Mail Order Bride - Westward Destiny: Historical Cowboy Romance (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 4)

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Mail Order Bride - Westward Destiny: Historical Cowboy Romance (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 4) Page 5

by Linda Bridey

  Jamie spent the rest of the day helping Tessa with the twins. Tessa had refused at first since Jamie was a guest.

  “I might be here for a little while, so I won’t be a guest for long. I should earn my keep,” Jamie said. “Besides, it’ll give us a chance to get to know each other.”

  Tessa had acquiesced after that. By early afternoon, Tessa was glad that Jamie was helping her. The twins were still going through a colicky period and they wanted to be held constantly. Jamie didn’t mind. She looked down at Katie, who nestled in her arms as she sat in the parlor with Tessa and D.J. and smiled at the baby, even though she was fussy.

  She started singing a lullaby that her mother used to sing to her when she was little. Tessa listened to the words and found that Jamie had a beautiful singing voice. The twins heard her and began to quiet as Jamie sang. She kept singing and they drifted off to sleep. Tears of gratitude stung Tessa’s eyes. Jamie put Katie in the bassinette and came to take D.J. from Tessa.

  “You go have a nap. I’ll take care of them,” Jamie said.

  “No, I can’t do that,” Tessa said.

  “I insist. You need to sleep. They were up again last night,” Jamie said. “I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t mean it. Now go get some rest. If you don’t agree with me, I’m going to wake them up.”

  Tessa gave D.J. to Jamie and went to lie down without another word. Jamie smiled and put him in the other bassinette.

  Dean went up to the house that afternoon to check on Tessa and the twins and saw something on the kitchen door. It was a piece of paper that said, “Quiet! Sleeping babies inside!!” It was written in crayon. Dean wasn’t sure what was going on, but he quietly turned the doorknob and stepped into the kitchen.

  Jamie was in the parlor and saw him. She made a shushing gesture and then tiptoed out to the kitchen. She whispered, “Tessa is napping and I’m watching the twins. I got them to sleep and told her to go lay down. I’m trying to let her sleep as long as I can. She needs it. It looks like you do, too.”

  Dean rubbed a hand over his face and said, “Yeah, it’s been a rough time with them lately. Thanks for helping out.”

  “You’re welcome, Dean. Did Luke get his underwear fixed?” Jamie said with a gleam in her eyes.

  Dean drew away from her a little. “Beg your pardon?”

  Jamie said, “Just ask him if he got his underwear fixed.” Then she went back to the twins.

  “Hey, Luke,” Dean said. Luke was grooming Devil, and the horse’s black coat shone from the attention. He was happy to see that Luke was a thorough groomer. “Looks good.”

  “Thanks,” Luke said. “What’s up?”

  “Did you get your underwear fixed?” Dean asked.

  Luke stopped brushing Devil and looked at Dean. “Did she tell you about that?”

  Dean frowned. “About what?”

  “You know what.”

  “No, I really don’t.”

  Luke’s expression was pained as he said, “She gave me a wedgie.” This was not something he wanted to divulge to his cousin.

  “She what?” Dean said.

  “Gave me a wedgie,” Luke said.

  Dean didn’t say anything as he turned and walked away, but Luke could hear him laughing as he left. Luke went back to brushing the gelding, but vowed he’d get his revenge on a certain redhead.

  Jamie sat at the table in the cookhouse for supper that night. Jack was frying up steak and it smelled delicious. She saw Luke come in and smiled at him. He came to sit beside her and kept making her slide down until they were all alone at the one end.

  He leaned over and said, “You’re gonna get it,” into her ear.

  His warm breath made her shiver with awareness. “Promises, promises,” she whispered back.

  She was mesmerized as he smiled. Those big brown eyes of his made her melt when he looked at her. Jack announced that the food was ready and they went to get their supper. He made her slide down to the end again.

  “You’re a tricky one,” Luke said.

  “Who, me?” Jamie said.

  “Yep. You.”

  Marty and Ray seated themselves across from them.

  “Evenin’, Miss Jamie,” Ray said. “How was your day?”

  “Mine was great. I got to play with kids all day,” Jamie said as she cut her steak.

  Marty said, “We hear it wasn’t all day, though. Seems as though you had some fun time, too.”

  Luke gave Marty a hard stare.

  “Oh, yeah, I’d almost forgotten about that,” Jamie said with a sly smile.

  Ray started chuckling and Luke turned his attention on him. “Sorry, Luke, but you know how it is for the newest hand. There’s always a lot of ragging.”

  Luke said, “Yeah, I know.”

  Jamie slipped her hand under the table and ran her hand along Luke’s thigh. He jerked at first but then tried to ignore her. It didn’t work very well, he found. He shifted away from her slightly and looked down at her, but she was eating and not looking at him. He moved a little further away.

  Jamie quit rubbing his thigh and turned her attention back to her food, even though she was feeling very warm. His legs were strong and she had enjoyed touching him. She jumped and let out a yelp when his hand clamped down on her knee.

  Marty said, “What’s wrong?”

  “I thought I saw a spider,” she lied. “I guess not.”

  “I’ve never gotten why women are afraid of spiders,” Marty said, with a roll of his brown eyes.

  Luke squeezed harder and said, “Yeah. Why are women so afraid of spiders, Jamie?”

  She smiled sweetly at him and said, “Because some of them are poisonous and it’s hard to tell which ones are or aren’t.”

  Dean came in and he saw Luke and got a big smile on his face. “Hey, Jack. How about you put a plate together for your mama? She needs to eat.”

  “Sure, Pa,” Jack said.

  Jamie said, “Dean, I’ll go relieve her and you can eat together, ok?”

  Dean said, “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely,” she said. Luke was forced to let her leg go.

  Jamie got up and as she passed behind Luke she slipped a finger underneath his waistband, but didn’t pull. Luke jumped a little but didn’t say anything. Marty looked at him and said, “Did you see a spider, too?”

  Luke gave Jamie a look that told her she was in deep trouble.

  Jamie finished helping Tessa get the twins to sleep again and then decided to go for a walk. She walked down the lane under the moon. It was a bright night and chilly, but her coat kept her warm and the fresh air felt good on her face. She stopped to look at the stars when she heard an animal growl close to her. She started and looked all around her. The sound came again. It sounded vicious and she started back towards the ranch house.

  Suddenly the growl came from right behind the tree she was passing. She screamed and ran, but whatever it was had her and lifted her from the ground. A hand covered her mouth and Luke whispered in her ear, “Gotcha.”

  Jamie sagged with relief and then started laughing. She could feel Luke’s big body shaking with laughter, too. Then he put her down and she turned to face him.

  “I almost peed my pants!” she said, keeping her voice to a whisper.

  “Serves you right,” Luke whispered back.

  “What was that noise you were making?”


  “Well, it scared me to death,” Jamie said, and smacked his arm. He didn’t even flinch. “So were you watching for me?”

  Luke didn’t want to admit that he was so he said, “No. I was just going to go for a walk myself. I saw you down here and I couldn’t miss the opportunity to get revenge.”

  Jamie nodded as they neared the house. “Well, I think we’re even now. Let’s sit on the swing,” she said.

  “Aren’t you cold?” Luke said.

  “No. Are you?”


  “Ok, then let’s sit down and talk,” she said.

bsp; “Ok.”

  They sat down and Luke started to move the swing a little.

  “So, how many girls have put snow down your shirt?” Jamie asked.

  “Just you.”

  “How about given you wedgies?” Jamie asked with a little laugh.

  “Just you.”

  Silence settled between them. Jamie could tell she was going to have to draw him out. He talked just fine when prompted, but his shyness seemed to prevent him from starting the conversation. “So tell me about your family.”

  “Ma and Pa live in town now. They like it better than the farm we had. Pa works at the feed mill.”

  Silence again.

  “Do you have brothers or sisters?” Jamie asked.

  “One sister, but she moved to Chicago with her husband,” Luke said. He looked down at her and asked, “What about you? Do you have family?”

  Jamie shook her head. “No. They’re all gone. Mama and Daddy passed away a few years ago. My brother Steven was killed in a wagon wreck. I’ve been alone since Bobby died.”

  Luke’s heart went out to her. “Damn, I’m sorry, Jamie. That’s a lot to have to face alone.”

  Jamie swallowed as sudden emotion clogged her throat. She nodded. “Thanks.”

  Luke impulsively put an arm around her, and she leaned against him. She put her arms around his midsection and squeezed. “You smell good,” she said. “And you feel good.”

  Luke hated the self-consciousness that prevented him from saying something in return. She didn’t seem to mind though. Jamie appeared content to just sit there like that for a while. Then she looked up at him and said, “Hercules, are you gonna kiss me or what?”

  Luke needed no further urging. He tipped her chin up and kissed her softly, rubbing his thumb along her cheek. Jamie ran her hand up his chest and over his shoulder. His kiss was tender and she was touched by his gentleness. There was something about it that brought a well of emotion bubbling to the surface and Jamie felt tears prickling her eyes as they kissed.

  The kiss ended and Jamie smiled at him. “You’re a good kisser, Luke.”

  “So are you,” Luke said. He saw a tear escape her eye and brushed it away with his thumb. “What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?”

  She felt him start to pull away, but she gathered his shirt in her hands to make him stay.

  “No, Luke. You didn’t do anything wrong,” she said, and her breath hitched in her throat. “It’s just that other than two friends, I’ve been alone for so long and it’s so nice to be around people who seem to like me. And then there’s you,” Jamie was trying to control her feelings but it was hard. “You’re so kind and fun and shy and handsome. I haven’t met anyone like you in a long time.” Jamie blinked rapidly to keep the tears back. She hated crying.

  Luke smiled. “Well, I’ve never met anyone like you, that’s for sure.”

  Jamie said, “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

  “It’s a very good thing,” Luke said, and kissed her again.

  Jamie’s hands tightened on the material of his shirt and Luke kissed her harder. She responded in kind. Luke’s integrity intruded on the pleasure kissing her gave him, and he slowly broke apart from her.

  “I better go,” Luke said. He didn’t want to, but it was the right thing to do. “I’d like to stay here all night with you, but I have to be up early.”

  Jamie gave him a coy smile. “I could come with you.”

  Luke laughed. “You’re something else. As much as I would love that, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “How chivalrous of you,” Jamie teased. She pressed a quick kiss to his lips and said, “Sleep well.”

  “You, too.” Luke said and reluctantly left her.

  Jamie stayed on the swing for a while. She thought about how wonderful it was in Montana and decided to write her friend Lacey and tell her all about it. In the morning, she’d ask Luke if he had any friends who were looking to get married.

  Chapter Six

  Jamie found Luke in the cookhouse the next morning. She kissed his cheek and sat down by him. Jack saw and smiled as he watched Luke blush a little. Marty also saw and frowned. He didn’t think public displays of affection like that between people who weren’t married were proper. And the way that Jamie sidled up to Luke was forward.

  “Good morning,” Jamie said to Luke.

  “’Morning,” he answered.

  Jamie snatched a piece of bacon from Luke’s plate and bit off a piece.

  “Hey! Get your own,” he said with a laugh.

  “Didn’t your mama teach you how to share?” she teased him back. “Did you hoard all of your toys when you were a boy?”

  Luke laughed. “Toys I don’t mind sharing. Food is another matter.”

  “Spoil sport,” she accused.

  “That’s right.”

  “Fine. I’ll get my own plate,” she said. She got up from the table and went over to Jack.

  “Good morning, Jack. How are you this morning?” she said.

  “Fine. How ‘bout you?” Jack said.

  “Good, thanks. Oh! You made pancakes. Yum!” she said.

  Jack smiled. “Yep. Here’s a stack for you. Bacon?”

  “Yes, I’ll have bacon since someone didn’t want to share,” she said loudly.

  Luke grinned.

  Jack put several strips on her plate.

  “Thank you, Jack,” she said and kissed his cheek, then pinched it a little. “You handsome young thing you. I’ll bet you have all the girls chasing you.”

  Jack laughed and his face turned bright pink. “I don’t know about that, but I do all right.”

  Jamie said, “I’m sure you do.” She took her plate and sat back down again.

  She was startled to see Marty looking at her with disapproval. Jamie had seen that look once too often and she wasn’t going to put up with it anymore.

  “What’s your problem?” she asked him.

  Marty was surprised to have her challenge him directly. “What?”

  Jamie’s eyes narrowed and they took on a fierce light. “Don’t play dumb, Marty. I saw the way you were looking at me. What’s your problem?”

  Luke looked from Jamie to Marty. He’d had his head down, and hadn’t seen what had happened.

  Marty said, “Well, I don’t think it’s appropriate to flirt with a young boy like that when you’re here to marry someone else.”

  Jamie’s hand slammed down on the table, making Marty and Luke jump. “I did nothing wrong. I was just kidding around with him and he knows it.”

  “I’m just saying that it’s not a good idea to go around acting like a–”

  Jamie threw her coffee right in his face and got up from the table. “I don’t have to put up with that and you can kiss my ass!”

  She ran from the cookhouse right past Marcus. He thought at first that maybe she was playing around with Luke again, but the commotion he heard coming from inside the cookhouse told him that something was very wrong. Loud yelling reached his ears and Marcus hurried inside.

  Jamie ran towards the barn, seeking somewhere private. She was running in as Seth was coming out, and he stopped her.

  “Jamie, what’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Let me go! Leave me alone!” she said through her sobs.

  “Hey, it’s ok. What happened?”

  Jamie just shook her head. She wasn’t able to get the words out. Seth was alarmed by Jamie’s distraught state. He put an arm around her shoulders and began leading her towards his house. He got her up the steps and inside.

  His little poodle, Trouble, danced around their feet.

  “C’mon with me, Jamie,” Seth said. “Trouble, knock it off.”

  Maddie was in the kitchen and heard Jamie’s sobs. She came into the dining room.

  “What happened?” Maddie asked Seth.

  “I don’t know. She’s cryin’ too hard to tell me,” Seth said.

  Maddie went back to the kitchen, her large belly preceding her. “Brin
g her out here. I’ll make some tea and see if we can get her calmed down, poor thing.”

  Trouble followed them closely as Seth helped get Jamie seated, and Maddie sat down across the table from her.

  Jamie wanted to disappear. “I-I should have never come here. Why did I think it would be different?”

  Trouble sensed that Jamie was upset and sat at her feet whining.

  Maddie took one of her hands. “What do you mean? Is it Luke?”

  “No! No! Luke is wonderful but I knew that people were going to look down their noses at me and I was right!” Jamie said, and was overtaken with sobs again.

  Seth got up and went to one of the cupboards and got out a whiskey bottle and a glass. He put a little in it and brought it to Jamie.

  “Here. Drink this,” Seth said. There were still times when Maddie had nightmares about her attack and needed something to steady her nerves.

  Jamie took the glass, downed the alcohol in one gulp, and put it on the table. “Another,” she said.

  Seth and Maddie exchanged surprised looks, but Seth poured her a little more. Jamie quickly drank the second shot and placed the glass on the table. Then she took some deep breaths and seemed to be a little more in control.

  Maddie asked, “Jamie, can you tell us what happened now?”

  Jamie nodded. “At breakfast I was teasing Jack about being so cute. I just kissed his cheek and pinched it a little, and told him that all the girls must chase him. We both laughed about it and then I went to sit with Luke.”

  Jamie remembered the way Marty looked at her and fought completely breaking down again. “Marty sat across from me and gave me a dirty look. I asked him what his problem was and he said…” A sob interrupted her. She got past it and then said, “He said that I shouldn’t flirt like that with Jack because I was here to marry Luke. And then he almost called me a… whore. I threw my coffee at him and left.”

  Seth’s hand tightened into a fist. “That jackass! You stay here with Maddie, Jamie. I’m going to go take care of this.”

  Jamie nodded as Seth laid a hand on her shoulder. Then he kissed Maddie and left.

  As his gaze swept the cookhouse, Marcus saw that Luke had Marty pinned against the wall in the back. Jack hauled on Luke’s arm, trying to keep him from punching Marty again. Marcus rushed into the fray. He got between Luke and Marty and put his hands on Luke’s shoulders and pushed.


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