Bella #1 (Sagatori Family Saga #1)

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Bella #1 (Sagatori Family Saga #1) Page 3

by Kimberly Blalock

  “Do you have a bag? Something to put a change of clothing in?”

  “Thank you so much Jax, but I’ve got it from here.” I offered a thankful smile. I didn’t know what I would’ve done if he hadn’t stopped to help me.

  “I wouldn’t feel right about leaving you here by yourself. Something doesn’t feel right.” His body stiffened and his arms reached out for me.

  “What?” I also stiffened.

  “Someone’s here.” He whispered into my hair.

  “Papa.” I leaped forward towards the door, pushing away from Jax. His arm gripped my right elbow as I began to pad my booted feet out of the room.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Who else could it be?” No one knew where this house was.

  His dark eyes held question and apprehension. He nodded but didn’t release my arm.“I’ll go first.” He whispered as he moved past my body using himself to shield me.

  “Not the best idea, Jax. You should stay here and I’ll go. My father isn’t up for strange men surprising him.” This poor guy didn’t know the half of what the men that surround me every day were capable of and I didn’t want him finding out.

  His head nodded as he stepped back.“If you’re sure.” He reached for his ringing phone.

  “I am.” I bowed as I continued toward the hallway. My boots sunk into the cream carpet with each step. When I reached the landing I heard Papa's voice. My heart flutters. He’s okay. I reach for the gold crucifix on my neck thanking God.

  “Papa!” I yelled as I descended the long stair case.

  “Isabella!” He hissed back.

  I jumped from the last three steps and ran to him. Our arms took each other in for a gripping hug.

  “Are you hurt?” He leaned back evaluating me with his eyes.

  I shook my head.“I’m okay.” My head immediately followed to the stairs remembering Jax was up there. He’d already descended half way down meeting my gaze.“Jax.” I said mostly to myself.

  “Papa, Jax.” I gesturedbetween the two.“He’s the man that brought me here.”

  Jax began his approach with each step coming closer as Papa and Tony watched with unknown intentions. When Jax reached the bottom step he extended his hand towards Papa.“Mr. Sagatori.”

  “Jax Moretti.” My father returned the gesture and shook Jax’s hand.

  “Papa? You know him?” I questioned with raised brows.

  “I do.” He knows him?“How is your father?” Papa asked respectively.

  “He’s well.” He answered with assurance.

  All of the men in the room stood tall, marking their territory of sorts. Papa seemed uneased by Jax’s presence and Papa is never, not at ease. He’s a very confident man.

  Was Jax’s family in the same life as my family? I didn’t see that one coming. He seemed different than the boys I’d grown up with, but if our fathers were friends then maybe.

  “Did you know who I was?” I straightened my posture, feeling deceived, my arms tucked tightly into my chest.

  His head tilted, gaging my reaction.“Not until we arrived. When I saw your father’s picture, I realized you were Isabella. Anthony Sagatori’s princess.”

  “Oh,” He did look at the pictures when we arrived.“Okay,” I’ll let it go for now, but only because I needed to speak with Papa. I relaxed from the attack position I’d been holding.

  “Come, let’s sit and you can tell me what’s happened and where you’ve been.” Papa nodded to Tony in one of his secret discussions only one of his men understood.

  “Bella, I see that you’re in capable hands, so I’m going to go.” He approached while looking at Papa.

  Papa nodded his head and Jax continued towards me.“Walk me out.”

  I follow behind him to the foyer, he opened the door and we stepped out onto the porch. A gush of wind whisked my hair over my face. I brushed it away and turned towards Jax, who’s standing behind me. His hands take hold of my forearms, stunning me still. His eyes hold mine very carefully. He wasn't speaking and instead watched me with a harsh stare. A chill took over my entire body leaving me unsure if it was from the cold harsh winds that continued blowing my hair around, his touch, or that stare, but something had been affecting me.

  “Thank you so much for getting me here safely. I’ll repay you somehow.” My lips parted. I meant every word. Somehow I’ll repay his kindness.

  “You already have, Bella.” He reached his hand to my face, he gently tucked my flyaway hair behind my ear. His eyes remained on me for several more minutes. When he released me, he walked down the stairs with the driver following close behind. I saw a gun peeking out from his jacket in the light that shined on the porch. He leaned into the limo not looking back and drive away.

  I wondered what he'd meant when he said I’d already repaid him. I stood out in the freezing-cold January night watching as Jax’s tail lights disappear before returning inside. Papa and the boys are in the living room when I enter. Tony was starting a fire and Sal was pouring Papa a drink from the bar on the other side of the room.

  “Sit.” Papa pointed to the white chase next to him.“Tell me what happened princess.”

  I reached for Momma's throw that lay across it, wrapping it around my body and sat in the chair. I’d tell him what happened but Iwas scared what he’d do. Because this was the one thing that could start a war and that I was not ready for.

  Chapter 3


  I begin telling Papa what’d happened.“Sam was at Galleys. Iwas there with some of my girlfriends.”

  Sal handed Papa the drink he'd poured and then leaned his arm across the top of Papa's chair to listen.

  My eyes reached Papa’s again.“I had been drinking.”

  His eyes narrowed. I knew what he’s thinking. He’s told me a million times how important it was that I keep my wits about me in public. But clearly I don’t always listen.“Go on.” He says when I stop midsentence.

  “I don’t know what happened.” My eyes fall as I shake my head.“I was really tipsy and he offered to take me home.” My eyes find Papa’s again.“He took me home, to hishome.” I take in a deep breath.“I got sober real quick.”

  “Did he hurt you?” Papa’s hands squeeze the arms of the chair.

  My eyes widened as I watched his fingers turn white as he continued gripping the chair. I’d made a lot of stupid mistakes in my life that’ve caused him pain, but that was when I was a kid. I had since grown up and I should act like it.

  “Isabella.” He growled.

  I bowed my head. I'd never lied to him. I’d always been honest with him. I loved my father and I knew that he only wanted the best for me.

  “What did he do?” His eyes closed waiting for a horrible truth.

  “He smacked me a few times. When I spit in his face, he had someone duct tape my mouth.” I only told Papa what he needed to know.

  His eyes opened and his head turned towards Sal, my fathers most trusted right hand. I’d grown up with Sal. He was no one to mess with. Papa trusted him and so did I. I mostly trust that his loyalty would keep Papa alive in a business that could kill him any second. He didn’t speak but he didn’t have to. Anything he wanted him to know had been silently communicated and I’d never know. His eyes met mine again.“How did you get away?”

  “Eventually he left the room and I took off out the window. I jumped from a one story, landing in the grass and took off through the woods. I knew that we’d come in on the highway, I remembered that, so I just ran till I found it. That’s when Jax found me. Of course, I didn’t know his name then, but he helped me and brought me here.” My heart skipped a beat when I said his name. I knew how he made me feel when I'd said his name even if I didn't understand why.

  “And now he knowswhere we are.” Tony responded.

  “Mhmm,” My father nodded while pressing his lips together. His jaw tightened as he took a moment to think.

  “Is that bad?” I asked as I turned my attention towards Tony.

didn’t answer and looked towards Papa instead.

  “Isabella, you have no need getting into men talk.” Papa answered with a harsh tone, my heart was thumping in my chest wondering what that means. Men business? He meant Mafia business. I wasn't an idiot.

  “And what did he say? What were Salvatore's intentions?” Papa asked.

  “He said that you were an old man that needed to be put to sleep.” I leaned forward resting my hand on Papa’s.“It scared me. He wants to take over and he’s going to try to kill you to do it.” I dropped my head.“All because I refuse to marry him and that he could have the title as boss when you retire.” Guilt washes over me.

  “That’s what he said?”

  I nodded as I looked up.

  “I see.” Papa’s eyes moved towards the fire.

  “What will you do?”

  “He’ll do the same thing he always does. He’ll deal with it.” Sal responded. Papa waved him away with annoyance.

  Sal lifted his hands, backing away towards the bar.

  “Isabella, what did he want from you?”

  “The same thing he always wants. Me. I’m his bla-bla-bla. It’s ridiculous, can’t you do something?” I pleaded.

  “You gonna tell her?” Tony chimed in. I found him on the other side of the room as leaned against the wall, crossing his huge arms against his chest.

  “What?” My eyes darted across the room.“Tell me what?”

  “Sam called.” Papa’s eyes were firm.“He had a story of his own just a few moments after youcalled.”

  My mouth gaped open. My eyes widened. I couldn’t believe he had the balls.“And?” I didn’t even want to know. But I listened anyway waiting for whatever he’d said.

  Papa’s eyes followed to Sal.

  “He said that you were drunk and out of your mind. He said that he tried to take you home and you were all over him.”

  “He thinks that you were drugged at Galleys by Dino.”

  Dino? What? I shake my head“Papa, Dino wasn’t there.”

  Sal nods his head.“He wasthere.”

  “No! It was me, Jessica, and Emily He wasn’t there.” I shake my head.

  “Bell, how could you be sure if you were so drunk?”

  Drunk? I- I was tipsy, but I wasn’t that drunk. Was I? I wasn’t. I don’t think.

  “Sam said he was only trying to help you when you ran away half naked through the woods.” I saw that Papa didn’t believe me. Guilt washed over me. He looked at me as though I couldn't be trusted, like I was a liar.

  “He smacked me. He put duct tape over my mouth.” Tears filled the corners of my eyes.

  “Sam said all of those things Bell, but he said you became volatile towards him and his staff. He said that he’d tried to call us to come and get you. After your father went through his phone he found the call that Sam said he’d made.” He shrugged.

  “So- I’m crazy?” Did I make all of that up in my head? I cupped my face into the palm of my hands, realizing maybe I didn’t know what'd happened.

  “Isabella, we’ll stay here tonight and tomorrow I’ll take you home.”

  I raised my head from my hands as I looked at my father.“I’m so sorry, Papa.” I must’ve been drugged like they’d said, which meant I'd almost started a war for nothing. I could’ve gotten people killed. I would never have wanted innocent people hurt. How innocent those involved are wasn’t really the question because no one in this world was free from the blood that stained us all.

  I stood to walk towards the stairs once my father’s face fell flat with undeniable disappointment.

  “You’ll call Salvatore and apologize immediately.”

  I gave a swift and deliberate bow, turning my face from him.

  “And Isabella?” He said grimly, clearing his throat.

  I spun my head seeing him behind me in the white arm chair.

  “Thank him for his kindness.” The unsympathetic tone brought alarm to my already hyperaware body. Papa was undeniably dour.

  I bowed my head again and tucked my arms against my chest.“Yes Papa.” I felt an inch tall. I took a deep breath as I released my hand to slip an unbound strand of hair behind my ear.

  I turned, taking the walk of dishonor to my room. I knew that I could’ve really caused a lot of trouble. I felt so ashamed.

  I didn’t have my cell phone or my bag, but I did have another phone in my go bag that was sitting in the closet. I reached into it. I retrieved the phone and sat on the bed.

  I discerned that I was unable to call him because I didn’t know his number.“Gah.” I jumped from my bed sauntering towards the window. I didn't want to call that piece of shit. I hated Salvatore Casconi. But Papa insisted and I never wanted to let him down.

  “Oh Momma, what have I done?” I wished she were here. I wiped a falling tear from my eye.

  I grabbed the blanket from the chair, wrapped myself into its warmth and crawled onto the window nook and closed my eyes. It’d been a really long day. I fell asleep the minute my eyes closed.

  I’d deal with my behavior tomorrow. I’d apologize and make this right.

  Chapter 4



  I’d been tense since I left Bella. A bad feeling resonated in my gut about what'd happened to her. God, she’s fucking phenomenally beautiful. I’ve seen her before. Of course she was dressed then, and a little younger, so I didn’t put it together right away. She didn’t remember me at all.

  The car turned onto the highway as it headed back the way we’d come. I was supposed to have a meeting with Salvatore“Sam” Casconi two hours ago. Fucking pig.

  I relaxed into the seat but all I could see were her grey eyes, full lips, and pink cheeks. Holy fuck she’d been beautiful. Reaching towards the seat for my phone I saw an unknown number calling.“Jax.” I growled.

  “This is Sagatori.” He growled back.

  I straightened in my seat.“Yes?” Mr. Sagatori was a respected man. Probably more feared than respected, honestly. But I knew my place and so did he. If Anthony Sagatori called me directly it had to be for a fuckin’ good reason.

  “I called to give to you my sincerest appreciation for bringing my daughter home safely. But I’m curious as to what happened?” Didn’t Bella tell him?

  I nodded.“Yes, of course. She was in the middle of the highway, my driver almost hit her. She looked pretty scared and frozen. I put her in my car and took her home.”

  “I see." he paused. "Well, she’s safe now and all thanks to you. I’d like to set up a sit down with you.”

  “I wasn’t planning on staying in Detroit but another day.” I paused because I was a bit curious what Sagatori was so eager to speak with me about.“Can I call in the morning and set somethin' up.”

  “Yes call first thing.” his voice was firm.

  “Very good.” he disconnects the call.

  “Mickie?” Sagatori is the king of Detroit and the famiglia. Bella’s his princess. I'm the boss of the outfit, if he had taken the time to call me I needed to show my respect.

  “I heard boss.” Mickie gave a glance through the partition.

  I nodded to him from the back of the limo.

  I reached Casconi’s, buzzing the gate. When it opened, my driver steered the black limousine through the wide metal opening.

  We parked and two men walked around the side of the house approaching us.

  “Is Casconi available?” I asked as I exited my car.

  “Yes sir, he’s expecting you.”

  We walked along the stone path that lead to the door, we approached and entered; the two men guided me into Casconi’s office, closing the French doors, leaving me in the office alone. Mickie was left to stand just outside the door, ready to end every mother fucker here if he needed to.

  I risked a quick look around. Not much that interestedme until I saw Bella’s picture inside of a silver frame on his desk. I didn’t know they were seeing each other.

  “Mr. Moretti, I assume your trip to Detro
it was pleasant?”

  “Casconi,” I replied, turning towards the door.

  “Forgive me for the wait. I was expecting you earlier?” He seemed stressed out. His clothes wrinkled, hair was all over the place. Hell, I guess he may’ve just gotten out of bed. I was really late.

  “Something that couldn’t be helped, my apologies, you understand.” I didn’t need to apologize to this fucker for anything, but I would because showing him respect was warranted since he was a Capo under Sagatori and I was seeing that Detroit may have a few possibilities.

  He opened the envelope filled with money, releasing all of the papers that I'd come here for. I could’ve sent Mickie alone or Anthony, but I wanted to see this fucker up-close and personal. He’d caused a lot of problems for business and for me.

  He flipped through the papers, one by one and yawned as he handed them to me. So fuckin' disrespectful.

  “You and Bella Sagatori?” I had the sudden urge to rip him over the desk and stab him in the throat.

  “What?” His eyes continued to review goingover the documents I’ve paid for.

  “Bella Sagatori.”

  His head raised holding a glare.“What the fuck is it to you?” And it all becomes clear to me. This asshole has a hairy trigger. He’d been in trouble for the last few months with a few of the men under my rule and now he was barking at me.

  My eyebrows rise. I stood erect with my hand pressed to my gun. My eyes bore into his before he could stand from his faux leather chair. I laughed to myself. Did he think all of this convinced people he’s a boss? Capo? He’s a small boy living in a man’s world. I didn’t care if he was crazy because I was crazier.

  His eyes wondered to his left, seeing the picture I’d been referring to.“We’re promised to each other.” He remained seated in his chair.

  I nodded. Well this my change things up. “So, you’re planning on marrying her?” I growled

  He lay the papers down on his glass desk, running his hands through his hair. That’s when I saw the scratch marks on his neck.


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