The Resistance

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The Resistance Page 52

by Matthew Cobb

  weapons acquisition a key problem for, ref1

  see also Service du Travail Obligatoire (STO)

  Marchais, George, ref1

  Marie-Laurence, Sister, ref1

  Marly, Anna, ref1

  Marseilles, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  liberation of, ref1, ref2

  Martin, Édouard, ref1

  Martin-Chauffier, Louis, ref1

  Martin-Chauffier, Simone, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

  Massu, Suzanne, ref1

  Mauthausen, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Mauvais, Léon, ref1, ref2

  Mayer, Daniel, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Mechelen, ref1, ref2

  ‘Médéric’, see Védy, Gilbert

  media and underground/Resistance publications:

  Arbeiter und Soldat, ref1, ref2

  BBC, see main entry

  Bir-Hakeim, ref1, ref2

  Combat, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10

  Courrier du Centre, ref1

  Défense de la France, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  France-Soir, ref1

  Franc-Tireur, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Front National, ref1

  Humanité, ref1, ref2, ref3

  J’accuse, ref1, ref2

  La Vérité, ref1

  La Vérité française, ref1

  Les Petites Ailes de France, ref1

  Libération, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Libération-Nord, ref1, ref2

  Liberté, ref1

  Manchester Guardian, ref1

  Notre parole, ref1, ref2

  Nouvelliste, ref1

  Pantagruel, ref1, ref2

  Radio Paris, ref1

  Radio Patrie, ref1

  Radio Vichy, ref1

  Radiodiffusion de la Nation Française, ref1

  Résistance, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Soldat im Westen, ref1, ref2

  Valmy, ref1, ref2

  Zeitung für Soldat und Arbeiter im Westen, ref1

  Menthon, François de, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Menton, ref1

  Menzies, Sir Stewart, ref1

  Mers-el-Kebir, ref1, ref2

  Meunier, Pierre, ref1, ref2

  Meuse river, ref1, ref2

  Meximieux, ref1

  MI5, ref1

  MI6, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18

  MI9, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Michel, Charles, ref1

  Michelet, Edmond, ref1, ref2

  Michelin plant, ref1

  Milice, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Milices Patriotiques, ref1

  Minsk, ref1

  Miquelon, ref1

  Mitterrand, François, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Molotov, Vyacheslav, ref1

  Monat, Martin, ref1, ref2

  Montgomery, Field Marshal, ref1

  Montluc prison, ref1

  Montluçon, protest at, ref1

  Montoire, ref1, ref2

  Montpellier, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Moog, Robert, ref1, ref2

  Moonstrike, ref1

  Moquet, Guy, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Morandat, Léon, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Morel, ‘Tom’, ref1, ref2

  Moser, Alfons, ref1, ref2

  Moulin, Jean (‘Max’, ‘Rex’), ref1, ref2 passim, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8 passim, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17

  ambitions of, for national resistance leadership, ref1

  arrest, torture and death of, ref1, ref2

  Bidault remembers, ref1

  in Brooks’s book, ref1

  argues with Brossolette, ref1, ref2 at Caluire summit meeting, ref3

  capture feared by, ref1

  claimed to be Communist agent, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  claimed to be US agent, ref1

  and Communist Party, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Combat’s OSS funding and, ref1

  commemoration of, ref1, ref2

  far-reaching vision of, ref1

  Frenay blamed for Delestraint arrest by, ref1

  Frenay’s conflict with, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Frenay’s meetings with, ref1, ref2

  on Jews’ fate, ref1

  in Lisbon, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Nazis learn of existence of, ref1

  parachute training by, ref1

  report on the Resistance by, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  services set up by, ref1

  supports Frenay, ref1, ref2,

  suicide attempt by, ref1, ref2

  two lives of, ref1

  widespread demonstrations initiated by, ref1

  Mouvement Ouvrier Français, ref1

  Mouvements Unis de la Résistance (MUR), ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  see also Resistance

  Multon, Jean, ref1, ref2

  Murder in Memoriam, ref1

  Musée de l’Homme, ref1, ref2

  group named after, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9

  Muselier, Admiral, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Mussolini, Benito, ref1

  Naïtchenko, Maroussia, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

  Nal, Louis, ref1

  Nantes, ref1, ref2

  Némirovsky, Irène, ref1

  Netherlands, see Holland

  Nice, ref1

  Nicoli, Jean, ref1

  Niebergall, Otto, ref1

  Nîmes, ref1

  Nimrod intelligence circuit, ref1, ref2

  Nordling, Raoul, ref1, ref2

  Nordmann, Léon-Maurice, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Norman, Gilbert, ref1, ref2

  Normandy, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  landings, ref1, ref2

  see also D-Day; Operation Overlord

  North Africa, Allied invasion of (Operation TORCH), ref1, ref2, ref3

  Noyautage des Administrations Publiques (NAP), ref1

  Nuremberg trials, ref1

  Oberg, General Karl, ref1


  biggest prison break during, ref1

  documentaries concerning, ref1, ref2

  economic crisis caused by, ref1

  effect of, on ordinary people, ref1

  first collective stirring of resistance to, ref1

  harsh effects of, ref1

  hostages taken and executed during, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  May Day demonstrations mobilize people against, ref1

  Nazis’ access to petrol during, ref1

  Paris sees end of, ref1

  V campaign against, ref1

  whole-country completion of, ref1, ref2

  see also France

  Oddon, Yvonne, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants (OSE), ref1, ref2

  Office of Strategic Services (OSS), ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6 ref7

  O’Leary, Pat, ref1, ref2

  Operation BARBAROSSA, ref1

  Operation CHARIOT, ref1, ref2

  Operation COCKADE, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Operation DRAGOON, ref1

  Operation FORTITUDE, ref1

  Operation GOLDFISH, ref1

  Operation JERICHO, ref1, ref2

  Operation MINCEMEAT, ref1

  Operation OVERLORD, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Operation PEARL HARBOR, ref1

  Operation TORCH, ref1, ref2

  Ophüls, Marcel, ref1, ref2

  Oradour-sur-Glane, ref1, ref2

  Organisation Civile et Militaire (OCM), ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Organisation de Résistance de l’Armée (ORA), ref1, ref2

  Organisation Spéciale (OS), ref1

  Ouvrieu, Yves, ref1, ref2

  Paillole, Paul, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Papon, Maurice, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4


  11 November 1940 demonstration in, ref1, ref2

/>   Arc de Triomphe in, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Communist youth street actions in, ref1

  curfews in region of, ref1

  declared an open city, ref1

  demonstrations and strikes in, ref1

  draped with swastika flags, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Eiffel Tower in, ref1, ref2

  Germans advance towards, ref1

  Germans attempt to retake, ref1

  Germans enter, ref1

  Germans evacuate key command centres in, ref1

  government officially leaves, ref1

  liberation of, ref1, ref2

  malnutrition in, ref1

  newsreel film of, ref1, ref2

  Place de l’Étoile in, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Place de la République in, ref1

  population flees, ref1, ref2

  surrender signed in, ref1

  thousands of Jews arrested in, ref1

  Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in, ref1, ref2

  triumphal march in, ref1

  War committee meets in, ref1

  see also France

  Parodi, Alexandre, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Parodi, René, ref1, ref2

  ‘Pat O’Leary’ line, ref1

  Patton, General, ref1

  Paxton, Robert, ref1, ref2

  PCF (Parti Communiste Français), see Communists

  Pearl Harbor, ref1

  Péguy, Charles, ref1

  Péri, Gabriel, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Perotin, Yves, ref1

  Pétain, Marshal Philippe, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14

  arrest of, ref1

  becomes Deputy Prime Minister, ref1

  becomes Prime Minister, ref1

  cessation of hostilities announced by, ref1

  collaboration announced by, ref1

  Frenay’s hopes in, ref1, ref2

  Hitler’s Montoire meeting with, ref1, ref2

  murders denounced by, ref1

  openly siding with Nazis, ref1

  outlook of early Resistance dominated by, ref1

  slow change in public opinion of, ref1

  Petite Gette river, ref1

  Peugeot plant, ref1

  Philip, André, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  ‘phoney war’, ref1, ref2

  Pickard, Group Captain, ref1

  Picquendar, General, ref1

  Pierquin, Bernard, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Pineau, Christian, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12

  arrest of, ref1

  dying Moulin seen by, ref1, ref2

  Free French Intelligence invitation to, ref1

  Libération created by, ref1

  London mission of, ref1, ref2

  Piquet-Wicks, Major Eric, ref1, ref2

  Pisani, Edgar, ref1

  Planteligne, Émile, ref1


  Enigma cracked by, ref1

  intelligence service in, ref1

  Nazis invade, ref1

  Poncelet, General, ref1

  Ponchardier, Dominique, ref1

  Pons, Collette, ref1

  Préfecture de Police, ref1

  Prisoners of Hope (Brooks), ref1

  prisoners of war, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  PROSPER circuit, ref1, ref2

  Pucheu, Pierre, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  RAF, see Royal Air Force

  Rainat, Max, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Ratier factory, ref1, ref2

  Ravanel, Serge, ref1

  Rayski, Adam, ref1, ref2

  Reboul, Jean-Noël, ref1

  Rée, Harry, ref1, ref2

  Reimers, Hans, ref1

  Reiss, Ignace, ref1, ref2

  Renault factory, bombing of, ref1, ref2

  Renault, Gilbert (‘Rémy’), ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

  René (farmer), ref1

  Rennes, ref1, ref2

  Renouvin, Jacques, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Requet, Aimé, ref1


  Allies remain distrustful of, ref1

  amateurish publications produced by, ref1

  Ascq railway-line sabotage by, ref1

  Barbie arrests key members of, ref1

  Barbie’s campaign against, ref1

  BBC’s cryptic messages to, ref1

  British culture saturated by, ref1

  British secret services’ links with, ref1

  Caluire summit meeting of, ref1

  Central Committee of, ref1

  civil servants organized by, ref1

  Communists change attitude towards, ref1

  death knell of, ref1

  Dewavrin viewed with suspicion by, ref1

  disparate groups make up, ref2 (see also individual groups)

  documentary and cinematic accounts commemorating, ref1, ref2

  dwindling number of surviving members of, ref1

  faded heroic view of, ref1

  falling-apart of, ref1

  final fading of, ref1

  first collective stirring of, ref1

  first organizations of, ref1

  formation of two main groups in, ref1

  Free French connections increase stature of, ref2

  Free French funds, ref1

  friendships and chance meetings fuel growth of, ref1

  de Gaulle’s proposal to, ref1

  de Gaulle’s wish to control military action of, ref1

  Jewish, ref1

  large-scale sabotage carried out by, ref1

  London gets first detailed knowledge of, ref1

  London summit aims to unify, ref1

  memorials and museums devoted to, ref1

  Milice set against, ref1

  Moulin’s CNR mission provokes conflict within, ref1

  Nazi reprisals against, ref1, ref2

  number of people involved in, ref1, ref2

  Overlord and, ref1, ref2

  Pineau and de Gaulle discuss, ref1

  political muscles flexed by, ref1

  political parties incorporated into, ref1

  power struggle for leadership of, ref1

  pressure to combine put on groups within, ref1

  reaction of, to labour conscription, ref1 (see also maquis)


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