Bonds.” She coaxed a beautiful light into her hands and it spread out, rising higher and higher. Mine and Tory's chairs started reclining and the humming noise in the room told me it was happening to everyone else's seats too.

  The domed roof came alive with magic, the ceiling transforming into an endless night sky.

  “The constellations define everything about Fae nature,” Zenith explained and I was glad that the class's attention was no longer on us.

  Silvery lines appeared between the stars, marking out the arrangements and swirling handwriting named each one. “First, the Zodiac constellations,” Zenith said in a tone that set my heart pumping. She might have been a bit overenthusiastic, but she certainly knew how to spark interest. One by one the constellations lit up above us and my mouth parted in fascination. It was beautiful, a speckled sea of lights, intertwining to form incredible shapes.

  I picked out the twins of Gemini amongst them nestled between Cancer and Taurus.

  “Although some Star Signs may cause Fae to clash in day to day life, it is possible for all signs to form friendships and relationships. However, a Star Bond is something very special indeed that is much more powerful than any normal connection.” The stars faded away a little and our lecture notes appeared across the canvas in silvery writing.


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