Amateur Night
by Holden Granger
Breathless Press
Calgary, Alberta
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Amateur Night
Copyright© 2011 Holden Granger
ISBN: 978-1-926930-96-1
Cover Artist: Victoria Miller
Editor: Stephanie Parent
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in reviews.
Breathless Press
Amateur Night
by Holden Granger
Chapter One
“Slug bug, yellow one!” Rachel Seeger yelled as she struck Scott on the shoulder.
“Jesus, Rachel! I didn’t even know we were playing.” Scott rubbed his shoulder and grimaced. “You’ve got a hell of a jab, though.”
“The ride is getting a little boring. I thought I’d jazz it up.” Rachel put her bare feet up on the dash and looked out the window at the endless Texas landscape, fading in the late-afternoon sun.
“I can think of some things you can do that might be more fun.”
Rachel rolled her eyes. “Why, Scott Mayborn, is that some lame attempt to get road head? You don’t notice me for the four years we’ve attended college together except to ask to copy my notes, and now you want road head?”
“Hey, that’s not fair! You had that whole goth thing going until last semester.”
“Goth thing? I had my hair dyed brown. How is that a ‘goth thing’?” Rachel laughed.
“Whatever. I’m glad you’re trying red now. It suits you better. Also, I’m a guy; I’m always trying to get a blowjob.” Scott glanced at her from behind his sunglasses with a smirk.
“Keep dreaming, lover boy. We barely spoke for four years; you’re not getting me to suck your dick now.”
“I noticed you! I even thought you were cute. It’s just you always wear the baggy clothes and glasses and never seemed into partying.” Scott sounded a little defensive.
“I’m pre-med, or I was, I guess. Anyway, I didn’t have time for parties.” Rachel shifted in her seat, looking for a more comfortable position.
“I was pre-med too. I still had time for fun.”
“You were better at the book stuff than I was; I had to study every night.” Rachel couldn’t even bear to suggest that Scott might be the smarter of the two. She told herself that she had been better with the hands-on parts of the pre-med program, while Scott had been better at memorizing textbook material. It never ceased to irritate her—this six-foot jock, this party animal, had been near the top of the class without effort while she had studied for hours and just barely edged him out.
They had spoken in class, and he had borrowed her notes on occasion, but this guy who had bedded half the girls at Johnstone College had never paid her the slightest bit of attention outside of school. She, on the other hand, had sometimes imagined his athletic body pressed against hers and his full, sensuous lips kissing her everywhere while she wrapped her fingers in his dark, curly hair.
Rachel realized Scott was staring at her. “I had fun—I just wasn’t getting hammered and sleeping with random guys every night.”
“Neither was I,” Scott said. When Rachel looked skeptically at him, he laughed. “Hey, I didn’t sleep with a single random guy!”
Rachel laughed despite herself. “Ha-ha, but I bet you screwed half the girls in our class.”
“Oh, come on! I hooked up with maybe five girls all year. Anyone who says different is just gossiping.” Scott looked annoyed.
“Five is still a lot.”
“What about you?” Scott asked. “How much action did you get?”
“I dated Tommy Marshall for a few months.”
“I know Tommy. He’s cool.” Scott yawned. “We’ve been driving all day. How far do you want to go tonight?”
Rachel considered the setting sun and the monotonous scenery. They had left Georgia early and had only stopped for gas, snacks, and bathroom breaks along the way. She had to admit her ass was feeling the miles, and the prospect of too many more in Scott’s ‘96 Volkswagen did not appeal.
“I’m ready to stop anytime you are. I told you I’d take a shift driving if you got tired.”
“Nah, that wouldn’t be very chivalrous, would it? Besides, this old girl needs careful driving. She’s about ready to drop. So we look for a cheap motel?”
“Not too cheap—I want to be able to sleep in the bed.” Rachel shuddered.
“I don’t have the budget for anything too fancy. What do you say we share a room and save some money?”
Rachel thought he sounded a little too casual, but she considered it. “If you promise to keep your hands to yourself and we get two beds, I could go along with that.”
With an agreement reached, they began to scout billboards. They argued the merits of each motel advertised until they settled on one that promised to be inexpensive but still offered a free breakfast. The sky was growing dark when they finally checked in and began to unpack.
“You want to get some dinner?” Rachel asked. “I saw a buffet down the road.”
Scott groaned. “I do not want to get back in that car. Let’s go next door to the bar; I’m sure we can get something there.”
“The bar? I don’t want to be around that much smoke. Why don’t you go and bring me back a burger? I’d like to take a bath anyway.”
Scott shrugged. “Suit yourself. I’ll be back. Make sure the door locks behind me, and don’t open it to any strangers.”
Rachel pulled her long red hair into a ponytail as the tub filled. Peeling off her sweatpants and T-shirt, she looked in the mirror and wondered if Scott was right and she should dress a little better. She had a pretty good figure: long legs and a tight butt. She wasn’t sure her breasts were big enough, but the few boys who had seen them seemed impressed. Maybe she should wear clothes that showed her body off a little more.
Rachel eased into the hot water and felt better instantly. The kinks and fatigue of hours in a car faded away. The fact that she was riding across country with Scott almost made her laugh. She had seen the notice on the bulletin board offering to share expenses on a drive to Phoenix after graduation, and it had been too perfect. Her parents had flown back with some of her stuff after the ceremony, but she had wanted to take a more scenic route and think about her future.
She had been accepted to Johns Hopkins starting next fall, but she still had no idea what specialty she wanted to pursue. Her father would be pushing her into his specialty of oncology, but she wasn’t sure it was for her. Since she didn’t want to have that discussion any sooner than necessary, a road trip was a good excuse to give her time to think. Scott, meanwhile, needed to get his car home, although Rachel couldn’t think why. The old heap would be better off abandoned to some underclassman in Georgia.
The bathroom door opened, and Scott stuck his head around the corner. “I’ve got your grub.”
Rachel scrambled unsuccessfully to cover herself with a washcloth. “Scott! Get out of here, I’m in the tub.”
“Obviously,” he smirked. “We’re both med students—the human body holds no secrets from us.”
“Mine does, at least from you, you pervert! I’ll be out in a second.”
Rachel stomped out of the bathroom wrapped in a small towel. The fact that the motel didn’t seem to
have full-size bath towels added to her irritation.
“Hey, don’t be mad. If you want, you can see me naked,” Scott offered with mock sincerity.
“Not a chance,” Rachel growled as she sat at the tiny table beside the bed. The burger and fries didn’t look very appetizing, but she tore into them, eager to stop the rumbling in her stomach.
Scott sprawled on one of the beds and picked up the clicker, bringing the TV to life. He flipped among the channels aimlessly, pausing on a show depicting the life of seven twenty-somethings sharing a house. There seemed to be a great deal of alcohol and bed-hopping involved.
“Remind you of school?”
“Give it a rest, will you? You’re just jealous since you spent college with your nose in a book. It’s a pity too; you’ve got a pretty hot little body from what I just saw.” Scott’s green eyes danced with amusement.
Rachel felt her face glow red, and she couldn’t think of a reply. At the same time she felt a tiny bit of satisfaction.
“Glad you enjoyed your peeping, you perv,” she finally replied with the slightest of smirks.
“I certainly did. I’m telling you, you should show that body off more.” He flipped off the TV and rose, pulling the sheets down. He pulled off his shirt and unbuttoned his jeans.
“What are you doing?” Rachel’s eyes widened.
“I’m getting ready for bed. You aren’t going to tell me I have to sleep in my clothes, are you, Miss Prude?” Scott stepped out of the jeans, revealing a well-muscled body toned from his years on the swim team. His boxer-briefs hinted at a firm ass as well as other impressive assets. Rachel tugged her gaze away with an effort as he slid into bed.
Rachel finished her food as Scott turned to face the wall. She grabbed a fresh T-shirt from her duffel. Scott seemed settled in, so she dropped the towel and slipped the shirt over her head. It came just low enough to hide her sex. Checking to make sure Scott was still facing the other way, she slipped into her white cotton panties. As she looked up from dressing, she saw he had rolled over to face her.
Scott let out a soft whistle. “That’s what I’m talking about—now you look perfect.”
Rachel flipped him off and slipped between the sheets. “Hit the lights, perv, and get some sleep. Let’s be on the road as early as we can manage.”
Scott laughed and hit the switch next to his bed. The room plunged into darkness, relieved only by the neon peeking around the curtains from outside.
Rachel listened to the hum of cars on the interstate outside, hoping the sound would relax her, but sleep refused to come. She tossed and turned and found herself facing Scott’s bed. His back has still to her, but she could hear his even breathing. She found herself smiling at the thought of his walking in on her in the tub. What if she’d been doing something besides thinking? What if she’d been masturbating? That thought brought a fresh blush to her cheeks. It wasn’t like she made a habit of it, but the tub was where she usually “relieved tension.”
Her pussy began to tingle at the thought of him catching her that way. She slipped a hand to her panties and found them wet. She cupped her breast before she could stop herself and gave it a gentle squeeze as her fingers brushed a hardened nipple.
My God, if I don’t stop this, he’ll catch me. With an effort, she put her hands under her pillow and turned to watch Scott. He had turned onto his back, and the sheets had slipped down to his waist. She admired the shape of his chest in the dim light before she noticed the way his hand seemed to be moving under the sheet.
Oh my God, he’s jacking off! The thought struck her like a lightning bolt. She opened her mouth to yell at him before she stopped herself. Part of her didn’t want the embarrassment, but there was another part as well, a part that was fascinated. She watched the bulge beneath the covers rise and fall and heard his breathing quicken.
Rachel wondered if he was thinking of her naked in the tub. She quickly decided it was more fun if he was, and settled on that. Guys whacked off all the time; she had always heard it, and this was confirmation. If Scott could masturbate in the same room with a girl he barely knew, then he would do it anywhere.
Without a conscious decision, her hand slipped back between her legs and found her pussy swollen and soaked. Pulling the thin cotton material out of the way, Rachel slid a finger along her slit and tried to keep her own breathing slow and even as she found her clit pushing out from its hood. Gently stroking it, she let her other hand return to her breast to pinch a hardening nipple. Her breath caught, and she froze, watching to see if Scott changed his own pace. Apparently he was too caught up in his own activities to notice.
I’m as bad as he is! The thought struck her, but she dismissed it. This was one of life’s naughty moments, never spoken of or admitted, but remembered for a lifetime. She squeezed her thighs against her hand as she slipped a finger inside herself and let her thumb strum on her clit. Her pussy tightened against her finger, and she shuddered. Her breast swelled in her hand as she pinched the nipple hard, the pain contrasting deliciously with the waves of pleasure rolling through her.
A fantasy thrust itself into Rachel’s mind.
What if she were to stand up right now? She would slip the T-shirt over her head and stand naked over Scott. He’d be shocked at being caught with his dick in his hand, but he would be overcome with lust at seeing her body nude in the dim light of the room. Maybe she would play with her breasts while he watched. She would say nothing and let her hands drift lower, touching herself with a sly smile.
Scott would pull down the sheet, exposing his rock-hard cock, offering it to her. She would swing one long leg over him as she straddled him. Rachel could imagine herself leaning over him, letting her hardened nipples graze his chest as her mouth gently touched his. He would grip her hips with those muscular hands, his fingertips digging into her ass. Her hot, wet pussy would slip along his shaft as she rubbed their bodies together.
Rachel heard Scott’s breath catch in his throat. She saw him increase the pace with his hand, his cock outlined beneath a thin white sheet. It certainly seemed more than adequate.
She could see them together, their bodies moving as one. His cock would be pinned between them until she sat up, reaching between them to grasp him in her hand and guide the tip of his swollen head toward her eager pussy. She would let just the head slip into her silken folds, engulfing him in her wetness. At last she would let him slide into her, feeling his girth fill her, stretching those walls until they were totally joined. She could picture her hands on his chest as she rode him, plunging down again and again…
She sped her hand up and felt the first waves of her own orgasm wash over her. Scott seemed too busy to notice her small sigh as she fought to contain herself. He rolled over, his back to her again, and she heard him gasp.
Trembling slightly, she relaxed, her body glowing as the ripples of her orgasm faded. The room became still.
“Maybe now we can get some sleep,” Scott said. Rachel nearly bounced off the ceiling, startled by his voice.
“Hmm?” she murmured, trying to feign sleepiness. Her whole body burned with shame. How had he noticed her? How would she face him in the morning?
Scott laughed, clearly undeceived. The room went quiet, and sleep eventually relieved Rachel of her quandary.
Chapter Two
“Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty.”
Rachel groaned and turned away from the offending noise. A moment later she sat upright in bed. Memories of the previous night brought a fresh round of fierce blushing.
“Um, yeah, okay…” A variety of half-formed words jammed themselves into a verbal traffic jam in her throat. It didn’t help that he was only wearing those damn boxer-briefs, and now she had some clue what might be underneath.
Scott laughed so hard he only just stayed upright. Rachel watched his display of mirth until a smile tugged at her lips. Finally, she found herself giggling as well.
“You are insane! Doesn’t anything embarrass you?” she finally
Scott grinned. “Nope.”
“Seriously? You could have sex in front of a room full of people and it wouldn’t bother you?”
Scott’s grin became sly. “Who says I haven’t?”
Rachel laughed incredulously. “How? You have to be the craziest person I have ever met.”
Scott shrugged as he pulled on his jeans. “Hey, we’re going to be doctors. That means someday we’ll be serious professionals and pillars of the community with reputations to worry about. I figure this time in our lives is the last chance we’ll have to be really free. I intend to leave nothing on the table. I’m going to try everything—including jacking off while a pretty girl watches and does it too. By the way, what do you girls call it? Jilling off? Tweaking the captain? Strumming the biscuit?”
Rachel buried her face in her pillow, both to hide her blushing and to stifle her laughter.
“Enough! Let’s get breakfast and hit the road,” she said. She did change her clothes in the bathroom, determined to maintain some propriety. She slipped on a pair of jeans and then made a decision. Tugging them off, she carried them into the room wearing only her T-shirt and panties. Scott whistled, and his eyes got big.
“Oh, shut up, perv. We’re going to be doctors, right?” Rachel poked through her bag until she found the small scissors in her travel sewing kit. With careful hands she began cutting the legs off the jeans. She made each leg even and slipped them on.
“Careful, someone might see your knees,” Scott warned sarcastically.
Rachel smiled sweetly and began rolling up the remaining legs. When she finished, the shorts ended three inches south of her crotch.
“What’s this? Shorts and a T-shirt? What is the world coming to?”
Rachel gave him a grin of her own. “Shut up and let’s eat.”
The free breakfast proved to be cold rolls and muffins with lukewarm coffee. They didn’t linger. By the afternoon they had crossed much of the remainder of Texas. The conversation stayed light and free of uncomfortable topics. They even sang along with the radio together.
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