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Page 8

by Stalletti, Matthew

  Michael places the photograph on the table and observes it. He is young in the picture. Maybe 11, and his sisters are 12. Michael smiles as he looks at his entire family together. He feels happy, but eventually, his happiness turns into sadness. Michaels eyes get watery, and he begins to cry. It starts off quiet, but Michael just lets it all out after a while. He needs to get rid of the pain inside him. It feels like it's consuming him. He knows his parents are gone, but he doesn't feel like he can move on from this. Michael sits at the table for a long time, thinking about his family. Eventually, Michael stops crying, gets up and puts the photo in his sling bag. Michael intends to leave the restaurant with the photo, but as soon as he reaches the front exit, he stops dead in his tracks. He doesn't know why, but he knows something doesn't feel right. After a moment of deep thought, Michael turns around, pulls out the photo, and walks over to the counter. Michael climbs up on the stool and places it next to the other family portraits. It feels right to leave it here. In a way, it allows Michael to slowly move on and move forward with his life. He loves his parents, but he needs to let this building remain in the past, so when he leaves, he can live for a better future. Michael feels right looking up at his photo hanging. After a moment to himself, Michael turns around and leaves the restaurant.

  Michael walks through the door of the restaurant and goes back onto the street. He stops for a moment to think about what he had just done. He contemplates whether or not it was the right decision to make. He decides it was and continues walking down the street to see if he could find any supplies to bring back.

  As Michael walks, he quickly notices an abandoned car on the road with its trunk wide open. Michael decides to check it out and see if there is anything of use he could take. Michael approaches the vehicle and looks inside the trunk. Michael sees a cooler in the trunk. He doesn't understand why someone would leave it here. As Michael continues to look and question what he sees, he notices something in the corner of his eye. Michael turns to face the side of the road, and in about 40 feet away is a lone infected woman. She is walking parallel to Michael, so she is unaware of his presence. Michael doesn't get anxious when seeing this. In the last month he has dealt with plenty of infected and understands how slow they are and how stupid they are. Even if the infected woman saw Michael, he would have plenty of time to get away. Michael continues to search through the trunk and opens the cooler to see what's inside. Inside is what seems to be a wrapped sandwich. Michael is surprised by this, and a little happy. He hasn't had a sandwich in what feels like ages. Michael takes the sandwich and puts it in his sling bag. Michael feels satisfied with his search and slams the trunk door closed.

  The loud shut of the trunk attracts the attention of the lone infected. Michael turns to look at her, but notices something unsettling. The infected is just standing still, staring at Michael. He doesn't understand this. All the times he encounters the infected, they would act the same. They would always be attracted to noise, and never stand completely still. Michael stares at the infected, and the infected stares back. Michael becomes uncomfortable now. Suddenly, the infected woman begins walking toward Michael at an unusually quick speed. Michael is startled by this and quickly unholsters his rifle and aims at the infected. Something even more unusual happens next; the infected raises her hands above her head. Michael is very confused at this point. He doesn't know what is going on. The infected girl walks closer but remains in a surrendering position. As she gets much closer, Michael realizes she is not an infected. She is a woman. She looks filthy, and has cuts, bruises, and scars all over her body. She has dark eye bags, and greasy hair. She must have been out here for a long time. Michael feels bad for pointing his gun, but he doesn't lower it just yet. Michael is still on edge. The woman gets close enough to talk and stops walking.

  “Please! Please! I need help! Please help me!”

  Michael doesn’t respond. He just continues to point his gun at the woman. He is unsure of what her intentions are.

  “My son and I… we haven't eaten in days. Would you happen to be a part of a group?’ The woman asks.

  “Not a group. Just me and my family.” Michael says.

  “Would it be possible if we could join you? It’s been so long since we’ve had any kind of shelter!” The woman pleas.

  Michael hesitates to respond. He doesn't know if it is a smart decision to let this woman stay at his house. Michael considers radioing Sydney, but he doesn't want to look weak to the woman. Michael thinks about what his parents might want him to do if they were here. Michael decides to reach into his bag and give the woman the sandwich he just found. Michael passes the sandwich to the woman. Once she takes it, Michael slowly lowers his rifle.

  “Thank you so much!”

  Michael steps forward, “Are you armed?”

  “I only have this knife.” The woman explains.

  She raises her shirt to reveal the sheathed blade on her hip. She appears to be no danger to Michael, and she seems to be desperate. Michael is willing to help her out.

  “Where is your son?” Michael asks.

  “We set up a fire in the woods. He’s waiting there now. Do you want me to go get him, so we could head back to your camp?” The woman asks desperately.

  “No. I’ll come with you. Then we can head back together.” Michael explains.

  “Okay! Just let me lead the way.”

  Michael follows the woman as she turns around and walk towards the woods not far off the side of the road. He is worried because this is the first time something of this sort has ever happened. Michael picks up his pace, so he can walk next to her as she walks. Michael looks at her and realizes how exhausted she is. He is still cautious, and he wants her to know that.

  “Hey... I just want you to know that if you try anything stupid, anything at all, you’ll lose.”

  The woman turns her head as she walks, “I have nothing to lose.”

  Michael looks at her in confusion. The woman walks faster and goes ahead of Michael. Michael doesn’t understand how she could say that. She is a mother, and she seems to care about the well-being of her son. He doesn't understand how she could ‘have nothing to lose’. Michael continues to walk behind her just to be safe. Michael and the woman enter the woods. Michael begins to feel claustrophobic. The woman turns around as she walks and looks at Michael.

  “What’s your name?” The woman asks.

  “Michael. What about you?”

  “Jenna. My sons name is Tommy.” The woman explains.

  Michael continues to remain behind her, but the small talk makes him feel slightly more comfortable. The woman remains silent for a portion of the walk. Michael looks behind him and realizes they are well into the woods now. Michael looks ahead of him to watch the woman.

  “I was at my school when it happened. I saw a lot of my friends die. You and your son are lucky to still be alive on your own out here. I know how dangerous it is.” Michael says.

  “I saw people die too. We were on the train, going to visit my parents. We were safe when it happened, but eventually the train came to a stop. There was a lot of us at first, but after a while, it just became me and him.” The woman explains.

  Michael never stopped to think about how others have kept themselves alive this entire time. The woman suddenly stops and turns around. She looks like she is about to cry but is holding back the tears. Michael doesn't know why she seems upset.

  “My son is the only reason I’ve lasted this long. If it weren't for him, I don't know where I would be.”

  Michael doesn't know how to respond. Michael thinks about his parents again. He had been in pain thinking about what it’s like to lose a parent, but he never thought about the other way around. Michael understands how much this woman's son must mean to her. The woman turns back around and continues walking. Michael starts to trust the woman more after she opened up to him.

  “How much further is your set up?” Michael asks.

  “Not much further.”

  The t
wo continue to walk in the woods. Michael is curious to meet the son of Jenna, but he is unsure what condition he is in. Jenna is filthy and exhausted. He can't imagine a younger boy living in these conditions. Michael begins to smell the smoke of the campfire. He figures they are close now. The woman begins to run ahead.

  “He’s just up ahead!” She says.

  Michael walks faster behind her. But doesn’t start running. Michael loses sight of the woman. Michael continues to walk toward the smell. Eventually, Michael reaches the sight. Michael sees the campfire and a tent set up. Surprisingly enough, Jenna is nowhere to be seen. Michael looks on the other side of the camp sight and sees a young boy hanging by a noose from a tree. The boy has turned into an infected. Michael looks up at the boy in shock. It takes him a moment to realize the boy is an infected, and still moving and making sounds. This is extremely disturbing, but it sets off multiple red flags in Michaels head. He wonders if this is the son of the woman he had been following this entire time.

  Suddenly, Jenna lunges out from behind a tree nearby with her knife in her hand. She charges Michael with the knife all while screaming at the top of her lungs. Michael is terrified, but quickly points his rifle at her, and pulls the trigger. Michaels rifle fires a bullet into Jenna's stomach. She falls over onto the ground next to Michael, breathing heavily, and groaning in pain.

  Michael steps a few feet back and aims his rifle at her head. Michael becomes emotional and angry at the same time. He doesn't understand why she tried to kill him, but it quickly makes sense. She had been lying about her son. Who knows why she led him here in the first place.

  “Why?!!?’ Michael shouts.

  The woman lays on her stomach but turns her head to looks at Michael. Michael looks down at her with pity. It takes her a while to form her sentences, and she continues to breath heavily.

  “He needs food. I brought you here for him. He’s slowing down! He needs something to keep him alive!” She says.

  Michael doesn't move at all. He feels enraged that someone tried to lure him out into the woods, so he could be fed to an infected.

  “He’s already dead!” Michael screams.

  “I told you that I couldn't be here without him. So, I kept him. I know it was wrong. I can’t make it on my own! I can't live without my baby!” Jenna cries.

  Michael becomes emotional himself. He is shocked to see someone fall into such chaos.

  “Thank you! Let me be like him! Let me turn! Don’t stop it, please!”

  Michael watches the woman cry herself to death. He doesn't know if he should put her out of her misery or not. He knows that's not what she wants. Michael feels great sympathy for this woman. It was only yesterday when Michael lost someone he loved, so he understands the pain she is going through, only for her, she has no way of coming back from it. Michael slings the gun over his shoulder and crouches down next to the dying woman. Michael looks at her as she slowly dies from the gunshot.

  “Why?” Michael asks.

  “You- you don’t- you don’t come back- you don't get to come back...”

  Michael stares into her dying eyes as her breathing slows down. Every breath is weaker and weaker than the last. Eventually, she stops breathing. The woman is dead. A tear runs down Michael's cheek. He had never killed anyone before, but he knows this is what she wanted. Michael looks back up at the boy hanging from the tree. The infecteds dead eyes teach Michael so much of this new world. Once people step over their breaking point, they get lost in the darkness. Michael realizes he can't let that happen to him. Michael looks down next to the dead body and sees the sandwich he gave to her. Michael takes the sandwich, stands up and walks the way he came, leaving the mother and son to rest together.

  Michael knocks on the door to his house. After a moment of waiting, Shelby opens the door to greet her brother. Michael thinks about the argument they had last night, and how rude he was to her this morning. Michael feels sorry, and after his journey today, he appreciates his family more than ever.

  “Hey.” Shelby says.

  Michael doesn’t say anything, but instead walks up to his sister and hugs her.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Michael feels better now. He never really apologized to people. After seeing how much he really cared about his family today, and how much pain that was brought to Jenna, Michael is ready to apologize to his sister. Shelby is caught off guard by this, but she feels better as well now. Michael stops hugging, hands the sandwich to Shelby, and the two go back into the house.

  Michael and his sisters sit on the couches in the living room, which is next to the front door of the house. It’s dark outside. The sound of the night time crickets squeezes through the walls of their home. They have been sitting inside ever since Michael got home from his trip earlier in the day. The three siblings are all eating pieces of the sandwich Michael found. They split it equally into three pieces. They don't speak, and just focus on eating. The sandwich is long as one piece, so eating a fraction of it is still enough to satisfy anyone who hasn't eaten all day. Michael sits farthest away from the front door. Shelby sits close to him, but her feet are kicked up on the foot rest they have in front of them. Sydney is sitting in a small chair near the window. The window is on the front side of the house, so if she looked outside, she could see the front lawn. The three siblings continue to eat. Sydney finishes her piece, while Michael and Shelby almost finish theirs. They all seem to be calm now, and happy that they are getting along. Sydney realizes that there is hope for them after all.

  Suddenly, someone knocks on the front door. They all bolt up, scared and unaware of what they should do. Michael looks at Sydney, as she is the one closest to the window, and can peek outside. Sydney hesitates, but eventually gets up from her chair and looks out the window. As soon as she does, a wide smile appears on her face, which is followed up by laughter. Michael and Shelby are confused. They have no idea why she is laughing. Sydney slowly turns to face the two of them. Sydney looks genuinely happy.

  “He’s here.”

  Chapter 6

  Somewhere Safe

  Sydney opens the front door to the house with a smile on her face. She had never been this happy since before the world collapsed. Matthew stands outside the door to their house, next to Kurt. As soon as the door opens, and Matthew sees Sydney, she runs at Matthew and hugs him. The entire time he spent travelling here with Kurt, he questioned whether or not anyone would answer the door. Matthew is relieved to see his cousin. Feeling her hug gives him a great sense of comfort. They are both overwhelmed to see each other and can’t stop hugging.

  “I missed you.” Sydney says.

  “I missed you too.”

  Behind Sydney, inside the house is Michael and Shelby. Matthew looks at Michael and smiles. He knows how good it must feel for them to be seeing someone they know and trust. Sydney steps back and looks at Kurt. They never met before, so the three siblings are confused as to who he is. Matthew notices their confused expression but reassures that he is welcome.

  “He’s my friend. You can trust him.” Matthew says.

  Sydney nods her head, grabs Matthews arm, and walks back inside. Matthew and Sydney enter the house, while Kurt follows. Kurt is a little cautious though. He doesn't know these people, so he doesn't know if he can trust them. After dealing with those bandits, Kurt sees the world from a different perspective. He sees a much crueler world.

  Matthew and Kurt step into the house. Michael walks up to his cousin and hugs him. Matthew hugs him back and pats him on the back.

  “What took you so damn long?” Michael asks.

  Matthew chuckles, “It’s one hell of a story.”

  Michael steps back and lets Shelby greet Matthew as well. The two hug, but once Shelby steps back, she notices the bullet wound on Matthews left arm. Shelby becomes worried.

  “What happened to your arm?” Shelby asks.

  Matthew looks at his arm, “We were in a fight. The bullet barely hit me.”

  Matthew turns to face
Kurt, “This is Kurt. He got it much worse.”

  Shelby looks over to see Kurt, and notices the bullet wound on the top of his shoulder. Shelby becomes worried and paranoid. She is medically experienced, so she understands how crucial it is to treat wounds properly. Shelby assesses Kurt’s wound is much more serious.

  “Shit! That doesn't look good. Come with me, I can clean it for you and patch it up. Shelby turns around and walks upstairs to the second floor. Kurt hesitates, but gives in and follows Matthews cousin. Kurt and Shelby go upstairs to fix the wound. Matthew still looks happy but realizes his aunt and uncle are nowhere to be seen. Matthew looks around to see if they are standing out of sight, but they are not. Matthew looks a little confused.

  “Where are your parents?” Matthew asks.

  This question strikes Michael and Sydney in the heart. Michael looks down to the ground, trying to hold back his emotions. Sydney subtly shakes her head left and right. Matthew quickly understands what had happened here. He feels empathetic toward his cousins, as he has some experience surviving without his parents. He also knows what it is like to be alone in a world like this. Matthew becomes emotional. He had never considered his cousins going through the same thing he went through. In actuality, they had it much worse than he did. Their parents died, but Matthews parents just never came around. Matthew becomes emotional himself.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Michael looks up at Matthew, understanding he must have gone through so much to get here. He doesn't even want to ask what had happened. Neither his parents nor his brother are here with him. Michael can only assume the worst. Matthew realizes he never explained what happened to his family, and he doesn't really want to. Matthew decides to walk past Michael and Sydney to go upstairs and get his wound cleaned. Michael and Sydney go upstairs as well. Sydney is still curious about what happened to her cousin in the last month.


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