The First Time

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The First Time Page 2

by Jenika Snow

  His hands were still on her ass, pulling her forward and pushing her back on his shaft, over and over again. She opened her mouth on a gasp as a particularly intense contraction rippled through her body. It felt so good that the world around her dimmed in comparison. He took that as an invitation and slid his tongue inside of her mouth, moving it against her own and mimicking what she desperately wanted him to be doing between her thighs. She didn’t want to think about what she was doing with this stranger, this unknown man that was now her husband. Where had the submissive female she was trained to be gone?

  She slowed her moving hips and broke their kiss, feeling that precipice of lust starting to fade. She looked into his eyes and felt his hand cup her nape. Dropping her eyes, she didn’t know what he wanted, how she was supposed to act. Truth be told, she didn’t want to give herself over to a man for the sole reason of pleasuring him. She may have gone through years of sexual and submissive training, but the person deep down inside, the woman she was, wanted to be her own person. She wanted to be equal.

  “Look at me.” His voice was gentle yet commanding, and she lifted her gaze to his. It was impossible not to do as he said. “I want you to come on me, Veronica. I want to feel your body shake as you lose control.”

  Oh. God. The breath left her at his words. He leaned in and resumed kissing her. He slid his tongue along hers, fucking her mouth. One of his hands moved to cup her breast through the robe. The material was thin, and she knew he could feel the outline of her nipple as it stabbed through. His groan of satisfaction made her feel bold again, and she picked up where she left off. Moving back and forth on him she found a rhythm that had her rapidly rising, moving closer and closer to the explosion that she knew would take all the air from her lungs.

  Whatever was building inside of her grew to the point where it couldn’t be contained any longer. Her head fell back and her eyes closed as the most exquisite, most explosive pleasure washed through her. She was aware of the sounds coming from her, high-pitched mewling noises that should have embarrassed her but she was helpless to stop. Kristoff’s mouth was now latched on her neck, sucking on her flesh so hard she could feel the blood rush to the surface. She wantonly ground her hips on his lap, not caring that she was probably leaving a wet patch from the moisture continuously pouring from her clenching pussy.

  Exhaustion suddenly slammed into her, and she fell against Kristoff’s chest, the breath coming out of her in hard bursts. His arms wrapped around her, and he murmured against her head about how sweet and beautiful she was, how phenomenal she felt. She had only been in Kristoff’s presence for less than thirty minutes and already he had given her, her first climax. She should be mortified, humiliated and ashamed, but how could she when he rubbed her back and whispered endearments to her? She just hoped it was always like this, that he was always like this.

  Chapter Four

  She was still on Kristoff’s lap, her head in his chest, when the car slowed and then stopped. A moment later the backdoor was opened, and Kristoff helped her out of the car. His home was beautiful, with a sweeping archway and large windows. Monstrous pine trees surrounded the property, giving the illusion of privacy. Her husband took her hand and helped her up the wide stone steps and into their home. Their home. It sounded strange even thinking it.

  White marble covered the large foyer and a spiraling staircase stood directly in front of her. There was a line of servants off to the side, all of them in black and white attire. Their heads were bent and their hands were clasped in front of them. Kristoff introduced them to her and then led her up the staircase, down a long, expensively decorated hallway, and into their bedroom. A butler followed them in and laid out a stack of clothing for her on the bed.

  “We will take supper in here tonight, Edward.” The butler bowed at the waist and shut the door on his way out.

  Kristoff stood there, seemingly unsure of what to do next. Would he expect her to strip and lay on the bed, her thighs spread? He had only shown kindness to her, but now that they were truly alone, would that change?

  “Are you cold? I can draw you a bath, and you can soak until dinner arrives. It shouldn’t be too long.”

  That certainly wasn’t what she expected him to say. “I’m not cold, and I bathed before the auction.” Should she have taken one regardless? Maybe he wanted her extra clean? She didn’t know what to do or say so she just stood there. He started unbuttoning his shirt, and her heart pounded with each strip of flesh he revealed. To her disappointment he didn’t unbutton it all the way. He moved toward the bed and sat on the edge, patting the spot next to him.

  “Sit next to me. I am sure you have questions. I can see the uncertainty in your eyes, and I hope to alleviate it.” When she was seated beside him she stared at the bookshelf that filled on whole wall. Even from the distance she could see the binding of several of them etched in different languages. She was fluent in several different languages, a necessity in case her husband was not from the States. A few picture frames were sporadically placed on the wooden shelves, and she could just make out the image of a woman with flowing raven black hair. Was that a relative or a previous wife? Was Veronica the replacement? That thought left a bitter taste in her mouth. She didn’t want to be the replacement of a wife that was no more. If that was a past lover, did he only purchase her to ease the ache in his heart from losing someone he loved?

  He would really answer any questions she had? What was she supposed to ask anyway? She had never been in this situation before and only knew one thing: always obey. “I don’t know what to ask you.”

  “How about the basics? I mean, you know nothing of me yet I know everything about you.” Yes, she knew there would be no secret of hers that he didn’t know. All bidders knew the history of the females they were bidding on before they even came to the auction. “You are so very young, Veronica.” He ran his finger down the bared part of her arm, and she shivered. Just his touch caused something inside of her to bloom and warm. She wondered if it was like this with all of the women on their wedding night.

  “Do I frighten you?” His mouth was right by her ear, and she sighed at the feeling of his warm breath along her skin.

  Did he frighten her?

  “Yes. No.” She looked over at him and their mouths were once again only inches apart. She looked down at his lips, so full and inviting. Dare she be so bold as to kiss him again? He answered her unspoken question.

  “Kiss me, Veronica.” She leaned in the rest of the way and pressed her mouth to his. His hand speared in her hair, working with expert fingers to undo her chignon. Her hair tumbled down her back in waves of mahogany, and he immediately tangled his hands in the tendrils, tilting her head at the same time to deepen their kiss. He loosened one hand from her hair and slid it down her shoulder and through the gap in her robe. The first touch of his warm, smooth fingers wrapping around her bare breast had her gasping from the intensity of it.

  His thumb and forefinger pulled at her nipple, causing the flesh to pucker to the point of pain. He continued his pleasurable torture until she was begging him to do the same to the other one. It seemed like forever until he moved those teasing digits to her other breast. His index finger ran a slow circle around her areola, making the skin tighten. She found herself thrusting her chest out to him, pushing her breast into his hand.

  “Your tits are so soft, supple. I want to suck on your nipples, draw them deep in my mouth until you beg me for release.” His erotic words shocked her. He spoke against her mouth, almost breathlessly, but before he could deliver on his threat there was a soft knock on the door. Kristoff pulled away and closed the lapels of her robe and stared at her, his hands gripping the material so tight his knuckles were white. He leaned in and kissed her softly before rising and going to the door. She hadn’t missed the massive erection he sported or the fact he had yet to get off. Just thinking of him pushing into her with that sent a chill of uncertainty through her. Then again, given his overall size she shouldn't have been th
at surprised. He was a very intimidating man, but even though he was double her size she couldn't find a deep-seated fear that he might hurt her.

  Chapter Five

  They finished dinner in bed, and Veronica let herself relax against the cool, satiny sheets. She couldn’t remember the last time her belly was this full.

  “You seem very content. It is a good look on you.” Kristoff was propped against the headboard, his legs stretched out, his ankles crossed. He smiled at her, and she couldn’t help but return the expression.

  “Yes, well, I was never allowed to be full while growing up. Putting on weight was frowned upon, seeing as we were virgin brides.” When he didn’t respond she glanced over at him. A frown marred his expression, and she hoped she hadn’t angered him by speaking so bluntly. “I’m sorry. I need to learn to hold my tongue.”

  “Stop it.” The fierce command had her sitting up and staring at him with wide eyes. He shook his head and closed his eyes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to raise my voice. I just wish you wouldn’t apologize for speaking with me. I’m your husband, Veronica. I want you to be able to speak to me freely without the fear of punishment. I am not that type of husband, despite what you may have heard about me.”

  Veronica wanted to ask him what he meant, wanted to know why the men at the auction had watched him almost hesitantly. They obviously knew something about him, knew something that should frighten her, but even though he was giving her the opening to ask him, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. The truth of what she might hear scared the crap out of her.

  She smoothed her hands down her robe and asked, “How old are you?” It seemed like a safe alternative to what she was too afraid to ask. She heard him exhale and the rustle of sheets moving. She looked at him and saw that he was now lying on the bed, his hands behind his head and his gaze on the ceiling.

  “Thirty-eight.” He turned his head and looked over at her. “I have two brothers, Nikolas and Griffin. They live about thirty miles from here in the city of Hawkson.” She didn’t respond and so he continued giving her a little glimpse into his life. It was strange that they may have only been husband and wife for less than a day, but already she was feeling closer to him than anyone she had ever known. Her family had never opened up with her like Kristoff was. He was willing to let her into his life. It made her feel like more than just an object.

  “Am I your first wife?” The words just tumbled out of her, and she wished she could take them back as soon as they came out. She watched as he ran a hand through his hair and breathed out roughly.

  “No. I was married for five years.” He got off the bed and walked over to the bookshelf, grabbing the photo of the raven-haired woman she had seen earlier. He lay back on the bed and turned toward her, handing her the picture. “That was Macie.”

  Veronica didn’t miss how he used past tense to describe his wife, but when he told her he had been married she knew the woman had passed away. A man could buy more than one wife, but he didn’t divorce them. Ever. “I’m so sorry. When did she die?”

  “Two years ago.” His voice was low and distant and she knew he was thinking about her, probably thinking of memories that had once been reality.

  “Can I ask how she died?”

  He reached across the mattress and took her hand. “You are my wife now, Veronica. I told you to speak freely to me. I have nothing to hide.” His stare was intense, and she could see an internal struggle going on within him. “I didn’t have Macie on a leash like many of the husbands that buy their wives do. I wanted her to have freedom, to explore the world. Out back there is a garden, one that she planted and grew. She used to love going out there, especially in the evening when the night blooming jasmines were in season.” His thumb drew tiny circles on the back of her hand, and Veronica was mesmerized watching his finger smooth over her skin.

  “I was working late when I received the phone call. They found her body by the creek that runs parallel to the property through the woods. By the time I got there she had already been pronounced dead. They said she tripped on the slippery rocks lining the creek bed and hit her head. She had massive hemorrhaging.” He took a deep, stuttering breath. “The coroner told me she was pregnant.”

  Veronica felt tears prick her eyes. That certainly wasn’t what she expected to hear. She felt the first hot tear slide down her cheek and lifted her free hand to brush it away. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what it feels like to lose someone precious to you so tragically.” He gave her a reassuring smile and gave a gentle tug of her hand, urging her to come closer.

  “I’m sure you saw the way the other men at the auction looked at me.” Veronica nodded. “They think I am a negligent husband, that if I had kept Macie on a leash, showed her who was in control and hadn’t give her the freedom she would still be here. I know what they were thinking when they saw me purchase you; know that they are counting down the days until I fuck up again.” His eyes were suddenly on hers and the depth of emotion she saw in them was startling. “When I saw you up there something inside of me opened. I have been to every auction the city has held, but I have never had any intention of ever purchasing another wife. I’ve come to terms with her death and know that is my past. I knew that I had to move on, and have, but I just couldn’t bring myself to bring another woman into my house and risk letting her get harmed again.” He leaned forward and kissed her forehead, and Veronica closed her eyes, savoring the feeling.

  “I can’t tell you what happened, but when I saw you walk up on the stage with the other women I knew right then I had to have you. I wanted to try to be a husband again. I wanted to try with you.”

  Chapter Six

  Tear after tear slipped down Veronica’s cheeks, and she didn’t bother brushing them away. It wouldn’t have made a difference anyway. Never would she have thought when she was bought that her husband would be so honest, so heartbreaking. Here sat Kristoff St. Michaels, a man physically superior to most, spilling his heart about the woman he thought he let down. The sorrow and remorse that poured from him was so thick, so tangible that it suffocated her. She thought she would just be a possession, a pretty little object that would always be expected to be ready for her husband. This life was certainly not what she expected, but she accepted it, embraced it.

  “Several men wanted you, but there wasn’t any way I was going to let them have you. I felt my heart beat for the first time in two years when I saw you. I don’t believe in love at first sight, but I do believe that what I felt for you when I first saw you goes against any logic and reason.” His hand cupped her cheek and he said softly, “I don’t expect you to have any idea of what I feel for you, of what I want to have with you, but I hope you’ll accept me and let me show you how good I can be to you.”

  Veronica didn’t wait for him to finish, didn’t think about how to be proper and meager. She let her emotions take control for the first time in her twenty years. Leaning in, she kissed Kristoff with all the heartache, all the happiness and sympathy she felt for him. He responded with a tightening of his hand on her cheek and a groan of desire. He gripped her hip with his other hand and pulled her closer so that she could feel his erection press against her thigh. She wanted to feel him inside of her, using all of that pent up emotion on her. She moved her hands between their bodies and undid the bow that held her robe together. Without breaking the kiss he placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed the material away. It pooled at her waist, the air causing her nipples to tighten in response. Her breath came out in hard little pants against his mouth. Hands on his chest, she felt the muscles swell beneath them. She grabbed the buttons with her fingers and started undoing them, her heart racing each time they slipped free.

  She could feel his thumbs caress her skin and felt his hands slowly make their way across her collarbones and over her breasts. For a suspended moment all he did was hold her, but soon his kiss became more heated, demanding, and he gripped her flesh tighter. At the feel of pressure on her tender flesh she arched her
back, thrusting her chest into his warm palms, silently begging him for more.

  He broke the kiss and started trailing kisses down her throat and then latched on to one of her nipples. A ripple of pleasure shot through her core when she felt the hot, wet suction of his mouth and tongue on her turgid flesh. She found her hands in his hair, as if they had a mind of their own. The dark strands were short and silky as they slipped through her fingers. She held him to her chest and savored the feel of him gently drawing the tiny bead farther into his mouth. The sensation of blood rushing to the surface, pooling beneath his mouth had her clamping her thighs closed to stop the flow of moisture that was starting to make a slow trek down her inner thighs.

  One of his hands smoothed down her belly and stopped at the top of her mound. “Let me feel you, Veronica.” When he touched her bare pussy for the first time she jumped. It was just a small touch, not even overtly sexual, but it was like fire licking through her entire body. Ever so slowly he used his upper body to push her back on the bed until she felt her back meet the cool sheets. He was so much larger than her that when he rested his body fully on hers everything around her was blocked out, hidden behind the sheer mountain of his shoulders. He lifted up slightly and shrugged his shirt off. She felt her mouth go dry at the sight of his chest.

  Rippling muscles encased in smooth satiny flesh were all she could see. The dips and hollows, that perfectly cut V of muscle that led down his abdomen and disappeared beneath his trousers was something statues were made of. He looked so hard, so powerful that she didn’t doubt he could crush anything that got in his way, but with her he was as gentle as if she were a wounded butterfly and he wanted to heal her.

  “Spread your thighs, Veronica. Let me touch my wife’s pussy.” Just hearing him speak reverently yet erotically had heat traveling through her. She spread her thighs when he adjusted himself off of her. He knelt in front of her, his trousers still on, but not even those hid how much he wanted her.


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