Intercessory Prayer: How God Can Use Your Prayers to Move Heaven and Earth (Large Print 16pt)

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Intercessory Prayer: How God Can Use Your Prayers to Move Heaven and Earth (Large Print 16pt) Page 21

by Dutch Sheets

  Many of these examples appear in Scripture. In 2 Kings 13:14-19, Elisha was about to die and King Joash came to him for advice. The Assyrians were camped around Israel and he wanted some instruction from the prophet. Elisha said, "Take your arrow and shoot it out the window toward the enemy camp!" It was a declaration of war. The king and the prophet put their hands on the bow together, shooting the arrow. Elisha then said, "That's the arrow of the Lord's deliverance, King. Now take these arrows and strike the ground."

  The king was about to be tested. His actions were going to be prophetic. Not knowing what the prophet was up to, he took the arrows and struck the ground three times.

  The prophet was grieved and angry. "Three times you will have victory over your enemies, and then they will conquer you," he said. "You should have struck with the arrows at least five or six times, then you would have conquered them!"

  This story doesn't seem fair to me. How was the king supposed to know he should keep striking? I think the point is that if God says to hit it three times, then you hit it three times. But if God simply says hit it, you hit it until He says stop! God was after prophetic action, but He didn't get what He wanted. Neither did the king!

  People were healed in Scripture through prophetic action. Jesus made clay with saliva, rubbed it in a blind man's eyes and told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam (see John 9:6-7). Naaman the leper had to dip in the Jordan River seven times (see 2 Kings 5:10-14).

  "I don't want to," he said.

  "Then you won't get healed," replied Naaman's servants. Why? Because God chose to work in that way. And when God chooses to do it by a certain method, no other means will work.

  Cindy Jacobs describes prophetic acts in her book The Voice of God:

  At other times, God would ask His people as a whole to do something that not only was prophetic, but also had great power as a form of intercession to bring profound change when obeyed. . . . In 1990, a team from Women's Aglow went to Russia to intercede for that nation. We were led to perform several prophetic acts. Our trip came before the fall of Soviet communism and several things happened that led us to believe we were being monitored. Before we left, my friend Beth Alves had a dream that we had actually buried the Word of God in the ground. This was to result in a critical prophetic act later in the trip.

  One strategy we used for intercession was to take a bus tour around the city. City tours are great because they take the visitors to all the historical sites. One place the tour visited was Moscow State University, a bastion of communist teaching. As we sat on a wall near the school, I suddenly remembered Beth's dream and thought of the "Four Spiritual Laws" tract I had in my purse. In a flash, I knew this was the place to do what Beth had dreamed about.

  I quickly jumped up (we had just a few minutes before the bus was leaving) and said, "Come on, let's plant the Word in the ground!" Several of the ladies came after me. Huffing and puffing as we ran, I reminded them of Beth's dream and told them of the tract. I glanced around to find the shelter of some trees in which to do the prophetic act. (We had encountered a person in Red Square that day whom we were pretty sure was a KGB agent, and since we weren't interested in a premature prison ministry we had to be careful!)

  Finding a sheltered place, I knelt and started to dig. This was a dismal failure as I only succeeded in breaking my fingernails. Finally, I found a stick and dug a hole. Dropping the tract into the ground, I quickly covered it up while the ladies prayed. Pointing toward the university, I began to prophesy, "The seed from this tract will grow schools of evangelism, and theology will be taught here."

  Later on, after the fall of Russian communism, Billy Graham did start schools of evangelism there. Sister Violet Kitely, a friend of mine, told me that a church has been planted in Moscow State University by Shiloh Christian Center (a large church in Oakland, California).

  What happens through these prophetic acts? They are intercessory in nature. In fact, they might be called intercessory acts. Certain aspects of what happens might seem speculative in nature. We cannot prove a correlation between obedience in doing a prophetic act and, say, the starting of schools of evangelism. Time and time again in Scripture, however, we see where God spoke to His children to perform an intercessory, prophetic act, and He powerfully moved as a result.'

  Prophetic Declaration

  Let's look at some biblical examples of prophetic words that precede God's doing something. In Jeremiah 6:18-19, Jeremiah prophesied and said, "Therefore hear, 0 nations . . . Hear, 0 earth." Similarly, in Jeremiah 22:29, he again prophesied, saying, "0 earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord" (KM.

  Many would think I was an utter fool if I walked out of my house and said, "All the earth, hear me now! And all the nations, I'm speaking to you." But that's what Jeremiah did. It was prophetic declaration that made no sense naturally.

  We must understand that it is not an issue of what our words would normally do. It is rather speaking for God, which releases His power to accomplish something. Isn't this what happens as we preach or declare the gospel, which is the power of God for salvation (see Rom. 1:16)?

  Our mouths, speaking God's Word, release the power of those words. Is this not also what occurs when we speak His Word as a sword in spiritual warfare? He infuses our words with divine power. Why then would He not in other situations allow us to be His voice? When Jeremiah said, "0 Earth! Earth! Earth! Hear the Word of the Lord!" it was exactly the same as if God Himself were saying, "0 Earth! Earth! Earth! Hear My Words!"

  God told Jeremiah earlier that He was going to use him "to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant" (Jer. 1:10). Notice, then, in Jeremiah 3 1:28 He says He has done just that: plucked up, broken down, overthrown and destroyed. It is imperative to see that God did these things through the words of His prophet.

  In Micah 1:2, the prophet said, "Hear, 0 peoples, all of you; listen, 0 earth and all it contains."

  Wouldn't you feel rather foolish saying, "0 earth and everything in it, God wants me to talk to you. Are you listening?" Micah did just that, however. Obviously all the earth didn't hear him ... no more than the storm heard Jesus tell it to be still or the fig tree heard Him command it to die. Whether anything hears us isn't the point. What we are to understand is the power of Holy Spirit-inspired declaration-it releases the power of God into situations.

  We Become His Voice

  "But those were the prophets and Jesus," some might argue. Yes, but after rebuking the storm, Jesus rebuked the disciples for their fear and unbelief, implying that they should have rebuked it. He also followed up His cursing of the fig tree with a promise that we could speak to mountains and cast them into the sea. He is describing the power of Holy Spirit-inspired declaration. We become the voice of God upon the earth.

  In her book The Praying Church, Sue Curran quotes S. D. Gordon:

  Prayer surely does influence God. It does not influence His purpose. It does influence His action. Everything that ever has been prayed for, of course I mean every right thing, God has already purposed to do. But He does nothing without our consent. He has been hindered in His purposes by our lack of willingness. When we learn His purposes and make them our prayers we are giving Him the opportunity to act.2

  Hosea 6:5 is a powerful verse about God bringing judgment: "Therefore I have hewn them in pieces by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of My mouth." How did He do this? Through His words spoken by the prophets. God's words, released for Him by humans.

  It is important to state clearly that to be effective, declarations must be the words or actions God commands. "So shall My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it" (Isa. 55:11, emphasis added).

  Please realize that when God said this, He was not talking about speaking from the clouds. He was referring to what He had been saying and was still saying to them through the prophet Isaiah. In essence He wa
s declaring, "This man's words are My words. He is My voice. The words won't return to Me void, but will do exactly what I send them to do through this man!" That's pretty awesome!

  Of course, there are some who say God doesn't speak anything directly to us today-He only uses the Bible-which would mean the only thing we can declare for Him is Scripture. I have great respect for my brothers and sisters who believe this, and would encourage them to speak the words of the Bible into situations. To others of you who believe the Holy Spirit does speak in our spirits, listen for His direction as you pray and, when so led, boldly speak and do as He instructs. Of course, all that we do must be judged by and never violate the Scriptures.

  Beth Alves, in her outstanding prayer guide, Becoming a Prayer Warrior, gives excellent and thorough instruction about hearing the voice of God.3 It would be wise to study this or a similar book to ensure accuracy in learning to hear God's voice. Also, check with godly and mature leaders before doing anything of a public nature or something that seems extremely strange. Don't take your cue from the prophet Isaiah and run around town naked (he probably wore a loincloth). Use wisdom and, when in doubt, always check it out. If that isn't possible, when in doubt, don't. Never do anything that contradicts Scripture or might bring a reproach on the name of the Lord.

  Saying What God Says

  The word in the New Testament for "confession" is homologia, which means "say the same thing."4 Biblical confession is saying what God says-no more, no less. If it isn't what God is saying about a situation, it does nothing. But if it is what He says, it accomplishes much.

  The Word of God is called a "seed" in the Scriptures. The root word in Greek is speiro. Spora and sperma are variations of the word, both of which are translated "seed" in the New Testament. It is easy to see the English words "spore" and "sperm" in them.

  God's method of reproducing or bringing forth life is His Word by which we are born again (see 1 Pet. 1:23), cleansed (see John 15:3), matured (see Matt. 13:23), freed (see John 8:31-32), healed (see Ps. 107:20)-as well as many other results. When God speaks His word, He is sprinkling seeds that will bring forth. The Word of God is never ineffective; it will always produce. When we speak God's Words into situations, as the Holy Spirit directs, we are sprinkling the seeds of God, which then give Him the ability to cause life to come forth!

  Job 22:28 declares, "You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you." The word "decree" means literally "decide and decree"'-determine something and then decree it. The actual meaning of omer, the word translated "thing" is "a word; a command; a promise."6

  A more precise wording would be, "You shall decree or declare a word." Then He says it will be established for you. "Establish" is the word qum, meaning not only to establish, but also to "arise or stand Up.117 Here's what I believe God is saying: "You shall decree a word and it will rise up. You shall sprinkle My seed. It will arise (grow) and establish something in the earth."

  Why don't you establish some salvation upon the earth by decreeing salvation seeds? Establish freedom for someone by declaring freedom seeds. Establish unity over your church or city by commanding unity seeds. Establish God's destiny over your children by sowing destiny seeds. Plant your own personal garden. Tend it well. See if God's Word won't produce a harvest. Re-present the victory of Calvary from your mouth!

  Job 6:25 reads: "How forcible are right words!" (KJV). "Forcible" is the word marats, which also means "to press."' As the signet ring of a king presses a document with his seal, our words also seal things. They seal our salvation, the promises of God, our destinies and many other things.'

  Ecclesiastes 12:11 tells us, "The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies" (KJV). Our words act as nails constructing things in the spirit. Just as a nail is used to keep a board in place, words are used to keep God's promises in place, allowing them to build or construct things in the spirit."

  Prophesying to Bones and Breath

  Ezekiel and the Valley of Dry Bones is another example of prophetic declaration. "Speak to the bones!" God said to the prophet.

  Can you imagine what Ezekiel thought? Speak to them? God, if You want something said to skeletons, why don't You just do it? But Ezekiel obeyed and said, "0 dry bones, hear the word of the Lord." And they did! Bone came to bone, flesh came on them.

  There was no life in them, however, and Ezekiel's next assignment amazes me more than prophesying to the bones. The Lord said, "Prophesy to the breath." Later in the passage we're told that the breath he was prophesying to was the Holy Spirit. God didn't say, "Prophesy by the Holy Spirit," nor did He say, "Prophesy for the Holy Spirit." God said, "I want you to prophesy to the Holy Spirit." Ezekiel did and the Spirit of God did what a man told Him to. Incredible!

  Did the prophet actually command the Holy Spirit? Not really. He wasn't commanding God; He was commanding for God. As has been God's plan and heart from the Creation, He was partnering with man. Father and Sons, Inc. managing the planet! God working through the prophetic declaration of a human being. Who can fully understand such a thing?

  Talking to the Wall

  Several years ago the Lord sent Dick Eastman, president of Every Home for Christ, to Berlin. How would you like to get this assignment from God? The Berlin Wall was still up, and Dick felt the Holy Spirit prompting him with these instructions: I want you to get on an airplane, fly to Germany, go to the Berlin Wall, lay your hands upon it and say five words to it. "In Jesus' name, come down!" That was it-end of assignment! Five words and he could go home."

  How would you like to go to your spouse and say, "Uh, honey, the Lord has told me to do something."

  "Yes, what is it?"

  "Well, He wants me to go to Germany."

  "Okay, what are you going to do over there?"

  "Go to the Berlin Wall."

  "Oh? What are you going to do at the Wall?"

  "I'm going to put my hands on it and say, `In Jesus' name, come down!' and then I'm going to come home."

  Wouldn't that make for an interesting discussion?

  That's exactly what Dick did, because he understood the power of prophetic action and declaration. Dick would never claim to be the only person used by God to bring down the Berlin Wall. However, shortly thereafter the Wall was torn down.

  A Vision for the Youth

  A few years ago I was in Washington, D.C., for the National Day of Prayer with the Master's Commission, a group of young people from Spokane, Washington. My wife, Ceci, and I accompanied them because, while I had been ministering to them a couple of months prior, I had an incredible picture-I believe it was a vision. The picture was of a stadium filled with young people who were radically committed to God. As I watched, this multitude of young people filed out of the stadium and flooded the nation, taking revival with them.

  I shared the picture with these young people and a spirit of intercession came upon us that lasted for about 30 minutes. It was truly an awesome time of prayer for the youth ofAmerica. As we finished praying, I felt I was to join these youths on their upcoming trip to Washington, D.C.

  Shortly after we arrived in Washington, D.C., I sensed the Lord speak to me: I'm going to confirm to you on this trip that I am sending revival to this nation. I'm also going to demonstrate to you that the youth will play a major role in it.

  The Vision Confirmed

  My first confirmation came on The National Day of Prayer. There were probably 400 to 500 people gathered for the primary prayer meeting that morning-senators, congressmen, statesmen and spiritual leaders of the nation. I wasn't part of the program but was there to agree in prayer, as were most of the attendees. The Master's Commission had somehow received permission to be in the program, which was a miracle in itself. When these young people were invited up for their 15 minutes, they walked down the aisle singing, "Heal Our Land."

  As they sang, the Spirit of God fell over the room like a blanket. Perhaps hovered would be a better way to phrase it. At no other point was the
presence of God felt as strongly. I didn't see anyone present who wasn't weeping. Dr. James Dobson, who spoke after the Master's Commission, commented through tears that it is not often we get to witness history in the making. I'm sure everyone in attendance believed that day impacted the history of our nation.

  These young people then rendezvoused with Norm Stone, a man from their church, Harvest Christian Fellowship. God called Norm several years ago to walk across America seven times as a prophetic act of repentance and intercession for the babies murdered in America through abortion. That is prophetic action! The Master's Commission, most of whom were from the same church, walked behind him, 20 miles a day for two weeks, praying.

  The night before these young people were to join Norm, I heard these words from the Lord: This is a prophetic declaration by Me that the generation that Satan tried to annihilate through abortionMy next generation of warriors in the earth-have not and will not be destroyed. I'm sending these young people to march behind Norm as a prophetic message saying, "No! This is My generation, Satan, and you will not have them!"

  Later that evening I heard the words, I'm going to confirm to you once more that I'm sending revival to this nation in which the youth will have a major role. I'll do it through the Bible reading you're to do tonight.

  I was scheduled to be part of a three-day read-a-thon, the entire Bible being read by individuals while facing the Capitol building. Each person participating was allowed to read for 15 minutes, no more. We were required to read from wherever the progression happened to be in the Bible when our turn came. I didn't pick my reading time-someone else had signed me up the previous day and informed me I was supposed to be there at midnight the following night.


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