Rescued By The Alien: A Sci-fi Alien Romance (Intergalactic Mates Book 1)

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Rescued By The Alien: A Sci-fi Alien Romance (Intergalactic Mates Book 1) Page 7

by Isla Monroe

  Leven made every effort to keep his composure under the gun of their glaring eyes. He paced back and forth readying himself for a confrontation. He was going to have to tread carefully to avoid any misunderstandings. They were waiting patiently for his response.

  “I’m not sure what you are referring to.” Leven was trying to feign surprise at this accusation of impropriety.

  I couldn’t say anything and I felt it was necessary to let them iron this out between them. This would’ve been a good test to give them a brief peek at my negotiation skills. I was a little rusty, but I was ready to dust off the skills. Some personalities had the tendency to butt heads.

  Nobody really knew the extent of my duties when it came to being a leader. A compromise was the benchmark to a good working relationship. Harsh feelings could develop over the smallest things. They depended on me to make a proclamation that would benefit both sides. I was the star of my debating team in high school.

  “Don’t insult our intelligence. We are sending one of the guards in flesh and blood form to monitor the situation. Dreck will have his first taste of walking outside of the light for this one occasion.” I felt Leven’s hesitation and his lack of response spoke volumes.

  “It’s just like you to be vindictive. I will respectfully request that I handle this alone. The other faction won’t take kindly to a chaperone.” There was something more going on and he was reluctant to say it out loud to give it any power over him.

  “You don’t seem pleased. Could this have something to do with your blood bond to Dreck? I would think that you would relish the opportunity to reunite with your brother.” It was obvious their relationship was strained.

  “We’ve never been able to see things the same way. Our lives went separate directions when he chose the light over flesh and blood. I would think that he would be a little biased against me. I need somebody that is going to keep the peace and not cause dissension.” He wasn’t going to get his way and this was the Emissaries way of punishing him.

  “We’ve made our decision and it stands. Don’t embarrass yourself by groveling.” I still couldn’t grasp the concept that their words were translated into something I could understand.

  It was painful but very clear. I was excited about the peace negotiations I was about to embark on.

  Chapter ten


  I wasn’t happy with this latest turn of developments. I could feel him staring at me with daggers in his eyes. Our parents were devastated when we decided to go our separate ways. It wasn’t their place to keep us from each other’s throats. It was encouraged to show a competitive spirit from an early age. This was where we became adversaries.

  “Don’t let him get underneath your skin. This is exactly what they want. Mistakes happen when we don’t have our minds on the business at hand. They want you to be ineffectual.” Gemini was trying to make me see that being impartial was necessary.

  Dreck hadn’t said one word during the journey, but the feeling I got from him was loud and clear.

  He was bringing up the rear standing guard and watching out for anything that might be something to worry about. There was obviously going to be a military presence in some form or another. There was a border that couldn’t be crossed. I might’ve been able to use my past interactions with them to be given free access.

  Dreck was going to be a problem and one that wasn’t easily solved. They would know him from reputation alone and find his presence alarming. That was a bridge we were going to have to cross when we came to it. His lack of tact wasn’t going to work in our favor. He could be rather opinionated.

  “I know you’re not going to listen to me, but I would like you to stay back and out of sight. We don’t need to incite a riot. I can see you’re not comfortable in the body you were born with. It has to be an adjustment.” I was using psychological torture to make him doubt himself.

  “I know what you’re doing. I’m not sure it’s a good idea to push him. We need him to make the others see what we are doing is for the betterment of your species. Don’t antagonize him.” She was right, but I couldn’t help myself.

  “I apologize. I know we can’t have him knowing the real reason for my visit. It would cause a ripple effect. They would probably want to kill you. I don’t even want to think about what they would do to me. It’s taken every effort to block their telepathy. Being sent away would be the kindest thing I can think of. I doubt I would get that lucky.” I had to be on my best behavior.

  “I can understand the compulsion to rekindle your sibling rivalry. Psychiatry has made their business on that one topic alone. That and daddy issues are the most common forms of mental health issues.” It made sense and I had been jumping through hoops to compete with my brother for as long as I could remember.

  “I can’t explain what it is about my brother that galls me. He is always getting on my nerves. I love him in my own way, but I don’t think that we would’ve been friends. We both know he’s a plant to keep us from doing what comes naturally. The water enhances what is already there.” I never believed in love at first sight.

  “You’re just saying that to get into my pants and I don’t appreciate it. You’re like every other man and you can’t pretend that you’re not.” I didn’t believe a word she was saying and had a feeling she was trying to save face.

  I heard this buzzing and I looked around for the source. I wasn’t the only one affected by the strange phenomenon. Dreck had twisted his head to the side and was listening to what brought upon our natural enhanced senses to the surface. Gemini had no idea what had perked our interest.

  “How can you remain mute with that noise?” It was getting louder and suddenly pockets of air began to escape from the planet through fissures appearing out of nowhere.

  “What the hell is going on?” Gemini was suspended over one of those pockets and I grabbed her before the sizzling steam could burn her alive.

  “It’s almost like it’s trying to stop us from going any further. I’m not surprised the Outlanders have defensive capabilities. They don’t take kindly to trespassers. We might want to consider taking a more circuitous route. From the looks of it, they know we are coming and they’re not very happy.” They weren’t trying to kill me, but I couldn’t say the same thing for Gemini and Dreck.

  “I don’t know why they would have animosity toward me. They don’t know me. I’m trying to help bring a semblance of peace to both sides. This is not a good way to begin negotiations. I want you to speak to them on our behalf. We have to get closer for you to be heard.” She was determined to do what no other member of my species had been able to do.

  We were avoiding the minefield, but it wasn’t easy predicting where they were going to show up next. I finally came to the conclusion my steps were unaffected. They were going to have to follow me and mimic everything I did without deviating from the course.

  “I have lived with them for years and I know how they think. It took a long time for them to trust me. I had to do it in baby steps. They needed assurances that I was there for scientific discovery. They wanted my word their secrets would never be revealed. Where they live is shrouded by a mirage. It just doesn’t open up for everybody.” They were geniuses and used the planet’s environment to their advantage.

  “I don’t like this. I’m trying to do what’s right and they are trying to prevent me. It makes me think my efforts are in vain. I hope you can make them see it’s better to work with me than against me. I don’t have any ill will and my mind is clear of any preconceived notions about either side.” Gemini was a bleeding heart and wanted peace to reign supreme across the land.

  “Follow my steps and you’ll be fine. That goes for you too, Dreck. I may not like you, but I don’t want any harm to come to you either. We’re blood and I take my obligations to the family seriously. I always thought you would follow in my footsteps. Deep down I wanted us to work together united for the betterment of the species.” I never did get a firm reason for his new direc

  “I don’t know how anybody is able to live with these restrictions. The freedom of light is far superior over walking in these fragile suits of skin and bone. We could’ve been there sooner, but light is forbidden to cross over a certain territory. We have a tentative peace, but we have heard from reliable sources they are planning an attack.” This was the first thing he had said to me and it was all about business and nothing personal.

  “What did you expect was going to happen? The emissaries sent them away to live in obscurity. Losing their family’s and loved ones put them on a path of self-destruction. They want the emissaries to suffer and they don’t care about collateral damage.” The Outlanders had a split faction that didn’t want peace or to coexist.

  “You can’t really believe they have a chance against technology. They will be decimated if they even attempt to break the treaty. The emissaries and the Light Force don’t want to go to war. We tried and failed to get them to come to permanent terms of self-exile. We had to make an example out of someone.” I stopped moving forward and looked over my shoulder in curiosity to his statement.

  “What do you mean that you made an example out of one of them?” He had let something slip of importance and had said a little too much.

  “It was meant to send a message to the rest of them. The decision wasn’t unanimous. In the end, we took one of their innocent and corrupted them. He really didn’t have a chance once he was influenced by the Light Force.” They had caused the peace to be on the verge of breaking. The paper of the treaty wasn’t going to be worth the paper it was printed on.

  “Let me get this straight. An Outlander was forcefully detained and reprogrammed in the image of the Lightens. Nothing like that has been done. It’s barbaric. You take away their rights and freedoms to choose for themselves.” I felt the ground shift and long black Vines came through the fissures.

  “They are poisonous and we need to make a run for an open area. Brother, we may not agree on many things, but you have to see that their actions have consequences.” I heard the roar of the buzzing getting louder. It almost debilitating and making it hard to think.

  “You boys better stop fighting amongst yourselves. I’m not your mother, but I will gladly put you over my knee. Unfortunately, being adult you will probably like it a little too much.” I locked my fingers between hers and made a mad dash for the open field in the distance.

  The same insects were following and I realized the buzzing was them in self-defense mode. They sensed the danger and made a conscious effort to follow my lead. It became apparent the machines inside Gemini were acting to defend their host. Her speed was exemplary and I had a hard time keeping up.

  “Are all humans that athletic? Our research never indicated any such traits. Have they evolved that much?” Dreck was breathing heavy and losing ground.

  “This isn’t the time to talk about this. They think you are coming as the first wave. We have to convince them there’s a better way than trying to exact revenge. From what you have told me, they have every right to feel it’s necessary to fight back with everything in their power.” I didn’t know the full extent of what they had done to the Outlanders.

  I heard a grunt and turned to see Dreck being pulled to the ground. He was clawing in desperation to grab onto anything to cease being pulled into one of the fissures. He was looking at me and begging me with his eyes to do something. He wasn’t making a sound, but his facial expression scream louder than any words.

  “Don’t try to fight it. It’s only going to make it worse. You can slow down their progress by letting it happen. I know it’s not what you want to hear, but you need to refrain from using every natural instinct in your body.” He was going to have to believe me and even then the possibility of recovery was a small percentage.

  The confusion in his eyes lifted. There was the faint hint of a smile and for a moment I had my brother back. There was a reason to get excited. His death was going to be slow and agonizing. It was on me to protect him, but to interfere would only incur the Outlanders wrath. I had to pick a side and every fiber of my being was telling me to let him go. I couldn’t do that no matter how much the outcome would affect my relationship with the Outlanders.

  I couldn’t stop what was happening. The Outlanders were going for the jugular by using their knowledge of the planet’s atmosphere to take action. They could manipulate the natural resources. It wasn’t technology at work. This was their way to even the odds. They must’ve known this day was coming. Converting one of their own to the Lightens was an unforgivable sin.

  Those Vines traveled around Dreck’s ankles and the rest of his body. They were getting a stranglehold. I was essentially defenseless with no weapon to make a difference. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I was prepared to join my brother. I knew what I was going to have to do. Sacrificing for family was a noble deed.

  Chapter eleven


  I knew what Leven was going to do and it touched me deeply to see him commit to a certain action. He didn’t get along with Dreck, but it didn’t mean his feelings for him had diminished. They were family and I knew blood was thicker than water.

  I watched hypnotized by the scene in front of me. It was like a film role playing with someone yelling action. I couldn’t sit by and idly twiddle my thumbs. I didn’t know if there was anything I could do, but I was damn well going to try.

  Leven was taking a huge risk by grabbing onto his brother’s hands. Half of Dreck’s body was inside one of the fissures. They were both going to be pulled in. I could tell the fire in his conviction to save his brother was going to be detrimental to his health.

  Leven must’ve known deep down his actions would be perceived as a threat against the Outlanders. They did nothing to give him a fighting chance. Dreck was part of the problem and they had found the solution by eliminating him from the chessboard.

  I was stunned and shocked into inaction. I shut down emotionally, but physically something amazing was transpiring. The machines realizing my angst and worry took over my body. I was a prisoner looking out from the inside.

  My body jumped an amazing distance with relative ease landing with the grace of a Bengal tiger. I was on all fours and my hands had grabbed onto Leven’s ankle. My feet dug into the soft ground. With one foot after the other, I began to pull them back from the chasm trying to swallow them whole.

  Leven was spellbound by this feat of strength and resiliency. It wasn’t me and those machines had taken upon themselves to act on my behalf. They knew what losing him was going to do to me and my emotions had fed them the fuel to take action. Some of the Vines broke free, snapping in two and sending this greenish liquid spraying into the air.

  The ground shook and tried to knock me off of my feet with very little success. The wind picked up and my hair was flying back. It felt like somebody was pulling my hair out by the roots with their hands. The machines worked together using my body and forcing it to go beyond human standards. Every muscle was burning with the effort to pull both bodies from their inevitable demise.

  With Herculean strength, the machines gave one final tug to pull them to safety. The Vines acted defensively and attacked by wrapping around my arms. I thought I had exchanged their lives for my own. They pulled hard enough to rip my arms out of my sockets. I could hear my clothing tearing with the effort.

  “I’m coming for you.” My eyes blazed with indignation and the machines informed Leven in the cast of light of my eyes to stand down.

  “We don’t need your help and nor do we request it. We have trust issues. The only thing we want is to find a hospitable environment to live. We don’t like having our strings pulled by anybody. Coming to your rescue wasn’t our idea.” It was my voice, but they were not my words laced with sarcasm and a caustic attitude.

  It was a good thing Dreck was momentarily indisposed. He was unconscious and was not aware of the complexity of what was going on in front of him. It would’ve been an eye-opening experien
ce for him to witness a species of machinery saving him from what was waiting for him at the bottom of that chasm.

  “Why would you help us? I’ve done my best to save you from the humans, but I inadvertently put you at risk. It was not my intention to let things go that far. I don’t know how many ways I can apologize, but I will continue to do so until you believe me.” His sincerity was in question.

  “We didn’t save you… she did. Our bond with her has made us inexplicably linked with her emotional well-being. It was not our decision. Consider yourself warned. We would have never saved you otherwise.” They were the immovable force and the strength exuded from them ripped apart the Vines.

  It sent a shower of their poisonous insides into the air with geyser intensity.

  “It looks like nothing I’m going to say or do is going to make any difference. I’ve already apologized and I can’t do anything more than that. I consider all life precious. You can either believe me or not. I had to get you away from the station. It limited your ability to replicate. I have with me the means to give you a small chance of survival. The only way I’m going to give it to you is if you leave her alone.” He was essentially threatening them and I could feel the way that they were pushing back.


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