Awakened: Five First Lesbian Sex Erotica Stories

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Awakened: Five First Lesbian Sex Erotica Stories Page 2

by Nancy Brockton

  Her hands moved and I found myself putting one of my hands over hers as she squeezed on my breast, and with the other hand I gently tweaked and pinched at my other nipple while her mouth continued to work at its magic between my legs. I’d never experienced this kind of a sensual sexuality before; there had been times where I’d wanted to fuck, and there’d be times where I wanted to make out. This was the first time in my life that both of those things seemed to come together so that what was happening was more than just sexual and more than just gentle affection. It was somehow astounding in every way or shape or form. She pulled her hands back and the next thing I knew, she’d interlaced her fingers with mine so that I gripped her hands, and every lick, every kiss, every movement of her mouth made me grip them more tightly. She held them as she licked and began to moan softly.

  It was really lovely, and it went on for four or five minutes, Karen just gently exploring my pussy and my clit and occasionally thrusting her tongue into me but never roughly, never too urgently. I found myself hovering on the edge of what I knew would be a powerful explosion. Then she let go of one of my hands while holding the other tight. She moved her mouth up and began kissing along my thigh, and then I felt her push two fingers inside of me. I gasped because the penetration sent powerful thrills through me I knew would push me over the edge. She began moving her fingers in and out of my pussy while she kissed and licked at my thigh. I was growing closer and closer and I knew that I was going to cum at any moment. I was desperate for it, in fact. I found myself moving my hips to meet her thrusts, and then she took her mouth away from my thigh and instead leaned down and began flicking her tongue softly over my clit.

  That was all it took. I pulled my hand off of hers and tangled it up in her hair as I came, breathing out her name with a tone of voice that should have been loud but came out softly. I whispered, “Karen, oh Karen! Oh God, Karen!” as I pushed my pussy against her fingers and my clit up against her mouth. The orgasm was overpowering; my whole body shook with it. That was strange because it had such a slow and sensual buildup, and yet it felt more powerful than orgasms I had experienced before, even orgasms that had come after tremendous, rough fucking. This orgasm was beautiful and it felt like a gift but it was no less powerful than any of the times orgasms had been ripped from me, torn from my body in involuntary explosions of pleasure. This was beautiful, this was overpowering. I moaned softly as she continued to push her fingers and though the movements of her mouth on my clit grew softer and gentler, her fingers kept moving hard. If she’d done it any other way, the sensitivity in my clit would have probably driven me to push her away. With gentle and soft stimulation there but hard stimulation inside of me, I found my orgasm growing, continuing to course over me, but never growing so overwhelming that I had to ask her to stop.

  She finally pulled her mouth off, moved up and began kissing and licking at my nipples as her hand continued to assault my pussy. She kept moving further up until finally her mouth was on me again. The feel her lips on mine, to taste myself in her mouth, and the feel her fingers continuing to move was even more overpowering to me so I threw my arms around her, held her tightly to me and pushed my tongue into her mouth to kiss her passionately. I cried out her name again, this time not whispering but almost screaming as I cryied it out right against her lips. “Karen, oh Karen! Jesus, oh Karen! God, Karen!” She kissed me and held me, moving her fingers fast and hard and then gradually began slowing them. My body continued to send shockwaves of joy through me. She slowed down until her fingers weren’t moving anymore but she didn’t pull them out but instead just held them deep within me as she kissed me. Finally, she broke the kiss off but kept her fingers deep inside.

  I held her and stroked her hair, and she looked into my eyes with a soft smile. She kissed me a few more times, and only when she’d pulled away her head and leaned it against my shoulder, kissing softly at my neck, did she finally pulled her fingers out of my pussy and lift them up so she could softly rub at my breasts as she kissed my neck and I came down from the orgasm. I stroked her hair and held her there, and we fell asleep in that position on the couch, her body on top of mine, her thigh right up against my pussy and my hands around her body. When we woke a little later, she immediately began kissing me again. I think it had only been about two hours, but again her mouth found my pussy and her fingers did as well. It was another incredible and beautiful experience. The best part about the second time, though, was that once it was once it was over and my orgasm calmed, I got to focus attention on her. That was just as lovely.

  Mandy Seduces Me

  My First Lesbian Experience

  A Lesbian Awakening Story

  by April Lawless

  Copyright 2014 by Bright Lights Erotica Press

  Cover Image (c) Can Stock Photo Inc. / nickvango

  Around one in the morning I got the call. My friend from high school was in town and wanted to see me. I grumbled some reply and hung up the phone. In ten minutes, I was snoring and blissfully unaware of the world again, and when I woke up in the morning, I was still blissfully unaware until the doorbell rang. Mandy stood there dressed like she had just hitchhiked across the Rockies. I groaned as memory of the early morning phone call invaded my thoughts. “Hey, come on in, I was just getting ready for work.” Hint, hint.

  Mandy stepped forward and gave me a big hug, shoving the large faux fur collar of her jacket into my nose. “Hey there, Holly Hobbit.”

  Oh God, the nickname that haunted me through junior high and high school. I tried to laugh at Mandy’s reminder of my youthful awkwardness. “Hah, wow, been a long time since I’ve heard that.”

  Mandy laughed for real. “I know, right? It really has been a long time, Hol.”

  I sighed. It had been. “Well, come on in and I’ll get you some coffee.”

  She stepped in and dropped her bag and backpack to the floor. “Oh, no coffee, thanks. Do you have any tea?”

  I nodded. “Any particular kind?”

  “Um, green would be awesome.” She followed me into the kitchen and I knew as she sat down and surveyed the apartment’s small but very modern look that I was going to be in for a long day.

  It didn’t surprise me that Mandy found it acceptable to call someone she hadn’t seen in five years at one in the morning and show up for an extended stay. When we’d been friends in high school, she’d been a lot of fun. Always full of ideas of what to do, where to go, who to hang with and, oh yes, what to imbibe, smoke and snort. That had been some of my issue with her. She claimed I didn’t know how to relax. I told her she didn’t think about anyone but herself. A few arguments later and we ended our senior year without goodbyes as we headed off to college.

  Over the five years since, I’d heard different bits and pieces about her travels and adventures. She had dropped out of the prestigious private school where she’d won a full-ride music scholarship and taken off, according to our mutual friend who’d still been talking to her at the time and had, in fact, loaned her couch to Mandy at the beginning of her trek. Our mutual friend had reported to me gleefully that her companion was a professor from the prestigious college. “He’s a real bohemian,” Karlie had giggled. “He’s got the goatee and the long hair and everything.”

  I’d just nodded like I’d known all along this was how it would end for Mandy. And I had known.

  Then, of course, I just lost track of her, and everyone else, really. Karlie, I last heard, was a stay-at-home mom of twins. Others had, like me, graduated and entered their professions. I was working towards my master’s in education, but I was working as a teacher at a private school in the meantime. I enjoyed the work, but it kept me busy and so, beyond a few quick lunches or movie nights, I didn’t really hang out with anyone. I certainly didn’t have time to think about running off on some crazy adventure with someone twice my age.

  Mandy sipped at the tea I’d brought her. “This is a really nice place, Hol.”

  “Thanks, it’s a little pricey but I feel comfor
table here and it’s only a few blocks from the school where I teach.”

  Mandy had discarded her giant coat and was sitting in overalls and a flannel shirt. Her gold hair she’d freed from the beanie she’d been wearing when I’d first seen her. Somehow, she still managed to look beautiful even when wearing clothes stolen from the Farmer in the Dell. “So, yeah, you’re teaching, huh? I always knew you’d make it through the rat race with flying colors.”

  I looked at her over my mug of coffee. “Yeah, you know, I didn’t seem able to find the time to just drop things and go.”

  She shrugged. “It’s not something everyone can handle. Hey, would you mind if I took a quick shower? I’ve been living in these things since Wednesday.”

  I just couldn’t believe her complete obliviousness. Was the act real? Was she really as crazy as I remembered? “Uh, I guess that’d be fine, but um, look, Mandy, I have to get going to work so, I don’t know if I can have you . . .”

  Mandy jumped up with the wild energy I remembered so well. She came over and gave me another big hug. “No worries, I’ll just hang out ‘til you get back. I’ll have things swinging when you come home.”

  It was absolutely what I was afraid of, Mandy all alone and unsupervised in my house. I smiled and tried again. “Well, the thing is, Mandy, I really can’t let you be here without me.”

  She got a look in her eye that made my stomach turn with nervousness. “Oh, that is just the best idea ever.”

  What idea? It wasn’t an idea, not even a suggestion. I needed her on her merry way and I needed to get to class. Eight year-olds don’t hold things together very long. “Mandy, I don’t think you understand.”

  “Oh, I understand what I want to understand, my friend, and I understand you more than you know. You, my girl, are taking the day off.” She gave me a wink, making me her co-conspirator with a single tic.

  I shook my head. “I don’t think so, Mandy. I can’t just walk away from thirty kids. I’ll lose my job.”

  She shrugged and headed out of the kitchen. “Well, I’m gonna take my shower and give you time to think it over.”

  I sat sipping my coffee and fuming about Mandy’s cluelessness. Not everyone could just take off and live life on the go. Some of us had to plan and build and think of the future. I groaned and tried to settle my thoughts. It wasn’t that a day off to just hang out and have some fun didn’t appeal to me, it was just that I couldn’t turn my back on my obligations. It would drive me crazy to do so. In defeat, I finally got up from the table and headed for the room to change for work.

  I figured Mandy would be in the shower and that I could just walk in, grab what I needed from the closet, snag my purse and my bag and head out. I breathed a sigh of relief though when I walked in and saw her clothes in a heap on my floor and heard the water running. I was safe from further interruption to my day. Of course, I’d have to work out what to do when I got home from work but, in the meantime, I could get my stuff and get out without any more debate.

  I walked to my closet and stepped inside, pulling the doors closed so I could quickly change. I was searching through the few, weary options on the hangers when I heard the bathroom door open and then, Mandy unzipping her bag. I felt instantly trapped. I went to the closet door and slid it open enough to take a peek and determine if I’d have an escape route. I saw Mandy and sucked in my breath.

  She was standing in front of my full-length mirror naked. She was busily brushing out her beautiful long blond hair that seemed to shine with health and sun-enhanced highlights. My own highlights came from a trip to the salon every three months. It wasn’t her hair, though, that grabbed my attention. It was her body, her perfectly toned and tanned body, as she shifted and bent to brush her hair from every direction. She was stunning.

  I turned a brief glance on my choice of a brown skirt and beige sweater and felt my dowdiness like a visible aura. I felt distinctly unbeautiful. I reached up to my hair in its ponytail and felt like a two year old. I felt nothing like the graceful goddess Mandy was displaying. Then, Mandy turned away from the mirror and dropped the brush on top of her bag as she passed it on her way to the . . .oh my God, she was headed my way.

  I ducked back into the hanging clothing hoping to hide myself and not be caught out as some peeping Tomasina. Mandy reached the closet and slid the door open and I heard her chuckle. “Well, no surprises here.” She stepped inside and began riffling through my wardrobe. I tucked myself further back until my back hit the wall. I held my breath as Mandy combed through my clothes and kept a running fashion commentary on each piece. I felt a little angry at the suggestion that I was some kind of outdated prude. I had to dress sensibly at work. I was teaching third graders for God’s sake.

  Mandy reached the shoe rack and sighed. Her still naked body bent down to examine the individual pairs. I only had five, three pairs of sneakers and two pairs of dress flats. I did have a pair of heels for dates or professional functions, but they were in a box up on the shelf. Mandy picked up one of the flats. “Wow, Holly Hobbit, these are some strange shoes for a person of the shire. I just don’t see the fun gal I knew back in the day. Oh where, oh where did she go?”

  To college and then to work, I wanted to shout. What did she think she was doing passing judgment on me, anyway? She’s the one who showed up on my doorstep looking like a down-sized lumberjack. I ground my teeth and then, Mandy looked right at me. “Boo.”

  I jumped up and stumbled against her as I fought to get out of the corner. “Oh, hey, I was just trying to find my shoes and . . .”

  Mandy smiled and held me to her. “Oh, Hol, it’s okay, I don’t mind. Just relax.”

  I managed to pull away and head out of the closet. “Relax?” That was the last thing I could do. I’d been watching my old friend sift through my dumpy clothing and then, I’d run right into her naked body. It had been the most unsettling few minutes I’d ever experienced.

  Mandy followed me out of the closet. “Yeah, Hol, me being naked in front of you is nothing. I’m comfortable with myself.”

  I nodded. “Um hmm, that’s great. Uh, Mandy, I think you should get dressed.”

  She stepped up to me and gave me a hug. “Why?” She whispered against my neck as her arms pulled me tighter.

  I couldn’t even struggle. My mind had stopped functioning. I had no answer. I just let her hug me and felt her body press against mine. I felt a strange sensation flow through me like warm syrup. She began to move her hands along my sides and I shivered. “Why do you need me to leave, Holly?”

  “I just, I need . . .” I stopped as I felt Mandy’s hands travel under my shirt and run over my stomach.

  Mandy leaned in and brushed her lips over mine. I didn’t understand what she was doing. I’d never thought of being with another woman, didn’t consider experimenting while at college like some of my other friends. I hadn’t even really dated men in college much less taking the time to explore my sexual limits with a dorm roomie. Now, as Mandy let her fingers run up to lightly brush over my nipples and I shuddered. My mouth fell open to make some protest but I could only moan softly as Mandy’s hands cupped my breasts and gently squeezed.

  She kissed me again but this time she didn’t just pull away. Her mouth pressed on mine and I felt her tongue slip in and explore. Her hands were wandering lower now, grabbing at my pajama bottoms and pulling them down. I felt them slide over my hips and fall loosely in a bundle at my feet. I pulled back. “Mandy, I don’t know what you’re used to, but I definitely . . .”

  Again, she pulled me to her and kissed me, and this time her hands traveled beneath my panties and her fingertips began to tease along my pussy lips. I gasped as she slipped one finger between them and pushed inside me. From that moment on, I was beyond protesting. My body was deciding everything.

  Mandy kept her one hand between my legs and let her fingers travel inside me and then, out to massage my clit. Her other hand took one of mine and brought it to her breast. She squeezed her hand on top of mine a
nd I felt her nipple grow rigid under my palm. The warmth of her hand covering mine as I caressed her breast sent little intense shocks travelling over me. I bit my lip and held my breath.

  She pulled back and smiled at me and then, walked me to the bed. I could only follow her in a stagger, not thinking beyond the sensations that were flooding my body. I wanted to be touched everywhere. She turned me to her and wrapped her arms around me and pressed her nakedness against mine. My panties had fallen in a heap somewhere along the trail to my bed and I was now as naked as she was. I felt her lift a leg and slide it up and down the back of my leg, brushing my ass slightly. I felt her shift so her pussy, unshaven and covered in soft blond hair, brushed against mine. I shuddered and moaned again. I was aching for her to do more, to do anything she wanted. I was completely free of any rational thought. For once, my body was winning.

  Mandy pushed me back until my legs knocked against the bed and I fell back onto it. Pressing on my shoulders, she pushed me down until I was lying on my back with my legs still hanging off the side. Giving me a small smile, she shook her blond hair back and began moving down over my front, kissing and licking and pinching me as she went. She paused over my breasts and sucked one of my nipples into her mouth, pulling on it and teasing it with her tongue. My hands went down to give a weak shove on her shoulders but she only bit my tender little nipple and made me yell. “Oh God, Mandy, what . . .?”

  She ignored me and slid further until she was off the bed, on her knees, in front of my legs. She brought her hands up the inside of my legs, sending expectant chills over my skin. She kissed me gently on the tops of my knees. “Oh beautiful Holly, you are just so tense.” Her hands moved to the insides of my thighs and pushed my legs apart. “You need to relax.”


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